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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Changes in number of trichomes and in composition and concentrations of their exudates throughout leaf development may have important consequences for plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic factors. In the present study, seasonal changes in leaf trichomes and epicuticular flavonoid aglycones in three Finnish birch taxa (Betula pendula, B. pubescens ssp. pubescens, and B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) were followed. METHODS: Trichome number and ultrastructure were studied by means of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, while flavonoid aglycones in ethanolic leaf surface extracts were analysed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. KEY RESULTS: Density of both glandular and non-glandular trichomes decreased drastically with leaf expansion while the total number of trichomes per leaf remained constant, indicating that the final number of trichomes is established early in leaf development. Cells of glandular trichomes differentiate before those of the epidermis and produce secreted material only during the relatively short period (around 1-2 weeks) of leaf unfolding and expansion. In fully expanded leaves, glandular trichomes appeared to be at the post-secretory phase and function mainly as storage organs; they contained lipid droplets and osmiophilic material (probably phenolics). Concentrations (mg g(-1) d. wt) of surface flavonoids decreased with leaf age in all taxa. However, the changes in total amount ( microg per leaf) of flavonoids during leaf development were taxon-specific: no changes in B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii, increase in B. pendula and in B. pubescens ssp. pubescens followed by the decline in the latter taxon. Concentrations of most of the individual leaf surface flavonoids correlated positively with the density of glandular trichomes within species, suggesting the participation of glandular trichomes in production of surface flavonoids. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid decline in the density of leaf trichomes and in the concentrations of flavonoid aglycones with leaf age suggests that the functional role of trichomes is likely to be most important at the early stages of birch leaf development.  相似文献   
Commensal pea crabs inhabiting bivalves have a high reproductive output due to the extension andfecundity of the ovary. We studied the underlying morphology of the female reproductive system in the Pinnotheridae Pinnotheres pisum, Pinnotheres pectunculi and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eubrachyura have internal fertilization: the paired vaginas enlarge into storage structures, the spermathecae, which are connected to the ovaries by oviducts. Sperm is stored inside the spermathecae until the oocytes are mature. The oocytes are transported by oviducts into the spermathecae where fertilization takes place. In the investigated pinnotherids, the vagina is of the “concave pattern” (sensu Hartnoll 1968 ): musculature is attached alongside flexible parts of the vagina wall that controls the dimension of its lumen. The genital opening is closed by a muscular mobile operculum. The spermatheca can be divided into two distinct regions by function and morphology. The ventral part includes the connection with vagina and oviduct and is regarded as the zone where fertilization takes place. It is lined with cuticle except where the oviduct enters the spermatheca by the “holocrine transfer tissue.” At ovulation, the oocytes have to pass through this multilayered glandular epithelium performing holocrine secretion. The dorsal part of the spermatheca is considered as the main sperm storage area. It is lined by a highly secretory apocrine glandular epithelium. Thus, two different forms of secretion occur in the spermathecae of pinnotherids. The definite role of secretion in sperm storage and fertilization is not yet resolved, but it is notable that structure and function of spermathecal secretion are more complex in pinnotherids, and probably more efficient, than in other brachyuran crabs. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary The wall of the receptaculum seminis of Thermobia domestica is composed of numerous glandular units, each with four enveloping cells (denoted 1 to 4) separated by ordinary epithelial cells and associated with a cuticular apparatus. During the moulting periods, which continue to occur in the adult stage, these cells undergo a series of transformations. Just before apolysis there is a dedifferentiation of numerous cytoplasmic organelles, but no mitosis has been observed. When the intima lifts off, the apical system of each glandular unit, i.e. the distal parts of the C2 and C3 cells surrounding the end apparatus, is also eliminated. Then at the apex of each glandular unit, a new ductule is formed in the cavity of which a long ciliary process grows up from cell C1. Finally comes the phase of cuticle formation, i.e., epicuticle for the ductules, epi-and endocuticle for the intima lining the central cavity of the receptaculum. Various cell types participate in secretion of cuticle, the ciliary cells (C1) being responsible for the formation of the porous end apparatus. At ecdysis almost all of the new intima has been secreted and the apical systems are once more differentiated. These transformations are compared with those recently described in other exocrine glands of arthropods, e.g., tegumentary glands and accessory glands of the genital ducts.  相似文献   
E. K. J. Risse, J. P. Holierhoek, E. M. Meijer‐Marres, E. Ouwerkerk‐Noordam and M. E. Boon Increased diagnostic accuracy of atypical glandular cells in cervical liquid‐based cytology using cell blocks Objective: The purpose of this study was to reduce the number of diagnoses of atypical glandular cells (AGC). Residual material from the cervical ThinPrep® samples (Hologic, Marlboruogh, MA, USA) was used for cell blocks (CB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Methods: In 2007 there were 87 patients (0.12% of tests) with AGC on liquid‐based cytology (LBC) in the Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory (LCPL) using the Bethesda System 2001 (TBS). CB with IHC was used for 26 of these cases. The vials still containing the brush (Cervex‐Brush® Combi) were placed in a shaker for 10 minutes to dislodge the material trapped between the bristles. The residual sampling fluid was used to prepare paraffin sections (Shandon Cytoblock®) stained with Papanicolaou and immunostaining. Results: Four of five cases with AGC not otherwise specified (NOS) were diagnosed with CB/IHC as benign mimics (endometrium, tubal metaplasia, follicular cervicitis, microglandular hyperplasia) and one of four with AGC‐favour neoplasia (FN) (endocervical polyp). In one of five cases with AGC‐NOS and in two of seven with AGC‐FN, CIN3 was found on subsequent histological biopsy. Of six cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) on LBC with CB/IHC the diagnosis was confirmed in four; one was adenocarcinoma and one glandular atypia. Of eight cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma on cytology and CB/IHC, the diagnosis was confirmed in three. The other five cases were found to be one each of AIS, squamous cell carcinoma, CIN3, CIN2 with glandular atypia, and cervical endometriosis. Conclusions: By reducing the number of benign mimics of AGC, we achieved a high proportion (16/26; 61.5%) of neoplastic or preneoplastic lesions (glandular or squamous) on histological outcome potentially avoiding colposcopy. Histological biopsy verification by the gynaecologist is needed for final diagnosis of AGC‐FN, AIS and adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
The morphology, ultrastructure, density and distribution of trichomes on leaves of Betula pendula, B. pubescens ssp. pubescens, B. pubescens ssp. czerepanovii and B. nana were examined by means of light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composition of flavonoids in ethanolic leaf surface extracts was analysed by high pressure liquid chromatography. All taxa examined contained both glandular and non-glandular trichomes (short and/or long hairs) but differed from each other in trichome ultrastructure, density and location on the leaf. Leaves of B. pubescens were more hairy than those of B. pendula, but the latter species had a higher density of glandular trichomes. Of the two subspecies of B. pubescens, leaves of ssp. pubescens had more short hairs on the leaf surface and four times the density of glandular trichomes of leaves of ssp. czerepanovii, whereas, in the latter subspecies, short hairs occurred largely on leaf veins, as in B. nana. The glandular trichomes were peltate glands, consisting of medullar and cortical cells, which differed structurally. Cortical cells possessed numerous small, poorly developed plastids and small vacuoles, whereas medullar cells had several large plastids with well-developed thylakoid systems and fewer vacuoles. In B. pubescens subspecies, vacuoles of the glandular cells contained osmiophilic deposits, which were probably phenolic, whereas in B. pendula, vacuoles of glandular trichomes were characterized by the presence of numerous myelin-like membranes. The composition of epicuticular flavonoids also differed among species. The two subspecies of B. pubescens and B. nana shared the same 12 compounds, but five of these occurred only in trace amounts in B. nana. Leaf surface extracts of B. pendula contained just six flavonoids, three of which occurred only in this species. In summary, the structure, density and distribution of leaf trichomes and the composition of epicuticular flavonoids represent good taxonomic markers for Finnish birch species.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid is regarded as the retinol metabolite that controls proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) in retinoic acid biosynthesis in human thyroid glandular cells (HTGC). In particular, we observed that cellular retinoids binding proteins (CRBPs) are also implicated in the biosynthetic pathway leading to retinoic acid formation in primary cultures of HTGC, as we have already reported for human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC). After partial protein purification, the enzyme responsible for retinoic acid biosynthesis was identified and quantified as XDH by immunoassay, by its ability to oxidize xanthine to uric acid and its sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of oxypurinol. The evidence of XDH-driven formation of retinoic acid in HTGC cultures further corroborates the potential role of XDH in retinoic acid biosynthesis in the epithelia.  相似文献   
人体激肽释放酶2(human kallikrein 2,hK2)是一种主要在前列腺中表达的丝氨酸蛋白酶,近年作为前列腺癌的血清标记物受到广泛关注.随着对hK2结构特征、组织表达、生物学活性和调节,及其与前列腺癌病理过程的关系的研究更一步深入,hK2在前列腺癌诊断、病理分期及治疗中的潜在应用价值将越加瞩目.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to review the diagnostic pathway of women with smears reported as 'glandular neoplasia' and to outline the management, colposcopy findings, treatment and final histological diagnosis in these women. The design was a retrospective review. A total of 114 women were identified over a 5-year period from the cytology database at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital Cytology Department, whose hospital case notes were available for review. Methods included a review of the case notes for the demographic details, indication for smear, colposcopic findings, investigation and/or treatment procedures, histology, final diagnosis and current disease status. Of 114 smears reported as 'glandular neoplasia', 67 were reported as consistent with cervical glandular intra-epithelial neoplasia (CGIN), six with endocervical adenocarcinoma, 36 with endometrial adenocarcinoma and five with other glandular neoplastic abnormalities. The average age was 46.5 years. 79 (69.3%) smears were routine call/recall and 36 (30.7%) women were symptomatic. The positive predictive value (PPV) for a significant histological abnormality in the CGIN smear group was 80.6% (23.9% invasive carcinomas, 43.3% CGIN and 13.4% CIN) and the PPV of an 'endometrial adenocarcinoma' smear was 86.1%. Smears indicating glandular neoplasia are associated with a high probability of clinically significant lesions, the PPV of a CGIN smear being over 80%. Immediate referral for colposcopy and assessment by an experienced colposcopist is recommended.  相似文献   
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