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Synopsis Stomach content data from 32 species of Japanese butterflyfishes of the family Chaetodontidae were used to classify them into feeding groups and to determine their important food resources. Four major feeding groups were distinguished: (1) obligative coral feeders which prey exclusively or mostly on Scleractinian corals, (2) facultative coral feeders that take both corals and other benthic organisms, (3) noncoralline invertebrate feeders which consume benthic invertebrates other than corals, and (4) zooplankton feeders. Ten species representing 31% of the butterflyfishes belong to the first category. The second and third categories include 13 (41%) and 8 (25%) species, respectively. The fourth category is represented by only one species which picks individual zooplankters, especially calanoid copepods, in midwater above the reefs. Facultative coral feeders consumed varying quantities of scleractinians (from 2 to 74% of food volume), along with a variety of benthic organisms including algae, alcyonarians, sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, sponges, hydroids, etc. Noncoralline invertebrate feeders, on the other hand, tend to have low diversified diets, predominated by one prey item such as sea anemones, zoanthideans, polychaetes, or colonial ascidians. These dietary data suggest that scleractinian corals are the most important food resource for the Japanese butterflyfishes, and next important are sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, alcyonarians, and algae.  相似文献   
We compared above-ground allocation patterns in mature shrubs of Banksia hookeriana from three 13-year-old populations, growing on nutrient-impoverished sands to determine whether C (dry mass) could be a substitute for mineral nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and NA). The percentage of reproductive structures to total above-ground growth (reproductive effort; RE) was integrated over nine successive reproductive cycles. Only 0.5% of above-ground dry mass was allocated to seeds compared with 31% to total RE. Allocations of N (24%) and P (48%) to seeds, and N (44%) and P (65%) to RE were much higher. Allocations of K, Ca, Mg and Na to seeds (<1–3%), and RE (21–35%) were closer to that of dry mass. Relative allocation (RA) is defined as the proportion of a nutrient element allocated to a structure relative to its dry mass. RA of P to seeds was 91 and N was 44, but for K, Ca, Mg and Na ranged from only 6 for K to<1 for Na. Thus P, and to a lesser extent N, provide a much more sensitive measure of the relative cost of reproduction than C in this nutrient-limited system.  相似文献   
Methods for identifying germplasm carrying alleles with the potential to improve a particular single-cross hybrid have been proposed and discussed in recent years. There is a need for similar methods to be used in breeding crops for which pure-line cultivars, rather than hybrids, are the goal. The objective of this research was to develop a method to identify germplasm lines with the potential to contribute favorable alleles not present in a specified pure line or set of pure lines. Given a set of adapted pure lines (A 1, A 2 ..., A m) to be improved and a set of germplasm lines (P 1 P 2 ..., P f), the procedure consists of producing all f x m possible hybrids and evaluating them along with the parents. The testcross statistic T ij is defined by T ij=(F ijA j)+(1–) (F ijP i), where A j, P i, and F ij represent the performance of thej th adapted line, the i th germplasm line, and their hybrid, respectively. The statistic is the mean value of T ij over all adapted parents A j. If =(1/2)(1+d), where d = the mean degree of dominance, then T ij measures the potential for alleles from P i to improve A j and measures the potential for alleles from P i to improve the set A 1, A 2 ..., A m. Use of data on soybean and peanut hybrids published by other researchers suggests that the value assumed for d has little effect on the P i chosen. The ability of the T ij and statistics to identify germplasm strains carrying rare favorable alleles should be assessed in empirical studies.Joint contribution: OARDC (Journal Articale No. 161-94), USDAARS, Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Expriment Station (Journal Paper No. J-16109; Project 2985), and Agreculture and Agri-Food Canada. Salaries and research support for S. K. St. Martin Provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University  相似文献   
Collections of lily genotypes are usually maintained by yearly planting, harvesting and storage of the bulbs. To facilitate this maintenance, a storage method has been developed for a collection of lily genotypes, including Asiatic hybrids, Oriental hybrids, Lilium longiflorum and L. henryi. Scale bulblets were stored either dry, sealed air-tight in polyethylene bags, or in moist vermiculite in open polyethylene bags for a period of 2 yr. The decrease in mass, sprouting proportion and ion leakage or sprouting proportion alone were determined for treatments carried out at -2°C, °C and 17°C. Sealing scale bulblets in polyethylene bags at -2°C resulted in the smallest decrease in mass, the least ion leakage and the highest sprouting proportion after 2 yr of storage.  相似文献   
本文提出了畜禽遗传资源系统保存的概念、基本思想及其群体遗传结构变化的数学模型。该理论是将一定时空内某一畜种所拥有的全部基因作为保存对象,既将活体保存作为基本方法,又将其有机地与高新生物技术结合在一起;既追求系统地保存控制畜种特性的基因资源,又可达到保存地方品种的目的。在假定无世代重叠,群体内存在选择、突变、迁移,且考虑漂变效应的情况下,本文所构建的两个数学模型可分别用来描述一个座位上多个主基因频率或数量性状群体均数的动态变化。  相似文献   
The concept of variance effective population size [Ne(v)] and other expressions are reviewed and described for specific sampling steps in germplasm collection and regeneration of monoecious species. Special attention is given to procedures for computing the variance of the number of contributed gametes [V(k)] to the next generation. Drift, as it occurs between generations, was considered to contain a component due to the sampling of parents and a subsequent component due to the sampling of gametes. This demonstrates that drift, caused by reduction of seed viability, damages the genetic integrity of accessions stored in germplasm banks. The study shows how mating designs, such as plant-to-plant or chain crossings with additional female gametic control, can partially alleviate this problem. Optimal procedures for increasing Ne(v) when collecting germplasm in the field are also discussed. The effect of different female and male gametic control strategies on Ne(v) is considered under several situations. Practical examples illustrating the use of V(k) and Ne(v) expressions are given.  相似文献   
RFLP-defined chromosome segments covering the entire tomato genome were introgressed from the wild green-fruited speciesLycopersicon pennellii into the cultivated tomato (L. esculentum cv M82; Eshed et al. 1992). SixL. pennellii chromosome segments were selected for a detailed evaluation based on previous observations of their effects on the two yield components, fresh tomato yield and total soluble-solids content (Brix). Differences in the quantitative traits measured between M82 and the introgression lines, or their hybrids with different inbred parents, can be attributed to the alien chromosome segments. Replicated field trials, grown at wide and dense spacing, identified three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for solublesolids content on chromosomes 1, 5 and 7. In plants heterozygous for the chromosome-5 locus there was a 50% increase in soluble-solids yield in wide but not in dense spacing. Plants heterozygous for the chromosome-1 QTL/s were tested over a 2-year period, in three genetic backgrounds, and showed a significant 16% elevation in soluble-solids yield only in dense spacing. These results demonstrate that wild tomato germplasm can be used to improve the yield of the cultivated crop.  相似文献   
We determined the nine-locus isozyme genotype of 267 landrace accessions of Avena sativa from 31 provinces of Spain. Our results establish that level of genetic variability is usually high both within and among accessions of this heavily self-fertilizing hexaploid grass and that multilocus genetic structure differs in various ecogeographical regions of Spain. We concluded that selection favoring different multilocus genotypes in different environments was the main integrating force that shaped the internal genetic structure of local populations as well as the overall adaptive landscape of A. sativa in Spain. Implications in genetic resource conservation and utilization are discussed.  相似文献   
An algorithm of automatic classification is proposed and applied to a large collection of perennial ryegrass wild populations from France. This method is based on an ascendant hierarchical clustering using the Euclidian distance from the principal components extracted from the variance-covariance matrix between 28 agronomic traits. A contiguity constraint is imposed: only those pairs of populations which are defined as contiguous are grouped together into a cluster. The definition of contiguity is based on a geostatistical parameter: the range of the variogramme, i.e. the largest distance above which the variance between pairs of population no longer increases. This method yields clusters that are generally more compact than those obtained without constraint. In most cases the contours of these clusters fit well with known ecogeographic regions, namely, for macroclimatic homogeneous conditions. This suggests that selective factors exert a major influence in the genetic differentiation of ryegrass populations for quantitatively inherited adaptive traits. It is proposed that such a method could provide useful genetic and ecogeographic bases for sampling a core collection in widespread wild species such as forage grasses.Institut National de la Recherche Agrononique  相似文献   
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