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The loss of cognitive function accompanying healthy aging is not associated with extensive or characteristic patterns of cell death, suggesting it is caused by more subtle changes in synaptic properties. In the hippocampal CA1 region, long‐term potentiation requires stronger stimulation for induction in aged rats and mice and long‐term depression becomes more prevalent. An age‐dependent impairment of postsynaptic calcium homeostasis may underpin these effects. We have examined changes in presynaptic calcium signalling in aged mice using a transgenic mouse line (SyG37) that expresses a genetically encoded calcium sensor in presynaptic terminals. SyG37 mice showed an age‐dependent decline in cognitive abilities in behavioural tasks that require hippocampal processing including the Barnes maze, T‐maze and object location but not recognition tests. The incidence of LTP was significantly impaired in animals over 18 months of age. These effects of aging were accompanied by a persistent increase in resting presynaptic calcium, an increase in the presynaptic calcium signal following Schaffer collateral fibre stimulation, an increase in postsynaptic fEPSP slope and a reduction in paired‐pulse facilitation. These effects were not caused by synapse proliferation and were of presynaptic origin since they were evident in single presynaptic boutons. Aged synapses behaved like younger ones when the extracellular calcium concentration was reduced. Raising extracellular calcium had little effect on aged synapses but altered the properties of young synapses into those of their aged counterparts. These effects can be readily explained by an age‐dependent change in the properties or numbers of presynaptic calcium channels.  相似文献   
转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植带来了显著的经济、生态和社会效益,对转基因抗虫作物的安全性评价也一直是国内外学者研究的热点。对生物非靶标效应的研究是转基因抗虫作物安全性评价的重要组成部分,农田天敌类生物是其中的重点内容之一。瓢虫是农田生态系统重要的捕食性天敌,评价其在转基因抗虫作物田间是否能通过捕食猎物或取食花粉而接触到杀虫蛋白并富集于体内,进而对自身产生一定的非靶标效应,这对捕食性瓢虫的安全性研究具有重要的意义。本文从捕食性天敌瓢虫的生命表参数、行为功能参数、田间群落参数及体内微环境指标等方面综述了转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫的安全性研究进展,并对后期转基因抗虫作物对田间捕食性天敌的研究方向提出了建议,以期为转基因抗虫作物的环境安全性研究提供理论指导和为进一步完善转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫安全性评价的技术体系提供系统的数据资料。  相似文献   
Previously, we have developed a genetically structured mathematical model to describe the inhibition of Escherichia coli lac operon gene expression by antigene oligos. Our model predicted that antigene oligos targeted to the operator region of the lac operon would have a significant inhibitory effect on beta-galactosidase production. In this investigation, the E. coli lac operon gene expression in the presence of antigene oligos was studied experimentally. A 21-mer oligo, which was designed to form a triplex with the operator, was found to be able to specifically inhibit beta-galactosidase production in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast to the 21-mer triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO), several control oligos showed no inhibitory effect. The ineffectiveness of the various control oligos, along with the fact that the 21-mer oligo has no homology sequence with lacZYA, and no mRNA is transcribed from the operator, suggests that the 21-mer oligo inhibits target gene expression by an antigene mechanism. To simulate the kinetics of lac operon gene expression in the presence of antigene oligos, a genetically structured kinetic model, which includes transport of oligo into the cell, growth of bacteria cells, and lac operon gene expression, was developed. Predictions of the kinetic model fit the experimental data quite well after adjustment of the value of the oligonucleotide transport rate constant (9.0 x 10(-)(3) min(-)(1)) and oligo binding affinity constant (1.05 x 10(6) M(-)(1)). Our values for these two adjusted parameters are in the range of reported literature values.  相似文献   
Stable transformation of petunia plastids   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plastid transformation results in stably expressed foreign genes, which for most Angiosperms are largely excluded from sperm cells, thereby greatly reducing the risk of foreign gene spread through pollen. Prior to this work, fertile plastid transformants were restricted to tobacco, tomato and Lesquerella . Application of plastid engineering in the important floriculture industry requires the development of stable plastid transformation in a major ornamental plant species such as Petunia hybrida. Here we describe the successful isolation of fertile and stable plastid transformants in a commercial cultivar of P. hybrida (var. Pink Wave). Plastid targeting regions from tobacco were used to integrate aad A and gusA between the acc D and rbc L genes of P. hybrida plastid DNA following particle bombardment of leaves. For three spectinomycin and streptomycin resistant lines, DNA blot analysis confirmed transgene integration into plastid DNA and homoplasmy. Maternal inheritance and homoplasmy resulted in 100 transmission of spectinomycin resistance to progeny after selfing. Plastid transformants expressed the gusA gene uniformly within leaves and to comparable levels in all three lines. Insertion of trait genes in place of gusA coding sequences enables immediate applications of our plastid transformation vector. Establishment of plastid transformation in P. hybrida facilitates a safe and reliable use of this important ornamental plant for research and plant biotechnology.These two authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
Generalist predators are relevant natural enemies of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) in Europe. In fields of insect resistant genetically modified plants (GMPs), predators could be exposed to toxins either directly (e.g., via pollen), or indirectly through feeding on herbivorous prey. Hence, they represent an important functional group to consider when studying environmental impacts of GMPs. CPB females show a ‘bet-hedging’ strategy in spatial and temporal distribution of eggs, through which the species tries to minimize the risks of progeny loss due to adverse conditions. Experimental fields of GM eggplants expressing Cry3Bb toxin and potatoes expressing Cry1Ab toxin were set up. CPB egg masses were counted on naturally infested plants at four time points during the field season of each crop. To assess predation, newly deposited egg masses were marked at the same dates. Daily visual observations were conducted recording the numbers of intact or preyed eggs and neonate larvae. In both cases, oviposition was similar between GM and control plots, as the number of egg masses per plant and the number of eggs per mass did not differ significantly between treatments. A statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of egg masses revealed a similar aggregation in the potato field, whereas in the eggplant field, the variance of the number of egg masses per plant was smaller than expected in GMP plots. The predation rate was similar between treatments. These results suggest that the ecological function of natural predation on CPB eggs in GM plots was not impaired.  相似文献   
针对抗虫耐除草剂大豆转基因品系MON89788,从转基因植物基因组DNA的提取、核酸模板的质量和浓度控制、引物探针的筛选、PCR反应过程的建立等方面建立了一套完整的转基因大豆芯片式dPCR定量检测方法。本实验也对该方法的重复性和定量检测限进行考察。10组5%转基因品系大豆MON89788样品定量重复性RSD在1.17%-9.97%之间,均满足国际上转基因定量结果RSD小于25%的要求。用该方法对转基因含量为5%、1%、0.1%的大豆MON89788进行定量检测,其定量结果为5.20%、0.94%和0.11%,RSD分别为6.2%、3.6%和15.2%。该检测方法的定量限达到0.1%,能满足欧盟对转基因定量标识0.9%的要求。将本实验建立的方法用于转基因大豆的定量检测,能为规范我国转基因监管工作的实施提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
转mCry1Ac基因玉米BT799对斑马鱼的生态毒理学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因作物的饲用安全性问题一直是人们关注的焦点之一.为评估转mCry1Ac基因玉米BT799对鱼类的生态毒理效应,本研究以斑马鱼为受试动物,设置5个处理:含20%转基因玉米膨化饲料组(GMF)、含20%亲本玉米膨化饲料组(PF)、转基因玉米粉(GMM)、亲本玉米粉(PMM)以及商业饲料对照组(CF),通过98 d的喂养试验,调查斑马鱼的生长表现、组织病理、繁殖、肝脏中抗氧化酶活性及敏感蛋白mRNA的表达水平.结果表明:转mCry1Ac基因玉米对斑马鱼的各项生长指标、肝脏、脑和肠道的组织病理、产卵量、受精卵孵化率、肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,以及SOD、CAT、热激蛋白70(HSP70)和卵黄蛋白原(VTG)mRNA表达量均无显著影响.但在试验后期,饲料组(GMF和PF)和玉米粉组(GMM和PMM)斑马鱼的体重、体长和特定生长率显著低于商业饲料组;饲料组斑马鱼的孵化率显著低于玉米粉组和商业饲料组;饲料组(3.85±0.76)雄鱼肝脏中的VTG mRNA表达量显著高于玉米粉组(1.60±0.56).研究表明,转mCry1Ac基因玉米对斑马鱼没有明显生态毒理效应,但由于配制的膨化饲料与商业饲料在营养成分和适口性上的差异,可能导致个别指标与商业饲料组相比有显著差异.  相似文献   
Metastasis is a major cause for cancer-related morbidity and mortality. Metastasis is a multistep process and due to its complexity, the exact cellular and molecular processes that govern metastatic dissemination and growth are still elusive. Live imaging allows visualization of the dynamic and spatial interactions of cells and their microenvironment. Solid tumors commonly metastasize to the lungs. However, the anatomical location of the lungs poses a challenge to intravital imaging. This protocol provides a relatively simple and quick method for ex vivo live imaging of the dynamic interactions between tumor cells and their surrounding stroma within lung metastasis. Using this method, the motility of cancer cells as well as interactions between cancer cells and stromal cells in their microenvironment can be visualized in real time for several hours. By using transgenic fluorescent reporter mice, a fluorescent cell line, injectable fluorescently labeled molecules and/or antibodies, multiple components of the lung microenvironment can be visualized, such as blood vessels and immune cells. To image the different cell types, a spinning disk confocal microscope that allows long-term continuous imaging with rapid, four-color image acquisition has been used. Time-lapse movies compiled from images collected over multiple positions and focal planes show interactions between live metastatic and immune cells for at least 4 hr. This technique can be further used to test chemotherapy or targeted therapy. Moreover, this method could be adapted for the study of other lung-related pathologies that may affect the lung microenvironment.  相似文献   
Digestion in insects is a multi-step process to afford nutritional requirements of biological activities. The process starts with nervous stimuli and continues with biochemical activities of digestive enzymes as well as several pumps to digest and absorb the obtained molecules. Carbohydrases, lipases and proteases are the three main digestive enzymes involved in digestion process. Lipases seem to be very important not only for digestive role but also for esteratic activity so that some experts consider lipases as the Class 3 of general esterases. Digestive lipases divided into different groups based on their biological roles namely triacylglycerol lipases, phospholipases and two types of phosphatases. Briefly, triacylglycerol lipases (TAG-lipases) are the hydrolysing enzymes that affect the outer esteric links of triacylglycerols in ingested food. Phospholipases including PLA2 and PLA1 remove phosphatide fatty acids attached to the Position 2 and Position 1. Finally, Alkaline and acid phosphatases are the enzymes that hydrolyse phosphomonoesters under alkaline or acid conditions, respectively. In this review, presence and physiological role of digestive TAG-lipases are explained and their possible importance will be discussed in insect.  相似文献   
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