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Cereal aphids infesting spring wheat in southwestern Idaho were surveyed during 1988 and 1989 for the presence of entomophthoralean fungi and hymenopterous parasitoids. Cereal aphids killed by the fungi (cadavers) and parasitoids (mummies) includedDiuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker),Sitobion avenae (F.), andSchizaphis graminum (Rondani). Taylor's power law was used to describe the relationships between mean densities of cadavers or mummies (number per tiller) and associated variances. Except forS. graminum mummies, which were at low levels throughout the growing seasons and tended to be randomly distributed, Taylor's slopes exceeded 1.0 for all the aphid cadavers and mummies, indicating varying degrees of clumping in spatial pattern. The spatial patterns ofD. noxia andM. dirhodum cadavers were similar, simply reflecting those of their own populations, but more aggregated than were their respective mummies resulting from parasitoid attack. The intercepts and slopes from the power law analysis were used to generate functional relationships between the proportion of wheat tillers bearing cadavers or mummies of each aphid species and the mean density, and develop optimal numerical (direct counting) and binomial (presence or absence) sample size curves for both cadavers and mummies of each aphid species.   相似文献   
庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):127-130
描述了采自四川西部山区竹上的柄锈菌一新种,即寄生在箭竹Sinarundinaria nitida(Mitf.) Nakai上的箭竹柄锈菌Puccinia sinarundinariae J-y. Zhuang & S.-x. Wei。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   
本文是26篇关于丝状真菌基因表达系统的研究论文的综述,包括两部份内容。前一部分叙述1979年开始建立并迅速发展起来的丝状真菌转化系统,着重介绍丝状真菌中转化系统的构建及转化的一般特点。后一部分叙述在转化系统发展基础上产生的丝状真菌基因工程,文中列出了截至1991年9月为止报道的一些成功的实例,说明它在丝状真菌工业育种和作为外源基因产物的生产和分泌系统中的应用。  相似文献   
The occurrence and distribution of lignicolous marine fungi in the Straits of Messina has been studied. Using submerged panels of pine, beech and poplar, twenty fungal species were identified. The lignicolous mycoflora of the Messina Straits was not significantly different from that reported in the literature for other temperate marine coastal environments, Ascomycotina being frequent, while Basidiomycotina were rare.  相似文献   
Both components of the polyamine oxidase (PAO)-polyamine system are known to be present in phagocytes and have thus been postulated to contribute to the antimicrobial activity of these cells. Therefore, the effects of the PAO-polyamine system on three medically important opportunistic fungi were examined. Yeasts of Cryptococcus neoformans, but not Candida albicans blastoconidia or Aspergillus fumigatus conidia, were efficiently killed by the system. Two putative end products of the system, hydrogen peroxide and acrolein, both killed C. neoformans at concentrations attainable with the whole system. However, catalase failed to inhibit activity of the whole system, making hydrogen peroxide an unlikely mediator of killing. Although C. albicans blastoconidia and A. fumigatus conidia were not killed by the PAO-polyamine system, germ tube formation by the former, and hyphal growth by the latter, were markedly inhibited. These data establish that the PAO-polyamine system possesses antifungal activity.  相似文献   
Metabolism of vanillic acid, a product of lignin degradation, has been studied in selected representatives of soft-rot, brown-rot and white-rot fungi. All of the brown-and white-rot species examined decarboxylated vanillate to methoxyhydroquinone oxidatively. Mycelium extracts of all these fungi, except Pleurotus ostreatus contained high levels of an NAD(P)H-dependent vanillate hydroxylase. P. ostreatus also released 14CO2 from 14COOH-vanillate but by a different mechanism possibly involving phenoloxidases. Most of these fungi also contained a dioxygenase which catalysed the intra-diol cleavage of hydroxyquinol (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene) to form maleylacetate. No 3-O-demethylase activity was detected, and data indicate that in some of the fungi examined cleavage of the aromatic ring occurs without prior removal of the methoxyl group. None of the soft-rot fungi tested contained vanillate hydroxylase or hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase, but very low levels of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase were detected in mycelium extracts. Vanillate catabolism among members of this group occurs via a different route which may involve ring demethylation although no 3-O-demethylase activity was detected in this study. The enzyme NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase was demonstrated to exist in all the studied groups of fungi.  相似文献   
The activation of the carotene biosynthetic pathway in Blakeslea trispora was found to occur by trisporic acid and many other compounds such as abscisic acid, β-ionone, α-ionone and vitamin A which share significant structural similarity with trisporic acid. The magnitude of stimulatory activities of these effectors was in the order trisporic acid > abscisic acid > β-ionone > α-ionone > vitamin A. Comparison of structures and stimulatory activities of all the effectors indicated that the short length of the side chain and the presence of a keto group in the ring structure of the trisporic acid molecule contributed significantly to the biological activity towards carotenogenesis.  相似文献   
The relationship between the respiration and the presence and utilization of endogenous and exogenous substrates was studied in the non-filamentous obligately marine fungus Thraustochytrium aureum. Using isotopic and manometric methods, it was shown that almost all exogenous glucose is assimilated, whilst almost all the oxygen consumption in the presence of exogenous glucose was due to oxidation of endogenous reserves. In contrast, exogenous glutamate, which cannot serve as the sole carbon source for growth, inhibits respiration of endogenous materials, and is itself rapidly oxidized. The uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol stimulates the oxidation of endogenous reserves without affecting the uptake and use of exogenous glucose. These data strongly support the idea of physiologic compartmentation in this organism.  相似文献   
Numbers of fungi were determined in water and sediment samples from a virgin salt-fresh water transect at North Point, James Bay. Fungal densities in the water samples showed an approximately linear increase from 28–70 CFU/100 ml, at the salt water extremity of the transect, to 13–16,000 CFU/100 ml at the freshwater extremity. Sediment fungal densities were also higher in the inland samples. There was no apparent difference between the numbers of fungi estimated using enumeration media prepared with distilled or saline water. Data are discussed in relation to the physical, chemical and organic status of the water, the nature of the surrounding vegetation and possible sources of the enumerated fungi.  相似文献   
25 species of lichens have been collected in semidesertic to desertic areas of Iran. On the basis of spatial relations to the substrate and anatomical features of the thallus three main groups (one with a subdivision based on colour and morphology of the thallus) can be differentiated. Selective advantages and peculiarities in connection with the desert habitat are pointed out, such as inverse thallus-structure, a dense network of skeletal hyphae in the substrate in otherwise epilithic species, proliferating areolae of the thallus, immersed pycnidia with trichogynes and brownish spores in groups with usually colourless spores. Most of the species are wide-spread in arid and often also in humid regions; only one species,Verrucaria buschirensis J. Steiner, seems to be endemic. The prevalence of cyanophilic lichens in deserts may have phylogenetic reasons, as these groups appear to date back to periods without higher vegetation and a desert-like environment.
Herrn Prof. Dr. L.Geitler zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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