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The variation of body shape among prosimians is reviewed. Special emphasis is placed on the selective advantages, that is the mechanical reasons, to which variants of the locomotor apparatus can be traced back. There are differences found in the cheiridia, but at present they cannot be explained in terms of mechanics; there is nearly no knowledge about the mechanical meaning of their diversity. Myological characteristics of taxa can be explained mechanically, but this has not yet been done. Well known are variations of body proportions. These discriminate higher taxa, and are largely coincident with the often-used locomotor categories. In spite of this, there are only few sound arguments about the real biomechanic value of characteristic proportions for a given locomotor mode. What is known on this field, is reviewed. Progress can be made only, if the mechanical conditions, set by postural behavior and locomotion, are understood completely. The subtle distinctions between lower taxonomic units can normally be identified only on the basis of detailed and quantified analyses of movements on one hand, and of biometrics on the other. In the few cases in which such studies have been made, the differences of morphology fit to the mechanical requirements of locomotion which also differ only in quantitative details.  相似文献   
Two new facilities for in vivo activation analysis of patients have been designed, developed, and constructed at Toronto General Hospital. One of these is for the determination of body calcium for the diagnosis of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with bone loss. The other is for the measurement of total body nitrogen for the determination of protein status. These facilities replace old university facilities and take into account the comfort and management of patients. In addition, in the case of the calcium facility, the precision of the measurements has been improved because of larger detector volume and increased neutron source strength. Both the facilities are now in routine hospital clinical use.  相似文献   
兴安落叶松结实规律与长短枝习性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年5月,大兴安岭林区发生的特大森林火灾,实属世界罕见,火灾面积达1.0×10~6ha 多。大量的火烧迹地亟待更新、无论是人工更新还是人工促进天然更新,其中关键的问题之一是种子的来源,在大兴安岭地区,兴  相似文献   
Measurements of body length of cottony-cushion scales,Icerya purchasi Maskell, are presented. Although length increased markedly with developmental stage, the length distributions of successive stages were found to overlap, making length an imperfect indicator of stage andvice versa. The likelihood of parasitism by the fly,Cryptochaetum iceryae (Williston), was found to increase with increasing scale size when scales of different sizes were concurrently made available to the parasites under field conditions. Also, parasite loads (no. of parasites per parasitized host) were found to increase with host size. The size ofC. iceryae pupae was found to depend on the developmental stage of the scale host in which pupation took place — the more developed (larger) the host, the larger the pupa. This result suggests that parasite growth is food limited in the smaller hosts, and that therefore its apparent preference for larger hosts is to the parasite's advantage.   相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that locomotor speed and endurance show a negative genetic correlation using a genetically variable laboratory strain of house mice (Hsd:ICR: Mus domesticus). A negative genetic correlation would qualify as an evolutionary “constraint,” because both aspects of locomotor performance are generally expected to be under positive directional selection in wild populations. We also tested whether speed or endurance showed any genetic correlation with body mass. For all traits, residuals from multiple regression equations were computed to remove effects of possible confounding variables such as age at testing, measurement block, observer, and sex. Estimates of quantitative genetic parameters were then obtained using Shaw's (1987) restricted maximum-likelihood programs, modified to account for our breeding design, which incorporated cross-fostering. Both speed and endurance were measured on two consecutive trial days, and both were repeatable. We initially analyzed performances on each trial day and the maximal value. For endurance, the three estimates of narrow-sense heritabilities ranged from 0.17 to 0.33 (full ADCE model), and some were statistically significantly different from zero using likelihood ratio tests. The heritability estimate for sprint speed measured on trial day 1 was 0.17, but negative for all other measures. Moreover, the additive genetic covariance between speeds measured on the two days was near zero, indicating that the two measures are to some extent different traits. The additive genetic covariance between speed on trial day 1 and any of the four measures of endurance was negative, large, and always statistically significant. None of the measures of speed or endurance was significantly genetically correlated with body mass. Thus, we predict that artificial selection for increased locomotor speed in these mice would result in a decrease in endurance, but no change in body mass. Such experiments could lead to a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to trade-offs in aspects of locomotor abilities.  相似文献   
This study examined the localized action of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on monoamine transmitter activity in the hypothalamus of the unrestrained rat as this peptide induced hypothermia, spontaneous feeding or both responses simultaneously. A guide tube was implanted in the anterior hypothalamic pre-optic area (AH/POA) of Sprague-Dawley rats. Then either control CSF vehicle or NPY in a dose of either 100 ng/μl or 250 ng/μl was perfused by push-pull cannulae in this structure in the fully sated, normothermic rat. Successive perfusions were carried out at a rate of 20 μl/min for 6.0 min with an interval of 6.0 min elapsing between each. Samples of perfusate were assayed by HPLC for their levels of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT) and their respective metabolites. Whereas control CSF was without effect on body temperature (Tb) or feeding, repeated perfusions of NPY over 3.0 hr caused dose—dependent eating from 4 to 39 g of food, hypothermia of 0.9 to 2.3°C or both responses concurrently. As the rats consumed 11–39 g of food, the efflux of NE, MHPG, DOPAC and 5-HT was enhanced significantly, whereas during the fall in Tb the efflux of NE, DOPAC and 5-HIAA from the AH/POA increased. When the Tb of the rat declined simultaneously with eating behavior, the levels in perfusate of DOPAC and HVA increased significantly while MHPG declined. During perfusion of the AH/POA with NPY the turnover of NE declined while DA and 5-HT turnover increased during hypothermia alone or when accompanied by feeding. These results demonstrate that the sustained elevation in NPY within the AH/POA causes a selective alteration in the activity of the neurotransmitters implicated in thermoregulation, satiety and hunger. These findings suggest that both DA and NE comprise intermediary factors facilitating the action of NPY on neurons involved in thermoregulatory and ingestive processes. The local activity of NPY on hypothalamic neurons apparently shifts the functional balance of serotonergic and catecholaminergic neurons now thought to play a primary role in the control of energy metabolism and caloric intake.  相似文献   
Energy equivalence assumes equal contribution of large and small species to production and energy flow in communities. As in a double logarithmic plot, physiological rates decline with body weight by –0.25, log biomass should increase by 0.25 and log abundance decline by –0.75 with log species weight, when this concept is valid. This was tested with annual data sets of the macrobenthos of 4 intertidal sites in the German Wadden Sea (Königshafen) and 3 sites in a south Portuguese lagoon (Ria Formosa). Only abundance data from two of these sites displayed significantly negative slopes with mean body size of the species. Biomass and secondary production data were significantly positively correlated with mean body size for all Ria Formosa sites and also for the biomass of a mussel bed in Königshafen. However, high variation in body size of the individuals of a species limits interpretation of these plots.It is preferable to test this concept by body weight classes regardless of its species composition. At Königshafen, biomass and production displayed two distinct peaks. One peak at small body size was caused by browsing species. The other peak at larger body size was caused by animals which potentially extract their food from the water column. This bimodality was only vaguely reflected at one station in the Ria Formosa, possibly because of a dominance of detritus feeding species. In a normalized form (log biomass or production / width of size classvs. log size class), these spectra imply a dominance of small individuals in biomass and production at all sites (except for a mussel bank at Königshafen). This is interpreted as a consequence of permanent disturbances.  相似文献   
Population-based data have not been readily available on relatively short-term changes in weight. Therefore, we sought to determine the nature of self-reported substantial (> 10%) weight change over one year in a representative sample of the US population which participated in the 1989 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Across all ages, a larger proportion of women than men reported both weight loss as well as weight gain of any amount (18.9% vs. 16.1% for weight loss and 20.0% vs. 16.1% for weight gain). In sex-specific logistic regression analyses, significant risk factors common to both sexes for substantial weight loss included divorced/separated marital status, smoking, increased number of blood pressure checks, increased BMI (body mass index) and increased number of bed days. Black race reduced the risk of weight loss for both men and women. Sex-specific risk factors for weight loss in men only were widowhood or never married marital status, while increasing age was a protective factor in women only. Concerning weight gain > 10% over the past year, increased number of blood pressure checks and having one or more diabetic parents were significant risk factors among both men and women; while never being married, increased age, BMI, and education exerted a protective effect in both sexes. For women only, risk factors for weight gain included black race, increased number of contacts with a health professional, and being unemployed. Intention to lose weight was associated with both weight gain and weight loss in both sexes, although it did not serve as a confounder in any of these relationships. A greater likelihood of substantial weight loss among women relative to men was diminished for persons with higher BMI, higher number of blood pressure checks, being widowed, divorced or separated, and intention to lose weight. A greater likelihood of substantial weight gain among women relative to men was diminished for persons with low BMI. The results of this cross-sectional study of weight change, involving a one-year follow-up period, generally correspond with the results obtained by longitudinal studies involving a longer follow-up.  相似文献   
We investigated the relationships between social dominance,competition for food, and strategies of body mass and fat regulationin the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). In birds housedin groups of three, subdominant birds stored more fat than dominants.A removal experiment established a causal link between socialdominance and fat reserves; in groups that had the dominantindividual removed, the remaining birds reduced body mass andfat, relative to control groups that had the subordinate removed.In a second experiment, we investigated the influences of degreeof competition for food and dominance on body mass and fat reserves.Birds under high competition increased fat reserves and tendedto have higher body mass than birds under low competition. Theincrease in fat reserves was higher in the subdominants thanin the dominants. These results are consistent with hypothesesconcerning dominance-dependent access to food; subdominant birds,or birds under increased competition, may store more fat asan insurance against periods when food cannot be obtained. However,relations between dominance, body mass, and fat reserves mayalso arise through other proximate factors relating to dominance-dependentcosts and benefits of fat storage, such as predation risk andenergetic expenditure.  相似文献   
Summary Five parameters were examined for their effect on transformation ofDendrobium tissues by microprojectile bombardment. The superpromoter in pBI426 produced at least 1.5 times as many transient transformants as the single cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in pBI121 (37 to 69% vs. 0 to 44%) with dark and frequent GUS (β-glucuronidase) staining. Tissue, genotype, and type of microparticle significantly affected transient GUS activity. Higher expression was seen in protocormlike bodies and in hybrid UH44 compared to etiolated shoots and protocorms and to hybrids M61 and K1329-39. Microparticles of 1.6-μm Bio-Rad gold were more effective than 1.0-μm ASI gold. Transient GUS activity did not differ among protocormlike bodies bombarded using helium propellant pressures of 650, 900, or 1100 psi. Transgenic plants were recovered fromDendrobium UH800 protocormlike bodies bombarded with pBI426-coated, 1.1-μm tungsten particles using an early-model gunpowder-driven apparatus with an estimated stable transformation rate of 11.7%. One transgenic plant ofDendrobium UH44 was recovered from etiolated shoot explants bombarded with pBI121-coated, 1.1-μm tungsten particles using the Dupont PDS-1000 with a stable transformation rate of 0.17%. Positive selection results showed 100 to 200 mg·liter−1 kanamycin to be appropriate for regeneration of transgenic plants from protocormlike bodies, protocorms, and etiolated shoot explants over a 3- to 9.5-mo. period.  相似文献   
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