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城市自生草本植物的物种多样性和功能多样性直接影响城市生态系统的功能和稳定性,但目前相关研究依然很缺乏。以深圳市为例,基于建成区600个1hm2样地的现场调查数据,分析自生草本植物的群落结构、物种多样性、群落功能特征及功能多样性。结果显示:①调查共记录自生草本植物61科178属273种,其中多年生草本占54.6%,乡土植物占65.6%。②占明显优势的功能特征有中小型叶(91.85%)、草质叶(42.59%)、纸质叶(32.96%)、叶片无毛或近无毛(56.67%)、中等密度绒毛(40.37%)、叶面较粗糙(52.59%)、花期4-6个月(50.78%)、果期4-6个月(49.22%)、干果(86.03%)。③群落类型间功能丰富度FDp、功能离散度Rao二次熵差异极显著(P < 0.01)、功能均匀度FEve差异显著(P < 0.05)。④公园绿地的物种多样性指数明显高于其他三类绿地;不同绿地类型间的功能丰富度和功能离散度在滞尘、降噪、降温增湿及生物多样性保护方面都有极显著差异(P < 0.01),功能均匀度只在滞尘及生物多样性保护方面差异极显著(P < 0.01)。⑤各功能多样性指数均与Margalef指数、Simpson指数及Shannon-Wiener指数呈极显著正相关关系(P < 0.01)。研究结论和方法为维护城市生态系统稳定性、建设生态宜居城市、促进城市可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
开封地区不同土地利用方式农田杂草群落结构及动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷艳芳  胡楠  丁圣彦  张丽霞 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1359-1367
2005年春、秋两季对开封地区不同土地利用方式小麦-玉米、小麦-大豆轮作地,葡萄地,弃耕地中杂草进行调查,统计分析各杂草群落中物种相似系数、物种相对多度分布、功能群相对多度和生物多样性。杂草功能群分为单子叶短期生植物(MA)、双子叶短期生植物(DA)、单子叶多年生植物(MP)及双子叶多年生植物(DP)4个功能类群。调查共记录杂草种类71种,隶属27个科;春季51种、共同种7个,秋季36种、共同种8个。不同土地利用方式杂草群落相似系数春季各群落间0.3~0.5,秋季玉米地-大豆地、秋葡萄地-弃耕地最高,分别是0.73和0.70;季节间小麦地与秋季各杂草群落间相似系数小于0.1。春、秋季弃耕地物种-相对多度分布曲线下降缓慢,常见种和偶见种多、相对多度分配分别占61.32%和47.09%;小麦地、玉米地、大豆地和葡萄地优势种突出。春季DA功能群占优势,小麦地高达81.06%;MP功能群较少,小麦地缺少MP。秋季玉米地和大豆地杂草功能群分布较均衡,葡萄地以DA和MP为主、分别为42.34%和42.64%;弃耕地MA、DA和MP平均,为33.63、31.07和30.25%。多样性指数为春、秋季弃耕地最高1.76和1.72,玉米、大豆地次之为1.55和1.52,春、秋葡萄地1.49、1.30,小麦地最低1.12。结论:不同土地利用方式杂草群落种群构成不同,功能群相对多度分配格局以免耕农田玉米地、大豆地和葡萄地杂草功能群分布均衡;功能群季节变化明显,趋势为MP上升,DA下降。不同土地利用方式土地多样性等级为小麦地〈葡萄地〈大豆地和玉米地〈弃耕地。  相似文献   
线虫区系分析指示土壤食物网结构和功能研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈云峰  韩雪梅  李钰飞  胡诚 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1072-1084
土壤食物网结构复杂,功能众多,直接测定土壤食物网各功能群生物量并结合数学模型来推断土壤食物网结构和功能,工作量大且分析过程繁琐。线虫生态学的发展为土壤食物网的研究开辟了一条新的思路,即利用线虫区系分析来定性推断食物网的结构和功能。线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,占据着土壤食物网的中心位置,其物种多样性、食性多样性、生活史策略多样性、功能团多样性奠定了其作为土壤食物网结构和功能指示生物的生态学基础。线虫区系分析根据发展历史可以分为个体分类、生活史策略分类、功能团分类和代谢足迹分类四个时期,其中后两个时期主要用于推断土壤食物网结构和功能。基于功能团的线虫区系分析将线虫的食性和生活史策略结合起来,发展出一系列指数来判断土壤食物网的连通性、食物网链长度、外界养分投入情况、分解途径及对外界干扰的响应等。基于代谢足迹的线虫区系分析在功能团分析基础上,加入线虫能流分析,从而定性反映了土壤食物网功能的大小。两者在指示土壤食物网自下而上调节及对植物线虫控制等方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Protected areas (PAs) are pivotal tools for biodiversity conservation on the Earth. Europe has had an extensive protection system since Natura 2000 areas were created in parallel with traditional parks and reserves. However, the extent to which this system covers not only taxonomic diversity but also other biodiversity facets, such as evolutionary history and functional diversity, has never been evaluated. Using high-resolution distribution data of all European tetrapods together with dated molecular phylogenies and detailed trait information, we first tested whether the existing European protection system effectively covers all species and in particular, those with the highest evolutionary or functional distinctiveness. We then tested the ability of PAs to protect the entire tetrapod phylogenetic and functional trees of life by mapping species'' target achievements along the internal branches of these two trees. We found that the current system is adequately representative in terms of the evolutionary history of amphibians while it fails for the rest. However, the most functionally distinct species were better represented than they would be under random conservation efforts. These results imply better protection of the tetrapod functional tree of life, which could help to ensure long-term functioning of the ecosystem, potentially at the expense of conserving evolutionary history.  相似文献   
整合电路理论的生态廊道及其重要性识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋利利  秦明周 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3344-3352
景观连接度被认为是影响诸多生态过程的一个重要因素.基于最小累积阻力模型的最小成本路径识别方法可以有效识别异质性景观中的功能连接,已被广泛应用到景观的功能连接评价与生态廊道模拟的研究中.基于电路理论的连接度模型用电阻代替了图论中的边、用电阻距离代替成本距离,来衡量异质性景观的功能连接.本文以SIMMAP 2.0软件生成的模拟景观为对象,借助于Linkage Mapper工具和Circuitscape软件,探讨如何将最小累积阻力模型与基于电路理论的连接度模型相结合来识别生态廊道及其景观要素的相对重要性.结果表明: 两种模型在应用中各有优势,互为补充.最小成本路径方法可以有效识别栖息地之间的最小成本廊道,基于电路理论的连接度模型通过电流密度的计算可以有效识别对景观连接性有重要影响的景观要素和“夹点”地区,并且“夹点”的位置不受廊道宽度的影响,在廊道重要性识别研究中具有明显优势.该方法可为区域生态保护规划和生态廊道设计提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Engineering enzymes with improved catalytic properties in non-natural environments have been concerned with their diverse industrial and biotechnological applications. Immobilization represents a promising but straightforward route, and immobilized biocatalysts often display higher activities and stabilities compared to free enzymes. Owing to their unique physicochemical characteristics, including the high-specific surface area, exceptional chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties, efficient enzyme loading, and multivalent functionalization, nano-based materials are postulated as suitable carriers for biomolecules or enzyme immobilization. Enzymes immobilized on nanomaterial-based supports are more robust, stable, and recoverable than their pristine counterparts, and are even used for continuous catalytic processes. Furthermore, the unique intrinsic properties of nanomaterials, particularly nanoparticles, also confer the immobilized enzymes to be used for their broader applications. Herein, an effort has been made to present novel potentialities of multi-point enzyme immobilization in the current biotechnological sector. Various nano-based platforms for enzyme/biomolecule immobilization are discussed in the second part of the review. In summary, recent developments in the use of nanomaterials as new carriers to construct robust nano-biocatalytic systems are reviewed, and future trends are pointed out in this article.  相似文献   
Many scientists complain that the current funding situation is dire. Indeed, there has been an overall decline in support in funding for research from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Within the Drosophila field, some of us question how long this funding crunch will last as it demotivates principal investigators and perhaps more importantly affects the long-term career choice of many young scientists. Yet numerous very interesting biological processes and avenues remain to be investigated in Drosophila, and probing questions can be answered fast and efficiently in flies to reveal new biological phenomena. Moreover, Drosophila is an excellent model organism for studies that have translational impact for genetic disease and for other medical implications such as vector-borne illnesses. We would like to promote a better collaboration between Drosophila geneticists/biologists and human geneticists/bioinformaticians/clinicians, as it would benefit both fields and significantly impact the research on human diseases.  相似文献   
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