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Disentangling ontogenetic from interspecific variation is key to understanding biodiversity in the fossil record, yet information on growth in the ceratopsid subfamily Chasmosaurinae is sparse. Here, we describe the partial skull of a juvenile chasmosaurine, attributed to Arrhinoceratops brachyops, within the context of more mature specimens of this species, to better understand the ontogenetic transformations therein. We show that as A. brachyops matured, the postorbital horncores became longer and shifted from a posterior to an anterior inclination, the delta‐shaped frill epiossifications became lower and fused to the underlying frill, and the face became more elongate. In these respects, A. brachyops closely resembled Triceratops, suggesting that these ontogenetic changes may have been common to all long‐horned chasmosaurines. However, an event‐paired cladistic analysis of Chasmosaurinae using a standardized matrix of 24 developmental characters reveals that the relative timing of ontogenetic events in Arrhinoceratops was more like that of Chasmosaurus, particularly in the relatively late reduction in scalloping around the frill margins. Thus, the ontogenetic similarities between Arrhinoceratops and Triceratops appear to be plesiomorphic, partly related to the retention of the elongate postorbital horncores, which are primitive for Ceratopsidae. This study elucidates the otherwise contentious evolutionary relationships of Arrhinoceratops, and highlights the importance of ontogenetic data for resolving phylogenies when morphological data from adults alone are inadequate. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
European pond turtles represent a phylogeographically deeply structured complex of distinct taxa. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b gene) and eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to investigate genetic differentiation and gene flow of Sicilian, Corsican and Sardinian pond turtles and of subspecies involved in two secondary contact zones in the Pyrenean region and Southern Italy. Mitochondrial and microsatellite differentiation is largely concordant in populations from the core regions of the distribution ranges of the studied taxa. Both marker systems provide no evidence for gene flow between Sicilian pond turtles (Emys trinacris) and Southern Italian subspecies of E. orbicularis. By contrast, in the contact zones limited gene flow occurs between distinct subspecies of E. orbicularis. Although the Southern Italian contact zone is significantly older than the Pyrenean contact zone of Holocene age, patterns of asymmetric introgression are similar. Introgressive hybridization leads to the exchange of mitochondria, but microsatellite data indicate only a few individuals with mixed ancestry. This suggests that incipient isolating mechanisms maintain largely discrete nuclear genomic gene pools. Furthermore, this implies that Southern Italy acted as a hotspot rather than as a melting pot of genetic diversity during the last glacial. Pond turtles from Corsica and Sardinia are not differentiated from continental populations of the subspecies E. o. galloitalica, neither in the mitochondrial nor in the quickly evolving microsatellite markers. As the fossil record argues for a continuous presence of pond turtles on both islands since the Middle Pleistocene, this suggests that the native island populations became extinct and the extant turtles were later introduced by prehistoric settlers. The lack of genetic differentiation of pond turtles from Corsica and Sardinia supports the view that the subspecies described from these islands are not valid.  相似文献   
The capelin (Mallotus villosus) is a widespread marine fish species for which previous work has identified geographically distinct mtDNA clades, the frontiers of which are well within adult and larval dispersal capabilities. Here, we use AFLPs to test for the presence of nuclear gene flow among clades. In addition, we evaluate genetic structuring within one clade, the Northwest Atlantic (NWA). We found that each of the mtDNA clades corresponds with a unique nuclear DNA genetic cluster. Within the NWA clade, we detected individuals with small but significant amounts of genetic ancestry from other clades, likely due to historical introgression. Further support for historical introgression comes from analyses of variance in locus-specific differentiation, which support introgression between some clades and divergence without gene flow between others. Within the NWA, we identified two genetic clusters that correspond to sites in geographically adjacent areas. However, these clusters differ primarily at 'outlier' loci, and a genetic subdivision (K=2) was not supported by genetic clustering programs using neutral loci. Significant neutral F(ST) differentiation was found only between sites that otherwise differed at outlier loci. Thus, these populations may be in the initial stages of 'isolation by adaptation'. These results suggest strong between-clade reproductive isolation despite opportunities for gene flow and support the hypothesis that selection can contribute to divergence in otherwise 'open' systems.  相似文献   
Phylogeographic studies provide critical insight into the evolutionary histories of model organisms; yet, to date, range-wide data are lacking for the rough periwinkle Littorina saxatilis, a classic example of marine sympatric speciation. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data to demonstrate that L. saxatilis is not monophyletic for this marker, but is composed of two distinct mtDNA lineages (I and II) that are shared with sister species Littorina arcana and Littorina compressa. Bayesian coalescent dating and phylogeographic patterns indicate that both L. saxatilis lineages originated in the eastern North Atlantic, around the British Isles, at approximately 0.64 Ma. Both lineages are now distributed broadly across the eastern, central and western North Atlantic, and show strong phylogeographic structure among regions. The Iberian Peninsula is genetically distinct, suggesting prolonged isolation from northeastern North Atlantic populations. Western North Atlantic populations of L. saxatilis lineages I and II predate the last glacial maximum and have been isolated from eastern North Atlantic populations since that time. This identification of two distinct, broadly distributed mtDNA lineages further complicates observed patterns of repeated incipient ecological speciation in L. saxatilis, because the sympatric origins of distinct ecotype pairs on eastern North Atlantic shores may be confounded by admixture of divergent lineages.  相似文献   
Quaternary glacial cycles have shaped the geographic distributions and evolution of numerous species in the Arctic. Ancient DNA suggests that the Arctic fox went extinct in Europe at the end of the Pleistocene and that Scandinavia was subsequently recolonized from Siberia, indicating inability to track its habitat through space as climate changed. Using ecological niche modeling, we found that climatically suitable conditions for Arctic fox were found in Scandinavia both during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the mid‐Holocene. Our results are supported by fossil occurrences from the last glacial. Furthermore, the model projection for the LGM, validated with fossil records, suggested an approximate distance of 2000 km between suitable Arctic conditions and the Tibetan Plateau well within the dispersal distance of the species, supporting the recently proposed hypothesis of range expansion from an origin on the Tibetan Plateau to the rest of Eurasia. The fact that the Arctic fox disappeared from Scandinavia despite suitable conditions suggests that extant populations may be more sensitive to climate change than previously thought.  相似文献   
真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)和披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)是北半球高纬度地区晚更新世动物群的主要成员,其消亡的年代和原因一直是国际学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文对黑龙江青冈县英贤村最新出土的5个真猛犸象和5个披毛犀化石进行了AMS14C年代测定,结果均大于4万年,部分化石可能已经超出了目前14C的测定范围。通过整理并对比已公开发表的中国境内两种动物化石的14C年代学数据,本文认为早期常规14C测年方法所获得的年代值需要重新考虑其准确性。埋藏地层与最新的AMS14C测年数据显示,我国真猛犸象化石年代主要集中于MIS3阶段;披毛犀在我国消亡的时间很可能晚于真猛犸象,至少延续到末次冰消期。中国猛犸象-披毛犀动物群化石仍然需要开展更多的年代学研究。  相似文献   
Aim The aim of this paper is to analyse fossil charcoal deposits, largely identified to the species level and spanning a sequence from the late Holocene to < 40,000 BP , in order to reconstruct Late Quaternary vegetation and climatic patterns in the western (winter-rainfall) fynbos biome of South Africa. Location The charcoals were excavated from the Elands Bay Cave (32°19S, 18°20E) on the semiarid (200–250 mmyr?1), winter-rainfall coastline of the western fynbos biome. Methods Patterns in the charcoal data set over time were sought by manual sorting of the charcoal×sample matrix, as well as by subjecting the data to multivariate analysis. Palaeoclimatic reconstruction was attempted by comparing the climatic controls on contemporary vegetation communities that resembled the fossil assemblages. Charcoal diversity was modelled using sample age and number of charcoal fragments as explanatory variables. Results The fossil assemblages ranged from xeric communities (similar to those presently occurring at the site) during the Holocene, to more mesic thicket and fynbos vegetation in the terminal Pleistocene, to Afromontane forest and riverine woodland communities after about 18,000 BP . Diversity of the charcoal samples increased monotonically with increasing sample age. Main conclusions The results suggest that, unlike the eastern fynbos biome, which is under fundamentally different climatic controls, soil moisture conditions in the western part of the biome were higher in the Last Glacial than during the Holocene. This scenario may help to explain the higher regional richness and associated diversification in the western than eastern part of the biome.  相似文献   
1. At the end of the Last Glacial Maximum brown bears Ursus arctos recolonized the glacial landscape of Central and Northern Europe faster than all other carnivorous mammal species of the Holocene fauna. Ursus arctos was recorded in Northern Europe from the beginning of the Late-Glacial. The recolonization of northern Central Europe may have taken place directly after the maximum glaciation. The distribution of the brown bear was restricted to glacial refugia only during the Last Glacial Maximum, for probably no more than 10 000 years. 2. Genetic analyses have suggested three glacial refugia for the brown bear: the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula and the Balkans. Subfossil records of Ursus arctos from north-western Moldova as well as reconstructed environmental conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum in this area suggest to us a fourth glacial refuge for the brown bear. Because of its connection to the Carpathians, we designate this as the ‘Carpathian refuge’. 3. Due to the low genetic distance between brown bears of northern Norway, Finland, Estonia, north-eastern Russia and the northern Carpathians (the so-called eastern lineage), the Carpathians were considered the geographical origin of the recolonization of these regions. During the recolonization of northern Europe the brown bear probably reached these areas rapidly from the putative Carpathian refuge.  相似文献   
Aim Our aim was to elucidate the postglacial migration of Viola rupestris F.W. Schmidt, with its two subspecies, rupestris and relicta Jalas, in Europe, using molecular methods. Location Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland. Methods Isoenzymes were analysed from 49 populations of Viola rupestris s.lat. Based on former experience of variation in the taxon, the following were included: aspartate aminotransferase, leucine/aminopeptidase, and phosphoglucomutase, yielding a total of nine interpretable and six variable (putative) loci. Results Six multilocus phenotypes were revealed (A–F). Phenotype A (only one individual) is restricted to northern Norway, B is shared by all populations in northern Norway and an isolated population on the west coast of southern Norway (Møre). Phenotype B comes close to C, co‐occurring with D in England, the latter also occurring in southern France. Phenotypes E and F occur in the rest of Europe. Main conclusions Viola rupestris ssp. relicta Jalas, previously known only from northern Scandinavia (northern unicentric), was discovered on the west coast of southern Norway (Møre), making the taxon ‘bicentric’. Populations are connected through a putative migration route from the Grands Causses in southern France (Massif Central) via England and western Norway to northern Scandinavia. The Grands Causses might represent a glacial refugium.  相似文献   
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