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Mentha longifolia is an important medicinal and aromatic perennial herb that exhibits wide distribution range from sub-tropical to temperate regions. In the present study, agro-morphological traits and genetic differences in 19 different populations of M. longifolia were studied to evaluate the level and extent of its diversity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the different phenotypic characters show considerable differences among various populations and was significant at p < 0.05. Molecular diversity analysis performed by using arbitrary amplified eleven ISSR primers generated a total of 121 amplicons that range within the size of 200–2500 base pairs (bp). Each primer on average generated 11 amplicons with percentage polymorphism being 100. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed more (64%) among population genetic diversity and less (36%) within the populations. Greater genetic differentiation (Gst = 0.6852) among these populations occurs due to low gene flow (Nm = 0.2297) and greater habitat variability. Geographic and genetic distances were positively correlated according to Mantel’s test. In order to remove any kind of biases, we used R software to perform cluster and redundancy analysis to analyse the extent of relatedness among studied populations. In terms of morphological and molecular aspects, the populations were grouped into four and five clusters respectively based on hierarchical clustering method. The results demonstrated that M. longifolia displays a great degree of morphological and genetic variation and can be utilized in breeding, genetic improvement, and gene bank conservation programmes in future.  相似文献   
栗背短脚鹎(Hemixos castanonotus)是我国南方山区常见的杂食性鸟类。为探明其遗传多样性及分化现状,采用线粒体Cyt b基因和7个核基因非编码区片段作为分子标记,对分布于广东、广西、海南、贵州和江西五省(自治区)的栗背短脚鹎11个地理种群进行了遗传分化及遗传多样性研究。基于所获得的Cyt b基因866 bp和7个核基因内含子序列6 808 bp进行分析。结果显示,在Cyt b基因中,共检测到37个单倍型,共享单倍型占单倍型总数的35.6%,推测这些共享单倍型可能属于祖先单倍型。分子方差分析结果显示,遗传变异主要来源于种群内部(79.77%)。Tajima’s D和Fu’s Fs中性检验分析结果均支持栗背短脚鹎种群可能曾经历过种群扩张现象。基于7个核基因内含子联合序列的贝叶斯天际线(BSP)分析,推断其种群在大约5.3 ~ 3.7百万年前(Mya)和约0.7 ~ 0.3百万年前(Mya)发生过扩张。基于Cyt b基因的贝叶斯系统发育分析,11个地理种群共分为两支,一支为海南猴猕岭地理种群,属指名亚种(H. c. castanonotus),其他10个地理种群聚为另一支,属H. c. canipennis亚种,并且后者尚未形成显著的地理结构,单倍型网络图分析也获得相似的结果。本研究所用分子数据基本支持两个亚种的分化,对于存在争议的广西南部分布的指名亚种,其分子数据与形态学亚种归属不一致,有待更深入研究。  相似文献   
海南脆蛇蜥(Dopasia hainanensis Yang, 1983)为杨戎生根据1号来自海南吊罗山的标本命名,其形态和分子系统发育关系少有人研究。2018年至2019年间,作者获赠2号来自海南脆蛇蜥模式产地的标本和1号来自脆蛇蜥(D. harti)模式产地的组织样。经过形态特征比较和线粒体Cyt b基因序列分析,发现两地样本Cytb基因序列的遗传距离很近(仅有4.96%),且形态差异不明显,难以找到典型鉴别特征。本文研究成果支持海南脆蛇蜥和台湾脆蛇蜥(Ophisaurus formosensis)为脆蛇蜥的同物异名,同时认为越南的“海南脆蛇蜥”可能为一未描述的新种或新亚种。鉴于脆蛇蜥种下遗传差异较大,其种下关系亟待进一步研究。  相似文献   
竹叶眼子菜居群遗传多样性和克隆结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈媛媛  栗琪  吴文颖  李伟 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2034-2040
采用ISSR技术对长江中游南岸豹澥湖和大冶湖不同生境中的竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)居群的遗传多样性及克隆结构进行了研究.结果表明,在两居群的106株个体中,利用6条ISSR引物共得到40条符合3/N标准并无连锁不平衡的清晰位点,竹叶眼子菜具有较高的遗传多样性,其多态位点百分率为75.0%,Shannon多样性指数为0.3736, 两居群的遗传分化很小.竹叶眼子菜的克隆多样性很高(D=0.9917),两居群间的克隆分化很大,不具有共有的基因型.竹叶眼子菜的基株分布为游击型构型,位于湖心的大冶居群克隆距离(3.0~31.5 m)明显地大于湖岸豹澥居群(2.4~6.7 m).  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed for the population genetic analyses of the neotropical tree Dipteryx alata (Fabaceae). ? Methods and Results: Microsatellites were developed from a genomic shotgun library. Polymorphism at each microsatellite loci was analyzed based on 94 individuals from three populations. Eight loci amplified successfully and presented one to 10 alleles, and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.097 to 0.862. Four loci also amplified in Pterodon emarginatus and presented similar polymorphism. ? Conclusion: The eight microsatellite primer pairs are potentially suitable for population genetic studies and successfully amplified in another Fabaceae species.  相似文献   
铅锌矿渣场植被自然演替与基质的交互效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘鸿雁  邢丹  肖玖军  刘方 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3217-3224
矿业废弃地生态系统自然恢复的植被演替过程与机理是生态恢复研究的重要内容之一.以空间代替时间的方法,选择立地条件基本一致的4个不同自然恢复年限铅锌矿区为对象,研究黔西北土法炼锌渣场废弃地植被自然演替与矿渣基质理化性质的交互效应.结果表明: 随着堆置时间的增加,矿渣基质的营养条件明显得到改善,全氮、全磷和全钾含量极显著增加, pH上升,电导率下降,容重降低,有效铅和镉显著降低. 同时,随着恢复时间的增长,植物群落的物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度也相应提高.植物群落组成以多年生草本植物为主,植物群落演替在前20年较为缓慢,30年后植被群落盖度可达到53%,超过40年盖度可达87%.矿渣理化性质与物种多样性显著相关,典型变量分别是全氮、全磷和全钾;物种多样性指数与有效铅和镉呈显著负相关.土法炼锌渣场废弃地植被自然演替过程在30年后速度加快,植被生长的限制因子是营养供给不足和重金属的有效性高.  相似文献   
Monitoring successional advancement is a complex field involving a constant search for applied ecological indicators which facilitate monitoring of secondary forests for both active and passive restoration. In this study, the authors investigate the successional advancement of floristics and tree structure within Araucaria Forest (AF) fragments under passive restoration in a context where exotic tree plantations (mainly Pinus L. genus) dominate the landscape. The ecological indicators used were floristic dissimilarity (β‐diversity inferences), indicator species, ecological groups of species, basal area, and species abundance distribution (SAD) models (α‐diversity inferences). A total of 182 tree species belonging to 91 genera and 43 botanical families were identified. A high β diversity was verified for which each site has indicator species (for the locations CD—Dicksonia sellowiana; CO—Cryptocarya aschersoniana; and PG—Pinus taeda), where pioneer species contributed to much of the abundance. Different SAD models are useful for describing passive restoration sites in exotic tree plantation landscapes, namely Lognormal, Mandelbrot, and Zipf. SAD models together with basal area, taxonomic group (e.g. Myrtaceae assemblage), and tree abundance in ecological groups are strategic ecological indicators for monitoring successional advancement in AF.  相似文献   
Using genetic data to study the process of population divergence is central to understanding speciation, yet distinguishing between recent divergence and introgressive hybridization is challenging. In a previous study on the phylogeography of the yellow‐rumped warbler complex using mitochondrial (mt)DNA data, we reported limited sequence divergence and a lack of reciprocal monophyly between myrtle and Audubon's warblers (Dendroica coronata and Dendroica auduboni, respectively), suggesting very recent isolation. In the present study, we report the results obtained from a subsequent sampling of Audubon's warbler in Arizona and Utah (‘memorabilis’ race), which shows that, although this taxon is similar to auduboni in plumage colour, most memorabilis individuals sampled (93%) carry haplotypes that belong to the divergent black‐fronted warbler lineage (Dendroica nigrifrons) of Mexico. Furthermore, the auduboni and nigrifrons lineages mix in southern Utah at a narrow, yet apparently ‘cryptic’ contact zone. Newly‐available evidence from nuclear markers indicating marked differentiation between auduboni and coronata has focused attention on the possibility of mtDNA introgression in the absence of nuclear gene flow, and the results of the present study are consistent with the hypothesis that the mtDNA of auduboni was indeed historically introgressed from the coronata lineage. Analysis of morphological traits shows that memorabilis is significantly differentiated from auduboni and nigrifrons in some traits, yet is overall intermediate between the two, which is consistent with a shared common ancestor for the auduboni/memorabilis/nigrifrons group. The striking, unexpected mtDNA pattern reported in the present study reveals a complex evolutionary history of the yellow‐rumped warbler complex, and cautions against the exclusive use of mtDNA to infer evolutionary relationships. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 696–706.  相似文献   
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