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ITE Merlewood Land Classification of Great Britain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) has classified the 1 km squares in Great Britain (GB) into thirty-two environmental strata, termed land classes, as a basis for ecological survey. The classes have been used in biogeographical studies of the distribution of individual species and species assemblages. The concept behind the technique is that there is an association between the environmental character of land and ecological parameters. The initial classification was based on a sample of squares drawn from a regular grid. The data for the 12121 km squares classified were drawn from published maps; the number of squares was limited by the available computing power. Subsequently the availability of more powerful computers and the need to improve geographical definition have led to the allocation of every 1 km square to its appropriate class. This paper has been written to summarise the principles involved in the development of the system and indicate the range of projects for which it has been used. The extension of the classification from a sample to the complete coverage of GB revealed the importance of the structure and style of data used to produce the classification. The significance of these conclusions for future work is discussed, with particular reference to automated methods of data capture.  相似文献   
Predicting badger sett numbers: evaluating methods in East Sussex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. One way in which a species' numbers may be estimated without direct counting is to predict their dispersion and density from more readily available habitat measures, such as landscape variables measured from maps or vegetation variables measured in the field. We compare the power of ordination and regression techniques for predicting badger ( Meles meles L.) numbers at a local scale, using a land class system, map-read landscape variables and field-derived vegetation variables. Sett density was used as a surrogate of badger density. Multiple linear regression using vegetation and landscape variables together gave the most accurate prediction of sett density, while ordination techniques were of lesser value. The addition of vegetation variables to landscape variables did not substantially improve the power of ordination. Outlier Sett Density was predicted more accurately, and by different variables, to Main Sett Density. The relationship between badger ecology and habitat variables that were useful in predicting sett density is discussed.  相似文献   
Search for significant variables in nonparametric additive regression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HARDLE  W.; KOROSTELEV  A. 《Biometrika》1996,83(3):541-549
The distribution and abundance of Thelypteris limbosperma, Athyrium distentifolium, and Matteuccia struthiopteris are modelled statistically in relation to 14 environmental variables along the major climatic, topographic, and edaphic gradients in western Norway. The data are from 624 stands from which measurements or estimates of mean January and mean July temperatures, humidity, altitude, aspect, and slope are available. From 182 of these stands eight soil variables have also been measured. The species responses are quantified by two numerical methods: Gaussian logit regression and weighted averaging (WA) regression. The estimated WA optima suggest that A. distentifolium has an ecological preference for low July and January temperatures, high altitudes, and soils of low-medium pH and base content. The species shows statistically significant Gaussian responses with summer temperature, humidity (= Martonnes humidity index), altitude, slope, aspect, pH, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation with optima of 8.7 °C, 188.9, 1220 m, 28°, 29°, 4.8, 13.77 mEq 100 g dry soil-1, and 13.4%, respectively. These suggest that the occurrence and relative abundance of A. distentifolium are well predicted by summer temperature, topography, and soil pH and base status. T. limbosperma has WA optima that suggest that it favours moderately high winter and summer temperatures, high humidity, medium altitude, and soils of low pH and base content. It has significant Gaussian responses to summer temperature (optimum =12.6 °C), winter temperature (-1.8 °C), humidity (179.2), altitude (459.5 m), slope (22.5°), and Na (0.7 mg 100 g dry soil-1). These suggest that climatic factors, altitude, and slope are significant predictors for its occurrence and abundance. M. struthiopteris has high WA optima for summer temperature, pH, Ca, Mg, K, Na, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and base saturation, and a low optima for humidity and winter temperature. Of these, summer temperature (16.0 °C), Ca (63.1 mg 100 g dry soil-1), Mg (41.0 mg 100 g dry soil-1), K (23.6 mg 100 g dry soil-1), Na (5.0 mg 100 g dry soil-1), CEC (60.7 mEq 100 g dry soil-1), and base saturation (56.3%) have significant Gaussian logit responses, as do aspect (150.2°) and loss-on-ignition (9.4%). These results suggest that the occurrence and relative abundance of M. struthiopteris are well predicted by high soil base cations, a generally southern aspect, low organic content in the soil, and high July temperatures.  相似文献   
Saccharum robustum Brandes & Jesw. ex Grassl has been suggested as the immediate progenitor species of cultivated sugarcane (S. officinarum L.) [4]. Chromosome pairing and assortment in these two species were previously studied by genetic analysis of single-dose DNA markers in parents in and 44 F1 progeny of a cross between euploid, meiotically regular 2n=80S. officinarum LA Purple andS. robustum Mol 5829 [2]. This same population was subsequently clonally propagated and evaluated in replicated trials for quantitative traits important to sugarcane breeders. Numbers of stalks, tasseled stalks, and stalks with smut, and the average diameter of two stalks were determined one day prior to harvest. At harvest, plant material from each plot was weighed and evaluated for pol (sucrose content) and fiber percentages. Clones were significantly different (P<0.01) for all traits analyzed. Associations of 83 single-dose arbitrarily primed PCR genetic markers with quantitative trait loci (QTL) of recorded traits was determined by single-factor ANOVA, and multiple regression. QTL analysis revealed markers significantly (P<0.05) associated with the expression of each trait analyzed. Markers associated with QTL after multiple regression were tested for digenic linear × linear epistatic interactions. The various multilocus models explained between 23% and 58% of the total phenotypic variation and 32% and 76% of the genotypic variation for the various traits. Digenic interactions were uncommon. Implications for marker-assisted selection in sugarcane and sugarcane domestication are discussed.  相似文献   
Population-based data have not been readily available on relatively short-term changes in weight. Therefore, we sought to determine the nature of self-reported substantial (> 10%) weight change over one year in a representative sample of the US population which participated in the 1989 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Across all ages, a larger proportion of women than men reported both weight loss as well as weight gain of any amount (18.9% vs. 16.1% for weight loss and 20.0% vs. 16.1% for weight gain). In sex-specific logistic regression analyses, significant risk factors common to both sexes for substantial weight loss included divorced/separated marital status, smoking, increased number of blood pressure checks, increased BMI (body mass index) and increased number of bed days. Black race reduced the risk of weight loss for both men and women. Sex-specific risk factors for weight loss in men only were widowhood or never married marital status, while increasing age was a protective factor in women only. Concerning weight gain > 10% over the past year, increased number of blood pressure checks and having one or more diabetic parents were significant risk factors among both men and women; while never being married, increased age, BMI, and education exerted a protective effect in both sexes. For women only, risk factors for weight gain included black race, increased number of contacts with a health professional, and being unemployed. Intention to lose weight was associated with both weight gain and weight loss in both sexes, although it did not serve as a confounder in any of these relationships. A greater likelihood of substantial weight loss among women relative to men was diminished for persons with higher BMI, higher number of blood pressure checks, being widowed, divorced or separated, and intention to lose weight. A greater likelihood of substantial weight gain among women relative to men was diminished for persons with low BMI. The results of this cross-sectional study of weight change, involving a one-year follow-up period, generally correspond with the results obtained by longitudinal studies involving a longer follow-up.  相似文献   
Recent palaeolimnology of three shallow Danish lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Anderson  N. J.  Odgaard  B. V. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):411-422
Recent eutrophication histories of three shallow lakes (mean depths <3 m) were studied using palaeolimnological methods. Freeze-cores were dated using 210Pb, 137Cs, 134Cs and 241Am. Resultant chronologies were problematical at two sites (Væng Sø and Vesterborg Sø) due to sediment-water interface mixing, indicated by uniform 137Cs profiles over the surface 20–30 cm. Sediments at Langesø and Vesterborg Sø have a high carbonate content, which together with the high mixing rate have resulted in diatom dissolution below 30 cm at Vesterborg Sø. Diatom stratigraphy indicates relatively small biological changes at both Væng Sø and Langesø both lakes have been eutrophic for at least the last 150–200 years. Væng Sø is dominated by planktonic diatoms together with high percentages of benthic Fragilaria spp., and Langesø by planktonic diatoms, especially Cyclostephanos dubius and Stephanodiscus parvus.Epilimnetic phosphorus concentrations were inferred using weighted averaging; at Væng Sø the diatom-inferred TP (DI-TP) concentrations were close to observed values in the early 1980s, but failed to record the post-biomanipulation decrease to 55 g l-1 after 1988, presumably due to the smoothing of the sediment record by resuspension and mixing. At Langesø two increases in DI-TP suggest a two-phase enrichment of the lake, initial eutrophication 1880, and hypertrophy after 1950. The recent DI-TP values are lower than the annual observed values, and reasons for this are discussed. Despite problems associated with sediment mixing, the sediment records of these shallow systems can still be used for monitoring and for environmental reconstructions.  相似文献   
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