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The isolation and characterization of cDNA and homologous genomic clones encoding the lignin O-methyltransferase (OMT) from maize is reported. The cDNA clone has been isolated by differential screening of maize root cDNA library. Southern analysis indicates that a single gene codes for this protein. The genomic sequence contains a single 916 bp intron. The deduced protein sequence from DNA shares significant homology with the recently reported lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic OMTs from alfalfa and aspen. It also shares homology with OMTs from bovine pineal glands and a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium. The mRNA of this gene is present at different levels in distinct organs of the plant with the highest accumulation detected in the elongation zone of roots. Bacterial extracts from clones containing the maize OMT cDNA show an activity in methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid comparable to that existing in the plant extracts. These results indicate that the described gene encodes the caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (COMT) involved in the lignin biosynthesis of maize.  相似文献   
A method is described for obtaining transgenic plants with a high level of expression of the introduced gene. Tobacco protoplasts were transformed with an expression construct containing a translational fusion between mature -amylase from Bacillus licheniformis and the signal peptide of the tobacco PR-S protein. A total number of 5200 transformed protoplasts was cultured to microcalli and screened for -amylase expression by incubation on media containing starch followed by staining with iodine. The calli were divided into four classes, based on the resulting halo sizes on the plates. The halo sizes were found to correlated with the expression levels in transgenic plants regenerated from the calli. The expression levels varied between 0 and 0.5% of soluble leaf protein in the regenerated transgenic plants. Wider implications of this method are discussed.  相似文献   
Some degree of wetland loss characterizes most coastal systems of the United States. This loss is generally reported as a decrease in wetland area, but most coastal land loss entails wetland submergence and conversion to open water. This concurrent increase in the area of aquatic habitat decreases the wetland:open water ratio, effectively diluting the area of remaining wetland relative to the aquatic system. The functional loss of intertidal wetlands to the ecosystem associated with this dilution effect may significantly alter ecological functions dependent on the interactive coupling of wetland and aquatic habitats. The magnitude of functional loss is strongly dependent on the wetland:water ratio of an estuary. In estuaries with open bay-type morphologies, the open water area is already large and functional loss of wetland by additional dilution may be only slightly greater than the areal wetland loss. Where estuaries are wetland-dominated, however, conversion of even a small percentage of wetland to water drastically alters the wetland:water ratio. In these cases, functional losses by dilution are much greater than the rate of areal wetland loss.In the Barataria Basin estuary, Louisiana, between 1967 and 1987, 15.4% of the salt marsh was lost (assuming a loss rate of 0.8% y–1 of the remaining marsh). We estimated that this 15% loss of salt marsh, by conversion to open water, may have resulted in a 27% reduction in the supply of inorganic nutrients and organic matter to the estuarine water column by the marsh, simply due to the dilution effects of the changed wetland:open water ratio. Functional losses of this magnitude may have serious implications to the estuarine ecosystem where intertidal wetlands support aquatic productivity by exporting nutrients and energy or where intertidal wetlands buffer aquatic eutrophication by importing excess nutrients and organic matter. It is conceivable that an estuary characterized by wetland loss may reach a point where, although some wetland remains, its functional value to the ecosystem is essentially gone.  相似文献   
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was tested to evaluate whether it could be applicable in screening for mass examination of strongyloidiasis. A total of 2906 inhabitants in three areas (858 in Gushikawa Village, 849 in Nakazato Village and 1199 in Sashiki Town) were screened by the enzymatic assay and approximately 11–30% (11.8% in Gushikawa, 17.0% in Nakazato and 27.7% in Sashiki) were considered to be antibody positive. In the parasitological follow-up examinations of those who were antibody positive, actual infection was found in more than half (51%) the subjects. The overall infection rates estimated from the results reached 5.8% in Gushikawa, 9.1% in Nakazato and 14.0% in Sashiki (mean = 10.4%). The infection rates were significantly higher than those in previous surveys conducted in the same areas. The ELISA technique was found to be useful for strongyloidiasis screening and for seroepidemiological purposes in Okinawa.  相似文献   
Evolution of skull shape in carnivores 1. Representative modern carnivores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen variables, selected primarily to reflect functionally significant aspects of cranial morphology, were measured on one skull each of 62 species of modern carnivores, including viverrids, canids, mustelids and felids. To allow comparisons between species of different sizes without the potentially confounding effects of allometric shape changes, the measurements were transformed to dimensionless variables, based on the residuals from allometric equations. Fourteen out of 15 of the transformed variables distinguish one or more of the four family groups and the rotated first two axes of a principal components analysis distinguish all four families from each other. The following functional hypotheses are proposed: mustelids and felids have the most powerful bites and canids the weakest among the four family groups studied; mustelids and, to a lesser degree, felids have more powerful neck musculature than do canids and viverrids; and visual abilities are best developed among felids and least developed among mustelids. The first two functional hypotheses suggest possible differences in killing behaviour, which are supported by a preliminary survey of the literature on such behaviour. Allometric analysis of the 15 cranial measures shows that the neurocranial components scale with negative allometry, while most of the other measures scale approximately isometrically.  相似文献   
Conspicuous calcareous coverings are present in the anterior region of 17 fossil jaws from late Cretaceous rocks of Hokkaido (Japan) and Sakhalin (U.S.S.R.). The jaws were preserved in calcareous nodules either in situ in body chambers of ammonites or in close association with identifiable ammonite conch remains. From the morphologic similarity between in situ and isolated jaws, they may be attributed to Tetragonites glabrus, Gaudryceras tenuiliratum, G. denseplicatum, G. sp., and Neophylloceras subramosum. The jaw apparatus of these species is composed of two three-dimensional black walls of carbonate apatite, which might be a diagenetic replacement of chitinous material. The calcareous coverings in both upper and lower jaws closely resemble those of upper (rhyncholite) and lower (conchorhynch) jaws of modern Nautilus as well as rhyncholite and conchorhynch fossils in their gross morphology, microstructure, and chemical composition. Calcified remains of cephalopod jaws known as rhyncholites and conchorhynchs have been reported from late Paleozoic to Recent. The present discovery of ammonoid rhyncholites and conchorhynchs suggests that at least some previously known late Paleozoic and Mesozoic counterparts belong to the Ammonoidea. The essential similarity of jaw elements of some Late Cretaceous ammonites and modern Nautilus gives reliable information on the feeding habits of the former. The sharp and thick ammonoid rhyncholites and conchorhynchs may have had a special function for cutting up food, similar to those of Nautilus.  相似文献   
Summary The reaction-diffusion system considered involves only one nonlinear term and is a gradient system. In a bifurcation analysis for the equilibrium states, the global existence of infinitely many solution branches can be shown by the method of Ljusternik-Schnirelmann. Their stability is studied. Using a Ljapunov functional it can be shown that the solutions of the time-dependent system converge to the equilibrium states.  相似文献   
Seasonal reproductive cycle of the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens corrianus has been studied. These mussels are functional or simultaneous hermaphrodites. The spawning was at its peak during the months of September to December. The gonads were in growing stages with reduced gonadal activity during January to April, whereas the maturation of gonads was found to be intense during May to August.  相似文献   
潘鹤思  柳洪志 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4560-4569
新常态下,我国的森林生态环境承载力已经达到或接近上限,森林资源存在乱砍乱伐现象和林区政府监管乏力问题,究其根源是缺乏森林保护和补偿的驱动机制。在中央政府投入大量物力和财力的同时,其他利益相关主体却存在不同利益诉求和行为导向冲突,跨区域森林生态补偿难以实现,因此利用演化博弈模型厘清森林生态环境保护与补偿行动中保护主体、受益主体和中央政府的关系,有助于突破跨区域森林生态保护补偿困境,形成良好的行动机制。分析主体功能区利益群体逻辑关系的基础上,构建保护地区政府和受益地区政府的演化博弈模型,分别研究未引入"约束-激励"机制和引入"约束-激励"机制下的主体行为特征及其影响因素,剖析不同情形地方政府间的博弈决策行为。研究结果表明,在未引入中央政府"约束-激励"机制的情况下,跨区域生态补偿无法实现,保护地区政府会通过权衡保护森林资源收益和机会成本进行策略选择,当保护森林资源的净收益为正时,即使没有受益地区生态补偿,保护地区政府仍然有足够的激励保护森林资源,当保护森林资源的净收益为负时,两类政府群体容易陷入森林生态治理的"囚徒困境",而"约束-激励"机制的引入可以实现森林生态保护补偿的帕累托改进,通过中央政府惩罚、奖励金额的限制能够实现最优稳定均衡策略。  相似文献   
【目的】建立里氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei)高产突变菌株的快速筛选方法,选育出高产内切葡聚糖酶的突变株。【方法】对里氏木霉T306菌株的初筛培养基进行优化,建立快速筛选方法;通过紫外诱变手段选育内切葡聚糖酶高产突变菌株,并对突变菌株的产酶培养基进行优化。【结果】在初筛培养基中添加浓度为0.1%(W/V)的乳糖、蛋白胨及脱氧胆酸钠有利于菌株的筛选。诱变后筛选出菌落形态发生明显变化的内切葡聚糖酶高产突变株0516,其羧甲基纤维素酶活力(CMC酶)较出发菌株提高了38.9%。其产酶培养基经优化后,得到最适碳、氮源分别为:乳糖1.50%、硫酸铵0.14%、尿素0.05%、蛋白胨0.10%,优化后CMC酶活力达64.2 U/mL,较优化前提高了2.3倍。【结论】建立了里氏木霉高产突变菌株的快速筛选方法,通过紫外诱变育种获得了产内切葡聚糖酶能力高且遗传稳定的突变株0516。  相似文献   
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