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Archiascomycetes: detection of a major new lineage within the Ascomycota   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nishida  Hiromi  Sugiyama  Junta 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):361-366
For phylogenetic analysis of the higher fungi, we sequenced the nuclear small subunit rRNA (18S rRNA) gene fromTaphrina populina, the type species of the genusTaphrina, andProtomyces lactucae-debilis. The molecular phylogeny inferred from these 2 sequences and 75 sequences from the DNA data bank divided the Ascomycota into three major lineages: the hemiascomycetes, the euascomycetes, and the archiascomycetes, newly described herein. The former two lineages are monophyletic, whereas the archiascomycetes, which originated first and are comprised ofTaphrina, Protomyces, Saitoella, Schizosaccharomyces, andPneumocystis, may not be monophyletic. Among the archiascomycetes, theTaphrina/Protomyces branch is monophyletic. Confirmation of the archiascomycetes as a monophyletic taxonomic class will require comparison of additional genetically defined characters.This work was supported in part by grants 05454030 from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan (to J. S.) and 4369 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship Programs (to H. N.).  相似文献   
Nakamura  Kazuyo  Hatai  Kishio 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):383-389
A new species ofAtkinsiella (Lagenidiales, Oomycetes),Atkinsiella parasitica is described and illustrated. It was isolated from the eggs and bodies of a rotifer,Brachionus plicatilis, with fungal infection in 1992. The rotifer was reared in a hatchery as the first food supply for seed production of crustaceans and fishes. The fungus is characterized by producing monoplanetic, lateral biflagellate zoospores, and infrequently branched discharge tubes. Optimum temperature for the fungus was 25°C. The fungus was considered an obligate marine fungus, because its growth was observed only on PYGS medium including seawater.  相似文献   
Microbe-associated parthenogenesis (thelytoky) has been discovered in nineTrichogramma species, parasitoids of mainly lepidopteran eggs. Parthenogenetic and bisexual conspecifics co-occur in many field populations. As an initial step to understand the dynamics of these two reproductive strategies we studied the effect of microbe-associated parthenogenesis on fecundity. The fecundity of two parthenogenetic isofemale lines ofT. pretiosum and one ofT. deion was compared with bisexual lines derived from them by antibiotic treatment. In all three cases parthenogenetic females were less fecund over their lifetime than bisexual females. Also, parthenogenetic females produced fewer daughters in two cases and in one case a similar number of daughters as their respective bisexual counterparts. The lack of mating and insemination was excluded as an explanation for the reduced fecundity of parthenogenetic females, because mated and virgin parthenogenetic females produce the same number of offspring. Antibiotic treatment can also be excluded because females of field-collected bisexual line treated with antibiotics produced the same number of offspring as untreated females. The reduced fecundity of parthenogenetic females was caused by a lower number of eggs being laid rather than by a greater developmental mortality. Parthenogenetic females produced less daughters than bisexual females when host availability was not limiting, but when host availability was severely limited, parthenogenetic females produced more daughters than the bisexual females.  相似文献   
From 1913 to 1980, two zinc smelters in Palmerton, Pennsylvania, emitted large quantities of atmospheric pollutants nearly eliminating forests along a ridge above the town. In 2008, a remediation treatment was applied to the land above one of the smelters that included the planting of several locally adapted plant species. It also included mineral fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation. One of the species, the Pitch pine (Pinus rigida, Mill.), is a native tree that is both tolerant of metalliferous soils and obligatorily ectomycorrhizal. This report summarizes the results of two observational studies conducted 5 years after the remediation treatment. The first study's objective was to compare ectomycorrhizal communities on treated Pitch pine saplings, with communities on naturally regenerating saplings in an adjacent non-remediated area. The second study's objective was to determine if the composition of the fungal communities on root tips of naturally regenerating Pitch pine saplings differed with distance from the smelters. Fungal community compositions were determined using internal transcribed spacer rRNA sequences. Comparisons of sequences from the remediated and non-remediated sites revealed that communities at the remediated sites had lower taxonomic diversity and were dominated by members of a genus in the remediation inoculant. The results of the smelter-proximity study indicated that although fungal diversity did not differ markedly with distance from the smelters, the relative abundances of some taxa were greater on saplings growing directly above the smelters, where the soils contained highest concentrations of zinc and cadmium.  相似文献   
Kel Cook  D. Lee Taylor 《Biotropica》2023,55(1):268-276
Epiphytes, which grow on other plants for support, make up a large portion of Earth's plant diversity. Like other plants, their surfaces and interiors are colonized by diverse assemblages of fungi that can benefit their hosts by increasing tolerance for abiotic stressors and resistance to disease or harm them as pathogens. Fungal communities associated with epiphytic plants and the processes that structure these communities are poorly known. To address this, we sampled seven epiphytic seedless plant taxa in a Costa Rican rainforest and examined the effects of host identity and microhabitat on external and endophytic fungal communities. We found low host specificity for both external and endophytic fungi and weak differentiation between epiphytic and neighboring epilithic plant hosts. High turnover in fungi within and between hosts and habitats reveals that epiphytic plant-associated fungal communities are highly diverse and suggests that they are structured by stochastic processes.  相似文献   
The current report describes the chemical investigation and biological activity of extracts produced by three fungal strains Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium simplicissimum, and Fusarium proliferatum isolated from the roots of Piper nigrum L. growing in Vietnam. These fungi were namely determined by morphological and DNA analyses. GC/MS identification revealed that the EtOAc extracts of these fungi were associated with the presence of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. These EtOAc extracts showed cytotoxicity towards cancer cell lines HepG2, inhibited various microbacterial organisms, especially fungus Aspergillus niger and yeast Candida albicans (the MIC values of 50–100 μg/mL). In α-glucosidase inhibitory assay, they induced the IC50 values of 1.00-2.53 μg/mL were better than positive control acarbose (169.80 μg/mL). The EtOAc extract of F. oxysporum also showed strong anti-inflammatory activity against NO production and PGE-2 level. Four major compounds linoleic acid (37.346 %), oleic acid (27.520 %), palmitic acid (25.547 %), and stearic acid (7.030 %) from the EtOAc extract of F. oxysporum were selective in molecular docking study, by which linoleic and oleic acids showed higher binding affinity towards α-glucosidase than palmitic and stearic acids. In subsequent docking assay with inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid could be moderate inhibitors.  相似文献   
Biochar and manure can be used for sustainable land management. However, little is known about how soil amendments might affect surface and belowground microbial processes and subsequent wood decomposition. In a split-split-split plot design, we amended soil with two rates of manure (whole plot; 0 and 9 Mg ha−1) and biochar (split plot; 0 and 10 Mg ha−1). Wood stakes of three species (hybrid poplar, triploid Populus tomentosa Carr.; aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx.; and pine, Pinus taeda L.) were placed in two positions (horizontally on the soil surface, and inserted vertically in the mineral soil), which served as a substrate for fungal growth. In 3 years, the decomposition rate (density loss), moisture content, and fungal community (via high-throughput sequencing methods) of stakes were evaluated. Results indicated that biochar and/or manure increased the wood stake decomposition rates, moisture content, and operational taxonomic unit abundance. However, the richness and diversity of fungi were dependent on wood stake position (surface > mineral), species (pine > the two Populus), and sample dates. This study highlights that soil amendment with biochar and/or manure can alter the fungal community, which in turn can enhance an important soil process (i.e., decomposition).  相似文献   
王科  蔡磊 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):50-62
我国菌物分类学研究始于20世纪初,经过百余年的不断探索和发展,取得了丰硕的成果,并逐渐走进世界前列。本研究通过对世界菌物名称信息库Fungal Names进行数据统计,对发现自中国的菌物新物种和中国学者发表菌物新分类单元等数据开展分析,从中揭示中国菌物分类学的历史和发展趋势。过去,一共有2 214位中国学者参与发表了15 626个菌物新分类单元,包括 3个新纲、27个新目及亚目、117个新科及亚科、769个新属及亚属、11 100个新种、322个新种下单元和3 288个新组合。在全球已知的菌物物种中,自中国发现的新物种有10 233种,隶属于 3界13门44纲174目572科2 379属,占全球已知物种多样性的6.84%,居世界第二位。地理分布上,我国西南地区(云南、四川、贵州、西藏)和低纬度的热带、亚热带地区(中国台湾、广东)发现的新物种最多。根据每年发现的新分类单元数量趋势和命名作者的构成,可将中国菌物分类学的发展历史分为五个阶段:外人在华采菌及研究(1750s-1929)、中国菌物分类学起步(1930-1949)、新中国菌物分类学早期发展(1950-1977)、全国性菌物标本采集与研究(1978-2010)、走进世界前列(2011至今)。本研究对每个发展时期的分类学概况和重要历史事件进行了总结和回顾,通过上述综述性研究,有助于系统地了解中国菌物分类学不同阶段的发展趋势和研究概况,为学科当下和未来的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
历经几代真菌人的艰苦奋斗,《中国真菌志》目前已出版65卷,其中子囊菌类有35卷、担子菌类26卷、接合菌类1卷、卵菌1卷、黏菌2卷;上述卷册记录923属9 228种及种下分类群。编研涉及大型和小型的类群、腐生菌、食药用菌、菌根真菌、作物和林木病原菌、捕食性真菌、虫生菌、菌生真菌以及毒菌等。编研过程中发现并发表了大量新分类群,丰富了对菌物物种多样性的认知。归纳已有成果,已立项卷册应加快编研和出版进度;资源调查与分类学研究需进一步加强,按分类群(专科、专属)继续开展编研工作,注重拟参编类群的前期研究积累;以下分类群值得在后续工作中予以关注:水霉目等部分卵菌、壶菌类、座囊菌纲部分类群、盘菌纲和锤舌菌纲中尚未参编的主要类群、伞菌纲中具有小型子实体的类群等。由于分类系统在不断更新和完善,已出版卷册中使用的部分名称和分类地位的处理需依据被大多数学者所公认的分类系统给予适时的订正。期待建设一支继往开来的菌物分类学研究队伍,不断取得令世人瞩目的编研成果,为我国菌物资源利用和物种保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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