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An -tocopherol-binding protein has been isolated and purified from rabbit heart cytosol. The purified protein had an apparent molecular mass of 14,200, as derived from SDS-PAGE. The content of the protein in rabbit heart was around 11.8 g per g of tissue. The binding of -tocopherol to the purified protein was rapid, reversible, and saturable. Neither nor tocopherol could displace the bound -tocopherol from the protein, suggesting a high specificity for -tocopherol. -Tocopherol-binding protein did not bind oleate. Transfer of -tocopherol from liposomes to mitochodria was stimulated 8-fold in the presence of the binding protein, suggesting that this protein may be involved in the intracellular transport of -tocopherol in the heart.  相似文献   
The extracellular protein EP2 was previously identified as non-specific lipid transfer protein based on its cDNA-derived amino acid sequence. Here, the purification of the EP2 protein from the medium of somatic embryo cultures is described. After two cycles of ion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography, a single silver-stained protein band with an apparent molecular mass of 10 kDa was observed on SDS-PAGE. This protein band was recognized by the antiserum raised against a EP2--galactosidase fusion-protein. Employing a fluorescent phospholipid analog, it was shown that the purified EP2 protein is capable of binding phospholipids and is able to enhance their transfer between artificial membranes. Employing a gel permeation assay, it could be demonstrated that the EP2 protein is also capable of binding palmitic and oleic acid as well as oleyl-CoA. Because in plants these fatty acids are used as precursor molecules for cutin, these results are in support of the proposed role of the EP2 protein to transport cutin monomers from their site of synthesis through the cell wall of epidermal cells to sites of cutin polymerization.  相似文献   
Biochemical studies on anaerobic phenylme-thylether cleavage by homoacetogenic bacteria have been hampered so far by the complexity of the reaction chain involving methyl transfer to acetyl-CoA synthase and subsequent methyl group carbonylation to acetyl-CoA. Strain TMBS 4 differs from other demethylating homoacetogenic bacteria in using sulfide as a methyl acceptor, thereby forming methanethiol and dimethylsulfide. Growing and resting cells of strain TMBS 4 used alternatitively CO2 as a precursor of the methyl acceptor CO for homoacetogenic acetate formation. Demethylation was inhibited by propyl iodide and reactivated by light, indicating involvement of a corrinoid-dependent methyltransferase. Strain TMBS 4 contained ca. 750 nmol g dry mass-1 of a corrinoid tentatively identified as 5-hydroxybenzimidazolyl cobamide. A photometric assay for measuring the demethylation activity in cell extracts was developed based on the formation of a yellow complex of Ti3+ with 5-hydroxyvanillate produced from syringate by demethylation. In cell extracts, the methyltransfer reaction from methoxylated aromatic compounds to sulfide or methanethiol depended on reductive activation by Ti3+. ATP and Mg2+ together greatly stimulated this reductive activation without being necessary for the demethylation reaction itself. The specific activity of the transmethylating enzyme system increased proportionally with protein concentration up to 3 mg ml-1 reaching a constant level of 20 nmol min-1 mg-1 at protein concentrations 10 mg ml-1. The specific rate of activation increased in a non-linear manner with protein concentration. Strain TMBS 4 degraded gallate, the product of sequential demethylations, to 3 acetate through the phloroglucinol pathway as found earlier with Pelobacter acidigallici.Abbreviations BV benzyl viologen - CTAB cetyltrimethylammonium bromide - H4folate tetrahydrofolate - MOPS 3-[N-morpholino]propanesulfonic acid - MV methyl viologen - NTA nitrilotriacetate - td doubling time - TMB 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate  相似文献   
It is a well-known phenomenon that cultured mammalian cells that have been pricked in the presence of foreign DNA can be transformed. This micromanipulation ‘pricking’ technique was applied to mouse blastocysts to determine whether uptake of exogenous DNA would occur in the embryos. The middle region of the inner cell mass (ICM) was pricked three times in each blastocyst in a medium containing a linearized plasmid DNA. When the 60 treated blastocysts were transferred to the uterine horns of pseudopregnant females, 30 developing fetuses (50%) at the mid-gestation stage were obtained. Twenty-two of the 30 fetuses (73%) had less than 1 copy of the foreign DNA per diploid cell, as revealed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-Southern analysis, a sensitive technique combined with Southern blot processing of the PCR products. The 8 other fetuses were negative for the foreign DNA. When blastocysts were pricked in the presence of vector DNA coupling E. coli β-galactosidase (β-gal) gene to a mouse metallothionein-I (MT-I) promoter and assessed for β-gal activity histochemically after 1 and 5 days of culture in the presence of 1 μM CdCI2, at least 65% of the embryos exhibited β-gal activity mainly in the ICM region. These results indicate that mouse blastocysts can be transfected with a relatively high efficiency after pricking, and that the introduced gene expression occurs. This approach provides a means of mapping the regulatory elements of genes that are active in the mouse blastocyst ICM, and may be useful in investigating the fate of the ICM cells in an intact blastocyst by labeling them via pricking technique. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Immunosurgery is a useful technique for the isolation of inner cell masses from murine blastocysts. Conventionally, rabbit antisera made ad hoc against murine splenic or fetal cells or fibroblasts have been used as antibody sources. We investigated the feasibility of using commercially available rabbit antiserum to murine erythrocytes (anti-RBC) and compared it with rabbit antiserum generated ad hoc to murine L-cells (anti-L-cell). Our results indicate that anti-RBC is at least as effective as anti-L-cell serum for the immunosurgical isolation of inner cell masses, which became either miniblastocysts (later forming outgrowths) or embryoid bodies (undergoing ectoderm-endodermlike differentiation within 48 h). Because anti-RBC is commercially available, the technical modification described herein increases the accessibility of the immunosurgical protocol for the isolation of murine inner cell masses.  相似文献   
Group-hunting is ubiquitous across animal taxa and has received considerable attention in the context of its functions. By contrast much less is known about the mechanisms by which grouping predators hunt their prey. This is primarily due to a lack of experimental manipulation alongside logistical difficulties quantifying the behaviour of multiple predators at high spatiotemporal resolution as they search, select, and capture wild prey. However, the use of new remote-sensing technologies and a broadening of the focal taxa beyond apex predators provides researchers with a great opportunity to discern accurately how multiple predators hunt together and not just whether doing so provides hunters with a per capita benefit. We incorporate many ideas from collective behaviour and locomotion throughout this review to make testable predictions for future researchers and pay particular attention to the role that computer simulation can play in a feedback loop with empirical data collection. Our review of the literature showed that the breadth of predator:prey size ratios among the taxa that can be considered to hunt as a group is very large (<100 to >102). We therefore synthesised the literature with respect to these predator:prey ratios and found that they promoted different hunting mechanisms. Additionally, these different hunting mechanisms are also related to particular stages of the hunt (search, selection, capture) and thus we structure our review in accordance with these two factors (stage of the hunt and predator:prey size ratio). We identify several novel group-hunting mechanisms which are largely untested, particularly under field conditions, and we also highlight a range of potential study organisms that are amenable to experimental testing of these mechanisms in connection with tracking technology. We believe that a combination of new hypotheses, study systems and methodological approaches should help push the field of group-hunting in new directions.  相似文献   
The end-Triassic biodiversity crisis was one of the most severe mass extinctions in the history of animal life. However, the extent to which the loss of taxonomic diversity was coupled with a reduction in organismal abundance remains to be quantified. Further, the temporal relationship between organismal abundance and local marine redox conditions is lacking in carbonate sections. To address these questions, we measured skeletal grain abundance in shallow-marine limestones by point counting 293 thin sections from four stratigraphic sections across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in the Lombardy Basin and Apennine Platform of western Tethys. Skeletal abundance decreased abruptly across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in all stratigraphic sections. The abundance of skeletal organisms remained low throughout the lower-middle Hettangian strata and began to rebound during the late Hettangian and early Sinemurian. A two-way ANOVA indicates that sample age (p < .01, η2 = 0.30) explains more of the variation in skeletal abundance than the depositional environment or paleobathymetry (p < .01, η2 = 0.15). Measured I/Ca ratios, a proxy for local shallow-marine redox conditions, show this same pattern with the lowest I/Ca ratios occurring in the early Hettangian. The close correspondence between oceanic water column oxygen levels and skeletal abundance indicates a connection between redox conditions and benthic organismal abundance across the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. These findings indicate that the end-Triassic mass extinction reduced not only the biodiversity but also the carrying capacity for skeletal organisms in early Hettangian ecosystems, adding to evidence that mass extinction of species generally leads to mass rarity among survivors.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial function declines with age, and many pathological processes in neurodegenerative diseases stem from this dysfunction when mitochondria fail to produce the necessary energy required. Photobiomodulation (PBM), long-wavelength light therapy, has been shown to rescue mitochondrial function in animal models and improve human health, but clinical uptake is limited due to uncertainty around efficacy and the mechanisms responsible. Using 31P magnetisation transfer magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MT-MRS) we quantify, for the first time, the effects of 670 nm PBM treatment on healthy ageing human brains. We find a significant increase in the rate of ATP synthase flux in the brain after PBM in a cohort of older adults. Our study provides initial evidence of PBM therapeutic efficacy for improving mitochondrial function and restoring ATP flux with age, but recognises that wider studies are now required to confirm any resultant cognitive benefits.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that Avian Leukemia Viruses (ALV) carrying the v-myc gene specifically induce two types of tumors, cardiomyocytic tumors when the virus is injected before embryonic day 3 (E3), skin tumors when the virus is injected at E3 or E5.

Aiming to elucidate the mechanisms which determine this time-dependent change in target, we infected chick and quail embryos at E3 and E5 with replication-deficient, lacZ gene-carrying, ALV-based viruses produced by a packaging cell line. Three constructs driven by 3 different Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs) were tested and yielded similar results. When the constructs were inoculated at E3 and the lacZ gene product revealed 5 days later, around 70% of the embryos carried lacZ+ clones in the heart, around 50% had positive clones in the skin anywhere on the body, while a few embryos displayed clones in internal organs (liver, stomach, lungs). Immunocytological identification of the heart cell type(s) expressing the virus revealed that the only cells infected were cardiomyocytes. When the constructs were inoculated at E5, no lacZ+ clones appeared in the heart but all were located in the cephalic skin. In order to examine the relationship between viral integration and expression, DNA of different organs or tissues from lacZ stained embryos was analyzed by PCR. A tight correlation between integration and expression in the heart and in the skin was revealed in most cases. In contrast, a significant PCR signal was often detected in the liver or the stomach despite weak or absent expression as revealed by lacZ+ clones.

We then investigated the influence of envelope glycoprotein subgroups on the tropism of these constructs. The lacZ vector driven by RAV-2 LTRs was packaged as subgroups A, B or E viral particles. The A subgroup, used in the part of the study described above, infects both chick and quail while the B and E subgroups are specific for chick or quail respectively. These B and E subgroups induced lacZ+ clones in the heart (after E3 injection) while no clones or only a few were detected in the skin either after E3 or E5 injection. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1) cardiomyocytes are at E3 the major target for integration and expression of ALV-derived viruses in vivo; 2) targets change rapidly with embryonic age; and 3) tissue-specific infections depend on the envelope subgroup, thus presumably on the presence of the cognate receptor. This study clearly indicates that E3 inoculation of ALV-based retroviral vectors is a simple and powerful method to transfer gene sequences into cardiomyocytes and epidermal cells.  相似文献   
A new method based on protein fragmentation and directly coupled microbore high-performance liquid chromatography-fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HPLC-FABMS) is described for determining the rates at which peptide amide hydrogens in proteins undergo isotopic exchange. Horse heart cytochrome c was incubated in D2O as a function of time and temperature to effect isotopic exchange, transferred into slow exchange conditions (pH 2-3, 0 degrees C), and fragmented with pepsin. The number of peptide amide deuterons present in the proteolytic peptides was deduced from their molecular weights, which were determined following analysis of the digest by HPLC-FABMS. The present results demonstrate that the exchange rates of amide hydrogens in cytochrome c range from very rapid (k > 140 h-1) to very slow (k < 0.002 h-1). The deuterium content of specific segments of the protein was determined as a function of incubation temperature and used to indicate participation of these segments in conformational changes associated with heating of cytochrome c. For the present HPLC-FABMS system, approximately 5 nmol of protein were used for each determination. Results of this investigation indicate that the combination of protein fragmentation and HPLC-FABMS is relatively free of constraints associated with other analytical methods used for this purpose and may be a general method for determining hydrogen exchange rates in specific segments of proteins.  相似文献   
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