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The functional response of adult females of the coccinellid beetle Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant to juveniles of strawberry spider mite, Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov & Nikolski was determined on cowpea, castor bean and cucumber leaves in the laboratory at 25°C and a 14 h L: 10 h D photoperiod. Beetles were isolated singly for 24 h in 9-cm Petri dishes with either 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 nymphal stages of T. turkestani. Results showed a typical type II response on all plants tested, with up to 110.7, 100.8, and 53.0 prey attacked when 128 nymphal stages were provided on cowpea, castor bean, and cucumber leaves, respectively. Based on the Rogers random attack equation, the highest estimated attack rate and the lowest handling time were obtained on cowpea. It was therefore concluded that the host plant species can affect the predation rate and functional response components of S. gilvifrons, a specific and effective predator of spider mites.  相似文献   
Although it is common knowledge that many trilobites enrolled, behavioral and functional aspects of enrollment are not at all well understood. Taphonomic details portrayed by enrolled trilobites in the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group (New York State) indicate that enrollment was a complex and morphologically constrained behavior. The trilobites Phacops rana (Green) and Greenops boothi (Green) are frequently enrolled in Hamilton strata; biostratinomic data indicate two very different enrollment postures. Interlocking morphologies (coaptative devices) and apodeme structure and disposition indicate that these postures reflect specific behaviors which involved interaction between tergal structures, inferred musculature, and the substratum. Phacops enrolled by burrowing forward and down into the sediment; dorsal muscles, attached to prominent articulating half-rings, imbricated the thorax such that each lappet overlapped the next posterior segment and locked into a posterior pleural facet. The pygidium was brought into place as the posterior segments of the thorax were placed into vincular notches along the lateral margin of the ventral cephalon. The pygidium locked with the cephalic vincular furrow to complete ‘perfect sphaeroidal’ closure. Greenops enrolled with the cephalon in an upright position at the sediment surface; a submarginal furrow on the ventral surface of the pygidium received the anterior rim of the cephalon. Relatively narrow articulating half-rings limited pleural rotation. Segments were loosely locked into narrow facets at the anterior margin of the next posterior lappet. In spite of rudimentary lappet and half-ring structures, Greenops displays an elaborate system of thoracopygidial muscles which involved dorsoventral and longitudinal attachments along the thorax and into the pygidium. Phacops, in contrast, displays very poorly developed apodemes which occur in the thorax only. Longitudinal muscle strength was likely less important during Phacops enrollment than is evident for the Greenops enrollment procedure. Conversely, Phacops clearly relied to a great degree upon competent closure devices which are poorly developed in Greenops. Biostratinomic data reveal different enrollment behaviors which reflect the function of different enrollment-related morphologies present in each species.  相似文献   
The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, predation rate of convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens Guerin‐Meneville, was determined by assigning a single predator randomly to each of four prey density treatments in the laboratory. Prey densities included 25, 50, 100, and 200 aphids per Petri dish arena. Predation response was recorded at 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 h after assigning predators to their prey treatments. Rate of consumption increased through time, with all 25 aphids consumed during the first 4 h of the experiment. At the highest density, adult lady beetle consumed on average 49, 99, 131, 163, 183, and 200 aphids within 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 h, respectively. Predators showed a curvilinear feeding response in relation to total available time, indicating that convergent lady beetles have the potential to suppress larger populations of aphids through continuous feeding by regulating their predation efficiency during feeding. The analysis of age‐specific mortality in absence of prey revealed that lady beetles could survive for an extended period of time (more than 2 weeks) without prey. The ability of a predator to survive without prey delays or prevents the rebound of pest populations that is a significant factor in natural biological control. A two‐year field sampling of 10 cotton arthropod predator species showed that spiders (27%) were the most dominant foliage dwelling predators in the Texas High Plains cotton followed by convergent lady beetles (23.5%), hooded beetles (13.5%), minute pirate bugs (11%), green lacewings (9.5%), bigeyed bugs (7.5%), scymnus beetles (3%), soft‐winged flower beetles (2%), damsel bugs (1.5%), and assassin bugs (1.5%). A field cage study showed that one H. convergens adult per plant released at prey density of one aphid per leaf kept the aphid population below economic threshold for the entire growing season.  相似文献   
Antje Burke   《Flora》2006,201(3):189-201
This study reviewed the distribution of ten common savanna trees in Namibia. Tree distributions were investigated in relation to bioclimatic, topographic and edaphic variables at a national scale. The factors of importance at these broad geographic scales appeared to be rainfall, substrate and, likely, the incidence of frost. Baikiaea plurijuga, Burkea africana, Guibourtia coleosperma and Pterocarpus angolensis seem to reach their bioclimatic limits in Namibia.At the local level, plant traits become important and contribute to explaining distribution patterns. High water and/or nitrogen use efficiency (Acacia erioloba, Colophospermum mopane), dual water obtaining strategies (Faidherbia albida), fire tolerance (e.g. Acacia species, Burkea africana and Pterocarpus angolensis) and drought tolerance (Boscia albitrunca) are some key attributes providing additional explanations for current distributions.Amongst the selected trees and at broad geographic scales, below-ground adaptations are governed by rainfall regime in combination with coarse-textured soils, whereby shallow-rooted trees prevail in the Kalahari sandveld. Deep-rooted species are found largely on non-sandy soils. Physiological performance of many trees appears to be directly linked to rainfall regime and trees may hence show varying performance throughout their distribution range. Insight into plant functional attributes of trees in Namibia is required to develop appropriate management strategies in the light of climate change. Modelling climate change impacts should consider the relative contribution of bioclimatic versus local environmental factors that explain the current distribution patterns of the selected trees.  相似文献   
The Argentine Center-West was the southernmost portion of the Andes where domestication of plants and animals evolved. Populations located in the southern portion of this area displayed a hunter-gatherer subsistence economy up to historical times, and coexisted with farmers located to the north. Archaeological and biological evidence suggests that the transition to food production was associated with the consumption of a softer diet and a more sedentary way of life. This study tests the hypothesis that diet-related factors influenced morphological differentiation, by comparing functional cranial components of farmers and hunter-gatherers. Three-dimensional changes on eight minor functional components (anteroneural, midneural, posteroneural, otic, optic, respiratory, masticatory, and alveolar) were measured on skulls derived from both subareas. Volumetric and morphometric indices were calculated to estimate the absolute and relative size of components, respectively. Results of a paired t-test indicated that farmers have a smaller craniofacial size than hunter-gatherers. The components that varied the most were masticatory and posteroneural, showing smaller absolute and relative sizes in farmers. Discriminant analyses indicated that lengths and widths were the most affected dimensions of these and other components. The pattern of differentiation, which involves specific components, enabled us to exclude differential gene flow and stochastic mechanisms as the main causes. Instead, results support the hypothesis that diet-related factors associated with both subsistence economies influenced craniofacial morphology. A proportion of the observed variation associated with size differences can be explained by two systemic factors: the lesser quality of nutrition due to a low protein content in the diet, and a decrease of growth hormone circulation induced by a lower mobility due to sedentism. However, differentiation is better explained by a localized factor: the reduction in the masticatory and posteroneural components in farmers resulted from a decrease of masticatory stresses and workload on the head and neck, linked to the consumption of a softer diet.  相似文献   
Fossil discoveries over the past 30 years have radically transformed traditional views of Mesozoic mammal evolution. In addition, recent research provides a more detailed account of the Cretaceous diversification of flowering plants. Here, we examine patterns of morphological disparity and functional morphology associated with diet in early mammals. Two analyses were performed: (i) an examination of diversity based on functional dental type rather than higher-level taxonomy, and (ii) a morphometric analysis of jaws, which made use of modern analogues, to assess changes in mammalian morphological and dietary disparity. Results demonstrate a decline in diversity of molar types during the mid-Cretaceous as abundances of triconodonts, symmetrodonts, docodonts and eupantotherians diminished. Multituberculates experience a turnover in functional molar types during the mid-Cretaceous and a shift towards plant-dominated diets during the late Late Cretaceous. Although therians undergo a taxonomic expansion coinciding with the angiosperm radiation, they display small body sizes and a low level of morphological disparity, suggesting an evolutionary shift favouring small insectivores. It is concluded that during the mid-Cretaceous, the period of rapid angiosperm radiation, mammals experienced both a decrease in morphological disparity and a functional shift in dietary morphology that were probably related to changing ecosystems.  相似文献   
Floral characteristics often indicate the pollinators' functional group visiting the plant and the pollination syndromes associated with them. This idea has been challenged in the past decades due to increasing evidence that most plants, including those exhibiting floral syndromes, are visited by large arrays of species that differ in their effectiveness as pollinators. Our study focuses on Mecardonia tenella (Plantaginaceae) from the Araucaria forest of southern Brazil, which exhibits characteristics of the oil flower pollination syndrome. However, it is visited by three types of functional groups of bees: male orchid bees, oil-collecting bees, and pollen-seeking bees. The relative contribution of each functional group to the plant's reproductive success was estimated based on their pollen load, visitation frequency, and morphology. We assessed resources, phenology, and breeding system of M. tenella . Our results indicate that flowers lack nectar, but volatiles, lipids, and pollen are resources that can be gathered by visitors. This combination of floral traits and visitors' assemblage makes M. tenella a challenge to the concept of pollination syndromes. Our findings indicate that the current interactions may not reflect the circumstances under which some floral traits of this plant were selected.  相似文献   
Biotic interaction studies have revealed a large discrepancy among experiments in target responses to the effects of neighbours, which may in part be due to both high species‐specificity of plant responses and low number of target species used in experiments. Our aim was to assess facilitative responses at the community level and the role of both functional groups and ecological attributes of target species. In a sub‐alpine grassland on the eastern Tibet plateau, we assessed growth responses of all species in the community to removal of a dominant shrub. We also measured changes in the main environmental variables. Species responses were analysed by functional group and in relation to their mean regional altitudinal distribution. All significant interactions were positive and affected one‐third of the total species richness of the community. All functional groups were facilitated but forbs were less strongly facilitated than in the two other groups. High‐alpine species were less strongly facilitated than low‐sub‐alpine species, but the strength of this relationship was weaker than that reported in previous work. There was evidence of a decrease in extreme temperatures below the canopy of the shrub but no variations in soil moisture. We conclude that the highly stressful conditions induced by the dry continental climate of the eastern Tibet plateau are a main driver of the exclusive dominance of positive interactions. Assessing interactive responses at the community level is likely to provide a useful tool to better understand the role of biotic interactions in community responses to environmental changes.  相似文献   
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