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To study the mechanism of precise excision ofgypsy from genomic sites, the integrase domain ofgypsy pol was cloned and expressed inEscherichia coli. The endonuclease activity of recombinant integrase was assayed with synthetic substrates corresponding to 3′-U5 ofgypsy LTR and to the known genomic insertion sites ofgypsy. Integrase nicked the 5′-A ⇓ YR-3′ triplet in the (+) strand of the double-stranded substrates; cleavage of a single-stranded substrate was nonspecific. Cleavage proved to be affected by the local conformation of the substrate: the (+) strand was cleaved more efficiently when the (−) strand had an unpaired base in the triplet and was not cleaved when the (−) strand was interrupted or branched. The triplet corresponded to the consensus region ofgypsy insertion (5′-YRYR ⇓ YR-3′), the site of cleavagein vitro coinciding with the site of insertionin vivo. The unique mechanism ofgypsy excision was assumed to depend to a great extent on the enzymic properties of its integrase.  相似文献   
安徽马尾松人工林营养元素分配格局的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文系统地研究了马尾松人工林营养元素的分配格局。结果表明马尾松不同器官营养元素含量是叶>枝皮>干皮>枝木>干木;同化器官——针叶中营养元素含量规律为N>K>Ca>Mg>P,非同化器官为Ca>N>K>Mg>P;不同器官营养元素的贮量为干木>干皮>叶>枝木>枝皮,同化器官对不同营养元素的贮量呈N>K>Ca>Mg>P,非同化器官为Ca>N>K>Mg>P;不同立地条件下,马尾松林生产1t干物质所贮存的营养元素不同,立地条件愈好,营养元素效率愈高,贮存愈少;母岩、土层厚度和养分总量是影响马尾松林地上各器官,特别是针叶营养元素含量的重要因子,土壤N、P含量越高,马尾松人工林生物量越大。  相似文献   
This article describes a study where the recovery of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) patients was traced by trace elements (TEs) in hair of these patients. These patients whose concentrations of TEs in hair were studied are volunteers who were divided into three groups B, C, and D. Group B was made up of volunteers who had just been diagnosed as having NPC, group C and group D were made up of volunteers who had been diagnosed as having NPC after 3 and 6 mo, respectively, of treatment. For comparison, a control group, namely group A, which was made up of volunteers from healthy persons was added to this study. By implementation of statistic pattern recognition methods, it has been found that the concentrations of TEs in hair can remarkably reflect different recovery phases of NPC patients.  相似文献   
系统提取并分析了农作物种质资源普查数据、调查数据、评价数据和保存数据等数据信息,采用基于数据元技术方法制定了农作物种质资源调查数据标准和数据元目录;定义了种质资源调查数据集以及对象和属性的映射关系;给出了基于XML数据标准存储及交换策略。标准的制定使农作物种质资源调查在"数据层"上达到统一,规范了数据库构建,促进了农作物种质资源调查数据的整合和共享。  相似文献   
The ability to predict trabecular failure using microstructure-based computational models would greatly facilitate study of trabecular structure–function relations, multiaxial strength, and tissue remodeling. We hypothesized that high-resolution finite element models of trabecular bone that include cortical-like strength asymmetry at the tissue level, could predict apparent level failure of trabecular bone for multiple loading modes. A bilinear constitutive model with asymmetric tissue yield strains in tension and compression was applied to simulate failure in high-resolution finite element models of seven bovine tibial specimens. Tissue modulus was reduced by 95% when tissue principal strains exceeded the tissue yield strains. Linear models were first calibrated for effective tissue modulus against specimen-specific experimental measures of apparent modulus, producing effective tissue moduli of (mean±S.D.) 18.7±3.4 GPa. Next, a parameter study was performed on a single specimen to estimate the tissue level tensile and compressive yield strains. These values, 0.60% strain in tension and 1.01% strain in compression, were then used in non-linear analyses of all seven specimens to predict failure for apparent tensile, compressive, and shear loading. When compared to apparent yield properties previously measured for the same type of bone, the model predictions of both the stresses and strains at failure were not statistically different for any loading case (p>0.15). Use of symmetric tissue strengths could not match the experimental data. These findings establish that, once effective tissue modulus is calibrated and uniform but asymmetric tissue failure strains are used, the resulting models can capture the apparent strength behavior to an outstanding level of accuracy. As such, these computational models have reached a level of fidelity that qualifies them as surrogates for destructive mechanical testing of real specimens.  相似文献   
赵宏波  马延吉 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4720-4733
生态安全预警是生态安全研究的重要内容,对维护区域生态安全具有重要的意义。老工业基地区域生态安全预警研究具有一定的特殊性和典型性,选取吉林省为研究区,基于压力、状态、响应(P-S-R)和生态、环境、经济、社会(E-E-E-S)框架模型构建生态安全预警指标体系,运用变权-物元分析模型对1991—2011年吉林省区域生态安全的预警等级进行了测度,并结合灰色系统GM(1,1)预测模型对2015年、2020年区域生态安全态势进行预测预警。研究结果表明:(1)1991—2011年,吉林省生态安全总体水平呈逐步上升的趋势,区域生态安全预警等级从"巨警"上升为"轻警",指示灯由"红色预警"逐步变为"蓝色预警";(2)2015年,吉林省的生态安全预警等级属于"轻警",指示灯为"蓝色预警",到2020年,吉林省的生态安全预警等级属于"无警",指示灯为"绿色预警",但具有向"轻警"变化的态势;(3)制约吉林省生态安全水平提升的主要因素包括单位面积耕地化肥负荷量、城镇化、人均水资源量、GDP增长率、第一产业占GDP比重等,这些因素应是今后生态环境保护调控的重点,本研究为吉林省经济-生态-社会可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   
由于地理环境优越、海拔跨度大、生境异质性高、人为影响小等原因,贵州施秉喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地的苔藓植物丰富,共有50科128属286种(含变种和亚种),其中苔类17科23属43种,藓类33科105属243种。其优势科、属均反映了该区系的温带向热带过渡的性质。区系地理成分分析结果显示,该区苔藓植物北方温带成分、热带成分和东亚成分分别占37.12%、31.82%和30.30%,其中中国特有分布型占12.12%,反映了施秉喀斯特苔藓植物区系具有温热并重、东亚色彩浓厚、特有性较高的特征。通过对施秉喀斯特与其它五个区域的苔藓区系进行对比发现.施秉苔藓区系丰富度高,与同为云贵区的香纸沟、马岭河、罗平喀斯特地区亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   
大肠杆菌原核增强子样序列的克隆及其结构与功能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用氯霉素乙酰转移酶(cat)以及β-半乳糖苷酶(lacZ)基因作为报告基因,从大肠杆菌MC1061株染色体基因组中克隆到3个原核增强子样序列——MC2,MC8,MC9,这3个片段均具有正反向增强活性,对β-半乳糖苷酶基因的增强活性(正向)在2~5.5倍之间。采用体内转录,RNA Dot blot杂交的方法对MC8的功能进行了研究,结果表明,MC8片段对于基因表达的调控发生在转录水平上。用核酸外切酶III末端缺失的方法对MC8的功能区进行了定位。结果显示,MC8的功能区位于距其正向克隆5′端450~950bp长约500bp的区段内。在450~600bp以及840~950bp区段内至少分别含有一个功能位点。序列分析的结果表明,MC8功能区有3个AT丰富区,其中2个分别位于450~600bp以及840~950bp区段内。  相似文献   
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