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The Persian dwarf snake Eirenis (Pseudocyclophis) persicus (Anderson, 1872) has a wide distribution range in south‐western Asia. This species group was comprehensively studied here using traditional biometry, geometric morphometrics, ecological niche modelling, and genetics. Our analyses revealed that E. persicus is split into two clades. A western clade, bearing at least two different species: E. persicus, distributed in south‐western Iran, and an undescribed species from south‐eastern Turkey and western Iran. The eastern clade consists of at least three species: Eirenis nigrofasciatus, distributed across north‐eastern Iraq, and western and southern Iran; Eirenis walteri, distributed across eastern Iran, southern Turkmenistan, and western and southern Pakistan, and Eirenis angusticeps, distributed in north‐eastern Pakistan. Ecological niche modelling revealed that the distribution of the species in the western clade are mainly affected by winter precipitation, and those in the eastern clade are mainly affected by the minimum temperature of the coldest month. A molecular clock analysis revealed that the divergence and diversification of the E. persicus species group mainly correspond to Eocene to Pliocene orogeny events subsequent to the Arabia–Eurasia collision. This study confirms that specimens with the unique morphology of having 13 dorsal scale rows on the anterior dorsum, occurring in the Suleiman Mountains in central Pakistan, can be referred to Eirenis mcmahoni (Wall, 1911). However, at this moment we have insufficient data to evaluate the taxonomy of this species.  相似文献   
杨红  张子慧 《四川动物》2011,30(5):691-695,前插2
中华姬鼠Apodemus draco和大林姬鼠A.peninsulae形态与习性相似,北京地区的这两种鼠都存在还是只有大林姬鼠存在一直存在争议.通过新兴的几何形态测量技术对北京地区捕获的137只姬鼠头骨与黑龙汀的9只大林姬鼠头骨进行背面和侧面的形态对比分析.系统聚类分析结果、主成分分析结果和判别函数分析结果显示,北京地...  相似文献   
Disparity, or morphological diversity, is often quantified by evolutionary biologists investigating the macroevolutionary history of clades over geological timescales. Disparity is typically quantified using proxies for morphology, such as measurements, discrete anatomical characters, or geometric morphometrics. If different proxies produce differing results, then the accurate quantification of disparity in deep time may be problematic. However, despite this, few studies have attempted to examine disparity of a single clade using multiple morphological proxies. Here, as a case study for this question, we examine the disparity of the volant Mesozoic fossil reptile clade Pterosauria, an intensively studied group that achieved substantial morphological, ecological and taxonomic diversity during their 145+ million-year evolutionary history. We characterize broadscale patterns of cranial morphological disparity for pterosaurs for the first time using landmark-based geometric morphometrics and make comparisons to calculations of pterosaur disparity based on alternative metrics. Landmark-based disparity calculations suggest that monofenestratan pterosaurs were more diverse cranially than basal non-monofenestratan pterosaurs (at least when the aberrant anurognathids are excluded), and that peak cranial disparity may have occurred in the Early Cretaceous, relatively late in pterosaur evolution. Significantly, our cranial disparity results are broadly congruent with those based on whole skeleton discrete character and limb proportion data sets, indicating that these divergent approaches document a consistent pattern of pterosaur morphological evolution. Therefore, pterosaurs provide an exemplar case demonstrating that different proxies for morphological form can converge on the same disparity signal, which is encouraging because often only one such proxy is available for extinct clades represented by fossils. Furthermore, mapping phylogeny into cranial morphospace demonstrates that pterosaur cranial morphology is significantly correlated with, and potentially constrained by, phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   
几何形态测量方法是生物学研究中用于形态特征分析和形态比较研究的一种常用方法。其核心思想是利用空间坐标点获取研究对象的形态数据,再通过坐标数据的多元统计分析,定量探讨研究对象的形态特征及影响其形态变异的因素。近年来,随着三维扫描技术的广泛应用以及对于石制品形态特征量化分析要求的提高,基于三维模型的几何形态测量方法开始出现在相关的旧石器考古研究中。本文首先对三维几何形态测量分析方法及其在石制品研究中的应用情况进行介绍,随后具体阐述了该方法的分析流程。为便于国内学者更好地了解这一方法,本文进一步以广西百色盆地南坡山遗址发现的手斧为例,利用三维几何形态测量方法对这些手斧的几何形态特征进行了初步探讨。三维几何形态测量方法为石制品形态研究提供了新思路和新视角,有望成为今后中国旧石器考古研究中一个重要的发展方向。  相似文献   
The influence of the environment on the geographical variation of morphological traits has been recognized in a number of taxa. Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari are ideal models to investigate intraspecific geographic variation in skull because of their wide and heterogeneous geographical distribution in South America. We used geometric morphometric procedures to examine the geographical variation in skull shape of 294 adult specimens of these species from 134 localities. We quantified to what extent skull shape variation was explained by environment, skull size and geographical space using variation partitioning analysis. We detected a strong pattern of geographic variation for P. tajacu skull shape, but not for T. pecari. The environment seems to be the major selective force that drives skull shape variation in both species. Nevertheless, other spatially structured processes (e.g. genetic drift, gene flow) might also have affected variation in the skull shape of the more widespread species P. tajacu. Allometric relationships might reflect the biomechanical constraints that are thought to be strong enough to limit size‐related changes in T. pecari skull shape.  相似文献   
Tadpoles have diverse morphologies and occupy diverse habitats. The morphological differences between tadpoles can be represented by linear and geometric measurements and used to explain the organization of tadpole assemblages. However, the effects of evolutionary history must be isolated from the morphological differences before we can determine which patterns result from the use and sharing of common ecological resources. Here, we aimed to determine how morphological similarities and phylogenetic distances affect microhabitat choice by tadpoles. We analyzed the tadpoles of 101 anuran species and classified them according to ecomorphological guild, habitat use, position in the water column, and floor substrate. We used geometric and traditional morphometric approaches to describe the morphological variation among tadpoles and calculated the patristic distance for each species. Afterwards, we used morphometric and phylogenetic matrices as predictors of the variance in the ecological matrix, using a partial redundancy analysis. When we used traditional morphometric data, phylogeny explained a large amount of the ecological variation. By contrast, when we used geometric morphometric data, morphology and phylogeny explained similar amounts of the ecological variation, showing that the technique used to extract morphological variation affects the results. We provide evidence that both morphology, as a surrogate for contemporary factors, and evolutionary inertia are important in determining the behavior of tadpoles. Thus, niche conservatism can be important in modeling the behavior of tadpoles, but does not explain all the preferences of tadpoles.  相似文献   
The spatial subdivision of species often plays a pivotal role in speciation. Across their entire range, species are rarely panmictic and crucial consequences of spatial subdivision are (1) random genetic drift including historical factors, (2) uniform selection, and (3) divergent selection. Each of these consequences may result in geographic variation and eventually reproductive isolation, but their relative importance in speciation is still unclear. In this study, we used a combination of genetic, morphological, and climatic data to obtain a comprehensive picture of differentiation among three closely related, parapatrically distributed taxa of the land snail genus Theba occurring along the Atlantic coasts of South Morocco and Western Sahara. We conducted Mantel and partial Mantel tests to relate phenotypic and genotypic variation of these species to geography and/or climate. As null hypothesis for an evolutionary scenario, we assumed nonadaptive speciation and expected a pattern of isolation by distance among taxa. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate isolation by environment due to adaptation. Generally, genetic drift plays an important role but is rarely considered as sole driver of speciation. It is the combination of drift and selection that predominantly drives speciation. This study, however, provides a potential example, in which nonadaptive speciation, that is, genetic drift, is apparently the main driver of shaping the diversity of Theba in NW Africa. Restriction of gene flow between populations caused by geographic isolation probably has played an important role. Climate oscillations during the Plio‐ and Pleistocene may have led to repeated ecological changes in NW Africa and disruptions of habitats promoting differentiation by geographic isolation. The inferred evolutionary scenario, however, did not fully explain the incongruence between the AFLP‐ and mtDNA‐tree topologies. This incongruence might indicate past hybridization among the studied Theba forms.  相似文献   
We examined dietary self‐selection and rules of compromise for protein (P) and digestible carbohydrate (C) intake by fifth‐instar Vanessa cardui L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalini). We presented six fat‐free diet pairs to larvae in a choice trial to determine the ‘intake target’. In addition, we fed larvae seven fat‐free single diets differing in dietary nutrient ratio in no‐choice trials to determine the rules of compromise they exhibit when constrained to a singular, sub‐optimal dietary source. In choice trials, caterpillars regulated nutrient intake to a ratio of 1 protein to 1.09 carbohydrate (1P:1.09C), exhibiting tighter regulation of protein than of carbohydrate. Furthermore, larvae from different diet pair treatments did not differ in pupal mass or stadium duration. In no‐choice experiments, larvae reduced consumption on increasingly protein‐biased diets and increased consumption on increasingly carbohydrate‐biased diets, relative to a 1P:1C ratio diet. Differences in carbohydrate consumption were much greater between no‐choice treatments than differences in protein consumption. Dietary nutrient ratio affected pupal mass when accounting for initial larval mass. Pupal mass decreased as nutrient ratio was shifted off of 1P:1C, but to a greater extent when the ratio was skewed toward carbohydrate. Stadium duration increased as nutrient ratio diverged from 1P:1C, being more pronounced when shifted toward carbohydrate than toward protein. Regulation to near 1P:1C is consistent with results found for other Lepidoptera, and the rule of compromise exhibited by V. cardui is consistent with that expected for a generalist herbivore.  相似文献   
An entropic stabilization mechanism has recently gained attention and credibility as the physical ground for the extra thermal stability of globular proteins from thermophilic microorganisms. An empirical result, obtained from the analysis of thermodynamic data for a large set of proteins, strengthens the general reliability of the theoretical approach originally devised to rationalize the occurrence of cold denaturation [Graziano, PCCP 2014, 16, 21755–21767]. It is shown that this theoretical approach can readily account for the entropic stabilization mechanism. On decreasing the conformational entropy gain associated with denaturation, the thermal stability of a model globular protein increases markedly.  相似文献   
The emerging vector of Chagas disease, Triatoma maculata (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), is one of the most widely distributed Triatoma species in northern South America. Despite its increasing relevance as a vector, no consistent picture of the magnitude of genetic and phenetic diversity has yet been developed. Here, several populations of T. maculata from eleven Colombia and Venezuela localities were analyzed based on the morphometry of wings and the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene sequences. Our results showed clear morphometric and genetic differences among Colombian and Venezuelan populations, indicating high intraspecific diversity. Inter‐population divergence is suggested related to East Cordillera in Colombia. Analyses of other populations from Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil from distinct eco‐geographic regions are still needed to understand its systematics and phylogeography as well as its actual role as a vector of Chagas disease.  相似文献   
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