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Ecological restoration typically focuses on promoting vegetation recovery in degraded habitat or reintroducing endangered animals to enhance their regional or global persistence. Here, we argue that attention should also be devoted to vertebrate reintroductions in overhunted but floristically intact tropical forests in order to prevent insidious regime shifts in these systems. Growing evidence suggests that tropical forests deprived of seed‐dispersing animals exhibit replacement of fleshy fruiting trees by species with abiotic seed dispersal. Left unchecked, this process could eventually render the forest uninhabitable by frugivores through reduced density and diversity of their food plants. In tropical areas where hunting can be controlled, we contend that frugivore reintroduction, regulation of wild fruit harvest by humans, and outplanting of native fruiting trees should be deployed as management tools long before the systems are in need of traditional habitat restoration.  相似文献   
Temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing seed viability, dormancy and longevity of buried seeds. Unfortunately, very little is known about such processes in species of tropical regions, where temperature does not show major seasonal variations. The extent to which germination capacity, phytohormones and vitamin E levels were altered after burial of seeds of Xyris bialata and X. peregrina (Xyridaceae), two species endemic to rupestrian fields of Brazil, was examined. After 2 months of burial, seed germination capacity remained constant, which is associated with decreases in ABA and IAA content in both species. During this period, zeatin levels also decreased in X. bialata, but not in X. peregrina, the latter showing much lower levels of ABA. During the summer (rainy season), seeds of both species experienced a progressive, but severe, decrease in germination capacity, which reversed at the end of the winter (dry season), thus suggesting secondary dormancy. This dormancy appeared to be caused by drastic decreases in GAs, rather than increases in ABA. Levels of GA(4) decreased to non-detectable values during dormancy in both species. Furthermore, zeatin levels decreased in X. bialata but not in X.peregrina during this period. Both species accumulated γ-tocopherol as the major vitamin E form, and levels of this antioxidant remained constant or even increased during seed burial; however, X. bialata seeds showed a significant decrease in α-tocopherol during seed burial and dormancy. It is concluded that in X. peregrina and X. bialata, (i) burial causes significant changes in the phytohormone levels of seeds; (ii) secondary dormancy is induced in seeds; (iii) a GA(4) decrease, rather than an ABA increase, seems to be involved in the induction of secondary dormancy; and (iv) reductions in α-tocopherol in buried seeds are not necessarily indicative of reduced germination capacity.  相似文献   
The mistletoe Tristerix verticillatus (Loranthaceae) parasitizes within a small area of the Yerba Loca Nature Sanctuary near Santiago, Chile, three co‐occurring hosts: Schinus montanus (Anacardiaceae), Fabiana imbricata (Solanaceae) and Berberis montana (Berberidaceae). Previous studies suggest that T. verticillatus may be favoured when parasitizing S. montanus relative to the other two host species. We hypothesize that infection of S. montanus is not proportional to its local abundance or appearance, that S. montanus is more intensively parasitized than other available hosts, and that host provenance is a determinant of the fate of the infecting seed. We compare the incidence of infection of T. verticillatus in relation to local availability and appearance variables, and the intensity of infection of T. verticillatus, on the three co‐occurring host species. We then test the effects of host provenance on mistletoe seed establishment success with a seed cross inoculation experiment varying the donor and receptor hosts. Finally, we test whether there are differences in establishment success between manually processed seeds and seeds defecated by the avian disperser Mimus thenca (Passeriformes: Mimidae). Our results show that the three hosts have an aggregated spatial distribution. Schinus montanus was parasitized at a higher rate than expected by its local availability and appearance, and inoculated seeds showed differential development depending on the origin of the seeds: seeds from T. verticillatus parasitizing S. montanus inoculated to S. montanus twigs showed higher germination and lower mortality than seeds from T. verticillatus parasitizing F. imbricata inoculated to S. montanus twigs. Furthermore, seeds defecated by the avian disperser, M. thenca, had higher adherence and reduced mortality when compared to manually processed seeds. The disproportional host infection found is discussed in terms of the differential establishment of mistletoe seeds, morphological characteristics of hosts and the behaviour of dispersing birds.  相似文献   
Scatter‐hoarding animals spread out cached seeds to reduce density‐dependent theft of their food reserves. This behaviour could lead to directed dispersal into areas with lower densities of conspecific trees, where seed and seedling survival are higher, and could profoundly affect the spatial structure of plant communities. We tested this hypothesis with Central American agoutis and Astrocaryum standleyanum palm seeds on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. We radio‐tracked seeds as they were cached and re‐cached by agoutis, calculated the density of adult Astrocaryum trees surrounding each cache, and tested whether the observed number of trees around seed caches declined more than expected under random dispersal. Seedling establishment success was negatively dependent on seed density, and agoutis carried seeds towards locations with lower conspecific tree densities, thus facilitating the escape of seeds from natural enemies. This behaviour may be a widespread mechanism leading to highly effective seed dispersal by scatter‐hoarding animals.  相似文献   
Functional trade‐offs have long been recognised as important mechanisms of species coexistence, but direct experimental evidence for such mechanisms is extremely rare. Here, we test the effect of one classical trade‐off – a negative correlation between seed size and seed number – by establishing microcosm plant communities with positive, negative and no correlation between seed size and seed number and analysing the effect of the seed size/number correlation on species richness. Consistent with theory, a negative correlation between seed size and seed number led to a higher number of species in the communities and a corresponding wider range of seed size (a measure of functional richness) by promoting coexistence of large‐ and small‐seeded species. Our study provides the first direct evidence that a seed size/number trade‐off may contribute to species coexistence, and at a wider context, demonstrates the potential role of functional trade‐offs in maintaining species diversity.  相似文献   
Changes in phospholipid composition and consequent loss of membrane integrity are correlated with loss of seed viability. Furthermore, phospholipid compositional changes affect the composition of the triacylglycerols (TAG), i.e. the storage lipids. Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyses the hydrolysis of phospholipids to phosphatidic acid, and PLDα is an abundant PLD isoform. Although wild‐type (WT) seeds stored for 33 months were non‐viable, 30%–50% of PLDα‐knockdown (PLD‐KD) soybean seeds stored for 33 months germinated. WT and PLD‐KD seeds increased in lysophospholipid levels and in TAG fatty acid unsaturation during ageing, but the levels of lysophospholipids increased more in WT than in PLD‐KD seeds. The loss of viability of WT seeds was correlated with alterations in ultrastructure, including detachment of the plasma membrane from the cell wall complex and disorganization of oil bodies. The data demonstrate that, during natural ageing, PLDα affects the soybean phospholipid profile and the TAG profile. Suppression of PLD activity in soybean seed has potential for improving seed quality during long‐term storage.  相似文献   
以不结球白菜品种‘高梗白’种子为材料,采用高温(42℃)高湿(相对湿度100%)人工加速老化处理,研究不同老化程度下种子活力指标的变化及其相关性。结果显示:(1)发芽指标(除不正常苗率)和出苗指标均随种子老化程度的加深而显著下降,不正常苗率显著上升。(2)随老化程度的加深,种子中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著下降;种子的超氧阴离子(O2.-)产生速率先增高后降低,过氧化氢(H2O2)含量逐渐增加,丙二醛(MDA)含量下降,种子浸出液相对电导率升高;种子的可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量和脱氢酶活性下降,α-淀粉酶活性先升高后降低。(3)老化种子的发芽势、发芽率、SOD活性、H2O2含量、相对电导率和可溶性糖含量与出苗指标间均存在极显著相关性。研究表明,不结球白菜种子的发芽势、发芽率、SOD活性、H2O2含量和可溶性糖含量随老化程度加深的变化规律一致,且指标间以及与出苗指标均有极显著相关性,可以作为检验不结球白菜种子活力的候选指标。  相似文献   
采用植物区系地理学研究方法,结合野外调查数据和文献资料对秦岭火地塘林区种子植物区系的组成、地理成分特征进行分析,并与其它7个毗邻地区植物区系间的关系进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)火地塘林区有种子植物136科,547属,1 283种;(2)该区的种子植物主要以温带区系成分为主(335属,占总属数61.2%),热带性质的植物次之(135属,占总属数24.7%)。该区植物种类丰富,地理成分复杂,具有明显的热带亚热带到温带的过渡性质;(3)火地塘林区种子植物区系成分与青木川、天华山、牛背梁、周至老县城植物区系亲缘关系较近,与东段的伏牛山次之,与西段的小陇山以及北部的子午岭有一定差异,表明秦岭植物区系成分的经向地带性,即经度越低,温带-北温带成分越高,经度越高,热带-亚热带成分越高。  相似文献   
以本氏针茅及其优势种大针茅和百里香种子为受体,采用生物检测的方法研究了0(对照)、0.1、0.2和0.5g/mL本氏针茅根际土甲醇浸提液和水浸提液对3种受体种子萌发的影响,以探究草地演替过程中物种间的生态关系和化感作用的表现形式。结果显示:(1)甲醇浸提液对3种受体种子的发芽均有抑制作用;水浸提液对本氏针茅发芽有促进作用,对百里香有部分促进作用,而对大针茅有抑制作用。(2)甲醇浸提液对本氏针茅和大针茅胚根和胚芽生长无显著影响,而抑制百里香胚根和胚芽的生长;水浸提液对本氏针茅胚根生长无显著影响,对本氏针茅胚芽生长具有显著促进作用,而对其它两种受体胚根和胚芽均无显著影响。(3)各种浓度甲醇浸提液对大针茅和百里香生长表现出了化感综合抑制效应,对本氏针茅生长于0.2g/mL时表现出化感综合抑制效应,其它2种浓度(0.1、0.5g/mL)表现为化感综合促进效应;水浸提液对本氏针茅和百里香表现为化感综合促进效应,而对大针茅表现为化感综合抑制效应。研究表明,本氏针茅根际土甲醇浸提液和水浸提液的化感物质存在差异;不同受体对同一浸提液反应不同,同一受体对不同浸提液的反应也不同。  相似文献   
周晶  王彦荣 《西北植物学报》2012,32(9):1928-1934
种子半透层是指在一些植物种的种子中存在的一层半透性组织,其允许种子内外水分和气体的通透,而限制或阻碍溶质的交换。种子半透层存在于种皮或胚乳部位,通常由纤维素、角质、软木脂或胼胝质等组成。半透层随着种子的发育而逐渐形成,其存在位置和化学组成具有物种多样性。半透层在种子发育、萌发和活力检测中具有重要价值。该文主要对近年来国内外有关种子半透层的特性、位置、化学组成和研究方法等方面的研究进展进行综述,并分析了目前存在的问题,提出了今后研究方向。  相似文献   
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