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Internal and external regulation of plant organ stoichiometry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Internal differences between plant organs are caused by the functional differentiation of plant tissue, whereas external supply rates of elements constrain nutrient uptake. Previous studies have concentrated on foliar or whole‐plant stoichiometric response to the environment, whereas investigation of organ‐specific comparisons is still pending. We explore C:N:P ratios of stems, leaves, diaspores and belowground organs in marsh plants, and evaluate the influence of environmental constraints using standardised major axis regression (SMA). For a pooled dataset, SMA resulted in distinct patterns of isometric and anisometric slopes between plant organs. Bivariate line‐fitting for a split dataset of four ecological groups revealed that species of the frequently inundated marsh had higher N:C ratios than those of the infrequently inundated marsh. The influence of nutrient availability was detectable in decreased P:C and increased N:P ratios in P‐poor sites. Across ecological groups, leaves and diaspores showed higher elemental homeostasis than stems and belowground organs. Any change in N:C ratios of belowground organs and diaspores in response to the environment was accompanied by an even stronger internal change in stem N:C ratios, indicating a pivotal role of stems of herbaceous plants in ecosystem processes. We found distinct patterns of C:N:P ratios in plant organs related to their internal function and external environmental constraints. Leaves and diaspores showed a higher degree of homeostasis than stems and belowground organs. We detected a clear external signal in element:element ratios of plant organs, with low soil P translating into lower tissue P:C ratio and stronger N retention in leaves as a response to salt stress.  相似文献   
In many gonochoristic taxa, sex is influenced by developmental environment, a system that can lead to temporal fluctuations in offspring sex ratio. Demographic models suggest that only short‐lived species with environmental sex determination (ESD) are negatively impacted by sex‐ratio fluctuations, yet these models fail to account for the potential mutation load associated with reductions in genetically effective population sizes. In this study, we developed a series of individual‐based simulation models that explore the fixation rates of mildly deleterious alleles under different sex‐determining systems and examine the impacts of variation in lifespan and offspring sex ratio. Populations with ESD exhibited increases in fixation rates in both short‐ and long‐lived populations, but substantial increases were limited to populations characterized by a combination of high sex‐ratio variation and short lifespan. Fixation rates were negatively associated with effective population size, indicating that purifying selection operates less efficiently under ESD relative to genotypic sex determination. Reductions in effective population size could be attributed to both intragenerational forces (unequal sex ratio) and intergenerational forces (variable census population sizes). Levels of temporal sex‐ratio variation calculated from wild populations of ESD species were capable of yielding large increases in fixation rates, although this relationship was strongly mediated by lifespan. Our results may help to explain the limited phylogenetic distribution of ESD in short‐lived taxa.  相似文献   
Ambrosia beetles (many Scolytinae and all Platypodinae) are one of the most important insect pests for forestry worldwide, but little is known about the community structure of ambrosia beetles in terms of their vertical variations and resource utilization. We clarified the community structure and seasonal population trends of ambrosia beetles on 11 living and three newly dead Fagus crenata Blume trees using individual tube traps placed up to 10 m high from May to November in 2007 and 2008. We captured seven scolytine species (Ambrosiodmus lewisi (Blandford), Euwallacea validus (Eichhoff), Trypodendron proximum (Niisima), Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg), Xyleborus atratus Eichhoff, Xylosandrus brevis (Eichhoff) and Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford)) and three platypodine species (Crossotarsus niponicus Blandford, Platypus hamatus Blandford and Platypus severini Blandford). The ambrosia beetles were suggested to breed at species‐specific height ranges, with the equal host resource use per individual among the species. Of the three major species, C. niponicus, P. hamatus and P. severini, two (C. niponicus and P. hamatus) had male‐biased sex ratios, which is considered a reproductive strategy to increase maternal fitness. Morphological characteristics of the mandibles may play an important role in the difference of sex roles on reproduction in the three major species.  相似文献   
Ligaments and tendons undergo volume loss when stretched along the primary fiber axis, which is evident by the large, strain-dependent Poisson?s ratios measured during quasi-static tensile tests. Continuum constitutive models that have been used to describe ligament material behavior generally assume incompressibility, which does not reflect the volumetric material behavior seen experimentally. We developed a strain energy equation that describes large, strain dependent Poisson?s ratios and nonlinear, transversely isotropic behavior using a novel method to numerically enforce the desired volumetric behavior. The Cauchy stress and spatial elasticity tensors for this strain energy equation were derived and implemented in the FEBio finite element software (www.febio.org). As part of this objective, we derived the Cauchy stress and spatial elasticity tensors for a compressible transversely isotropic material, which to our knowledge have not appeared previously in the literature. Elastic simulations demonstrated that the model predicted the nonlinear, upwardly concave uniaxial stress–strain behavior while also predicting a strain-dependent Poisson?s ratio. Biphasic simulations of stress relaxation predicted a large outward fluid flux and substantial relaxation of the peak stress. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate that the viscoelastic behavior of ligaments and tendons can be predicted by modeling fluid movement when combined with a large Poisson?s ratio. Further, the constitutive framework provides the means for accurate simulations of ligament volumetric material behavior without the need to resort to micromechanical or homogenization methods, thus facilitating its use in large scale, whole joint models.  相似文献   
Characteristics of dynamical systems are often estimated to describe physiological processes. For instance, Lyapunov exponents have been determined to assess the stability of the cardio-vascular system, respiration, and, more recently, human gait and posture. However, the systematic evaluation of the accuracy and precision of these estimates is problematic because the proper values of the characteristics are typically unknown. We fill this void with a set of standardized time series with well-defined dynamical characteristics that serve as a benchmark. Estimates ought to match these characteristics, at least to good approximation. We outline a procedure to employ this generic benchmark test and illustrate its capacity by examining methods for estimating the maximum Lyapunov exponent. In particular, we discuss algorithms by Wolf and co-workers and by Rosenstein and co-workers and evaluate their performances as a function of signal length and signal-to-noise ratio. In all scenarios, the precision of Rosenstein's algorithm was found to be equal to or greater than Wolf's algorithm. The latter, however, appeared more accurate if reasonably large signal lengths are available and noise levels are sufficiently low. Due to its modularity, the presented benchmark test can be used to evaluate and tune any estimation method to perform optimally for arbitrary experimental data.  相似文献   


Epidemiological studies report that individuals who exercise are less likely to abuse drugs. Preclinical studies report that exercise, in the form of treadmill or wheel running, reliably decreases the self-administration of psychomotor stimulants and opioids. To date, preclinical studies have only examined the effects of exercise on responding maintained by individual drugs and not by combinations of multiple drugs. This limits the translational appeal of these studies because polydrug abuse is common among substance abusing populations. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise on the self-administration of speedball, a combination of cocaine and heroin that is frequently encountered in intravenous drug abusing populations.

Main methods

Female rats were obtained at weaning and assigned to sedentary or exercising conditions. Sedentary rats were housed in standard cages that permitted no exercise beyond normal cage ambulation; exercising rats were housed in similar cages with an activity wheel. After 6 weeks, rats were implanted with intravenous catheters and trained to self-administer cocaine, heroin, and dose combinations of cocaine and heroin (i.e., speedball) on a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement.

Key findings

Doses of speedball maintained greater levels of responding than corresponding doses of cocaine and heroin alone. Importantly, responding maintained by cocaine, heroin, and speedball was lower in exercising rats than sedentary rats.


These data indicate that exercise decreases the self-administration of speedball and suggest that exercise may reduce the abuse of drug combinations that have traditionally been resistant to treatment.  相似文献   
In anurans, female polyandry under male harassment is distributed across taxa because of external aquatic fertilization. According to the sexual selection theory, male–male competition for access to females is affected by the operational sex ratio (OSR) and population density. The Japanese common toad, Bufo japonicus, is widespread in mainland Japan, and like the European common toad, B. bufo, it engages in explosive breeding. In this study, we observed the breeding behaviour of B. japonicus in isolated local populations for over four years in two breeding ponds with different population sizes and densities: large‐low (L‐pond) and small‐high (S‐pond). We analysed the relative polyandry ratio in egg clutches laid by females and estimated the size‐assortative mating pattern to be an indicator of male–male competition in the two ponds. Both ponds tended to exhibit a size‐assortative mating pattern; however, the frequency of polyandry was different in the two ponds (L‐pond = 20% and S‐pond = 90%). Our results showed that polyandry could occur without multiple amplexus with a high population density, i.e. eggs were often fertilized by free‐swimming sperm in the small shallow pond. We propose that high female polyandry ratios without continuous male harassment are generated because of a male‐biased OSR and a high population density in the small pond. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 236–242.  相似文献   
Monoploids can be obtained from several diploid plant species by anther culture. Mapping of molecular markers using monoploids is greatly facilitated by the simple 1:1 segregation ratio expected from all heterozygous loci in the genome. Distorted segregation of molecular markers, however, appears to be a common phenomenon in many crop species and hinders the use of monoploids for mapping purposes. This report examines the segregation pattern of two marker genes linked together with one locus or separately with two independent loci which are responsible for the observed distortion. Each of the loci exhibiting distorted segregation has one of the two alleles which inhibits regeneration of the gametic cells in vitro and disrupts the expected segregation ratio of the linked markers. All possible situations in which linkage occurs between markers and distortion-causing genes are considered. Theoretical results outlining the segregation pattern among these linkage types indicate that the distinguishable distorted ratios can be used for mapping purposes. A protocol is given for the mapping of distorted gene markers based on existing gene mapping software. An example is presented of the mapping of distorted RAPD markers of monoploids obtained from a diploid potato genotype. Received: 18 October 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   
In a subdivided population with recurrent local extinction and re-colonisation, competition amongst related pollen or sperm to fertilise ovules or eggs (‘local mate competition’) is expected to select for female-biased sex allocation. Population turnover should also select against unisexuality in favour of self-fertile cosexuality, because males and females are unable to establish new populations on their own (‘Baker's Law’). Here I argue that androdioecy, a rare breeding system in which males co-occur with hermaphrodites, may evolve in a metapopulation under the joint action of local mate competition and Baker's Law if rates of self-fertilisation decrease with increasing population size. The hypothesis makes several predictions regarding patterns of life-history and sex allocation that are borne out by recent observations of androdioecious species in several unrelated lineages of plants and animals. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
出生性比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 1971— 1993年云南昆明、玉溪、红河、思茅、西双版纳、大理、楚雄、丽江等 8地、州、市 66个医疗单位接生的新生儿资料进行调查 ,获取401454例新生儿性别等有关资料。发现 :( 1 )出生性比在上升 ,由 1971年的 104 .06上升到 1993年的 108.57;1974年最低 ,为 101 .11 ,1991年最高 ,为 111 .87。 23年中 ,平均每年上升 0 .47。 ( 2 )一年之中 ,新生儿出生人数的高峰期为 10、 11、 12等 3个月 ,峰顶为 11月 ,占 11 .01% ;出生性比的峰顶为 3、4、6、7、9等5个月 ,最高为 9月 ,达 109.47。 ( 3)城、乡出生性比差异显著。不论胎次 (一、二胎 )和月份 ( 8、 9两月除外 ) ,市、县城区 ,出生性比均显著高于农村。 ( 4) 1 979年以前的出生性比在101 .11— 105 .67之间 ,1980年以后的出生性比在 104 .17— 111 .87之间。 ( 5 )提出了维持性平衡的6点对策。  相似文献   
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