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Aim The oriental magpie‐robin (Copsychus saularis) of South and Southeast Asia is a phenotypically variable species that appears to be closely related to two endemic species of the western Indian Ocean: the Madagascar magpie‐robin (Copsychus albospecularis) and the Seychelles magpie‐robin (Copsychus sechellarum). This unusual distribution led us to examine evolutionary relationships in magpie‐robins, and also the taxonomic significance of their plumage variation, via a molecular phylogenetic and population genetic analysis of C. saularis and C. albospecularis. Location Southern Asia from Nepal across Indochina to southern China, and the Indian Ocean from Madagascar to the Greater Sunda and Philippine islands. Methods We sequenced 1695 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA comprising the complete second subunit of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (ND2) gene and 654 bases of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region in 51 individuals of eight C. saularis subspecies, 10 individuals of C. albospecularis (one subspecies) and single individuals of two other Copsychus species as outgroups. The data were analysed phylogenetically, with maximum likelihood, Bayesian, relaxed clock and parsimony methods, and geographically for patterns of genetic diversity. Results Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. albospecularis lies within the nominal C. saularis, making C. saularis polyphyletic. Malagasy and non‐Philippine Asian populations form a monophyletic group that is sister to a clade of Philippine populations. Within non‐Philippine Asian populations, two groups are evident: black‐bellied birds in the eastern Greater Sunda islands and white‐bellied birds in the western Sundas and on mainland Asia. Main conclusions The phylogeny of magpie‐robins suggests a novel pattern of dispersal and differentiation in the Old World. Ancestral magpie‐robins appear to have spread widely among islands of the Indian Ocean in the Pliocene, probably aided by their affinity for coastal habitats. Populations subsequently became isolated in island groups, notably the Philippines, Madagascar and the Greater Sundas, leading to speciation in all three areas. Isolation in the Philippines may have been aided by competitive exclusion of C. saularis from Palawan by a congener, the white‐vented shama (Copsychus niger). In the Greater Sundas, white‐bellied populations appear to have invaded Borneo and Java recently, where they hybridize with resident black‐bellied birds.  相似文献   
Organisms with wide geographical or phenotypic diversity often constitute assemblages of genetically distinct species or lineages. Within parasites, an emergence of host-specific lineages is assumed to create such cryptic variability; however, empirical evaluation of these processes is scarce. Here, we analyse populations of a parasite with a complex life cycle, wide host spectrum and global distribution, with the aim to reveal factors underlying the evolution of host- or geography-dependent lineages. Using 15 microsatellite loci, deep genetic distances were observed between populations from distant geographical areas. On the local scale, host-mediated genetic structure was found among sympatric samples. Two lineages differing in the spectrum of infected hosts co-occurred in the Euro-Mediterranean area, and two distinct lineages were recovered from Lake Tana in Ethiopia. Although sampled across several host taxa and multiple localities, a lack of marked genetic structure was seen in the populations belonging to one of the European lineages. Only weak genetic differentiation between sympatric samples from two host species was found. Complexity of the parasite life-cycle contributed to such a stratified pattern. Differences in the immune response between fish hosts were suggested as the factor diversifying the populations locally; conversely, high mobility of the parasite due to migration with its bird (definitive) host were assessed to homogenize populations across the area of distribution. However, despite the high mobility, large bodies of salt water prevent the parasite from long-distance migrations, as was demonstrated in an example of the Mediterranean Sea which represented an effective barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   
Aim We analysed body‐size variation in relation to latitude, longitude, elevation and environmental variables in Ctenomys (tuco‐tucos), subterranean rodents in the Ctenomyidae (Caviomorpha). We tested the existence of inter‐ and intraspecific size clines to determine if these rodents follow Bergmann's rule, to compare intra‐ and interspecific size trends and to assess the relevance of the subterranean lifestyle on these trends. Location South America, south of 15° latitude. Methods This paper is based on 719 specimens of tuco‐tucos from 133 localities of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, representing 47 named species and 32 undescribed forms. Intraspecific analyses were performed for Ctenomys talarum Thomas, 1898 and the Ctenomys perrensi Thomas, 1896 species complex. Head and body length and weight were used for estimating body size. Geographical independent variables included latitude, longitude and altitude. Environmental independent variables were mean minimal and maximal monthly temperature, mean annual temperature, mean minimal and maximal precipitation, and total annual precipitation. To estimate seasonality, the annual variability of the climatic factors was calculated as their coefficients of variation and the difference between maximum and minimum values. Mean annual actual evapotranspiration (AET), and mean annual, January (summer) and July (winter) potential evapotranspiration (PET) values were also calculated for each locality, as well as annual, summer and winter water balance (WB). Statistical analyses consisted of simple and multiple regression and nonparametric correlation. Results Body size of Ctenomys decreases interspecifically from 15°00′ S to 48°15′ S and from 56°33′ W to 71°46′ W, and is positively correlated with ambient temperature and precipitation. The best predictors of body size according to multiple regression analyses were mean annual temperature, the difference between mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures, annual PET, the difference between summer and winter PET, and annual and winter water balance. These patterns are repeated, but not identically, at a smaller geographical scale within the species C. talarum and the superspecies C. perrensi. Main conclusions Tuco‐tucos follow the converse to Bergmann's rule at the interspecific level. At the intraspecific level some parallel trends were observed, but the smaller scale of these analyses, involving a very reduced variation of environmental factors, necessitates caution in interpreting results. The subterranean lifestyle probably insulates these rodents from the external temperature. The observed latitudinal body‐size gradients are more probably related to seasonality, ambient energy, primary productivity and/or intensity of predation.  相似文献   
剪枝象属Cyllorhynchites Voss隶属于齿颚象科Rhynchitidae齿颚象亚科Rhynchitinae齿颚象族Rhynchitini,但其属名在国内外使用较为混乱。此外,该属的常见种类栗实剪枝象Cyllorhynchites cumulatus Voss与橡实剪枝象C.ursulus Roelofs等常被误认为隶属于同族的Mecorhis或Mechoris属。通过查阅相关文献和我国多地所采集的标本,本文旨在厘清剪枝象的有效学名,并对栗实剪枝象和橡实剪枝象的形态和生态特征进行了补充,以便提供更准确的鉴别特征。结果如下:(1)剪枝象属拉丁学名为Cyllorhynchites Voss,而非Mecorhis Billberg或Mechoris。栗实剪枝象与橡实剪枝象的中文学名以寄主命名。(2)栗实剪枝象成虫身体蓝黑色,鞘翅上的白色短柔毛稀疏且行纹明显。幼虫体长6.0-9.0 mm,触角感觉器长矛状;额背面的刚毛仅有2对,标记为fs4,fs5;头盖背面无刚毛;上唇及唇基较窄。分布于黄河以南,主要以栗属植物为寄主。在安徽金寨,栗实剪枝象的羽化期在5月底-6月底,成虫羽化后即可交配、产卵,产卵期和剪枝期在6月-7月上旬。橡实剪枝象成虫身体黑褐色,但足为褐色。鞘翅上的黄色短柔毛较密且行纹不明显。幼虫体长8.0-10.0 mm,触角感觉器长圆锥状;额背面的刚毛仅有1对,标记为fs5;头盖背面的刚毛仅有1对,标记为des5;上唇及唇基较宽。广布中国南北和日本、朝鲜半岛,以栎属和青冈属植物为寄主。在四川都江堰,橡实剪枝象的羽化期在6月-7月。由于橡子尚未发育,其成虫羽化后需经历较长的营养补充期,产卵期和剪枝期在8月中旬-9月底。本研究澄清了过去关于剪枝象属的分类归属,并对两种常见剪枝象的形态和生态特征进行了深入比较,为生产上准确鉴别这些剪枝象种类提供参考。  相似文献   
体型大小与昆虫在温度胁迫下的适应性有关。本文旨在研究入侵杂草空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides生防天敌莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila SelmanVogt不同地理种群对高温的形态响应机制。以恒温25℃作为对照,分别测定莲草直胸跳甲长沙种群和海南种群在模拟夏季特定12∶00-16∶00时段30℃、33℃、36℃高温条件下的幼虫体重、初羽化成虫体重、后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽等指标。结果表明,莲草直胸跳甲两地理种群幼虫体重均随温度升高而增加。两种群雌虫及长沙种群雄虫的体重、后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽度随温度上升显著下降;海南种群雄虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽在各温度处理间无显著差异。在33℃、36℃高温条件下,长沙种群的幼虫体重、雌虫体重及雌虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽显著高于海南种群,而长沙种群雄虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽显著低于海南种群。试验表明,不同地理种群的莲草直胸跳甲形态大小对高温的响应存在差异。本研究结果为探究莲草直胸跳甲种间进化以及人工培育耐热种群的实践提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri是毁灭性病害黄龙病的媒介,其寄主范围比较严格,仅为芸香科内的一些植物。研究发现,在自然状态下,柑橘木虱成虫可在柑橘园中常见茄科Solanaceae杂草-龙葵Solanum nigrum上停留。对比试验显示,木虱成虫在龙葵上的存活期最长可达45 d,而在假臭草Eupatorium catarium、含水海绵和无水海绵上分别为24 d、9 d和2 d;通过实时荧光PCR检测发现部分龙葵叶片中含有黄龙病病原菌。这些非寄主植物可能有助于柑橘木虱躲避不良环境或长距离迁移扩散,成为柑橘木虱和黄龙病的潜在库源。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Asexual organisms are more widespread in previously glaciated areas than their sexual relatives (‘geographical parthenogenesis’). In plants, this pattern is probably dependent on reproductive isolation and stability of cytotypes within their respective distribution areas. Both partial apomixis and introgressive hybridization potentially destabilize the spatial separation of sexual and apomictic populations. The wide distribution of apomicts may be further enhanced by uniparental reproduction which is advantageous for colonization. These factors are studied in the alpine species Ranunculus kuepferi.


Geographical distribution, diversity and mode of reproduction of cytotypes were assessed using flow cytometry and flow cytometric seed screening on samples from 59 natural populations of Ranunculus kuepferi. Seed set of cytotypes was compared in the wild.

Key Results

Diploid sexuals are confined to the south-western parts of the Alps, while tetraploid apomicts dominate in previously glaciated and in geographically isolated areas despite a significantly lower fertility. Other cytotypes (3x, 5x and 6x) occur mainly in the sympatric zone, but without establishing populations. The tetraploids are predominantly apomictic, but also show a partial apomixis via an uncoupling of apomeiosis and parthenogenesis in the seed material. Both pseudogamy and autonomous endosperm formation are observed which may enhance uniparental reproduction.


Diploids occupy a glacial relic area and resist introgression of apomixis, probably because of a significantly higher seed set. Among the polyploids, only apomictic tetraploids form stable populations; the other cytotypes arising from partial apomixis fail to establish, probably because of minority cytotype disadvantages. Tetraploid apomicts colonize previously devastated and also distant areas via long-distance dispersal, confirming Baker''s law of an advantage of uniparental reproduction. It is concluded that stability of cytotypes and of modes of reproduction are important factors for establishing a pattern of geographical parthenogenesis.  相似文献   
Introduction – Radix Astragali, one of most widely used and important traditional Chinese medicines, is cultivated in different geographical regions. Because of varying growing conditions, the qualities of Radix Astragali vary, which can give rise to differences in clinical therapy. Detecting adulteration is a routine requirement in pharmaceutical practice. Objective – To develop a simple and accurate approach to discriminate the geographical origin and potential adulteration of Radix Astragali, derived from the root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fischer) Bunge var. mongholicus (Bunge) Hsiao, using Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy and chemometric methods. Methodology – To obtain characteristic IR spectra for accurate discrimination, a one‐solvent extraction method was utilised following a novel evaluation method for selecting appropriate solvents. Samples of Radix Astragali from different geographical origins were discriminated using FT‐IR spectroscopy and discriminant partial least squares (DPLS) methods. FT‐IR spectroscopy combined with Mahalanobis distance was employed to detect adulteration of Radix Astragali. Results – In comparison with other solvents, butanone was more effective at extracting samples. Radix Astragali samples were accurately assigned to their corresponding geographical origins by using FT‐IR spectroscopy and DPLS method. Most adulterated samples were detected accurately by application of FT‐IR spectroscopy combined with Mahalanobis distance. Conclusion – FT‐IR spectroscopy combined with chemometric method was developed and demonstrated to be a useful tool to discriminate geographical origin and adulteration of Radix Astragali. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess genome size variation and multivariate morphometric analyses to ascertain cytotype distribution patterns and the morphological differentiation within the Ranunculus parnassifolius group in the Pyrenees and the Alps. Although divergences in nuclear DNA content among different species within a genus are widely acknowledged, intraspecific variation is still a somewhat controversial issue. Holoploid and monoploid genome sizes (C‐ and Cx‐values) were determined using propidium iodide flow cytometry in 125 plants of R. parnassifolius s.l. distributed across four European countries. Three different DNA ploidy levels were revealed in the study area: diploid (2n ~ 2x, 57.14%), triploid (2n ~ 3x, 1.19%), and tetraploid (2n ~ 4x, 41.67%). The mean population 2C‐values ranged from 8.15 pg in diploids to 14.80 pg in tetraploids, representing a ratio of 1 : 1.8. Marked intraspecific/interpopulation differences in nuclear DNA content were found. Diploid populations prevail in the Pyrenees, although tetraploid cytotypes were reported throughout the distribution area. In general, mixed‐cytotype populations were not found. The Spearman correlation coefficient did not reveal significant correlations between genome size and altitude, longitude, or latitude. Morphometric analyses and cluster analyses based on genome size variation revealed the presence of three major groups, which exhibited a particular biogeographical pattern. A new cytotype, DNA triploid, was found for the first time. Tetraploid populations showed constant nuclear DNA levels, whereas diploid populations from the Pyrenees, in which introgressive hybridization is suggested as a presumable trigger for genome size variation, did not. Scenarios for the evolution of geographical parthenogenesis in R. parnassifolius s.l. are discussed. Finally, the different levels of effectiveness between plant and animal reference standards are analysed. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 251–271.  相似文献   
对陕西境内木本种子植物区系属一级的热带地理成分进行了研究,全省木本种子植物区系中的热带地理成分共包括泛热带成分、热带亚洲和热带美洲间断成分、旧世界热带成分、热带亚洲至热带大洋洲成分、热带亚洲至热带非洲成分及热带亚洲成分6种类型,共95属,归属于53科。在各种热带地理成分中,陕西木本植物区系与泛热带成分联系最为密切,各类热带地理成分主要分布于陕西秦岭以南地区。从科、属、种的分布区格局以及木本热带区系成分的群落学作用等方面分析,陕西植物区系具有明显的温带性质,同时,区系也呈现一定的热带—温带过渡性特点。  相似文献   
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