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Genomic ribonucleotides incorporated during DNA replication are commonly repaired by RNase H2‐dependent ribonucleotide excision repair (RER). When RNase H2 is compromised, such as in Aicardi‐Goutières patients, genomic ribonucleotides either persist or are processed by DNA topoisomerase 1 (Top1) by either error‐free or mutagenic repair. Here, we present a biochemical analysis of these pathways. Top1 cleavage at genomic ribonucleotides can produce ribonucleoside‐2′,3′‐cyclic phosphate‐terminated nicks. Remarkably, this nick is rapidly reverted by Top1, thereby providing another opportunity for repair by RER. However, the 2′,3′‐cyclic phosphate‐terminated nick is also processed by Top1 incision, generally 2 nucleotides upstream of the nick, which produces a covalent Top1–DNA complex with a 2‐nucleotide gap. We show that these covalent complexes can be processed by proteolysis, followed by removal of the phospho‐peptide by Tdp1 and the 3′‐phosphate by Tpp1 to mediate error‐free repair. However, when the 2‐nucleotide gap is associated with a dinucleotide repeat sequence, sequence slippage re‐alignment followed by Top1‐mediated religation can occur which results in 2‐nucleotide deletion. The efficiency of deletion formation shows strong sequence‐context dependence.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia worldwide. In China, serogroup A strains were responsible for over 95% of the cases, while serogroup B strains were mainly the cause of localized outbreaks and sporadic cases. Before 2003, serogroup C strains were only re-covered from a few sporadic cases. However, a sudden increase in the number of cases due to sero-group C strains occurred during 2003—2005 in Anhui Province, China. Many cases were found in other provinces at the same time. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results indicated that the unique se-quence type 4821 clone meningococci, a new hyper-virulent lineage, was responsible for the serogroup C meningitis outbreaks. We have completed the project of sequencing the whole genome of the Chi-nese N. meningitidis serogroup C representative isolate 053442. We fabricated a whole-genome mi-croarray of N. meningitidis isolate 053442 and analyzed the genome composition differences among 81 serogroup C isolates which were isolated from 14 provinces of China during 1966—2005. The com-parative genomic hybridization (CGH) result shows that the genome compositions of nearly all sero-group C isolates are similar to that of 053442. The products of many absent open reading frames (ORFs) are conserved hypothetical proteins. The results will provide a valuable resource from which one can analyze the genome composition and genetic background of serogroup C meningococci in China.  相似文献   
流感病毒基因组进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dong CZ 《遗传》2011,33(3):189-197
流感病毒先后造成了1918、1957、1968和2009年等多次全球性大流感,对人类的生命健康和社会生活形成了巨大的威胁。流感病毒的基因组进化研究为揭示病毒致病机理、疫情监测、准备疫苗和研发抗病毒药物提供了巨大的帮助。文章以流感病毒基因组进化机制为核心,结合与基因组进化密切相关的抗原性和抗药性等表型进化,对流感病毒基因组进化研究的相关进展予以介绍。  相似文献   
Analyses of genomic DNA sequences have shown in previous works that base pairs are correlated at large distances with scale-invariant statistical properties. We show in the present study that these correlations between nucleotides (letters) result in fact from long-range correlations (LRC) between sequence-dependent DNA structural elements (words) involved in the packaging of DNA in chromatin. Using the wavelet transform technique, we perform a comparative analysis of the DNA text and of the corresponding bending profiles generated with curvature tables based on nucleosome positioning data. This exploration through the optics of the so-called `wavelet transform microscope' reveals a characteristic scale of 100-200 bp that separates two regimes of different LRC. We focus here on the existence of LRC in the small-scale regime ( 200 bp). Analysis of genomes in the three kingdoms reveals that this regime is specifically associated to the presence of nucleosomes. Indeed, small scale LRC are observed in eukaryotic genomes and to a less extent in archaeal genomes, in contrast with their absence in eubacterial genomes. Similarly, this regime is observed in eukaryotic but not in bacterial viral DNA genomes. There is one exception for genomes of Poxviruses, the only animal DNA viruses that do not replicate in the cell nucleus and do not present small scale LRC. Furthermore, no small scale LRC are detected in the genomes of all examined RNA viruses, with one exception in the case of retroviruses. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that small-scale LRC are a signature of the nucleosomal structure. Finally, we discuss possible interpretations of these small-scale LRC in terms of the mechanisms that govern the positioning, the stability and the dynamics of the nucleosomes along the DNA chain. This paper is maily devoted to a pedagogical presentation of the theoretical concepts and physical methods which are well suited to perform a statistical analysis of genomic sequences. We review the results obtained with the so-called wavelet-based multifractal analysis when investigating the DNA sequences of various organisms in the three kingdoms. Some of these results have been announced in B. Audit et al. [1, 2].  相似文献   
微阵列(microarrays)技术及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微阵列分为cDNA微阵列和寡聚核苷酸微阵列,微阵列上“印”有大量已知部分序列的DNA探针,微阵列技术就是利用分子杂交原理,使同时被比较的标本(用同位素或荧光素标记)与微阵列杂交,通过检测杂交信号强度及数据处理,把他们转化成不同标本中特异基因的丰度,从而全国比较不同标本的基因表达水平的差异,微阵列技术是一种探索基因组功能的有力手段。  相似文献   
代表活性污泥中苯酚降解菌群的ERIC-PCR产物片段的多态性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
高平平  王健  席玉英  赵立平 《生态学报》2003,23(6):1095-1100
对可能代表活性污泥中两个时期的主要苯酚降解菌群的:ERIC-PCR指纹图谱中的两条2.1kb的条带(P1和P8)中的DNA片段进行克隆、转化,得到193个转化子。.HinfⅠ物理图谱分析得到35种酶切类型,将两端各进行1次测序后,同源性大于90%的克隆归为一类,共得到10种序列类型。对各类型的代表克隆进行了全长测序,5种类型为P1条带所有,3种类型为P8所有,二者共享的类型为2种,丰度最高的片段为S3,P1条带中76.3%的转化子和P8条带中66.7%转化子属该类型。对所得序列进行检索分析,它们与GenBank中已知基因序列均无显著同源性。用S3特异性引物对活性污泥样品及其它在LB、dCGY、MP和FWM培养基上的回收菌进:行扩增,除LB上的回收菌没有显示目的条带外,活性污泥和其回收菌中均检测到带有该基因组片段的菌种的存在。研究为专一性分离降酚活性污泥中的优势菌提供了分子探针。  相似文献   
The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   
在过去的几十年间,人们认为糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid,GC)仅仅是通过改变基因的表达来发挥其生理作用,这个过程需要几个小时来完成。然而,近年来越来越多的证据表明GC对激素分泌、神经元兴奋性、机体行为及细胞形态、糖类代谢等具备快速效应,这些过程往往在数秒钟或者分种内完成,这种作用机制被称为GC的非基因组作用机制。GC的非基因组作用主要可能通过两种不同的机制起作用:(1)通过细胞膜上或者细胞质内结构未知的糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid Recptor,GR)来发挥非基因组作用,即为特异性非基因组效应,(2)GC主要通过改变细胞膜理化作用来发挥效应。也称为非特异性非基因组效应(non-specific nongenomic effects,NSNE)。本文通过阐述近年来GC的非基因组的作用的最新研究进展并且讨论了这些非基因组作用临床治疗过程中的联系。对糖皮质激素基因组和非基因组作用机制的深入了解有助于指导我们在临床合理用药并减少其副作用。  相似文献   
A substantial amount of genomic variation is now known to exist in humans and other primate species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are thought to represent the vast majority of genomic differences among individuals in a given primate species and comprise about 0.1% of the genomes of two humans. However, recent studies have now shown that structural variation msay account for as much as 0.7% of the genomic differences in humans, of which copy number variants (CNVs) are the largest component. CNVs are segments of DNA that can range in size from hundreds of bases to millions of base pairs in length and have different number of copies between individuals. Recent technological advancements in array technologies led to genome-wide identification of CNVs and consequently revealed thousands of variable loci in humans, comprising as much as 12% of the human genome [A.J. Iafrate, L. Feuk, M.N. Rivera, M.L. Listewnik, P.K. Donahoe, Y. Qi, S.W. Scherer, C. Lee, Nat. Genet. 36 (2004) 949–951, [3]]. CNVs in humans have already been associated with susceptibility to certain complex diseases, dietary adaptation, and several neurological conditions. In addition, recent studies have shown that CNVs can be successfully implemented in population genetics research, providing important insights into human genetic variation. Nevertheless, the important role of CNVs in primate evolution and genetic diversity is still largely unknown. This article aims to outline the strengths and weaknesses of current comparative genomic hybridization array technologies that have been employed to detect CNV variation and the applications of these techniques to primate genetic research.  相似文献   
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