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An epi-illuminated microscope configuration for use in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in bulk solutions has been analyzed. For determining the effective sample dimensions the spatial distribution of the molecule detection efficiency has been computed and conditions for achieving quasi-cylindrical sample shape have been derived. Model experiments on translational diffusion of rhodamine 6G have been carried out using strong focusing of the laser beam, small pinhole size and an avalanche photodiode in single photon counting mode as the detector. A considerable decrease in background light intensity and measurement time has been observed. The background light is 40 times weaker than the fluorescence signal from one molecule of Rh6G, and the correlation function with signal-to-noise ratio of 150 can be collected in 1 second. The effect of the shape of the sample volume on the autocorrelation function has been discussed. Correspondence to: R. Rigler  相似文献   
大别山北坡落叶阔叶林种间相关的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用联结系数AC,点相关系数PCC,x~2检验和pearson相关系数r公式测定了大别山北坡落叶阔叶林的种间关系,依据种间联结程度将乔木层划分出3个生态种组,即栓皮栎──枫香种组,化香──短柄抱种组和锐齿栎──灯台树种组。  相似文献   
The populations of Gelidium canariensis (Grunow) Seoane-Camba from the Canary Islands were analyzed for genetic variability by isozyme electrophoresis in 1989 and 1990. Each population was divided into sporophytic and gametophytic subpopulations. Twenty-three to 27 putative alleles corresponding to 22 gene loci were analyzed. Sev-enteen loci were monomorphic in all six subpopulations, and five were polymorphic in at least one subpopulation. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found. The amount of genetic variability (percentage of polymorphic loci, mean number of alleles per locus, and average gene diversity) of haploid subpopulations was lower than that of diploid subpopulations. No correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance was found. Low genetic differentiation between sporophytic and gametophytic subpopulations of the same locality was obsewed in two populations. The low genetic diversity and genetic differentiation suggest that the genetic structure of the populations of G. canariensis from the Canary Islands is due to a combination of founder effects and the predominance of asexual reproduction. Initial differences in gene frequencies may have persisted because of insufficient time to reach a higher level of differentiation.  相似文献   
The extent of host-specific genetic variation for two life-history traits, egg to adult developmental time and viability, and one morphological trait closely tied to fitness, adult thorax size, was exposed by employing a nested half-sib/full-sib breeding design with Baja and mainland populations of Drosophila mojavensis recently extracted from nature. This study was motivated by the presence of substantial variation in life histories among populations of D. mojavensis that use the fermenting tissues of particular species of columnar cacti for feeding and breeding in the Sonoran Desert. Full-sib progeny from all sire-dam crosses were split into cultures of agria cactus, Stenocereus gummosus, and organ pipe cactus, S. thurberi, to examine patterns of genotype-by-environment interaction for these fitness components. Baja flies expressed shorter egg-to-adult developmental times, higher viabilities, and smaller body sizes than mainland flies consistent with previous studies. Significant sire and dam components of variance were exposed for developmental time and thorax size. Genotype-by-environment interactions were significant at the level of dams for developmental time and nearly significant for viability (P = 0.09). Narrow- and broad-sense heritabilities were influenced by host cactus, sex, and population. No strong pattern of genetic correlation emerged among fitness components suggesting that host-range expansion has not been accompanied by formation of coadapted life histories, yet the ability to estimate genetic correlations and their standard errors was compromised by the unbalanced nature of the data set. Genetic correlations in performance across cacti were slightly positive, evidence for ecological generalism among populations explaining the observed pattern of multiple host cactus use within the species range of D. mojavensis.  相似文献   
In mixed-mating plant populations, one can estimate the relative fitness of selfed progeny w by measuring the inbreeding coefficient F and selfing rate s of adults of one generation, together with F of adults in the following generation (after selection). In the first application of this multigenerational method, we estimated F and s for adults over three consecutive generations in adjacent populations of two annual Mimulus taxa: the outbreeding M. guttatus and the inbreeding M. platycalyx. This gave estimates of w for the last two generations. Although average multilocus selfing rates were high in both taxa (0.63 in M. guttatus; 0.84 in M. platycalyx), the relative fitness of selfed progeny averaged only 0.19 in M. guttatus and 0.32 in M. platycalyx. An alternative estimator for w that incorporates biparental inbreeding gave even lower estimates of w. These values are significantly below the 0.5 threshold thought to favor selfing, and show that partially selfing populations can harbor substantial genetic load. In accordance with the purging hypothesis, the more highly selfing M. platycalyx showed marginally lower inbreeding depression than M. guttatus in both years (P = 0.08). Inbreeding depression and selfing rates also varied among years in concert among taxa. Several sources of bias are discussed, but computer simulations indicate it is unlikely that w is biased downwards by linkage of marker loci to load loci.  相似文献   
Long-term ecological data were used to evaluate the relative importance of movements, breeding structure, and reproductive ecological factors to the degree of spatial and age-specific variation in genetic characteristics of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) on the E. S. George Reserve in southeastern Michigan. Estimates of the degree of spatial genetic structuring were based on the proportion of total genotypic variance partitioned within and between subpopulations (inferred from hierarchical F-statistics based on variation at 18 protein loci), and in terms of gene correlations (co-ancestry among individuals derived from reproductive data on full-sib families of females nesting at specific nesting areas). Little variation in allele frequency was observed among turtles from different marshes (Fmt = 0.003), though significant variation was observed among turtles from different nesting areas associated with each marsh (Fnm = 0.046). Gene correlations among individuals within nesting areas varied greatly over years (0.032-0.171; mean = 0.069) and were negatively correlated to the proportion of females that successfully nested during each year. General concordance between independent estimates of genotypic correlations (i.e., Fnm derived from protein electrophoretic variation vs. mean co-ancestry) suggests that allozyme data, when collected over spatial scales consistent with species behavioral characteristics and reproductive ecology, may accurately reflect the apportionment of gene diversity within and among subpopulations. The magnitude and patterning of allelic variation among nesting areas and individuals appears to be primarily a function of gametic correlations among members of full-sib families, irrespective of the degree of gene flow or female nesting-site fidelity. Comparisons of genetic characteristics among 11 cohorts (1974-1984) revealed that heterozygosity (H) and inbreeding coefficients (F) varied greatly. Cohort estimates of H and F were correlated to female nesting success and to estimates of co-ancestry for the same years. Results clearly reflect the concomitant importance of ecological factors (principally the proportion of the female population that successfully produce offspring during each year) in determining the magnitude and patterning of gene correlations within and among groups, and to the genotypic composition of offspring born during each year.  相似文献   
John Locke 《Genetica》1993,92(1):33-41
Position effect variegation in Drosophila melanogaster is associated with the inability of certain genes to be correctly expressed in a proportion of cells, giving a mosaic phenotype. The lack of expression is thought to be due to alterations in the gene's chromatin structure due to its proximity to a region of heterochromatin. Because of the difficulties involved, there is little biochemical data to support the intuitively appealing model of heterochromatin spreading used to explain this phenomenon.Differences in restriction fragment length were used to distinguish DNA regions from either normal (non-position affected) or rearranged (position affected) chromosomes so as to examine possible changes in gene copy number and the effects of endogenous nucleases. DNA sequences at the breakpoint of In (1)w m4, which variegates for the white gene, were assayed under conditions where the chromatin conformation was altered using second site modifier mutations (Su(var) or En(var)). No change in the DNA sequerice copy number was observed at either chromosome breakpoint, relative to wild type, when either suppressor or enhancer mutations were present. Therefore copy number change, through differential polyploidization or somatic gene loss, is not affected by Su(var) or En(var) induced changes in the chromatin conformation.Initial experiments showed a gross difference in the sensitivity of DNA to endogenous nucleases that appeared associated with Su(var) and En(var) mutations. En(var) mutation bearing samples appeared delayed in the digestion, relative to Su(var). This differential sensitivity seemed to be genome-wide as there was no detectable difference between either breakpoint of In(1)w m4 or the sequences on the homologous w - chromosome. However, after isogenizing the genetic background, the previously noted difference between the Su(var) and En(var) mutations was eliminated. In studies dealing with nuclease digestion of chromatin, the isogenization of genetic background is essential before meaningful comparisons can be made.  相似文献   
The genetic relationship between vegetative growth at low temperatures and productivity was investigated for strawberries grown in controlled and field environments. Genotypes from 20 biparental crosses were grown in controlled environments with 11°, 14°, and 17 °C days, 11 °C nights, and 11-h daylength to simulate a range of winter growing conditions expected in mediterranean environments. Individual plants were scored for two initial runner traits and eight vegetative growth traits. Significant main effects of temperature and cross were detected for all growth chamber traits, and conservative estimates of the broad sense heritability (h2) for these traits were 0.10–0.28. None of the temperature x cross interaction effects were significant, suggesting that genetic potential for vegetative growth and vigor is expressed similarly at low and optimal growing temperatures. Highly significant genetic correlations were detected between many growth chamber trait pairs, indicating pleiotropic effects for the genes that condition these traits. Complementary field trials were established, and individual plants were scored for traits that describe yield, production pattern, and plant size. Significant negative genetic correlations were detected between traits that describe growth in the chambers and early production in the field trials, but genetic correlations between chamber growth traits and mid-season or total production were significantly positive and occasionally large. Several of the yield and field growth variables were genetically correlated to initial runner plant traits, suggesting that indirect selection using traits scored in the nursery can be used to improve yield and modify production pattern in the field.  相似文献   
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to generate molecular markers to trace the origin of the fodder legume tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus (L. fil.) Link ssp. palmensis (H. Christ) Kunkel) in the Canary Islands. Results from multivariate analyses of data through Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DECORANA) showed that genotypes collected on the island of La Palma exhibited a wider range of variation than those from the other islands. This supports the existing hypothesis that tagasaste originated on La Palma and emphasizes the importance of conserving and evaluating germ plasm from this island.  相似文献   
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