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水稻单核苷酸多态性及其应用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘传光  张桂权 《遗传》2006,28(6):737-744
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)在水稻中数量多,分布密度高,遗传稳定性高。水稻SNPs的发现方法主要有对样本DNA的PCR产物直接测序、从SSR区段检测SNPs和从基因组序列直接搜索等。目前已有多种基因分型技术运用到了水稻SNPs检测,SNPs检测的高度自动化使水稻SNPs基因分型非常方便。单核苷酸多态性在水稻遗传图谱的构建、基因克隆和功能基因组学研究、标记辅助选择育种、遗传资源分类及物种进化等方面的应用具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   
The secretopeptidome comprises endogenous peptides derived from proteins secreted into the tumour microenvironment through classical and non-classical secretion. This study characterised the low-Mr (< 3 kDa) component of the human colon tumour (LIM1215, LIM1863) secretopeptidome, as a first step towards gaining insights into extracellular proteolytic cleavage events in the tumour microenvironment. Based on two biological replicates, this secretopeptidome isolation strategy utilised differential centrifugal ultrafiltration in combination with analytical RP-HPLC and nanoLC-MS/MS. Secreted peptides were identified using a combination of Mascot and post-processing analyses including MSPro re-scoring, extended feature sets and Percolator, resulting in 474 protein identifications from 1228 peptides (≤ 1% q-value, ≤ 5% PEP) — a 36% increase in peptide identifications when compared with conventional Mascot (homology ionscore thresholding). In both colon tumour models, 122 identified peptides were derived from 41 cell surface protein ectodomains, 23 peptides (12 proteins) from regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP), and 12 peptides (9 proteins) generated from intracellular domain proteolysis. Further analyses using the protease/substrate database MEROPS, (http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/), revealed 335 (71%) proteins classified as originating from classical/non-classical secretion, or the cell membrane. Of these, peptides were identified from 42 substrates in MEROPS with defined protease cleavage sites, while peptides generated from a further 205 substrates were fragmented by hitherto unknown proteases. A salient finding was the identification of peptides from 88 classical/non-classical secreted substrates in MEROPS, implicated in tumour progression and angiogenesis (FGFBP1, PLXDC2), cell–cell recognition and signalling (DDR1, GPA33), and tumour invasiveness and metastasis (MACC1, SMAGP); the nature of the proteases responsible for these proteolytic events is unknown. To confirm reproducibility of peptide fragment abundance in this study, we report the identification of a specific cleaved peptide fragment in the secretopeptidome from the colon-specific GPA33 antigen in 4/14 human CRC models. This improved secretopeptidome isolation and characterisation strategy has extended our understanding of endogenous peptides generated through proteolysis of classical/non-classical secreted proteins, extracellular proteolytic processing of cell surface membrane proteins, and peptides generated through RIP. The novel peptide cleavage site information in this study provides a useful first step in detailing proteolytic cleavage associated with tumourigenesis and the extracellular environment. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: An Updated Secretome.  相似文献   
Group formation in humpback whales has been described in relation to different components of the migratory cycle, yet it is debated whether such groups represent real social bonding or ephemeral aggregations. Cooperative behaviours are exhibited during feeding activities, and it has been suggested that males may cooperate during competition for mates. Since most cooperative behaviours are expected to originate among kin, genetic relatedness represents a critical variable in the understanding of any social phenomenon, especially when cooperation cannot be confirmed unequivocally. Using an approach combining multi-locus microsatellite genotyping and several genetic relatedness estimators, we analyzed whale associations for two different wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere. The analyses included 648 whales sampled from 292 groups off the coast of Gabon and Northeast Madagascar, and screened for eleven microsatellite loci. Through simulations, we assessed the performance of three pairwise relatedness estimators. The individuals were molecularly sexed and their associations were investigated in the context of sex and group type. No significant association among relatives was found with the exception of mother-offspring pairs, supporting previous indications of extended maternal care. The analysis from the Gabon population also suggests that related males may avoid each other during competitive activities. Our results demonstrate that if cooperative behaviours occur on wintering grounds they are not favoured by kin selection.  相似文献   
A whole‐genome duplication (WGD) doubles the entire genomic content of a species and is thought to have catalysed adaptive radiation in some polyploid‐origin lineages. However, little is known about general consequences of a WGD because gene duplicates (i.e., paralogs) are commonly filtered in genomic studies; such filtering may remove substantial portions of the genome in data sets from polyploid‐origin species. We demonstrate a new method that enables genome‐wide scans for signatures of selection at both nonduplicated and duplicated loci by taking locus‐specific copy number into account. We apply this method to RAD sequence data from different ecotypes of a polyploid‐origin salmonid (Oncorhynchus nerka) and reveal signatures of divergent selection that would have been missed if duplicated loci were filtered. We also find conserved signatures of elevated divergence at pairs of homeologous chromosomes with residual tetrasomic inheritance, suggesting that joint evolution of some nondiverged gene duplicates may affect the adaptive potential of these genes. These findings illustrate that including duplicated loci in genomic analyses enables novel insights into the evolutionary consequences of WGDs and local segmental gene duplications.  相似文献   
Documenting local space use of birds that move rapidly, but are too small to carry GPS tags, such as swallows and swifts, can be challenging. For these species, tracking methods such as manual radio‐telemetry and visual observation are either inadequate or labor‐ and time‐intensive. Another option is use of an automated telemetry system, but equipment for such systems can be costly when many receivers are used. Our objective, therefore, was to determine if an automated radio‐telemetry system, consisting of just two receivers, could provide an alternative to manual tracking for gathering data on local space use of six individuals of three species of aerial insectivores, including one Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota), one Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), and four Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). We established automated radio‐telemetry systems at three sites near the city of Peterborough in eastern Ontario, Canada, from May to August 2015. We evaluated the location error of our two‐receiver system using data from moving and stationary test transmitters at known locations, and used telemetry data from the aerial insectivores as a test of the system's ability to track rapidly moving birds under field conditions. Median location error was ~250 m for automated telemetry test locations after filtering. More than 90% of estimated locations had large location errors and were removed from analysis, including all locations > 1 km from receiver stations. Our automated telemetry receivers recorded 17,634 detections of the six radio‐tagged birds. However, filtering removed an average of 89% of bird location estimates, leaving only the Cliff Swallow with enough locations for analysis of space use. Our results demonstrate that a minimal automated radio‐telemetry system can be used to assess local space use by small, highly mobile birds, but the resolution of the data collected using only two receiver stations was coarse and had a limited range. To improve both location accuracy and increase the percentage of usable location estimates collected, we suggest that, in future studies, investigators use receivers that simultaneously record signals detected by all antennas, and use of a minimum of three receiver stations with more antennas at each station.  相似文献   
To establish α-tropomyosin (Tm)'s structure–function relationships in cooperative regulation of muscle contraction, thin filaments were reconstituted with a variety of Tm mutants (Δ2Tm, Δ3Tm, Δ6Tm, P2sTm, P3sTm, P2P3sTm, P1P5Tm, and wtTm), and force and sliding velocity of the thin filament were studied using an in vitro motility assay. In the case of deletion mutants, Δ indicates which of the quasi-equivalent repeats in Tm was deleted. In the case of period (P) mutants, an Ala cluster was introduced into the indicated period to strengthen the Tm–actin interaction. In P1P5Tm, the N-terminal half of period 5 was substituted with that of period 1 to test the quasi-equivalence of these two Tm periods. The reconstitution included bovine cardiac troponin. Deletion studies revealed that period 3 is important for the positive cooperative effect of Tm on actin filament regulation and that period 2 also contributes to this effect at low ionic strength, but to a lesser degree. Furthermore, Tm with one extra Ala cluster at period 2 (P2s) or period 3 (P3s) did not increase force or velocity, whereas Tm with two extra Ala clusters (P2P3s) increased both force and velocity, demonstrating interaction between these periods. Most mutants did not move in the absence of Ca2+. Notable exceptions were Δ6Tm and P1P5Tm, which moved near at the full velocity, but with reduced force, which indicate impaired relaxation. These results are consistent with the mechanism that the Tm–actin interaction cooperatively affects actin to result in generation of greater force and velocity.  相似文献   
Summary The study of dependence between random variables is a mainstay in statistics. In many cases, the strength of dependence between two or more random variables varies according to the values of a measured covariate. We propose inference for this type of variation using a conditional copula model where the copula function belongs to a parametric copula family and the copula parameter varies with the covariate. In order to estimate the functional relationship between the copula parameter and the covariate, we propose a nonparametric approach based on local likelihood. Of importance is also the choice of the copula family that best represents a given set of data. The proposed framework naturally leads to a novel copula selection method based on cross‐validated prediction errors. We derive the asymptotic bias and variance of the resulting local polynomial estimator, and outline how to construct pointwise confidence intervals. The finite‐sample performance of our method is investigated using simulation studies and is illustrated using a subset of the Matched Multiple Birth data.  相似文献   
Theory predicts that genetic variation should be reduced at range margins, but empirical support is equivocal. Here, we used genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology to investigate genetic variation in central and marginal populations of two species in the marine gastropod genus Crepidula. These two species have different development and dispersal types and might therefore show different spatial patterns of genetic variation. Both allelic richness and the proportion of private alleles were highest in the most central populations of both species, and lower at the margin. The species with low dispersal, Crepidula convexa, showed high degrees of structure throughout the range that conform to the pattern found in previous studies using other molecular markers. The northernmost populations of the high‐dispersing species, Crepidula fornicata, are distinct from more central populations, although this species has been previously observed to have little genetic structure over much of its range. Although genetic diversity was significantly lower at the range margin, the absolute reduction in diversity observed with these genomewide markers was slight, and it is not yet known whether there are functional consequences for the marginal populations.  相似文献   
CS7BL/6 mice were sensitized with an ip injection of allogeneic P-815 mastocytoma cells. Fifteen days later the spleen cells of the tumor allosensitized mice were cultured and tested for their responsiveness to mitogens and alloantigens, and for their ability to generate cytotoxic cells in vitro. The results indicate that 15 day tumor-sensitized spleen cells are hypo-responsive in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) with DBA/2 or AKR as stimulating spleen cells. The cells which are hypo-responsive in MLC can proliferate in response to mitogens and they also can generate cytotoxic cells in vitro. MLC reactivity recovers in about 2–3 months which is 112–212 months after the mice have rejected their tumors. The mechanism of MLC hypo-responsiveness was investigated. The results suggest the presence of a suppressor cell which does not appear to be a macrophage or a B-cell. The suppressor cell can be separated from the cytotoxic cell and therefore appears to be a noncytotoxic T-cell.  相似文献   
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