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Two separate field experiments were performed in the U.S.A. and Norway with stocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . In the Norwegian experiment, the offspring of early‐spawning fish which had larger eggs and emerged a few days before offspring of later spawning fish had consistently higher survival rates. In the U.S.A. experiment, stream sections with higher proportions of favourable foraging locations during the critical period (the transition from dependence on maternally‐derived yolk reserves to independent feeding) had lower loss rates of fish stocked as unfed fry. These results provide support for the critical period concept (CPC) in Atlantic salmon, underscores the utility of a manipulative approach to achieve further advances in knowledge of Atlantic salmon ecology and provide additional guidance to management and restoration. A mechanistic, conceptual model for density dependence is presented to identify important knowledge gaps that remain to further evaluate the importance of the CPC for Atlantic salmon population regulation.  相似文献   
To elucidate the mechanisms of amphibian gonadal sex differentiation, we examined the expression of aromatase and androgen receptor (AR) mRNAs for days 17-31 after fertilization. The effects of inhibitors and sex steroid hormones were also examined. In ZZ males, expression of AR decreased after day 19, while aromatase expression was low throughout the sampling period. Males treated with 17beta-estradiol (E2) showed increasing aromatase expression after day 21, and formed ovaries. AR antagonist treatment also induced high-level aromatase expression and ovarian differentiation. In males co-treated with an aromatase inhibitor and E2, the undifferentiated gonads developed into testes despite high-level aromatase expression. Males treated with androgen and E2 before and during an estrogen sensitive period, respectively, also formed testes. In ZW females, AR expression persisted at a low-level, while aromatase expression increased after day 18. Short-term treatment with an aromatase inhibitor was ineffective in preventing ovarian differentiation, whereas long-term treatment resulted in testes developing from ovarian structure. Compared with the ZZ males and ZW females, WW females did not exhibit detectable expression of AR, suggesting that the active AR gene(s) itself, or a putative gene regulating AR gene expression, is located on Z chromosomes. From the time lag of aromatase expression between ZW females and ZZ males treated with E2 and the effect of AR antagonist, it was found that in males elevated AR expression suppresses aromatase expression directly or indirectly. Consequently, endogenous androgens, accumulated by blocking estrogen biosynthesis, induced testicular differentiation. The gonadogenesis of males is dependent on sex hormone, whereas that of females has evolved to hormone-independence.  相似文献   
The history of forestry in the Romanche river valley, south-east of Grenoble, France, is reconstructed for the past ca. 3000 years on the basis of detailed pollen analysis and AMS14C dating. Three deforestation phases are recorded during the last two millennia, each phase showing different features and also contrasting woodland succession in the post-clearance period. The first major deforestation is recorded at the Roman time whenAbies alba (fir) was selectively exploited, presumably for use by peoples living downstream of the site. Apart from the deforestation, there appears to have been little human activity in the vicinity of the site at this time. After the clearance fir gradually, and more or less fully, recovered. The second deforestation phase occurred in ca. the 5th and 6th century A.D. when there is also substantial evidence for local farming. At this time, both fir and beech (Fagus sylvatica) were non-selectively exploited and probably used locally. Beach subsequently recovers but there is no further regeneration of fir. The third deforestation phase in ca. the 12th century A.D. is similar to the preceding phase but this time beech does not recover. With the decline in human activity, secondary forest that included spruce (Picea) and pine (Pinus), developed. Forest dynamics were controlled by local human activity and also the economic relationships between the local area and the wider region and especially the region downstream from the site.  相似文献   
Six pigeons were trained first on a color then on a form discrimination; four other pigeons were trained first on form and then on color. One of two colors or one of two forms (sample stimuli) appeared in the center of a touch sensitive monitor for 5 pigeons and in the center and in 16 other locations for 5 other pigeons. A peck anywhere within the region in which the sample stimuli appeared produced two white disks (comparison stimuli), one on the left and one on the lower right corners of the screen. Correct left-right choices provided food. Although of no consequence, the location of pecks in presence of the sample was predictive of the pigeon's subsequent choice. Accuracy, choice of the correct comparison stimulus, was greater when the sample stimuli appeared in the center as well as 16 other locations than when it appeared only in the center. The presolution period, the period of chance accuracy prior to evidence of discrimination learning, was decreased on each task following training on the other task. This evidence of facilitation following an extra-dimensional shift was attributed to continued relevance of the conditions under which the first task was learned. The duration of the presolution period was inversely related to asymptotic accuracy-data accounted for by Heinemann's (1983) theory of information processing during the presolution period.  相似文献   
The molecular biogeography of the disjunctly distributed and morphologically highly variable species Saxifraga paniculata Mill. was analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and chloroplast microsatellites. The study comprised 77 samples from mountain regions in Europe and North America throughout the complete range of distribution. AFLP data revealed clear genetic differentiation between samples from the Arctic, the Caucasus, and the eastern European mountains. Samples from the Alps were divided into two groups. One group clustered with the samples from central Europe and the Pyrenees, whereas another group with individuals from southern Norway. AFLP diversity was lowest in the Arctic and highest in the Alps. Chloroplast microsatellite analysis revealed eight haplotypes but no unequivocal phylogeographical pattern. However, haplotype diversity was highest in the Alps and central Europe whereas, in the Arctic, only few widespread haplotypes could be found. The results indicate in situ survival of S. paniculata in the Caucasus, the eastern European mountains, and the Alps. The Arctic has presumably been colonized postglacially from North American refugia south of the ice shield. Southern Norway and the Pyrenees have most likely been colonized from two phylogeographically different groups in the Alps. The origin of the central European samples remains ambiguous. In situ survival seems to be as possible as several postglacial recolonization events from the Alps. The obtained molecular data clearly support the subdivision of S. paniculata into three subspecies: ssp. cartilaginea from the Caucasus, ssp. laestadii from northern Norway, Iceland, and North America, and ssp. paniculata from the other geographical regions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 385–398.  相似文献   
Adult reproductive performance is linked to the period of feeding done by the final instar larva after attainment of a larval critical weight (LCW). The highest weight attained by a final instar larva is referred to as the larval maximum weight (LMW) and is the onset of the pre-pupal period. The relationships between LCW, pupal weight (PW) and adult weight (AW) are described as functions of the LMW. In the leafroller Cnephasia jactatana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) LCW was dependent on larval size and was approximately 75% of the mean LMW. LCW was about 29 mg and 36 mg for male and female larvae of 1.18 mm and 1.20 mm head-capsule width, respectively. Over three successive generations of laboratory rearing, PW was approximately 30% and 25% lower than the LMW for males and females, respectively. AW was consistently about 50% and 40% lower than the PW for males and females, respectively. The decrease in weight from LMW to PW was named as the constant DP and found to be 0.3 for males and 0.25 for females. The total decrease from LMW to AW was the constant DA and was 0.6 for males and 0.5 for females. The duration of the latent feeding period was positively correlated to PW and AW. LCW may be used to derive quality indices that describe and predict pupal and adult performance.
Résumé Les performances reproductives sont liées à la période d'alimentation du dernier stade larvaire après l'obtention d'un poids critique (LCW). Le poids maximal atteint au dernier stade larvaire est défini comme le poids larvaire maximal (LMW), il correspond au début de la période prénymphale. Les relations entre poids de la chrysalide (PW) et poids de l'audulte AW) sont présentées comme des fonctions de LMW). Chez Cnephasia jactatana Walker (Lep. Tortricidae), LCW dépend de la taille de la chenille et correspond à environ 75% de la valeur moyenne de LMW. LCW est respectivement de 29 mg et 36 mg pour les chenilles mâles et femelles dont les capsules céphaliques ont 1,18 et 1,20 mm. Pour 3 générations successives, PW est environ 30% et 25% inférieur à LMW des mâles et des femelles. La régression du poids de LMW à PW est désignée comme la constante DP et vaut 0,3 pour les mâles et 0,25 pour les femelles. La régression de LMW à AW est désignée comme la régression DM et vaut 0,6 pour les mâles et 0,5 pour les femelles. La durée de la période d'alimentation latente est liée positivement à PW et AW. LCW peut être utilisé comme indice dérivé décrivant et prédisant les potentialités nymphales et imaginales.
Previous studies have failed to identify an activational role for estradiol in the paternal behavior of Phodopus campbelli fathers. However, none of these studies addressed a developmental role that estradiol might play in establishing paternal behavior in this species. Males were orally administered the aromatase inhibitor letrozole (1 mg/kg/day) for three days at 18, 34, or 90 days of age. As adults, males were tested for paternal and sexual behavior. Letrozole treatment at 18 days resulted in males that spent less time huddling over pups during the birth, and had higher pup losses and male-biased pup survival for the first litter. Letrozole treatment at 34 days resulted in males that had altered sexual behavior; males had a longer interval between mounts and between intromissions, and took longer to achieve ejaculations over the first three ejaculatory series. Furthermore, these males sired smaller first litters and produced second litters with a male-biased sex ratio. Males treated with letrozole as adults showed a modest increase in paternal care during the birth, but pup development and survival were not altered. There was no effect of treatment on attack or retrieval behavior either as sexually naive adults or as new fathers. Thus, the results of the present study suggest that estradiol acts during adolescence to establish the normal expression of midwifery behavior and sexual behavior during adulthood.  相似文献   
The effects of the polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) on the rate of oligouronide formation were studied in a model system containing polygalacturonic acid and polygalacturonase (PG) from the culture medium of phytopathogenic fungi. PGIP preparations were prepared from stored potato tubers and sprouts and also from apple fruits. The PGIP effects on oligouronide synthesis depended markedly on the physiological state of the source plant. Apple cultivars differing in their earliness differed in PGIP effects as well. The PGIP from potato tubers, which were in deep dormancy, suppressed oligouronide formation. The inhibitory PGIP action was decreased after dormancy release and tuber sprouting, which resulted in the oligouronide accumulation. The effects of PGIP from apple fruits on the oligouronide synthesis in the system containing PG from various phytopathogenic fungi were not correlated with tissue damage induced by these fungi. The PGIP effects on oligouronide formation are evident; however, their role in plant-cell processes related to the pectin compound conversions and plant resistance to diseases remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
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