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Starch gel electrophoresis of proteins was used to study geographic variation at 26 gene loci in the Red River pupfish ( Cyprinodon rubrofluviatílís ), a species restricted to west Texas and Oklahoma. Marked differences were detected between populations in the Red and Brazos river drainages, with fixed or nearly fixed differences occurring at five gene loci. In addition, mean heterozygosity was uniformly high for the Red River form ( = 0·076–0·101) while samples of the Brazos River form were genetically depauperate ( =0·00–0·017). Introduced populations in the South Canadian and Colorado river drainages appear to have been derived from the Red River drainage. The presence of alleles diagnostic of the Red and Brazos river forms supports the suggestion from previous work that they may represent cryptic species. Regardless of taxonomy, however, the presence of two genetically distinct forms must be taken into consideration by those concerned with maintenance of biotic diversity.  相似文献   
Components of genetic variation for postweaning growth traits were estimated for both control and growth stocks of mice. The effect of phenotypic selection for gain, which genetically combines selection for additive direct and maternal effects, on additive genetic variance components, heritability, and additive genetic correlationsis discussed. Quantitative genetic theory predicts that simultaneous selection for two metric traits in the same direction will cause the genetic correlation between the two traits to become more negative. The results presented in this paper conflict with this theory. The direct-maternal additive genetic correlation was more negative in the control line (with 356 mice) than in the growth-selected line (with 320 mice) for the three traits analyzed (0.310 vs 0.999 for 21-day weight, 0.316 vs 1.000 for 42-day weight, and 0.506 vs 1.000 for gain from 21–42 days). Estimates were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) computed under a derivative free algorithm (DFREML).  相似文献   
Neutron-induced γ-ray emission tomography for quantitative determination of the concentration and distribution of elements in a selected plane through a biological specimen is briefly explained and applied by way of illustration to the analysis of gallstones. A system capable of carrying out studies of the binding site of75Se in different matrices using time differential perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy is also briefly described. Developments in the detector technology of positron emission tomography have allowed small-diameter imaging devices to be built for in vivo preclinical evaluation of new tracers in small animals and are discussed in the context of a proposed experiment combining the techniques mentioned above.  相似文献   
The in vitro conservation of potato using tissue culture medium supplemented with the growth retardant mannitol causes morphological changes in the propagated material. These culture conditions seem to have an affect on the DNA extracted from the regenerated plants, when it is digested by the methylation sensitive restriction enzymes Hpa II/Msp I and Eco RII/Bst NI, compared to the control material. In most of these plants, there appears to be preferential methylation of nuclear domains that contain Eco RII/Bst NI recognition sites in contrast to those that contain Hpa II/Msp I sites. The refractory nature of the isolated DNA to these restriction enzymes was attributed to hypermethylation of genomic DNA and the ribosomal RNA genes. These findings indicate that methylation of DNA sequences may be an adaptive response to conditions of high osmotic stress. The importance of these results for the conservation of potato germplasm and international exchange is discussed.  相似文献   
We conducted DNA fingerprinting analyses to ascertain the mating system and population genetic structure of the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, which occupies a fragmented range on the Mauna Kea volcano of the island of Hawai'i. DNA fingerprinting of twelve complete families from the Pu'u La'au population revealed no evidence of extrapair fertilization or intraspecific brood parasitism. Band-sharing coefficients from fingerprints produced with two probes revealed that the large Pu'u La'au population on the southwest slope of Mauna Kea, and a smaller, geographically separate population on the east slope (at Kanakaleonui) had relatively high and virtually identical levels of minisatellite variability (mean S of 0.27 for each population based on combined data of M13 and Jeffreys 33.15 probes). The two populations also had nearly identical allele frequencies based on their mean corrected similarity, Sij, of 0.98. These data suggest that the two populations have not been fragmented long and/or have sufficient current gene flow to ameliorate any affects of genetic drift. We conclude that present levels of inbreeding are low within both populations, and that proposed translocations of individuals from Pu'u La'au to Kanakaleonui appear appropriate from a genetic standpoint.  相似文献   
Forces affecting the rate of spread and increase of hybrids between genetically modified crop plants and their related species remain qualitatively similar, irrespective of whether genetic modification was achieved using traditional methods, those of biotechnology or as a result of the natural evolutionary process. However, the precise magnitude of the forces and, consequently, the likely environmental impact of such hybrids, may depend strongly on the nature of the gene or genes introduced into the native species. While many classes of transgenes are similar to those manipulated by conventional breeding techniques or evolution, biotechnology offers the potential to introduce genes into crops which are novel both from the point of view of function and origin. The qualitative similarity between transgenes and the products of conventional or evolutionary modification suggests that a historical view of the environmental impact of hybrids between traditionally produced crops or exotic species and their relatives would be of use in estimating the probable fate of hybrids containing transgenes in the environment. However, with certain classes of transgenes for which there are no existing analogues, there will need to be greater care in assessing the possible risks associated with release into the environment.  相似文献   
The activities of 1,2-dibromopropane (DBP) and 1,1,3-tribromopropane (TBP) were studied in seven genotoxicity assays, (i) SOS-induction inE. coli, (ii) DNA repair in primary rat hepatocyte culture, (iii) theSalmonella/microsome assay, (iv) a host-mediated assay usingSalmonella, (v) the somatic mutation and recombination assay inDrosophila melanogaster, (vi) HGPRT-mutagenesis assay in ARL 18 cells, and (vii) micronucleus formation assay in mouse polychromatophylic erythrocytes (PCE), forestomach (FS), glandular stomach (GS), duodenum (D), jejunum (J), cecum (C) and liver (L). The halopropanes were also tested for tumor formation in the fishDanio rerio. DBP was active in assays (ii), (v), (vii FS) and (vii L). TBP was positive in assays (ii) and (iii), strongly positive in (vii L) and borderline positive in (iv). However, neither DBP nor TBP induced tumors in fish, in contrast to the carcinogenic 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane. The genotoxicity and potential carcinogenicity of DBP and TBP in mammals is discussed.Abbreviations 2-AA 2-aminoanthracene - DBCP 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane - DBP 1,2-dibromopropane - HGPRT hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase - i.p. intraperitoneal(ly) - NQO 4-nitro-quinoline-1-oxide - PCE polychromatic erythrocytes - TBP 1,1,3-tribromopropane - WME Williams' medium E  相似文献   
We have developed theoretical models for analysis of X-ray diffuse scattering from protein crystals. A series of models are proposed to be used for experimental data with different degrees of precision. First, we propose the normal mode model, where conformational dynamics of a protein is assumed to occur mostly in a limited conformational subspace spanned by a small number of low-frequency normal modes in the protein. When high precision data are available, variances and covariances of the normal mode variables can be determined from experimental data using this model. For experimental data with lower degrees of precision, we introduce a series of simpler models. These models express the covariance matrix using relatively simple empirical correlation functions by assuming the correlation between a pair of atoms to be isotropic. As an application of these simpler models, we calculate diffuse-scattering patterns from a human lysozyme crystal to examine how each adjustable parameter in the models affects general features of the resulting patterns. The results of the calculation are summarized as follows. (1) The higher order scattering makes a significant contribution at high resolutions. (2) The resulting simulated patterns are sensitive to changes in correlation lengths of about 1 Å, as well as to changes of the functional form of the correlation function. (3) But only the “average” value of the intra- and intermolecular correlation lengths seems to determine the gross features of the pattern. (4) The effect of the atom-dependent amplitude of fluctuations is difficult to observe. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
I examine the branch of evolutionary epistemology which tries to account for the character of cognitive mechanisms in animals and humans by extending the biological theory of evolution to the neurophysiological substrates of cognition. Like Plotkin, I construe this branch as a struggling science, and attempt to characterize the sort of theory one might expect to find this truly interdisciplinary endeavor, an endeavor which encompasses not only evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and developmental neuroscience, but also and especially, the computational modeling of artificial life programming; I suggest that extending Schaffner's notion of interlevel theories to include both horizontal and vertical levels of abstraction best fits the theories currently being developed in cognitive science. Finally, I support this claim with examples drawn from computational modeling data using the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   
Hen-egg white lysozyme was used for studying the influence of temperature on crystallization. The reaction was initiated at variable temperatures, covering the range between 5–50 °C, and was monitored with photon correlation spectroscopy. When aggregation was induced by addition of NaCl, the clusters formed exhibited diffusion limited aggregation behavior and crystals appeared in less than two days. In contrast, (NH4)2SO4 induced aggregation took place mostly in the cross-over regime. In this case, solutions either remained transparent and void of crystals or formed gels within a few weeks. In both cases the kinetics could be dynamically scaled into master curves indicating that the precrystallization formed aggregates are fractals resulting from different collision processes.  相似文献   
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