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温度对鲫鱼性腺分化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鱼类的性腺分化受各种环境因素的影响,而温度的影响是重要因素之一.本文通过组织学方法观察了鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)原生殖细胞的迁移、生殖嵴形成和性腺分化,并探讨温度对性腺分化的影响.孵化后12~40 d是鲫鱼性腺分化的敏感期.从第12 d起,仔鱼分成7组,每组分别用下列7种水温中的一种培育28 d:(16±1)℃、(20±1)℃、23~25℃、(27±1)℃、(30±1)℃、(32±1)℃、(34±1)℃.其中23~25℃组是对照组.结果显示,对照组幼鱼的雌雄比例大致是1:1(1:1.07).(20±1)℃组的幼鱼雌雄比例也接近1:1(1.09:1).在(27±1)℃组,雌性率上升,为55.3%(P<0.05).在低温组(16±1)℃,雌雄比例是1:1.45,雌性率达40.8%.然而,在高温组(30±1)℃、(32±1)℃、(34±1)℃中,雌雄比例分别是6.14:1、2.51:1和2.14:1.其中(30±1)℃实验组的雌性率最高,达到86.0%(P<0.01),性腺分化趋向雌性化.研究提示,鲫鱼的性别分化属于温度依赖型.当前全球性气候变暖,以及各种环境因素所产生的温室效应,有可能对鲫鱼的性别平衡产生影响.  相似文献   
The sex expression inThymelaea hirsuta was assessed in five habitats in the western Mediterranean desert of Egypt. The survey over two main flowering periods indicated that the sexual expression of this plant is complex and labile. Beside the dioecious male and female states, five monoecious states were detected. The dioecious states are more abundant and less labile. There is a clear shift from monoecious towards dioecious states and in general favour of males from the first (late autumn) to the second (late winter) flowering period. These results are discussed in view of the adaptive theories and evolution.  相似文献   
The association between angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion (ACE I/D) polymorphism and risk of myocardial infarction (MI) has been extensively studied. However, the results were in controversy. This study aimed to explore the association between ACE I/D polymorphism and risk of MI by using a meta-analysis. We retrieved the following databases to indentify eligible studies: Medline, Embase, ISI, VIP, CBM and Wan Fang database. The latest update was 10th May, 2012. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were used to present the strength of the association. A total of 40 case–control studies with 34 993 participants were included. Overall, D allele of ACE I/D polymorphism was significantly associated with an increased risk of MI in genetic comparison models (OR (95% CI): 1.41 (1.22–1.64) for DD vs. II; 1.11 (1.01–1.21) for ID vs. II; 1.23 (1.10–1.37) for D carriers vs. II; 1.28 (1.15–1.43) for DD vs. I carriers and 1.06 (1.02–1.10) for D carriers vs. I carriers). Subgroup analyses, according to ethnicities and countries of participants also indicated that D allele was significantly associated with an increased risk of MI in Asians (especially for Chinese) and Caucasians (especially for English, French, Germans and Italians) (OR (95% CI) of DD vs. ID + II: 2.11 (1.65–2.70) for Asians and 1.15 (1.05–1.27) for Caucasians). In conclusion, this meta-analysis indicated that D allele of ACE I/D polymorphism was a possible risk factor for MI incidence for both Asians and Caucasians.  相似文献   
该研究运用方差比率法、χ~2检验、Pearson相关检验和Spearman轶相关检验,对广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区南盘江流域的细叶云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franch.var.tenuifolia Cheng et Law)次生林14个大树树种(DBH≥10cm)、15个小树树种(5cm≤DBH10cm)和19个幼树树种(1cm≤DBH5cm)进行定量分析,以揭示南盘江流域细叶云南松次生林群落中木本种群的关联性及其更新演替规律,为桂西北细叶云南松林管理保护、干热河谷地区植被恢复和生态重建提供参考依据。结果表明:(1)研究区内细叶云南松林大树和小树的总体关联性表现为不显著负关联,幼树及群落总体表现为不显著正关联;χ~2检验显示,大树和小树负关联种对占多数(分别为48.35%和46.67%),幼树的正关联或负关联种对占比基本持平(分别为40.35%和39.18%),群落整体无关联种对占比较大(41.13%)。(2)Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验显示,细叶云南松林的大树、小树、幼树和群落总体均表现为负关联种对较多,正关联次之。(3)群落大树和小树物种在资源竞争上较激烈,结构不稳定;群落幼树物种适应了林下荫蔽环境,对光照要求较低,种间关系已具有较低的稳定性,个别物种表现出独立性。研究认为,南盘江流域细叶云南松次生林群落物种间存在一定的关联性,但未能形成稳定的配置关系,群落结构尚不稳定,仍处于演替早期阶段。  相似文献   
三台核桃结实特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘德良  张琴 《广西植物》2001,21(1):67-71
选择标准株 70株 ,其中有草果核桃 ( cv.Zaogu)、大油笼核桃 ( cv.Dayoulong)、早熟核桃 ( cv.Zaoshu)、小油笼核桃 ( cv. Xiaoyoulong)、荚绵核桃 ( cv. Jiamian) 5个品种。据对不同品种、海拔、年龄的结实特性研究 ,结果表明 :草果核桃是优良的栽培品种 ,早熟核桃结实性状表现最差 ,果枝粗是影响座果率最重要的因素。  相似文献   
CLUE-S模型在南京市土地利用变化研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
盛晟  刘茂松  徐驰  郁文  陈虹 《生态学杂志》2008,27(2):235-239
土地利用/覆盖变化模型是研究区域景观动态并解释其驱动机制的重要技术手段.应用CLUE-S模型,在Landsat TM影像等相关数据支持下,对南京地区1998-2006年土地利用的时空动态变化进行了研究.结果表明:各土地利用类型变化受地形因素影响最大,人均GDP与城镇用地和农业用地的分布呈显著相关,城乡主干道对土地利用变化的贡献显著大于省级及以上道路;海拔较高区域林地的发生比率较高,而地形低平区域农田、城建用地的发生比率较高.经检验,在300 m空间分辨率水平,对南京地区2003年、2006年土地利用状况模拟的精度分别达到了85.7%和84.1%;而通过将研究区分成若干子区,分别修正模型参数并重新模拟,准确率提高到89.7%和88.3%,分区赋值法有效地提高了模拟精度.研究表明,CLUE-S模型对城市发展的空间结构也有较强的预测能力,对指导城市规划、分析景观动态的驱动机制有重要参考价值.  相似文献   
PEGylation of protein and peptide drugs is frequently used to improve in vivo efficacy. We investigated the action mechanism of tachyplesin I, a membrane-acting cyclic antimicrobial peptide from Tachypleus tridentatus and the effects of PEGylation on the mechanism. The PEGylated peptide induced the leakage of calcein from egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylglycerol/egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylcholine large unilamellar vesicles similarly to the parent peptide. Both peptides induced lipid flip-flop coupled to leakage and was translocated into the inner leaflet of the bilayer, indicating that tachyplesin I forms a toroidal pore and that PEGylation did not alter the basic mechanism of membrane permeabilization of the parent peptide. Despite their similar activities against model membranes, the peptides showed very different biological activities. The cytotoxicity of tachyplesin I was greatly reduced by PEGylation, although the antimicrobial activity was significantly weakened. We investigated the enhancement of the permeability of inner membranes induced by the peptides. Our results suggested that outer membranes and peptidoglycan layers play an inhibitory role in the permeation of the PEG moiety. Furthermore, a reduction in DNA binding by PEGylation may also contribute to the weak activity of the PEGylated peptide.  相似文献   
温度为15℃时,添加20,40,80和100μg/mL维生素B12后,萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionuscalyciflorus)种群密度随时间增加而增长,其回归方程依次为:y=e(0.1757+0.2974x),y=4.6765x1.2079,y=7.7798x1.0175和y=e(0.6117+0.3469x),密度显著高于对照组(t=4.56,8.15,8.53和9.86;P1.4366,y=7.7461x1.6533,y=6.3611x1.7790和y=9.064x1.6872,对照为y=7.5902x1.50192。各添加组的密度均显著高于对照组(t值分别为16.12,10.17,5.83和5.86;P(0.1376+0.4395x),y=e(0.2032+0.4856x),y=3.4615x1.9522和y=e(0.0220+0.48074x)。对照组除了和20ng/mL组间没有统计差异外(t=0.34,P>0.05),其他各实验组密度显著高出对照组(t值分别为3.66,10.23和2.13)。最高混交率分别为18.18%,7.60%,18.18%和16.67%,对照为66.70%。最大卵雌比依次为0.70,1.90,0.91,1.09,对照组为0.95。    相似文献   
孙妮  向文洲  何慧  陈峰 《微生物学通报》2008,35(3):0353-0357
本文研究了碳氮比和光强对小球藻Chlorella zofingiensis合成虾青素的影响。结果表明,随着碳氮比的增加,虾青素含量提高,但是过高的碳氮比限制藻细胞的生长,当碳氮比为133时,虾青素的产量最大,达到9.19mg/L。高光诱导在高碳氮比基础上进一步提高虾青素的含量及产量。200μmol/m^2.S光强在没有严重影响小球藻生长的同时,明显提高虾青素含量,最大虾青素产量达到12.52mg/L。文章对不同诱导条件下虾青素的合成机理以及利用异养自养相结合的方法提高虾青素产量的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Lea Madi  Y. Henis 《Plant and Soil》1989,115(1):89-98
Aggregation of the root-inhabiting, asymbiotic N-fixingAzospirillum brasilense Cd (ATCC-29729), was studied. Aggregation occurred towards the end of the exponential phase and during the stationary phase. More aggregates were formed in media supplemented with organic acids than in those containing sugars as a sole carbon source. Maximum growth with no aggregation was obtained in a medium containing both fructose and malate as carbon sources. Aggregation was increased by poly-L-lysine and carbodiimide as well as by increasing the C/N ratio and decreasing combined nitrogen in the growth medium. Aggregates were stable at pH levels of >8 and <6, but dispersed at pH 7.1. Treatment of Azospirillum with NaEDTA resulted in loss of both aggregative capacity and the ability of adsorb to wheat roots without losing cell viability. When extracted bacteria were suspended in their dialysed NaEDTA extract, both their aggregative and adsorptive capacities were restored.The dialysed NaEDTA extract agglutinated bacterial cells and red blood cells, especially of type O. When the extract was run through a sepharose gel, it separated into three main fractions, of which only one showed agglutinating capacity. Gel electrophoresis of this fraction revealed a single band (MW 97,000) which reacted positively to Schiff's reagent and Coomassie brilliant blue R-250, typical to a glycoprotein. Bacterial agglutination by this fraction was strongly inhibited by D-glucose, melibiose and -metyl glucoside. No evidence as to the involvement of cellulose fibrils in aggregation was found. It is suggested that glycoprotein(s) and glucose residues located on the outer surface of the cells are involved in aggregation of Azospirillum.  相似文献   
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