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The distribution of virus-infected cells was examined, by fluorescence microscopy, within plants of a range of potato clones infected with potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV). This range included nine PLRV-resistant clones, of which four were transgenic lines carrying the PLRV coat protein gene and five were conventionally bred. Plants of these clones were resistant to PLRV multiplication and accumulated less virus antigen in leaf tissue than did susceptible clones. Indirect fluorescent antibody staining of thin sections from carbodiimide-fixed petiole tissue revealed that in plants of PLRV-susceptible clones, virus-infected cells were abundant within both external (abaxial) and internal (adaxial) phloem bundles. In plants of the PLRV-resistant conventionally bred clones and in resistant transgenic lines of cv. Pentland Squire, virus-infected cells were much fewer in number and largely restricted to internal phloem bundles. In resistant transgenic lines of cv. Désirée, this restricted distribution of PLRV antigen was only detected in petioles of young leaves. The results suggest that the transgenic and a host-mediated type of resistance that restricts virtis multiplication have underlying similarities.  相似文献   
Genetic variation for seedling and adult fitness components was measured under natural conditions to determine the relative importance of the seedling stage for lifetime fitness in Erigeron annuus. Variation in lifetime reproductive success can result from both the persistent effects of genetic variation expressed among seedlings and from variation in adult fitness components. Analysis of covariance was used to separate the stage specific from the cumulative effects of genetic variance expressed earlier in the life cycle. E. annuus produces seeds through apomixis, which allowed measurement of the fitness of replicate genotypes from germination through the entire life cycle. There were significant differences among genotypes for date of emergence, seedling size, survivorship and fecundity, but heritabilities were low, indicating slow response to selection. For all characters, environmental components of variance were one to two orders of magnitude larger than genetic variance components, resulting in broad sense heritabilities less than 0.1. For seedling size and fecundity, all of the genetic variance was in the form of genotype-environment interactions, often with large negative genetic correlations across environments. In contrast, genotypes differed in mean survivorship through one year, but there were no genotype-environment interactions for viability. Genetic differences in viability were primarily expressed as differences in overwinter survivorship. Genotype × environment interactions among sites and blocks were generated early in the life cycle while the genotype × environment interactions in response to competitive environment (open, annual cover, perennial cover) first appeared in adult fecundity. Genetic variation in lifetime fitness was not significant, despite a fourfold difference in mean fitness among genotypes.  相似文献   
We present heritability estimates for final size of body traits and egg size as well as phenotypic and genetic correlations between body and egg traits in a recently established population of the barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) in the Baltic area. Body traits as well as egg size were heritable and, hence, could respond evolutionarily to phenotypic selection. Genetic correlations between body size traits were significantly positive and of similar magnitude or higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlations. Heritability estimates for tarsus length obtained from full-sib analyses were higher than those obtained from midoffspring-midparent regressions, and this indicates common environment effects on siblings. Heritabilities for tarsus length obtained from midoffspring-mother regressions were significantly higher than estimates from midoffspring-father regressions. The results suggest that this discrepancy is not caused by maternal effects through egg size, nor by extra-pair fertilizations, but by a socially inherited foraging site fidelity in females.  相似文献   
The safest and most economical and convenient way of preserving the genetic resources of the majority of crop plants is by long-term seed storage. The technology is well developed, but recent research resulting from a greater understanding of behaviour at very low water potentials is leading to further improvements  相似文献   
Life-history traits such as longevity and fecundity often show low heritability. This is usually interpreted in terms of Fisher's fundamental theorem to mean that populations are near evolutionary equilibrium and genetic variance in total fitness is low. We develop the causal relationship between metric traits and life-history traits to show that a life-history trait is expected to have a low heritability whether or not the population is at equilibrium. This is because it is subject to all the environmental variation in the metric traits that affect it plus additional environmental variation. There is no simple prediction regarding levels of additive genetic variance in life-history traits, which may be high at equilibrium. Several other patterns in the inheritance of life-history traits are readily predicted from the causal model. These include the strength of genetic correlations between life-history traits, levels of nonadditive genetic variance, and the inevitability of genotype-environment interaction.  相似文献   
Captive breeding plays an increasingly important role in species conservation, but special problems are encountered in achieving the ideal of a demographically stable but genetically diverse population. Breeding programmes involving co-operation among a number of centres are now being developed which will overcome some of these difficulties by identifying individual animals, genetic lineages or age cohorts from which to breed. Application of techniques such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and semen collection and storage, as well as the monitoring of reproductive status will contribute to the success of such programmes. The usefulness of these procedures for various population problems is discussed and criteria for their appropriate implementation within breeding programmes is outlined.  相似文献   
Resistance conferred by the Tsw locus from Capsicum chinense against Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been widely used in breeding programmes. Nevertheless, this resistance depends on inoculation conditions, and isolates able to overcome it have already been detected. In this work 29 accessions of several Capsicum species have been mechanically inoculated with TSWV to identify new sources of resistance. Five accessions showed variable percentages of resistant plants, two of which did not show local lesions on inoculated leaves, suggesting that the response was not mediated through hypersensitivity. Two of these accessions also had a remarkable reduced viral accumulation compared to susceptible control. ECU‐973., a C. chinense accession, showed the best performance against TSWV, with 100% resistant plants. This response was confirmed after mechanical inoculation with three different TSWV isolates. The resistance was maintained when the accession was inoculated with TSWV using a high pressure of viruliferous thrips. These results open new possibilities in the development of a durable resistance to TSWV in pepper.  相似文献   
Wolbachia are strictly endocellular, vertically transmitted bacteria associated with insects and crustaceans. This group of parasites modify their hosts' reproduction so as to increase their own fitness. This paper reviews the variability of these parasitic alterations and their consequences for host biology and populations. Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (a characteristic apparently specific to Wolbachia) in several insects and one isopod crustacean; parthenogenesis (thelytoky) in haplo-diploid insects; feminization in various isopods. The consequences of these phenomena on speciation, population dynamics and genetic polymorphism are discussed. The variability of the mechanisms of host sex determination is one important factor responsible for the diversity of Wolbachia-host interactions. However, parasite characteristics, such as the capacity to disturb host mitosis, and the ability to be horizontally transferred between hosts, also appear to play a role in this diversity.  相似文献   
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