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施翔  王建成  张道远  刘会良 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4935-4940
连续2a采用野外记录的方式对荒漠植物准噶尔无叶豆的结实、结籽格局进行了比较研究。结果表明:植株内花序生成格局表现为不同大小的花序在总花序中的比重与其结实率存在显著正相关,其中含有中等花数目的花序所占的比重及其结实率均最高,此种分布格局能够最大程度的保证繁殖成功;果序内果实生成格局表现为单花着生位置(从近柄端算起)与其结实量占总结实量的比例成线性负相关,花序基部的结实比例最高,顶部结实比例近为0;荚果内种子生成格局表现为:中间位置的胚珠败育率最低。另外,年际间荚果内仅有(1.08±0.03)粒和(1.07±0.03)粒种子能够完全成熟,此种结籽格局是准噶尔无叶豆保证后代质量的最佳策略。  相似文献   
The diversity and spatial distribution of vascular epiphytes were surveyed in two biotopes (dryland forest and swamp-inundated forest) of the semi-deciduous rain forest area in Cameroon. Eight sites in each biotope were selected, which included 530 individuals of phorophytes in dryland forest and 460 in swamp-inundated forest. A total of 148 epiphyte species were recorded, which showed that semi-deciduous rain forests represent a major source of African-epiphyte diversity. Dryland forest hosted 110 epiphyte species, while the swamp-inundated forest harboured 108. A total of 56 species were found only in the dryland forest and 60 were restricted to the swamp-inundated forest. At family level, Orchidaceae exhibited the highest-species richness within both biotopes. Pteridophytes were more abundant in the swamp-inundated forest. A TWINSPAN analysis of the floristic similarities separated the two investigated forest types very clearly. No significant difference existed between the two biotopes regarding vertical distribution of epiphytes within single trees. The swamp-inundated forests may serve as a refuge for many epiphytes that occur in the outer canopy of the dryland forests, both because they are inherently less vulnerable to timber extraction, and enjoy better protection by legislation.  相似文献   
The influence of habitat structure on reef-fish communities at Bar Reef Marine Sanctuary, Sri Lanka, was investigated. The relationship between habitat characteristics and the distribution and abundance of 135 species of fishes was examined on two reef types: coral and sandstone reefs. Results suggested that the reef-fish communities were strongly influenced by various aspects of reef structure. However, relationships between habitat variables and fish communities structure, varied between the two reef types. Fish species diversity was correlated with a number of habitat variables on the sandstone reefs, although structural complexity seemed to play the dominant role. There were no correlations between habitat structure and fish diversity on the coral reefs. Total abundance was not related to any one habitat parameter on either reef type. However, abundances of some species, families and trophic groups were correlated with habitat features. These specific correlations were commonly related to food or shelter availability. For example, coral feeders were correlated with live coral cover, and pomacentrid species, which used branching corals for protection, showed a significant relationship with the density of Acropora colonies. This shows that a summary statistic such as total abundance may hide important information. Effects of habitat structure on the distribution patterns of the fish communities was further investigated using multi-dimensional scaling ordination (MDS) and the RELATE-procedure. With the MDS ordinations for both habitat and fish-community composition it was possible to show that the multivariate pattern between the two ecological components was clearly correlated.  相似文献   
长江流域植被净第一性生产力及其时空格局研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
 基于生态过程模型——CASA模型,利用1982~1999年18年来8 km×8 km分辨率的遥感数据和匹配的温度、降水、太阳辐射资料以及植被和土壤信息,对长江流域的植被NPP及其时空分布格局进行了分析。主要结论如下:1) 18年来,长江流域年均NPP总量为0.46Pg C·a-1,占全国总量的27.22  相似文献   
We analyzed the behavioral interactions between two species of honeydew-collecting ants (Lasius niger, Myrmica laevinodis) and foraging females of four species of aphid hyperparasitoids (Aphidencyrtus aphidivorus, Dendrocerus carpenteri, Pachyneuron aphidis, Asaphes vulgaris) usingAphis fabae ssp.cirsiiacanthoidis andLysiphlebus cardui on thistles as aphid and primary parasitoid, respectively. The observed interaction patterns and foraging parameters varied within hyperparasitoid species and revealed different strategies based upon behavioral and morphological constraints.D. carpenteri generally tried to avoid ant encounters. This avoidance strategy was successful in interactions withM. laevinodis but failed when encountering the more aggressiveL. niger, which caused about 26% adult mortality. In contrast,A. aphidivorus, P. aphidis, andA. vulgaris possess jumping ability and were hardly exposed to mortality risks. The escape reaction jump off was used as soon as ants made physical contact with foraging females. While the flight strategy ofP. aphidis is connected with cryptic movement patterns without avoidance behavior,A. aphidivorus first avoided ants and jumped off only as a last resort. Similar patterns, but less expressive, are displayed byA. vulgaris. We suggest that these different strategies are responsible for different foraging success in ant-attended resources in field.  相似文献   
I analyzed geographic partitioning of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-site variants in the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum. Two highly divergent and geographically separate genetic lineages were identified that differed by a minimum of 19 restriction sites (6% sequence divergence). One of the lineages has a disjunct distribution with very closely related haplotypes occurring in Missouri, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Virginia. The other lineage is found in Michigan, Illinois, and Alabama. The geographic separation of highly divergent mtDNA haplotypes, a pattern that was predicted based on the sedentary nature of these salamanders, is evidence for long-term barriers to gene flow. In contrast, the large-scale disjunction of very similar haplotypes suggests recent, long-distance gene flow and does not match the phylogeographic expectation for a small terrestrial vertebrate. I explain this potential contradiction in the level of importance assigned to gene flow by a scenario in which historical barriers to gene flow account for the two divergent mtDNA assemblages, but stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphism is responsible for the large-scale geographic disjunction. Ten of 16 populations collected in the Ozark Highlands were fixed for the same haplotype. I attribute this lack of detectable variation to recent colonization of this area, a hypothesis that is supported by paleoecological data and demonstrates the potential benefits of combining data from paleobotany, geology, and other disciplines to reconstruct the historical biogeography of a species.  相似文献   
黄土高原地区生态系统碳储量空间分布及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李妙宇  上官周平  邓蕾 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6786-6799
准确估算生态系统碳储量,探明其空间分布及其影响因素对区域生态管理具有重要意义,但黄土高原地区碳储量现状、空间格局及其驱动因素尚不清楚。选择黄土高原地区森林(包括乔木林和灌木林),草地和农田生态系统为对象,基于大量实测样点通过克里金插值和地统计方法,评估了三种生态系统地上生物量碳密度、地下生物量碳密度和0-100 cm土壤有机碳密度空间分布,并通过路径分析探讨了各碳库的主要影响因素。结果表明:黄土高原地区约占全国总面积的6.7%,其生态系统总碳储量约为2.29 Pg,仅占我国生态系统碳储量的2.3%。生态系统各碳库中,地上生物量碳储量、地下生物量碳储量、土壤有机碳储量分别为0.44、0.32和1.52 Pg;森林、草地、农田(仅指土壤)生态系统碳储量分别为0.98、1.09和0.21 Pg。气候(年均温度、年均降水)、海拔、坡度、土壤质地(砂粒、粉粒、粘粒含量)、植被覆盖状况(用NDVI表示)等因子可解释地上生物量碳密度、地下生物量碳密度、农田土壤有机碳密度空间变异的12%、8%和32%,其中,年均降水、海拔、粘粒含量是黄土高原地区生态系统碳储量空间格局的主要影响因素。本研究表明,由于黄土高原地区独特的气候、地形和土壤条件,其生态系统虽然具有较大的碳储量,但是低于我国生态系统碳储量的平均水平。  相似文献   
A total of 155 nodule isolates that originated from seven sites in Northwest China were characterized by PCR-RFLP of the 16S rRNA gene and sequence analysis of multiple core genes (16S rRNA, recA, atpD, and glnII) in order to investigate the diversity and biogeography of Glycine soja-nodulating rhizobia. Among the isolates, 80 were Ensifer fredii, 19 were Ensifer morelense, 49 were Rhizobium radiobacter, and 7 were putative novel Rhizobium species. The phylogenies of E. fredii and E. morelense isolates in a concatenate tree (assembly of all housekeeping genes) were generally consistent with those in individual gene trees. However, incongruence was found in the phylogenies of the different genes of Rhizobium isolates, indicating that lateral transfer or recombination possibly occurred in these gene loci. Despite their species identity, all the isolates in this study formed a single lineage related to E. fredii in nodAand nifH gene phylogenies, which also indicated that the symbiotic genes were laterally transferred between different species. Biogeographic patterns were found at the species and strain genomic type levels, as revealed by BOXA1R fingerprinting, demonstrating that the evolution of rhizobial populations in different geographic locations was related to soil types, altitude and spatial effects. This study is the first to report that E. morelense, R. radiobacter, and Rhizobium sp. are microsymbionts of G. soja, as well as showing that the diversity of G. soja rhizobia is enhanced and new rhizobia have evolved in Northwest China.  相似文献   
基于RS与GIS的农村居民点空间变化特征与景观格局影响研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
任平  洪步庭  刘寅  周介铭 《生态学报》2014,34(12):3331-3340
农村居民点作为乡村地域空间人口聚居形态,是乡村聚落景观重要组成部分,其空间布局、演变特征受自然、社会、经济多重因素的影响。利用都江堰市2005年和2010年两期遥感影像提取农村居民点、坡度、道路、河流等矢量数据,借助RS、GIS空间分析技术,定量研究都江堰市农村居民点的空间变化过程、格局和趋势,并选取景观格局指数对影响农村居民点布局特征的因素进行深入分析。结果表明:(1)2005年和2010年都江堰市农村居民点的空间分布总体上均表现出显著的聚集趋势,2010年农村居民点的聚集程度要比2005年高,但居民点集聚的空间态势没有发生明显变化,仍然集中在都江堰市的东南部;(2)坡度、道路和河流对都江堰市农村居民点的布局有显著影响,其中超过80%的居民点分布在0—10°坡度范围内,超过50%的居民点分布在道路500 m范围内,近60%居民点分布在河流1000 m范围内;(3)农村居民点空间布局除了受地形因素影响外,还与国家级风景名胜区、世界文化遗产区等保护政策,农村土地综合整治和灾后重建等规划因素密切相关。该研究以期为农村居民点动态变化监测、农村土地整理效果评价、新农村规划等理论和实践提供重要决策参考和技术支撑。  相似文献   
Recent research findings clearly indicate that lysin motif (LysM)-containing cell surface receptors are involved in the recognition of specific oligosaccharide elicitors (chitin and peptidoglycan), which trigger an innate immunity response in plants. These receptors are either LysM-containing receptor-like kinases (LYKs) or LysM-containing receptor proteins (LYPs). In Arabidopsis, five LYKs (AtCERK1/AtLYK1 and AtLYK2–5) and three LYPs (AtLYP1–3) are likely expressed on the plasma membrane. In this review, we summarize recent research results on the role of these receptors in plant innate immunity, including the recent structural characterization of AtCERK1 and composition of the various receptor complexes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
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