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生态因子对中药甘草质量影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘草是一种常用中药,由于具有“调和诸药”之功效而成为方剂中最常用的一味药。古有“十方九草”之说,可见对甘草的需求量之大;目前,对甘草的需求不仅仅限于医药界,在食品、轻工、畜牧等行业也有广泛的应用。然而,由于长期滥采、滥挖,只挖不种,使得甘草的蕴藏量急剧下降,有些地区的甘草资源濒临枯竭。例如,东北松嫩平原,原是我国“东草”商品的主产区之一,并大量出口国外,  相似文献   
茶园生态环境对红茶芳香化学物质及品质影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
赵和涛 《生态学杂志》1992,11(5):59-61,65
国内外研究均表明,芳香化学物质是构成红茶品质的主要化学物质。茶叶中芳香化学物质的形成,与茶树品种、加工工艺密切相关。至于茶园生态环境和气象因子对红茶  相似文献   
Synopsis Male beaugregory damselfish,Stegastes leucostictus, were provided with three types of artificial breeding structures to determine if they change habitats based on past or future reproductive payoffs. All three site types quickly lured males away from their natural sites. In comparison to those living on natural sites, those using artificial sites were less likely to move to different areas and had a higher reproductive success. When given no choice, male reproductive success was correlated to structural type. A second experiment provided males with an additional structure after using the intermediate quality type for 2 months. Males would often initially use both sites but would eventually shift their spawning activity to the new site if it was of the same quality or better than the old one. However, males would not move if the new site was of inferior quality. When given a new site identical to the initial one, approximately half of the males shifted to the new site. There was no evidence that reproductive performance influenced a male's decision to use a new site.  相似文献   
The electrophoretic patterns of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) from Anastrepha fraterculus and A. obliqua were studied. Two loci were found to code for the enzyme in A. fraterculus, and three in A. obliqua. In both species, all isozymes were active in third-instar larvae. A cationic isozyme (Adh-1) was active mainly in the visceral fat body of both species. In A. fraterculus, the locus had an anionic polymorphic isozyme (Adh-3) that was detected in the parietal fat body. In addition to these two loci, a third locus for an anionic isozyme (Adh-2), which was active in the digestive tube of larvae, was present in A. obliqua and probably resulted from gene duplication. For both species, multiple forms of the isozymes are formed by binding of an NAD-carbonyl compound, as in Drosophila melanogaster. Both larvae and early pupae of A. obliqua had almost twice the specific ADH activity as A. fraterculus. The ethanol content of the host fruit infested with A. obliqua (red mombim) was also higher than that of the host fruit infested with A. fraterculus (guava).This research was supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologico (CNPq-PIG 40.2486/82).  相似文献   
A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   
Fruits of tomato incorporated [2-14C]mevalonic acid lactone into the steroidal glycoalkaloid α-tomatine. Young fruits showed the greatest alkaloid-synthesizing ability but this decreased as the fruits developed. Analysis of sap exuded from fruit stalks and also application of[4-14C]cholesterol to leaves confirmed that tomatine is not transported into fruits from vegetative organs. Accumulation of this alkaloid in fruits thus appears entirely due to synthesis. Excised fruits of all developmental stages degraded injected [14C]tomatine and rates were directly related to fruit age. The pattern of accumulation/decline in fruit tomatine may be explicable on the basis of changing capacity for synthesis/degradation during development. Label from injected [14C]tomatine was present mainly in chlorophylls and carotenoids where it increased with time as that in tomatine decreased. The significance of the relationship between tomatine disappearance and carotenoid development is briefly discussed. The aglycone tomatidine was not detected in green fruits but a Δ16-5α-pregnenolone-like compound was.  相似文献   
Summary In field experiments conducted in 1981 on deep loess soils a significant correlation was obtained between EUF-N content in the topsoil and N in sugar beet roots as well as in whole plants. A very close correlation was found to exist between EUF-N values in June 1981 and -amino N in sugar beet roots at harvest. Also other quality criteria such as the contents of sugar, K and Na in roots and yield parameters correlated with EUF-N contents in topsoils.The inorganic and organic EUF-N fractions changed during the vegetation period due to both N uptake by the crop and mineralization. Therefore it appears to be expedient to use both fractions when calculating N fertilizer requirements.The correlation between EUF-N (topsoil samples drawn in the year preceding sugar beet) and sugar yield increases obtained by N fertilization that was found in Austria12 was confirmed in our experiments with soils from Southern Lower Saxony.  相似文献   
In field experiments, larvae of codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) rarely acquired granulosis virus on hatching from the egg, but picked up most later, on the tree surface. Deposits of virus sprayed in 1.0% w/v skimmed milk did not affect neonate larval behaviour. Larvae died, usually in the first instar, after entering treated fruit, but they frequently entered via the calyx or near the base of the stalk or through cracks in the skin, where little feeding damage by first-and sometimes second-instar larvae was seen.
Résumé En verger, la pulvérisation d'oeufs de carpocapse avec du virus de la granulose en suspension dans l'eau (additionnée de lait écrémé dilué à 1%) n'a pas modifié la survie des chenilles avant pénétration dans le fruit; par contre la pulvérisation des arbres a provoqué une forte mortalité. Bien que des chenilles consommant des poils et la surface des feuilles aient été observées avant leur pénétration dans le fruit, ce qui aurait pu provoquer leur contamination par le virus, il semble que la contamination létale provienne des fruits seuls.La présence de produit n'a modifié ni le comportement larvaire, ni le taux de pénétration dans les fruits; la mortalité y a lieu ensuite, généralement au premier stade. Dans 74 à 78% des cas, les chenilles ont pénétré dans le fruit par le calice ou près de la base du pédoncule — aucun dégât provenant de larves du premier stade n'y était visible, de même que dans le calice pour les larves du deuxième stade. Par contre, toute pénétration par la surface du fruit était repérable dès le premier stade. Il est possible que la répartition des lieux de pénétration dans le fruit influe sur la létalité due au virus et explique les variations d'efficacité observées en verger. Un système de classification des dégâts, provoqués lors de la pénétration dans le fruit, de chenilles du premier au troisième stade est proposé pour évaluer l'efficacité des essais en verger.
Seston in the impounded North Anna River (NAR) was analyzed and compared to that in the free-flowing South Anna River (SAR) in Virginia, U.S.A. A wet filtration technique was used to separate seston into five size classes. The overall quantity of organic seston was much lower in the NAR than in the SAR. The seston in the NAR was composed of more living organisms, in particular zooplankters in the medium large (234–864 µm) and small (105–234 µm) size classes and diatoms and other algae in the fine (43–105 µm) and very fine (25–43 µm) size classes. The percentage of zooplankton declined sharply before reaching the downstream study site (32 km). The seston in the NAR tended to consist of slightly larger particles, but 80–85% of the seston in both rivers was in the ultrafine (0.45–25 µm) size class, which was almost entirely composed of detritus. One indication of seston food quality, the organic/inorganic ratio, was considerably higher for the medium large and small size classes in the NAR immediately below the dam and for the fine and very fine size classes farther downstream. Another indication of food quality, the usable caloric content, showed that the seston in the NAR contained considerably less total assimilable energy as far as 32 km downstream from the dam, but that the medium large and small size classes were rich in assimilable energy immediately below the dam because of zooplankton released from the reservoir. Thus, the overall quantity and quality of seston was lower in the NAR, but the quality of the seston, for at least a short distance below the dam, was higher in a well-defined size range that can be effectively utilized by certain filter feeders.  相似文献   
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