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In 2010, the American pika (Ochotona princeps fenisex) was denied federal protection based on limited evidence of persistence in low‐elevation environments. Studies in nonalpine areas have been limited to relatively few environments, and it is unclear whether patterns observed elsewhere (e.g., Bodie, CA) represent other nonalpine habitats. This study was designed to establish pika presence in a new location, determine distribution within the surveyed area, and evaluate influences of elevation, vegetation, lava complexity, and distance to habitat edge on pika site occupancy. In 2011 and 2012, we conducted surveys for American pika on four distinct subalpine lava flows of Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Oregon, USA. Field surveys were conducted at predetermined locations within lava flows via silent observation and active searching for pika sign. Site habitat characteristics were included as predictors of occupancy in multinomial regression models. Above and belowground temperatures were recorded at a subsample of pika detection sites. Pika were detected in 26% (2011) and 19% (2012) of survey plots. Seventy‐four pika were detected outside survey plot boundaries. Lava complexity was the strongest predictor of pika occurrence, where pika were up to seven times more likely to occur in the most complicated lava formations. Pika were two times more likely to occur with increasing elevation, although they were found at all elevations in the study area. This study expands the known distribution of the species and provides additional evidence for persistence in nonalpine habitats. Results partially support the predictive occupancy model developed for pika at Craters of the Moon National Monument, another lava environment. Characteristics of the lava environment clearly influence pika site occupancy, but habitat variables reported as important in other studies were inconclusive here. Further work is needed to gain a better understanding of the species’ current distribution and ability to persist under future climate conditions.  相似文献   
We present a global assessment of the relationships between the short‐wave surface albedo of forests, derived from the MODIS satellite instrument product at 0.5° spatial resolution, with simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition rates (Ndep), and climatic variables (mean annual temperature Tm and total annual precipitation P), compiled at the same spatial resolution. The analysis was performed on the following five forest plant functional types (PFTs): evergreen needle‐leaf forests (ENF); evergreen broad‐leaf forests (EBF); deciduous needle‐leaf forests (DNF); deciduous broad‐leaf forests (DBF); and mixed‐forests (MF). Generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied in the exploratory analysis to assess the functional nature of short‐wave surface albedo relations to environmental variables. The analysis showed evident correlations of albedo with environmental predictors when data were pooled across PFTs: Tm and Ndep displayed a positive relationship with forest albedo, while a negative relationship was detected with P. These correlations are primarily due to surface albedo differences between conifer and broad‐leaf species, and different species geographical distributions. However, the analysis performed within individual PFTs, strengthened by attempts to select ‘pure’ pixels in terms of species composition, showed significant correlations with annual precipitation and nitrogen deposition, pointing toward the potential effect of environmental variables on forest surface albedo at the ecosystem level. Overall, our global assessment emphasizes the importance of elucidating the ecological mechanisms that link environmental conditions and forest canopy properties for an improved parameterization of surface albedo in climate models.  相似文献   
The local spatial congruence between climate changes and community changes has rarely been studied over large areas. We proposed one of the first comprehensive frameworks tracking local changes in community composition related to climate changes. First, we investigated whether and how 12 years of changes in the local composition of bird communities were related to local climate variations. Then, we tested the consequences of this climate‐induced adjustment of communities on Grinnellian (habitat‐related) and Eltonian (function‐related) homogenization. A standardized protocol monitoring spatial and temporal trends of birds over France from 2001 to 2012 was used. For each plot and each year, we used the spring temperature and the spring precipitations and calculated three indices reflecting the thermal niche, the habitat specialization, and the functional originality of the species within a community. We then used a moving‐window approach to estimate the spatial distribution of the temporal trends in each of these indices and their congruency with local climatic variations. Temperature fluctuations and community dynamics were found to be highly variable in space, but their variations were finely congruent. More interestingly, the community adjustment to temperature variations was nonmonotonous. Instead, unexplained fluctuations in community composition were observed up to a certain threshold of climate change intensity, above which a change in community composition was observed. This shift corresponded to a significant decrease in the relative abundance of habitat specialists and functionally original species within communities, regardless of the direction of temperature change. The investigation of variations in climate and community responses appears to be a central step toward a better understanding of climate change effects on biodiversity. Our results suggest a fine‐scale and short‐term adjustment of community composition to temperature changes. Moreover, significant temperature variations seem to be responsible for both the Grinnellian and Eltonian aspects of functional homogenization.  相似文献   
The effects of elevated CO2 and drought on ecophysiological parameters in grassland species have been examined, but few studies have investigated the effect of competition on those parameters under climate change conditions. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 and drought on the response of plant water relations, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and aboveground biomass in four grassland species, as well as to assess whether the type of competition modulates that response. Elevated CO2 in well‐watered conditions increased aboveground biomass by augmenting CO2 assimilation. Drought reduced biomass by reducing CO2 assimilation rate via stomatal limitation and, when drought was more severe, also non‐stomatal limitation. When plants were grown under the combined conditions of elevated CO2 and drought, drought limitation observed under ambient CO2 was reduced, permitting higher CO2 assimilation and consequently reducing the observed decrease in aboveground biomass. The response to climate change was species‐specific and dependent on the type of competition. Thus, the response to elevated CO2 in well‐watered grasses was higher in monoculture than in mixture, while it was higher in mixture compared to monoculture for forbs. On the other hand, forbs were more affected than grasses by drought in monoculture, while in mixture the negative effect of drought was higher in grasses than in forbs, due to a lower capacity to acquire water and mineral nutrients. These differences in species‐level growth responses to CO2 and drought may lead to changes in the composition and biodiversity of the grassland plant community in future climate conditions.  相似文献   
李艳忠  董鑫  刘雪华 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1803-1814
好的生境质量是野生动物生存和繁衍的必备条件,生境质量的变化将对动物的生存产生深远影响,定量客观的评估生境变迁过程显得尤为必要。川金丝猴作为我国一级保护动物,评定其生境质量变化过程有利于制定有效的保护措施。3S技术的不断发展与广泛应用为研究川金丝猴生境格局的动态变化提供了有利的工具。以岷山白河自然保护区为例,利用陆地资源卫星的MSS/TM/OLI遥感影像,并基于专家知识的决策树分类方法对遥感影像进行分类,获取了5个时期的覆被类型空间分布图;根据NDVI与郁闭度的相关性获取了研究区郁闭度的时空变化信息。然后,通过对野外观测数据的数理统计与空间分析,获取了川金丝猴的生活习性特征,并结合AHP方法构建了川金丝猴生境质量的评价体系,对5个时期的生境质量进行了评价,最后定量分析了40年来川金丝猴的生境格局的动态变化趋势。研究表明,近40年来白河自然保护区内及周边的生境经历了由良好到不断恶化,再到逐渐恢复的过程,其中最适宜和适宜生境呈现先降低后逐渐升高的趋势,而不适宜和勉强适宜则表现为先增加后减小的趋势。1975—1982年时段内,各生境等级变化剧烈,尤以最适宜和不适宜等级变化显著,生境质量整体呈恶化趋势;1982—1994年,各生境等级变化剧烈程度较前一时期有所缓和,生境质量得到较大改善,呈良性发展趋势;1994—2003年时段内,研究区内生境质量进一步改善,环境恶化状况得到了缓解;2003—2014年时间段内整体质量改善的速度明显减缓,生境质量达到平衡状态。除1975—2014时段外,前4个时段的各综合变化指标呈现递减趋势,前期生境等级变化剧烈,后期趋缓。气候变化和人为干扰为导致生境变化的主要因素,其中20世纪80年代生境变化与气候变化关系密切,而20世纪90年代之后人为干扰因素明显增加。研究有助于理解气候变化与人为干扰背景下,川金丝猴生境格局时空变化特征,为野生濒危动物生境保护管理和政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
气候变化对黑龙江省水稻障碍型冷害的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
明确气候变化对黑龙江省水稻孕穗期和抽穗期障碍型冷害的影响,可为水稻安全生产提供科学依据。基于黑龙江省70个台站1971—2012年的气象资料和10个台站1980—2011年水稻生育期数据,结合水稻障碍型冷害指标,分析了气候变化对黑龙江省水稻障碍型冷害的影响。结果表明:(1)水稻孕穗期障碍型冷害1990s发生频率最低,2000s发生频率最高;抽穗期障碍型冷害1970s和1980s发生频率高,1990s和2000s发生频率低。(2)抽穗期障碍型冷害发生程度大于孕穗期障碍型冷害。(3)不同熟型水稻品种可种植北界逐渐北移东扩,极早熟、早熟和中熟品种可种植范围分别缩小了5、21和11个县(市),中晚熟和晚熟品种可种植范围分别扩大了14和23个县(市)。(4)随着水稻种植格局的变化,不同熟型水稻障碍型冷害均在1990s发生频率最低,2000s发生频率最高。  相似文献   
Hybrid zones allow for the investigation of incipient speciation and related evolutionary processes of selection, gene flow, and migration. Interspecific dynamics, like competition, can impact the size, shape, and directional movement of species in hybrid zones. Hybrid zones contribute to a paradox for the biological species concept because interbreeding between species occurs while parental forms remain distinct. A long‐standing zone of intergradation or introgression exists for eastern and western mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki and G. affinis) around Mobile Bay, AL. The region has been studied episodically, over decades, making it perfect for addressing temporal dynamics and for providing a deeper understanding of the genetics of these periodically reclassified fishes (as species or subspecies). We used six microsatellite markers to assess the current population structure and gene flow patterns across 19 populations of mosquito fish and then compared our results with historical data. Genetic evidence demonstrates that the current hybrid zone is located in a similar geographic region as the historical one, even after three decades. Hybrid fish, however, demonstrate relatively low heterozygosity and are genetically distinct from western and eastern mosquito fish populations. Fin ray counts, sometimes used to distinguish the two species from one another, demonstrate more eastern (G. holbrooki) phenotype fish within the molecular genetic hybrid zone today. Mosquito fish are globally invasive, often found on the leading edge of flooded waters that they colonize, so the impact of hurricanes in the wake of climate change was also evaluated. An increase in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the hybrid region has occurred, and this point warrants further attention since hurricanes are known to move these aggressive, invasive species into novel territory. This work contributes to our classical understanding of hybrid zone temporal dynamics, refines our understanding of mosquito fish genetics in their native range, evaluates important genotype–phenotype relationships, and identifies a potential new impact of climate change.  相似文献   
Species selection resulting from trait‐dependent speciation and extinction is increasingly recognized as an important mechanism of phenotypic macroevolution. However, the recent bloom in statistical methods quantifying this process faces a scarcity of dynamical theory for their interpretation, notably regarding the relative contributions of deterministic versus stochastic evolutionary forces. I use simple diffusion approximations of birth‐death processes to investigate how the expected and random components of macroevolutionary change depend on phenotype‐dependent speciation and extinction rates, as can be estimated empirically. I show that the species selection coefficient for a binary trait, and selection differential for a quantitative trait, depend not only on differences in net diversification rates (speciation minus extinction), but also on differences in species turnover rates (speciation plus extinction), especially in small clades. The randomness in speciation and extinction events also produces a species‐level equivalent to random genetic drift, which is stronger for higher turnover rates. I then show how microevolutionary processes including mutation, organismic selection, and random genetic drift cause state transitions at the species level, allowing comparison of evolutionary forces across levels. A key parameter that would be needed to apply this theory is the distribution and rate of origination of new optimum phenotypes along a phylogeny.  相似文献   
植被恢复是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的关键,深入研究植被的时空分异特征具有重要的现实意义。本研究以4期Landsat TM/OLI为遥感数据源,采用像元二分模型估算植被覆盖度,运用转移矩阵、地学信息图谱和重心迁移模型分析1988—2018年黄河流域中段延安市植被覆盖的时空演变特征;并结合地形数据,利用地形分布指数分析高程、坡度上植被覆盖的空间响应规律。结果表明: 研究期间,延安市植被覆盖呈北低南高的空间分布特征,植被覆盖受政策影响而大幅增高;1988—2018年,延安市植被变化模式以持续向好和稳定不变为主导,有50%的区域植被覆盖情况改善,83%的高植被覆盖区域保持稳定。在各高程和坡度等级上,高植被覆盖的分布优势度随时间变化而增大;在各坡度等级上,植被增加百分比和植被稳定性随坡度增加而增大。延安不同等级植被覆盖的迁移方向与植被覆盖整体的迁移趋势基本一致,总体向北偏西转移。延安植被建设已取得显著成效,但北部植被覆盖状况仍待提高,优化植被类型和结构是未来植被建设的重要方向。  相似文献   
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