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The published experimental data and existing concepts of cellular regulation of respiration are analyzed. Conventional, simplified considerations of regulatory mechanism by cytoplasmic ADP according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics or by derived parameters such as phosphate potential etc. do not explain relationships between oxygen consumption, workload and metabolic state of the cell. On the other hand, there are abundant data in literature showing microheterogeneity of cytoplasmic space in muscle cells, in particular with respect to ATP (and ADP) due to the structural organization of cell interior, existence of multienzyme complexes and structured water phase. Also very recent experimental data show that the intracellular diffusion of ADP is retarded in cardiomyocytes because of very low permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane for adenine nucleotidesin vivo. Most probably, permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane porin channels is controlled in the cellsin vivo by some intracellular factors which may be connected to cytoskeleton and lost during mitochondrial isolation. All these numerous data show convincingly that cellular metabolism cannot be understood if cell interior is considered as homogenous solution, and it is necessary to use the theories of organized metabolic systems and substrate-product channelling in multienzyme systems to understand metabolic regulation of respiration. One of these systems is the creatine kinase system, which channels high energy phosphates from mitochondria to sites of energy utilization. It is proposed that in muscle cells feed-back signal between contraction and mitochondrial respiration may be conducted by metabolic wave (propagation of oscillations of local concentration of ADP and creatine) through cytoplasmic equilibrium creatine and adenylate kinases and is amplified by coupled creatine kinase reaction in mitochondria. Mitochondrial creatine kinase has experimentally been shown to be a powerful amplifier of regulatory action of weak ADP fluxes due to its coupling to adenine nucleotide translocase. This phenomenon is also carefully analyzed.It is easier to explain biochemistry in terms of transport than it is to explain transport in terms of biochemistry. P. Mitchell The Ninth Sir Hans Krebs Lecture, Dresden, July 2, 1978.  相似文献   
At elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]a), photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and root fraction (ηR, the ratio of root to plant dry mass) increased in some studies and decreased in others. Here, we have explored possible causes of this, focusing on the relative magnitudes of the effects of elevated [CO2]a on specific leaf (nm) and plant (np) nitrogen concentrations, leaf mass per unit area (h), and plant nitrogen productivity (α). In our survey of 39 studies with 35 species, we found that elevated [CO2]a led to decreased nm and np in all the studies and to increased h and α in most of the studies. The magnitudes of these changes varied with species and with experimental conditions. Based on a model that integrated [CO2]a-induced changes in leaf nitrogen into a biochemically based model of leaf photosynthesis, we predicted that, to a first approximation, photosynthesis will be upregulated (Amax will increase) when growth at increased [CO2]a leads to increases in h that are larger than decreases in nm. Photosynthesis will be downregulated (Amax will decrease) when increases in h are smaller than decreases in nm. The model suggests that photosynthetic capacity increases at elevated [CO2]a only when additional leaf mesophyll more than compensates the effects of nitrogen dilution. We considered two kinds of regulatory paradigms that could lead to varying responses of ηR to elevated [CO2]a, and compared the predictions of each with the data. A simple static model based on the functional balance concept predicts that ηR should increase when neither np nor h is very responsive to elevated [CO2]a. The quantitative and qualitative agreement of the predictions with data from the literature, however, is poor. A model that predicts ηR from the relative sensitivities of photosynthesis and relative growth rate to elevated [CO2]a corresponds much more closely to the observations. In general, root fraction increases if the response of photosynthesis to [CO2]a is greater than that of relative growth rate.  相似文献   
Although the structural design of cellular bone (i.e., bone containing osteocytes that are regularly spaced throughout the bone matrix) dates back to the first occurrence of bone as a tissue in evolution, and although osteocytes represent the most abundant cell type of bone, we know as yet little about the role of the osteocyte in bone metabolism. Osteocytes descend from osteoblasts. They are formed by the incorporation of osteoblasts into the bone matrix. Osteocytes remain in contact with each other and with cells on the bone surface via gap junction–coupled cell processes passing through the matrix via small channels, the canaliculi, that connect the cell body–containing lacunae with each other and with the outside world. During differentiation from osteoblast to mature osteocyte the cells lose a large part of their cell organelles. Their cell processes are packed with microfilaments. In this review we discuss the various theories on osteocyte function that have taken in consideration these special features of osteocytes. These are (1) osteocytes are actively involved in bone turnover; (2) the osteocyte network is through its large cell-matrix contact surface involved in ion exchange; and (3) osteocytes are the mechanosensory cells of bone and play a pivotal role in functional adaptation of bone. In our opinion, especially the last theory offers an exciting concept for which some biomechanical, biochemical, and cell biological evidence is already available and which fully warrants further investigations. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees (LOTs), with potentially dire consequences for biodiversity and carbon storage. However, the influence of tree-level tradeoffs on forest structure at landscape scales will also depend on disturbances, which shape tree size and age distribution, and on whether LOTs can benefit from improved growing conditions due to climate warming. We analyzed temporal and spatial variation in radial growth patterns from ~5000 Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst) live and dead trees from the Western Carpathian primary spruce forest stands. We applied mixed-linear modeling to quantify the importance of LOT growth histories and stand dynamics (i.e., competition and disturbance factors) on lifespan. Finally, we assessed regional synchronization in radial growth variability over the 20th century, and modeled the effects of stand dynamics and climate on LOTs recent growth trends. Tree age varied considerably among forest stands, implying an important role of disturbance as an age constraint. Slow juvenile growth and longer period of suppressed growth prolonged tree lifespan, while increasing disturbance severity and shorter time since last disturbance decreased it. The highest age was not achieved only by trees with continuous slow growth, but those with slow juvenile growth followed by subsequent growth releases. Growth trend analysis demonstrated an increase in absolute growth rates in response to climate warming, with late summer temperatures driving the recent growth trend. Contrary to our expectation that LOTs would eventually exhibit declining growth rates, the oldest LOTs (>400 years) continuously increase growth throughout their lives, indicating a high phenotypic plasticity of LOTs for increasing biomass, and a strong carbon sink role of primary spruce forests under rising temperatures, intensifying droughts, and increasing bark beetle outbreaks.  相似文献   


Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum is an invasive shrub of growing concern in continental Europe, but little is known about its impact on native plant communities. Here we ask: do environmental conditions differ between forest stands invaded by it and uninvaded stands? Do these differences correlate with R. ponticum's cover? Are these differences associated with differences in taxonomic and functional diversity of vascular plant species of the herb layer? Can these vegetation changes be explained by the sorting of certain life-history traits by R. ponticum-induced environmental changes?


Several forests invaded by R. ponticum in the French Atlantic domain.


We recorded vegetation composition and a number of environmental variables in 400-m2 plots that were established in 64 paired forest stands (32 invaded vs 32 uninvaded). We compiled traits from existing databases. We computed several metrics of taxonomic and functional diversity. We compared environmental variables and diversity metrics between invaded and uninvaded stands. We used correlation and regression analyses to relate them with R. ponticum's cover. We ran RLQ and fourth-corner analyses to explore the relationships between R. ponticum invasion, environmental variables, species traits, and vegetation composition.


Independent of its abundance, R. ponticum invasion was associated with lower light arrival at the forest floor and increased litter thickness. Concomitantly, species richness and diversity and trait diversity were reduced. The major driver of species assemblages was soil pH, which strongly interacted with the invasion gradient. R. ponticum did not sort species according to traits associated with shade tolerance and thick-litter tolerance. However, tree and shrub saplings were more abundant in invaded than uninvaded stands, at the expense of graminoid and fern species.


As R. ponticum becomes the dominant shrub, it exerts new selection forces on life-history traits of extant species, mostly via reduced light availability, increased litter thickness, and physical competition, thereby reducing taxonomic and functional diversity of the herb layer, without impeding tree and shrub self-regeneration, at least in the short term.  相似文献   
Our understanding of the community assembly processes acting on non-indigenous species (NIS), as well as the relationship with native species is limited, especially in marine ecosystems. To overcome this knowledge gap we here develop a trait-based approach based on the functional distinctiveness metric to assess niche overlap between NIS and native species, using high-resolution data on benthic invertebrate communities in the Baltic Sea. Our results show that NIS retain a certain degree of similarity with native species, but display one or a few singular unique traits (e.g., bioturbation ability). Furthermore, we demonstrate that community assembly processes, including both environmental filtering and limiting similarity affect NIS establishment, but that their effects may be highly context dependent, as illustrated by pronounced spatial patterns in distinctiveness. Finally, our trait-based approach provides a generic framework applicable to other areas and organisms, to better understand and address biological invasions.  相似文献   


It is crucial to monitor how the productivity of grasslands varies with its temporal stability for management of these ecosystems. However, identifying the direction of the productivity–stability relationship remains challenging because ecological stability has multiple components that can display neutral, positive or negative covariations. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the direction of the productivity–stability relationship depends on the biotic interactions and abiotic conditions that underlie ecosystem productivity and stability. We decipher the relationships between grassland productivity and two components of its stability in four habitat types with contrasting environments and flora.



Time period


Major taxa

Grassland plant species.


We used c. 20,000 vegetation plots spread across French permanent grasslands and remotely sensed vegetation indices to quantify grassland productivity and temporal stability. We decomposed stability into constancy (i.e., temporal invariability) and resistance (i.e., maximum deviation from average) and deciphered the direct and indirect effects of abiotic (namely growing season length and nitrogen input) and biotic (namely plant taxonomic diversity, trait diversity and community-weighted mean traits) factors on productivity–stability relationships using structural equation models.


We found a positive relationship between productivity and constancy and a negative relationship between productivity and resistance in all habitats. Abiotic factors had stronger effects on productivity and stability compared with biotic factors. A longer growing season enhanced grassland productivity and constancy. Nitrogen input had positive and negative effects on grassland productivity and resistance, respectively. Trait values affected the constancy and resistance of grassland more than taxonomic and trait diversity, with effects varying from one habitat to another. Productivity was not related to any biotic factor.

Main conclusions

Our findings reveal how vital it is to consider both the multiple components of stability and the interaction between environment and biodiversity to gain an understanding of the relationships between productivity and stability in real-world ecosystems, which is a crucial step for sustainable grassland management.  相似文献   
Oxalate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis is a binuclear Mn-dependent acid stress response enzyme that converts the mono-anion of oxalic acid into formate and carbon dioxide in a redox neutral unimolecular disproportionation reaction. A π-stacked tryptophan dimer, W96 and W274, at the interface between two monomer subunits facilitates long-range electron transfer between the two Mn ions and plays an important role in the catalytic mechanism. Substitution of W96 with the unnatural amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan leads to a persistent EPR signal which can be traced back to the neutral radical of 5-hydroxytryptophan with its hydroxyl proton removed. 5-Hydroxytryptophan acts as a hole sink preventing the formation of Mn(III) at the N-terminal active site and strongly suppresses enzymatic activity. The lower boundary of the standard reduction potential for the active site Mn(II)/Mn(III) couple can therefore be estimated as 740 mV against the normal hydrogen electrode at pH 4, the pH of maximum catalytic efficiency. Our results support the catalytic importance of long-range electron transfer in oxalate decarboxylase while at the same time highlighting the utility of unnatural amino acid incorporation and specifically the use of 5-hydroxytryptophan as an energetic sink for hole hopping to probe electron transfer in redox proteins.  相似文献   
We develop a new method for variable selection in a nonlinear additive function-on-scalar regression (FOSR) model. Existing methods for variable selection in FOSR have focused on the linear effects of scalar predictors, which can be a restrictive assumption in the presence of multiple continuously measured covariates. We propose a computationally efficient approach for variable selection in existing linear FOSR using functional principal component scores of the functional response and extend this framework to a nonlinear additive function-on-scalar model. The proposed method provides a unified and flexible framework for variable selection in FOSR, allowing nonlinear effects of the covariates. Numerical analysis using simulation study illustrates the advantages of the proposed method over existing variable selection methods in FOSR even when the underlying covariate effects are all linear. The proposed procedure is demonstrated on accelerometer data from the 2003–2004 cohorts of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in understanding the association between diurnal patterns of physical activity and demographic, lifestyle, and health characteristics of the participants.  相似文献   
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