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Müller  Gabi  Ward  Paul I. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,364(2-3):183-188
An electrophoretic study of genetic variation at 11 loci was performedfor a population of European minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). Ten loci, EST-1 *, EST-2 * EST-3 *,GPD-1 *,GPD-2 *,GPI-1 *,GPI-2 *,MPI *,6PGD * and PGM * were polymorphic. IDH *wasmonomorphic. The mean number of heterozygotic loci over all 176 fish was 3.05 ± 0.104(SE). Observed mean heterozygosity was 0.28±0.058(SE) and expected mean heterozygosity was 0.27±0.054(SE). EST-2 *, EST-3 * andPGM * were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Length,condition, parasite numbers or male breeding characters, i.e. red colorationand tubercles, were not influenced by single enzyme loci.  相似文献   
The habitat occupied by a subpopulation and withinwhich there is random mating is known as itsneighborhood area. Neighborhood area is dependenton dispersal rates and organisms with low rates ofdispersal are expected to have small neighborhoodareas. In the absence of evolutionary forces,neighborhood areas under sexual reproduction will beconstant in size as long as dispersal patterns do notchange. This scenario differs when reproduction is bycyclical parthenogenesis since recombination anddispersal may occur in different generations. Ingeneral, dispersal distances increase with the numberof parthenogenetic generations. We show that cyclicalparthenogenesis increases neighborhood area which,concomitantly, decreases the potential for geneticsubdivision. It is noteworthy, however, that theincrease in neighborhood area is a decreasing functionof the number of parthenogenetic generations.This mechanism may have important implications for thepopulation structure of planktonic rotifers living ina horizontally undifferentiated habitat. In suchhabitats organisms are effectively unrestricted intheir lateral movements. Because rotifers typicallyhave low dispersal rates spatial geneticdiscontinuities may develop that divide the populationinto genetically distinct subpopulations. Counteringthis tendency is the increased neighborhood areaproduced by dispersal during the parthenogeneticphase. Thus cyclical parthenogenesis in organismslike rotifers may have important and previouslyunreported effects on the population's geneticstructure.  相似文献   
Direct and indirect effects of plant genetic variation on enemy impact   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 The Tritrophic and Enemy Impact concepts predict that natural enemy impact varies: (a) among plant genotypes and (b) may depend on the abundance of heterospecific herbivores, respectively. I tested these predictions using three herbivore species on potted, cloned genotypes of Salik sericea Marshall in a common garden experiment.
  • 2 Densities of the leaf miner (Phyllonorycter salicifoliella (Chambers)) and two leaf galling sawflies (Phyllocolpa nigrita (Marlatt) and Phyllocolpa eleanorae Smith and Fritz) varied significantly among willow clones, indicating genetic variation in resistance.
  • 3 Survival and natural enemy impact caused by egg and larval parasitoids and/or unknown predators differed significantly among willow clones for each of the three herbivore species, indicating genetic variation in survival and enemy impact.
  • 4 Survival of Phyllonorycter was negatively density-dependent among clones.
  • 5 Survival of Phyllonorycter and Phyllocolpa eleanorae were positively correlated with densities of heterospecific herbivores among clones and parasitism of these species were negatively correlated with densities of the same heterospecific herbivores among clones.
  • 6 At least for Phyllonorycter this positive correlation may suggest either facilitation of survival between herbivore species, which do not share natural enemies, or an apparent interaction caused by host plant genetic variation.
  • 7 Among clones, egg parasitism of Phyllocolpa eleanorae was weakly positively correlated with density of Phyllocolpa nigrita. Since these species share the same Trichogramma egg parasitoid, this interaction could support the hypothesis of apparent competition.
Summary A variant nontransformed clone, I21, was selected from the spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblast line, IT22. Selection was done by plating IT22 in methylcellulose and picking single cells after 2 d. Cultures derived from these single cells were selected again and one clone, I21, derived from the second round of selection was characterized extensively. I21 and IT22 have the same plating efficiency (PE) on plastic, but in agarose they differ by 1000-fold. In comparison to IT22, I21 has a normal morphological appearance, a lower saturation density, a higher viability in stationary phase, an increased doubling time, an increased chromosome content, and is unable to form tumors in nude mice. I21 has remained remarkably stable in culture and has not reverted to the transformed phenotype for at least 300 generations in culture. Over 100 clones of I21, expanded to 106 cells, failed to show an increased PE in agarose. Even expansion of the rare colonies of I21 that grow in agarose failed to produce clones similar to IT22. The research was supported by the Medical Research Council and the National Cancer Institute of Canada. R. Godbout was supported by a 1967 Science Scholarship and by an MRC Studentship. B. L. Gallie is a Research Associate of the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.  相似文献   
New gene selection techniques (Recombinant DNA) are currently available to exploit useful properties of various biological systems hitherto regarded as interesting but of little or no immediate commercial value. The application of genetic engineering techniques to problems in the Pulp and Paper Industry are many. As a first step these techniques are being used to provide much needed fundamental information on the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the expression of extra-cellular enzymes that degrade lignocellulosic pulping wastes. The information gleaned from the studies on cellulolytic fungi and bacteria can be used to genetically engineer a yeast or bacterium capable of converting pulping wastes into ethanol and other useful by-products.  相似文献   
Summary The DAUDI lymphoblast cell line derived from a patient with Burkitt lymphoma was obtained from two different sources. One of these (DAUDI-I) produced a factor that inhibited lymphocyte proliferation in both human and mouse regardless of the stimulator, i.e. allogeneic lymphocytes or mitogens. Glutaraldehyde treatment eliminated production of the factor and demonstrated that DAUDI-I was capable of stimulating normal lymphocytes in MLR. A second DAUDI cell line (DAUDI-S) did not produce the inhibitory factor and was capable of MLR stimulation. Supported by the Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan, NIH Grants AI 11013 and AI 11335, and the Kidney Foundation of Michigan.  相似文献   
Summary A new cell line, SS78, was established from a primary renal cell carcinoma of a Caucasian male. The tissue was dispersed with collagenase, and viable cells were separated by flotation on a Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. In culture, the SS78 cells retained a distinct epithelial morphology, and no fibroblastlike cells were seen. The cultured cells were aneuploid with a modal chromosome number of 80 and had several marker chromosomes. Inoculation of the cultured cells into athymic nude mice caused tumors at the sites of inoculation. This research was supported in part by Grants CA 15972 and CA 14930 from the National Cancer Institute through the National Bladder Cancer Project and by the Medical Research Service of the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   
Genetic distances (D's) between five species within each of the families Mimidae and Vireonidae were estimated from frequencies of protein electromorphs at 23 loci. For three mimid species in the genus Toxostoma, equals 0.084 (range, 0.069–0.104); and among three mimid genera, equals 0.223 (0.167–0.278). These distances typify values previously reported in other birds at comparable levels of taxonomic recognition. In sharp contrast, the mean genetic distance among five congeneric species of Vireonidae is far higher, =0.360 (0.027–0.578). One possible explanation for these results is that Vireo species are considerably older, on the average, than are species of Toxostoma or than are members of several other avian genera assayed to date. Conventional thought about the origin and relative age of the Vireonidae appears compatible with this explanation. Although genetic distances in the Vireonidae are large by avian standards, they remain modest or even small in comparison with distances between many nonavian vertebrate congeners. Results for the Mimidae and the Vireonidae are directly contrasted with genetic distances in well-known genera of Amphibia and Reptilia.This research was supported by NSF Grant DEB 7814195 and by a grant from the American Philosophical Society.  相似文献   
This article summarises the way in which mycorrhizal infection of roots affects the mineral nutrition of plants and how the symbiosis may interact with the evaluation of efficiency of nutrient uptake and use by plants. A brief account of the processes of infection and the way they are affected by host genotype and environmental conditions is given and the relationships between this and mineral nutrition (especially phosphate nutrition) are outlined.The interactions between mycorrhizal infection and P efficiency are considered at two levels. Mycorrhizas may act as general modifiers of efficiency regardless of the extent to which the plants are infected and in some mycorrhiza-dependent plants infection may change the ranking of genotypes. The extent of infection is also under genetic control and shows considerable variability between genotypes in some species. This variation could be used in programs to select varieties in which infection is rapid and nutrient uptake from nutrient deficient or low input systems is, in consequence, increased.  相似文献   
2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA 1-P) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Members of the Fabaceae exhibit a particularly wide range in the extent of CA 1-P accumulation during darkness and include Phaseolus vulgaris, whose dark/light regulation of Rubisco activity is principally achieved by synthesis/degradation of CA 1-P. An extensive survey of the degree of dark inhibition of Rubisco was undertaken for the subfamily Papilionoideae to elucidate evolutionary patterns in the occurrence of this regulatory mechanism. Seventy-five species from 21 tribes were examined. Dark inhibition of Rubisco was found in ancestral tribes such as the Sophoreae, but was substantially reduced or absent in representative species of three more recently evolved tribes, Cicereae, Hedysareae and Vicieae. We conclude that regulation of Rubisco by CA 1-P is neither of recent origin nor of restricted distribution among the Papilionoideae. On the contrary, it becomes lost or less pronounced only in a minority of the more evolutionarily advanced species in this important subfamily.  相似文献   
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