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The secretory activity of the two branched malpighian tubules (MTs) of the second‐instar larva in Aeolothrips intermedius is described. MTs of adult thrips have the typical ultrastructure of excretory epithelium with apical microvilli containing long mitochondria and a rich system of basal membrane infoldings. In the second‐instar larva just before pupation, the ultrastructure of MT epithelial cells is dramatically different, and there are numerous huge Golgi systems in the cytoplasm. These cells are involved in an intense secretory activity to produce an electron‐dense product which is released into the MTs lumen. This secretion is extruded from the hindgut and used by the second‐instar larva to build an elaborate protective cocoon for pupation. Electron‐spray‐ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the cocoon revealed the presence of a β‐N‐acetyl‐glucosamine, the main component of chitin, which is also present in the cocoons of Neuroptera and some Coleoptera. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Pollination ecology of an emergent tree species, Shorea (section Mutica) parvifolia (Dipterocarpaceae), was studied using the canopy observation system in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, during a general flowering period in 1996. Although the species has been reported to be pollinated by thrips in Peninsular Malaysia, our observations of flower visitors and pollination experiments indicated that beetles (Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae, Coleoptera) contributed to pollination of S. parvifolia in Sarawak. Beetles accounted for 74% of the flower visitors collected by net-sweeping, and 30% of the beetles carried pollen, while thrips accounted for 16% of the visitors, and 12% of the thrips carried pollen. The apical parts of the petals and pollen served as a reward for the beetles. Thrips stayed inside the flower almost continuously after arrival, and movements among flowers were rare. Fruit set was significantly increased by introduction of beetles to bagged flowers, but not by introduction of thrips. Hand-pollination experiments and comparison of fruit set in untreated, bagged, and open flowers suggested that S. parvifolia was mainly outbreeding.  相似文献   
Lei TT  Wilson LJ 《Annals of botany》2004,94(1):179-186
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf area of cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum) can be reduced by as much as 50 % by early season thrips infestations, but it is well documented that plants can regain the difference in leaf area once infestation ceases. The processes involved in the recovery have not been identified. Hypotheses include enhancement of the photosynthetic rate of the damaged leaves, more efficient leaf construction (i.e. more leaf area per unit of dry matter invested in new leaves), and more branching. METHODS: This 2-year field study examined these hypotheses and found that thrips-affected plants recovered from a 30 % reduction in total leaf area. During the recovery period, repeated measurements of gas exchange, leaf morphology and individual leaf areas at all nodes were made to assess their contribution to the recovery. KEY RESULTS: Recovery was not achieved through the previously proposed mechanisms. The pattern of nodal development indicated that the duration of leaf expansion of the smaller deformed leaves was shorter than that of control leaves, possibly because they had fewer cells. The production and expansion of healthy upper node leaves in thrips-affected plants could, therefore, begin sooner, about 1-2.5 nodes in advance of control plants. The proposed process of recovery was evident but weaker in the second year where thrips numbers were higher. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that thrips-affected plants overcame the leaf area disparity through an accelerated ontogeny of main stem leaves. By completing the expansion of smaller but normally functioning lower node leaves earlier, resources were made available to the unfolding of larger upper node leaves in advance of control plants. The generality of this mode of plant resistance in pest damage remains to be determined.  相似文献   
We have developed a novel strategy for the introduction of durable insect resistance in crops. This strategy was based on intervention in the natural relationship between plants and insects. For many insects, including pests such as thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), the flower is an important factor in their life cycle, serving either as a food source or as a place for mating. The insects are attracted to the flower by scent, which is mainly produced by the petals, and by the bright colour of these floral organs. We therefore anticipated that removal or changing the identity of the petals would significantly reduce the attractiveness of the flower to thrips. To test this hypothesis, we used cucumber as a model species because most modern varieties are parthenocarpic, in which the fruit develops without fertilization. The cucumber mutant green petals, in which the petals are homeotically transformed into green sepals, was particularly useful for this study. The susceptibility of the cucumber plants to damage by thrips was determined by recording thrip numbers and by measuring leaf damage. Large differences were observed when greenhouse compartments with either wild-type or green petal mutant plants were compared. The rate of population growth of the insects on the mutant plants was significantly reduced and the leaves were almost undamaged. These results demonstrate that alterations in the structure of flowers may interfere with the life cycle of insects, providing the means for a novel and natural strategy for obtaining insect resistance.  相似文献   
Feeding behavior and scar production of male and female F. occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) were studied in relation to transmission of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV). Electrical penetration graph (EPG) analysis showed that females feed more frequently and intensively than males. The feeding intensity, reflected by silvery scar production and studied by an image analysis system, demonstrated that females induced more numerous scars than males. At the same time, males transmitted TSWV with a higher efficiency than females, indicating that TSWV transmission and scar production are not positively correlated. Furthermore, males produced significantly more local lesions of TSWV than females. These quantitative differences in scar production and transmission of TSWV can be explained by the lower mobility and higher consumption rate of females. The influence of the sex-ratio on crop damage and virus transmission, and thus to the spread of TSWV, is emphasized.  相似文献   
This paper reports thrips (Thysanoptera) cross-pollination in the primitive angiosperm, Popowia pisocarpa (Annonaceae), in lowland rain forest of Sarawak, Malaysia. Flowers of P. pisocarpa have a tiny pollination chamber (3–4 mm in depth) with the entrance almost closed by the disk-shaped stigmatic heads, allowing only small insects to enter. Experiments showed that thrips were effective pollinators and flowers ofP. pisocarpa were self-incompatible. Seed set was limited by pollen. Clumped adult trees had higher seed-set than more distant individuals (>5 m from nearest flowering neighbor), indicating limited inter-tree movement by thrips.  相似文献   
Yield of tomato is limited by many diseases including Tomato spotted wilt virus disease. This study was conducted in the field at Kenya Agriculture Research Institute Njoro, Kenya, in 2004 and 2006 to determine the effect of intercropping on disease development, thrips population and yield of tomato variety Cal J grown under four intercrop systems involving kale, onion, maize and sole tomato. The experimental design was a Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated three times. Disease scores on tomato–maize differed significantly from tomato–kale and tomato–onion in both years of the study. Maize cropping system had a low significant thrips population from the other cropping systems. Tomato–maize intercrop produced the lowest fruit weights and marketable yield in 2004 and 2006, while yield of onion, kale and maize in intercrops were not significantly different from their monocrops. Land equivalent ratio was >1 in all the cropping systems.  相似文献   
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) causes serious diseases of many economically important crops. Disease control has been achieved by breeding tomato and pepper cultivars with the resistance genes Sw‐5 and Tsw, respectively. However, TSWV isolates overcoming these genetic resistances have appeared in several countries. To evaluate the risk of spread of these resistance‐breaking isolates, we tested their ability of transmission by the main vector of TSWV, the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis. We compared the transmission rate by thrips of six TSWV isolates of different biotype (able or unable to overcome this resistance in pepper and tomato), and with divergent genotype (A and B). Our results indicate that the transmission rate was related to the amount of virus accumulated in thrips but not to virus accumulation in the source plants on which thrips acquired the virus. No correlation was found between transmission efficiency by thrips and the genotype or between transmission efficiency and the ability of overcoming both resistances. This result suggests that resistance‐breaking isolates have the same potential to be transmitted as the isolates unable to infect resistant tomato and pepper cultivars.  相似文献   
The influence of three different temperatures on developmental time and sex ratio was investigated in the bisexual Thysanoptera species Frankliniella occidentalis. Increasing temperatures decreased developmental time and induced a more female biased sex ratio. Remarkably, there are second instars with a prolonged developmental time requiring the same number of hours as the shortest developmental time from egg to adult. Arrhenotokous reproduction in this species is based on haplodiploidy, with virgin females producing male offspring exclusively. However, at all three temperatures tested, about 0.5% of offspring from unfertilized eggs were females. The presence of Wolbachia could not be detected in Western flower thrips and can be excluded as influencing reproduction in this species.  相似文献   
桑蓟马Pseudodendrothrips mori是桑树的一种主要害虫。它的寄生直接影响供桑叶的质量和产量。我们通过泰勒幂法则和Morisita的散度指标对桑树蓟马在植株和桑园内的空间分布进行检验,结果显示:P.mori种群在植株内和桑园里的分布都存在局部化。桑树中蓟马的分布在树内显示出幼虫蓟马位于低层(从上面叶子起5-10层),但成虫更喜欢上层(从上面叶子起1-5层)。同一植株叶子的不同方向上蓟马密度没有出现明显变化。桑园内蓟马主要分布在桑园东部、南部和北部的植株上,中部,西部植株上的蓟马密度较低。P.mori的成虫和幼虫在叶子上的分布呈现明显聚集化。  相似文献   
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