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体细胞核移植胚胎核重编程的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨正田  沈伟  邓继先 《遗传学报》2004,31(6):641-646
尽管在多种哺乳动物种系中成功制备了体细胞克隆后代,但当前的克隆技术仍有许多亟待解决的问题。体细胞核移植胚胎大多存在许多发育异常,造成了妊娠早期高流产率和出生后高死亡率。有研究认为,克隆胚胎发育障碍的一个重要的原因是供体细胞的遗传重编程不完全。哺乳动物种系中,DNA甲基化是胚胎发育期转录调节的必需步骤,除了单拷贝基因序列外,在基因组很多的区域都可以观测到克隆胚胎的异常甲基化。此外,克隆胚胎的基因印迹也存在异常。  相似文献   
代表活性污泥中苯酚降解菌群的ERIC-PCR产物片段的多态性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
高平平  王健  席玉英  赵立平 《生态学报》2003,23(6):1095-1100
对可能代表活性污泥中两个时期的主要苯酚降解菌群的:ERIC-PCR指纹图谱中的两条2.1kb的条带(P1和P8)中的DNA片段进行克隆、转化,得到193个转化子。.HinfⅠ物理图谱分析得到35种酶切类型,将两端各进行1次测序后,同源性大于90%的克隆归为一类,共得到10种序列类型。对各类型的代表克隆进行了全长测序,5种类型为P1条带所有,3种类型为P8所有,二者共享的类型为2种,丰度最高的片段为S3,P1条带中76.3%的转化子和P8条带中66.7%转化子属该类型。对所得序列进行检索分析,它们与GenBank中已知基因序列均无显著同源性。用S3特异性引物对活性污泥样品及其它在LB、dCGY、MP和FWM培养基上的回收菌进:行扩增,除LB上的回收菌没有显示目的条带外,活性污泥和其回收菌中均检测到带有该基因组片段的菌种的存在。研究为专一性分离降酚活性污泥中的优势菌提供了分子探针。  相似文献   
The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   
A substantial amount of genomic variation is now known to exist in humans and other primate species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are thought to represent the vast majority of genomic differences among individuals in a given primate species and comprise about 0.1% of the genomes of two humans. However, recent studies have now shown that structural variation msay account for as much as 0.7% of the genomic differences in humans, of which copy number variants (CNVs) are the largest component. CNVs are segments of DNA that can range in size from hundreds of bases to millions of base pairs in length and have different number of copies between individuals. Recent technological advancements in array technologies led to genome-wide identification of CNVs and consequently revealed thousands of variable loci in humans, comprising as much as 12% of the human genome [A.J. Iafrate, L. Feuk, M.N. Rivera, M.L. Listewnik, P.K. Donahoe, Y. Qi, S.W. Scherer, C. Lee, Nat. Genet. 36 (2004) 949–951, [3]]. CNVs in humans have already been associated with susceptibility to certain complex diseases, dietary adaptation, and several neurological conditions. In addition, recent studies have shown that CNVs can be successfully implemented in population genetics research, providing important insights into human genetic variation. Nevertheless, the important role of CNVs in primate evolution and genetic diversity is still largely unknown. This article aims to outline the strengths and weaknesses of current comparative genomic hybridization array technologies that have been employed to detect CNV variation and the applications of these techniques to primate genetic research.  相似文献   
NL Corrales  K Mrasek  M Voigt  T Liehr  N Kosyakova 《Gene》2012,506(2):377-379
Results from the analysis of copy number variations (CNVs) in human pluripotent cell-derived neuroprogenitor cell lines (hiPSC and hESC-derived NPC) are presented. Two different types of CNVs were detected: a) CNVs inherited from the original source of pluripotent cells (hESC and hiPSC) and b) CNVs detected either in the original source of pluripotent cells or in the derived NPC cell lines but not in both at the same time. Our data suggest that submicroscopic chromosomal changes happened during culture and manipulation of cells and those differentiation procedures could result in gains and losses of genomic regions in pluripotent cell-derived neuroprogenitors. Overall, the results indicate that even chromosomally stable stem cell lines would need to be analyzed in detail by high resolution methodologies before their clinical use.  相似文献   
从簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur.)组合CA9211/RW15(6D/6V异代换系)幼胚培养SC2后代中,用原位杂交方法鉴定出T240-6为6VS端体异代换系. 以此为材料,采用微细玻璃针切割法及"单管反应"技术体系,对6VS进行切割分离及LA (Linker adaptor)-PCR扩增.扩增带在100~3 000 bp 之间,大部分集中在600~1 500 bp.利用32P标记的簇毛麦基因组为探针进行Southern杂交,证实扩增产物来源于簇毛麦.扩增产物纯化后,连接到pGEM-T载体上,构建了6VS DNA质粒文库.对文库的分析表明,文库大约有17 000个白色克隆;插入片段分布在100~1 500 bp,平均600 bp.点杂交结果表明,37%克隆有中度到强烈的杂交信号,证明含有中度或高度重复序列;63%克隆有较弱的信号或没有信号,证明为单/低拷贝序列克隆.从文库中获得8个簇毛麦特异克隆,对其中两个克隆pHVMK22和 pHVMK134进行了RFLP分析和序列分析,并利用该探针对小麦抗白粉病基因Pm21进行了检测.RFLP 结果表明,两个克隆一个为低拷贝序列克隆(pHVMK22),另一个为高度重复序列克隆,均为簇毛麦专化DNA序列.以pHVMK22为探针对抗、感病小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品系的Southern杂交发现抗病品系有一条2 kb的特征带, 该探针可能作为检测抗病基因Pm21的探针.  相似文献   
金丝小枣基因组DNA的优化提取方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SDS和CTAB两种方法分离提取金丝小枣基因组DNA,并比较其提取效果。结果表明,改进后的CTAB法可获得高质量、高得率的基因组DNA,可用于金丝小枣的各种分子生物学研究。  相似文献   
Jiang YY  Wang MR 《遗传》2012,34(5):519-525
食管鳞癌是我国常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,进展快且预后差。由于早期一般无明显症状,临床确诊的食管鳞癌大多已发展到了中晚期,治愈难度较大。越来越多的证据表明,在食管鳞癌发生发展过程中,染色体及基因组DNA畸变均是最常见的遗传学改变。文章就食管鳞癌染色体及基因组水平异常的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
Lei F  Shi W 《Current Genomics》2011,12(7):466-474
The outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 disease has led to significant loss of poultry and wild life and case fatality rates in humans of 60%. Wild birds are natural hosts for all avian influenza virus subtypes and over120 bird species have been reported with evidence of H5N1 infection. Influenza A viruses possess a segmented RNA genome and are characterized by frequently occurring genetic reassortment events, which play a very important role in virus evolution and the spread of novel gene constellations in immunologically naïve human and animal populations. Phylogenetic analysis of whole genome or sub-genomic sequences is a standard means for delineating genetic variation, novel reassortment events, and surveillance to trace the global transmission pathways. In this paper, special emphasis is given to the transmission and circulation of H5N1 among wild life populations, and to the reassortment events that are associated with inter-host transmission of the H5N1 viruses when they infect different hosts, such as birds, pigs and humans. In addition, we review the inter-subtype reassortment of the viral segments encoding inner proteins between the H5N1 viruses and viruses of other subtypes, such as H9N2 and H6N1. Finally, we highlight the usefulness of genomic sequences in molecular epidemiological analysis of HPAI H5N1 and the technical limitations in existing analytical methods that hinder them from playing a greater role in virological research.  相似文献   
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