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In four field and glasshouse experiments designed to alter the supply of resources through manipulation of nutrients, root tissue, leaf area and fruit number in Alliaria petiolata (Brassicaceae), more than 99% of ovules per plant showed signs of fertilization, suggesting that seed production in this plant was not pollen limited. However, in all treatments a significant proportion of fruits and seeds did not develop to maturity. Total fruit and seed production did not differ significantly from controls when plants were given nutrient supplements at flowering. Removal of 50–75% of the root tissue in 1-yr-old plants significantly reduced fruit set, but had no effect on individual seed development. Removal of cauline leaves significantly reduced most measures of fruit and seed production, suggesting that current photosynthate is critical for fruit and seed filling. Seed maturation was significantly affected by both fruit position within an infructescence and ovule position within a fruit. Basally located fruits and ovules (within fruits) developed more mature seeds than distally positioned fruits and ovules. Plants responded to removal of basal fruits by re-allocating resources to distal fruits that would normally have aborted. Our results suggest that fruits and seeds act as reproductive sinks competing for parental photosynthate. Patterns of resource allocation within infructescences and fruits were also modified by our experiments.  相似文献   
The invasion of non-indigenous plant species poses a severe threat to native plant communities. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is a naturalized European biennial herb that has spread rapidly through the eastern US and adjacent Canada. To determine garlic mustard rate of spread, eleven permanent plots (50×25 m) were located in seven high quality (relatively undisturbed) forests in the early stages of invasion. Garlic mustard presence was recorded within six 50×2 m permanent belt transects, and density and percent cover by age class were recorded in 36 permanent 1 m2 quadrats, between 1989 and 1992, and again in 1997. Garlic mustard spread at an average rate of 5.4 m per year between 1989 and 1992, in all plots combined. Within individual plots rate of spread varied substantially, with location of the front increasing up to 36 m and decreasing as much as 18 m between years. While the front alternately advanced and retreated, over time garlic mustard consistently advanced through all forests. Rate of spread was influenced by establishment of satellite populations, and disturbance (wind-throw and flooding). The pattern of spread within plots was one of a ragged advancing front, supplemented by establishment of satellite populations 6–40 m distant from the front, which then coalesced with the main population. Garlic mustard presence between 1989 and 1997 increased significantly within all plots, and in each age class within each plot. The greatest increases occurred in plots where this plant was initially rarest. Garlic mustard cover and density varied nonsignificantly during the same time period. These results indicate that after garlic mustard invades a forest it becomes a permanent part of the community, annually increasing in presence but fluctuating in cover and density. Garlic mustard maintains a low profile under low disturbance conditions, but increases rapidly with periodic disturbance. This study monitored garlic mustard invasion in high quality relatively undisturbed forests, and may underestimate the rate of spread in low quality highly disturbed forests.  相似文献   
A variety of plant species are being considered for the phytoremediation of selenium (Se) contaminated soils in agricultural regions of central California. Use of this plant-based technology may also attract a wide range of insects to these Se-accumulating plants. The first field study surveyed the diversity of insects attracted to tall fescue, birdsfoot trefoil, kenaf, and Indian mustard. Over 7500 specimens were collected by a sweep net collection technique for one complete growing season. Most of the 84 families identified were associated with beneficial insects, although pestiferous insects, for example, thrips, aphids, lygus, and leafhoppers, were also found. In the second study the bioaccumulation of Se in the cabbage looper [Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)] was investigated on Indian mustard grown in Se-rich water culture solution. Neonate larvae were transferred to plants and fed on Se-treated and no Se treated plants (controls) for 14 days, respectively. Pupae were collected from each treatment and incubated until adult insects emerged. Almost 50% fewer pupae were collected from Se-treated plants compared with “controls”, resulting in fewer adult insects. Selenium concentrations were as high as 3173 μg Se kg-1 DW in adult insects hatched from Se-treated plants compared with <5 μg Se kg-1 DW in insects from “controls”. Based on both studies, we concluded that insect diversity should be determined and insects monitored for bioaccumulation of Se on phytoremediation sites in agricultural regions.  相似文献   
Protoplasts of Brassica carinata Braun. (accession No. 84A165) were enzymatically isolated from hypocotyls and cotyledons of 3–5 day-old test-tube seedlings or first true leaves taken from greenhouse grown plants at a three-leaf stage. The protoplasts were suspended in a P-B liquid medium solidified with 0.15%–0.3% low melting agarose which formed a thin layer floating on the surface of the liquid medium. The optimum protoplast density was ranging from 5× l03 to 1 × 104/ml. As for the hypocotyl protoplasts, the first division was observed after 48 h in the culture. The division frequency reached 21% and 34% at day 3 and 6 respectively. The initiation of cell division in the case of cotyledon and mesophyll protoplast culture was late, usually at day 5, and the division frequency was also somewhat lower. One week after culture, the cultures were transferred to fluorescent light condition with an intensity of about 1000 lx. A dilution medium DPDK3 was then added and the dilution procedure was repeated at one week interval thereafter. One month after culture, microcalli with 300–500 μm in size were formed. It was also found that in some cases globular embryoid structure protruded on the callus surface. Totally, a 2%–3% plating efficiency was achieved. Shoot regeneration occurred when cotyledon and mesophyll protoplast-derived calli were transferred onto a modified MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.1, BA 3 mg/l. Individual shoots were rooted on a rooting medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/l of IAA. Intact plants with normal morphology were eventually produced.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of single-bulb garlic oil (SGO) on toll-like receptors 3 and 4 (TLR3 and TLR 4) and nuclear erythroid factor-like 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway resulted from a high-fat diet and its underlying mechanism. Twenty-four Balb/c mice allocated into six groups: 1) N: mice fed with standard chow; 2) HFD: mice fed a high-fat diet for 45 days without any treatment; 3) HFD + Simv: mice fed a high-fat diet for 45 days and treated with simvastatin; 4–6) HFD + SGO 100, 200, 400 (mice fed a high-fat diet for 45 days and treated with single-bulb garlic oil at dose: 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg body weight for 30 days), respectively. At the end of treatment, spleen and hepar were isolated. The flow cytometry analysis was performed to analyze the relative number of nrf2, superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), TLR3, TLR4 and interleukin (IL-17). The results showed that HFD induction significantly reduced Nrf-2 and antioxidant enzyme levels. Furthermore, HFD induction increased TLR3 and TLR4 signaling and IL-17 production. Interestingly, 200 mg/kg BW of SGO increased the relative number Nrf-2 followed by SOD and HO-1 elevation at a dose of 100 mg/kg BW. SGO100 notably decrease the relative number of TLR3 (CD11b+TLR3+) and TLR4 (CD11b+TLR4+). The production of IL-17 by CD4 and CD8 were also reduced after receiving SGO at 200 mg/kg BW. This study suggests that the protective effect of SGO treatment on HFD mice was achieved by modulating TLR-Nrf2 cross-talks and decreasing IL-17 production. Our findings support a potential beneficial role of SGO for treating metabolic disease caused by a high-fat diet.  相似文献   
The activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in mustard ( Sinapis alba L.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was used as an index to evaluate the capacity to cope with excessive ammonium supply. In these 2 species GS activity was differently affected by the application of nitrogen compounds (NH4+ or NO3). Mustard seedlings older than 5 days showed a considerable increase in GS activity after NH4+ or NO3 application. This response was independent of the energy flux, but GS activity in general was positively affected by light. Endogenous NH4+ did not accumulate greatly after nitrogen supply. In contrast, seedlings of Scots pine accumulated NH4+ in cotyledons and roots and showed no stimulation of GS activity after the application of ammonium. In addition, root growth was drastically reduced. Thus, the pine seedlings seem to have insufficient capacity to assimilate exogenously supplied ammonium. NO3, however, did not lead to any harmful effects.  相似文献   
Taniguchi  Naoki  Kishi  Tadashi  Tohyama  Akira  Tsuda  Mitsuya 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):421-424
Bulb canker of garlic caused byEmbellisia allii was newly detected in Japan. Symptoms of the disease are described and the morphological characteristics of the causal fungus are illustrated and described.  相似文献   
影响茎用芥菜愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
茎用芥菜子叶培养在MS 0.25 mg·L-1NAA 0.5 mg·L-16-BA 0.25 mg·L-12,4-D培养基上,可获得较高质量的愈伤组织.愈伤组织培养在MS 1~1 mg·L-16-BA 0.2 mg·L-1NAA培养基上分化频率为8.3%,而在加有羧苄青霉素和头孢霉素的培养基上,最高分化频率可达52.4%.将获得的再生植株转移到1/2MS 0.1 mg·L-1 NAA的生根培养基中,可获得完整植株.  相似文献   
Most of the metals-contaminated and fallow lands in Taiwan are a result of irrigation with illegal effluent of factories. Phytoextraction methods can be applied to reach the target of fallow-lands reuse and earn more incomes for farmers. In many studies, Indian mustards (Brassica juncea) were planted in the metal-contaminated soils to study their suitability in phytoextraction. However, the total removal of metals by plants was quite different between accessions. In this pot study, three accessions of B. juncea (cv. 182921, cv. 211000, and cv. 426308) were planted in artificially Cd- or Pb-contaminated soils to investigate the differences between them. EDTA was applied to study its effect in increasing the bioavailability of Cd and Pb and their uptake by these Indian mustards. Experimental result showed that three accessions of Indian mustard can accumulate a high concentration of Cd and Pb when growing in the artificially Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils. Their shoot Cd or Pb concentrations were significantly enhanced, resulting from the application of EDTA. Among the three accessions, B. juncea cv. 211000 accumulated the highest concentrations of Cd and Pb in their shoots compared with B. juncea cv. 182921 and cv. 426308, but its total removal was the lowest due to its lower biomass.  相似文献   
N-(2,2-Dimethyl-2-(2-nitrophenyl)acetyl)-4-aminocyclophosphamide isomers (DMNA-NH-CPA, 4) were synthesized stereospecifically from Boc-l-Hse(OBn)-OH and the degradation of the corresponding reduced amine 5a was investigated by UV/vis spectroscopy and LC/MS. The rate of cyclization of 5a was found to increase with decreasing pH, with half-lives ranging from 3.2 to 54 min at pH 4–7.4, suggesting that the cyclization is catalyzed by the hydronium ions. LC/MS analysis of the degradation products of 5a indicates that 4-aminocyclophosphamide is rapidly released from 4 upon reductive activation under acidic conditions and further decomposes into the cytotoxic phosphoramide mustard. These results validated 4-aminocyclophosphamide as a prodrug form of phosphoramide mustard and suggest that compound 4 can potentially be used as a prodrug of phosphoramide mustard for bioreductive activation.  相似文献   
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