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Plant-associated microbiomes can improve plant fitness by ameliorating environmental stress, providing a promising avenue for improving outplantings during restoration. However, the effects of water management on these microbial communities and their cascading effects on primary producers are unresolved for many imperiled ecosystems. One such habitat, Everglades tree islands, has declined by 54% in some areas, releasing excess nutrients into surrounding wetlands and exacerbating nutrient pollution. We conducted a factorial experiment, manipulating the soil microbiome and hydrological regime experienced by a tree island native, Ficus aurea, to determine how microbiomes impact growth under two hydrological management plans. All plants were watered to simulate natural precipitation, but plants in the “unconstrained” management treatment were allowed to accumulate water above the soil surface, while the “constrained” treatment had a reduced stage to avoid soil submersion. We found significant effects of the microbiomes on overall plant performance and aboveground versus belowground investment; however, these effects depended on hydrological treatment. For instance, microbiomes increased investment in roots relative to aboveground tissues, but these effects were 142% stronger in the constrained compared to unconstrained water regime. Changes in hydrology also resulted in changes in the prokaryotic community composition, including a >20 log2fold increase in the relative abundance of Rhizobiaceae, and hydrology-shifted microbial composition was linked to changes in plant performance. Our results suggest that differences in hydrological management can have important effects on microbial communities, including taxa often involved in nitrogen cycling, which can in turn impact plant performance.  相似文献   
The extreme longevity of turtles and tortoises can make it difficult to determine the conservation status of their populations because high annual adult survival may mask gradual attrition due to low levels of recruitment. When long-term demographic trends are unknown and available data are insufficient for population modelling, it may be assumed that a scarcity of juveniles indicates low recruitment that will result in population ageing and numerical decline. However, the reliability with which the proportion of juveniles foreshadows demographic change is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that a low proportion of juveniles in a turtle population presages its ageing by analysing over 20 years of survey data for five discrete populations of the Australian western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii: Chelidae), a listed threatened species. The analysis tested whether the initial proportion of juvenile turtles in each population was related to its temporal trend in average body size. The five populations had varied structure and trends, with the initial proportion of juvenile turtles ranging from 10% to 39% and average body size increasing over time in some populations and decreasing in others. Contrary to expectation, the initial proportion of juveniles was unrelated to the trend in average body size and, by inference, average age, indicating that effective trend forecasting requires more detailed demographic information than merely population structure.  相似文献   
Globally, the most widely used wetland classification is that adopted by the contracting parties of the Ramsar Convention, which is the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat. A review of the Inland Wetland component of this system shows that mixed criteria are used to separate the wetlands, and that not all natural inland wetlands have been addressed. A classification system using landform and hydro-period, which results in 13 primary geomorphically non-emergent types for natural wetlands, is proposed to describe the full variety of wetlands at a primary level around the globe, and is suggested to be incorporated as the first-tier of the Ramsar classification.The proposed classification has been designed so wetlands can be described, classified and compared systematically. This paper attempts to reconcile the Ramsar Classification system with the proposed approach. The intention in this paper is not to displace the Ramsar Classification, but rather to indicate its inherent underlying geomorphic structure, and hence re-order its hierarchical framework. This adjustment to the existing classification system would highlight underlying similarities between wetlands so that global comparisons can be more readily made. It also has considerable advantages for a staged, systematic discrimination and classification of the vast array of differing wetlands globally.The use of geomorphic and hydrologic elements as the primary and secondary divisions with the more commonly used Ramsar Classification terms as a tertiary division, provides a logical structure to compare and contrast wetlands globally.  相似文献   
Ivar P. Muniz 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):145-154
The research activities on soil–freshwaterinteractions and freshwater biotic structure andprocesses in the Høylandet area during the years 1986–89are presented in this issue ofHydrobiologia. The 9 papers cover a range of topicsfrom physiochemical gradients and processes in soilsand freshwaters to selected aspects of freshwaterbiotic community structure and temporal variability.This synopsis aims (a) to present an overview of majorfindings, (b) to interpret the results in the contextof air pollution effects and (c) to outlinesuggestions for future research activities inHøylandet. The area has a sub-oceanic climate varyingfrom 1100 to 2200 mm of precipitation normallyoriginating from unpolluted airmasses from the NorthAtlantic. It is chemically dominated by sea salts, haslow concentrations and low deposition of mineralacids. The catchment geology is variable and complexand consists mainly of various granites and gneisses.The soils are undisturbed ancient soils,primarily iron podzols associated with forests, orintact histosols with strong organic characterassociated with mires, often quite acidic.They are sensitive because occurrence of predominantlyinsoluble unstable Al-complexes may leach out ifexposed to anthropogenically acidified soil drainagewater and turn up as toxic inorganic aqueous Al insurface runoff. Small amounts of locally generatednitrogen compounds are mostly retained in thecatchment. The water qualities of these Høylandetsites are run by inputs of sea salts, hydrologicalprocesses including dilution of the base flow, orlateral surface or overland flow and in-catchmentprocesses. Relative to affected areas, it appears thatthe inputs and catchment processes are in balance,i.e., that the inputs of strong acid anions, hydrogenions and sea salts are equilibrated by internalweathering and other processes and integrated withinapparently intact biogeochemical cycles. The overallresult is that these soils remain a net source ofalkalinity to the runoff. These results are confirmedby regional studies of water quality both at low andhigh flow which show that the humus and ionic contentof the water decreased with elevation, headwatersbeing more dominated by sea salts and dilutionprocesses. Excess sulphate concentrations are low, andfew if any sites appear anthropogenically acidified,the most acid pHs reflecting presence of natural weakorganic acids.The resulting surface water quality allows a diverseaquatic fauna and flora with representatives of manyacid-sensitive groups. The fish fauna consists ofself-reproducing salmonid populations with normaldemography and ecological interactions. Despite highin-lake mortality, both brown trout and Arctic charrexhibited normal age-class compositions, with noindication of the recruitment failure or highpost-spawning mortality commonly observed inacid-stressed situations. The zooplankton and benthos in the lakesare inhabited by populations of several acid sensitivespecies, like Daphnia spp and Gammaruslacustris, and with dominance of mayfly species ofthe genus Baetis in the stream fauna. Thediatom flora includes many species which are rare orabsent in acidified waters. The observed gradients indiversity and biomass seem dominated by localenvironmental conditions which reflect natural ratherthan man-made processes. The pristine nature of thearea also emerges from the paleoecological studies inLake Røyrtjønna which show that the low acidity ofthis lake evironment has persisted from preindustrialtill present times. Suggestion for future researchactivities in Høylandet are outlined.  相似文献   
Conservation and management issues of Prespa National Park   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Catsadorakis  G.  Malakou  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):175-196
The present article describes the human activities inthe area and their changes and trends, given that thecontemporary nature conservation key issues areclosely related to past and present socio-economic andcultural conditions, both within Prespa itself andoutside of it. The liberation of Prespa, a remote andrather socially isolated borderline area, from Ottoman occupation took place in 1912–13. Recentevents in its environmental history have been forestclearings and human depopulation in the Civil War(1944–49), irrigation system construction in the1960s, its discovery by ornithologists in the late1960s, the high emigration rates of 1960–1980, itsdesignation as a National Park in 1974, thedestructive development works of 1984–86 afterGreeces entry to the EEC and the conversion to intensivebean cultivation in the mid 1980s.The human population of ca 7000 at the start of thiscentury suffered an almost 80% decrease after theCivil War. A resettlement in the mid 1950s increasedthe population by 40% but in the 1970s emigrationreduced it to its previous size of around 1500, stillits present size. The extensive and diverse farmingsystems of previous centuries changed gradually afterthe construction of an irrigation network in the1960s, which twenty years later and along withinternational changes in production and economypatterns, made possible the present day domination ofa bean monoculture within irrigated croplands. Thiswas accompanied by increased energy inputs,mechanisation and the use of chemicals.Intensification of agriculture brought increasedincomes which attracted also livestock keepers,resulting in a 56% decrease in numbers of livestockin 1964–1993. Cattle are presently kept for meatproduction only. They graze on the mountains, and nolonger in the meadows around the lakeshore. A localshorthorn breed accounting for 93% of all cattle in1963 declined to less than 18% in 1993. Fishing aimedmainly at carp and Prespa bleak, continues today as inthe past to be a source of supplementary income.Eighty-six per cent of the – mainly oak and beech –forests are State owned and the rest belong to localmunicipalities. The forest area has not changedessentially in the last 40 years, but forest roadshave expanded. Forests provide mainly fuelwood forlocal needs and small quantities of industrial timber.No specific management is conducted to safeguard theconservation values of the forest, the majority ofwhich consists of even aged coppiced stands withlimited value for wildlife. Manufacturing never playedan important role for the economy of the area. Tourismhas increased in the last 20 years, concentratedmainly in summer and spring. Accommodation in thevillages is not yet satisfactory though it hasimproved enormously in recent years. The NationalParks infrastructure for visitors remains poor.Tourist pressure generally is not yet that high toimpact drastically the social and environmentalfabric. In places, hunting, angling and poaching cannegatively affect the target species. The constructionof the irrigation network in the eastern part of LakeMikri Prespa was the most important change to thelandscape and the habitats of Prespa the last 30years. It resulted in the embankment of free-flowingstreams, drainage of wet meadows and dramaticreduction of trees and hedges. In the last 15 years,the reedbeds, no longer burnt or mowed and assisted byincreased nutrient loadings from agricultural runoff,have expanded landward to occupy formerly open,periodically flooded, areas. The above changes inhabitats and land use have brought an impoverishmentof biodiversity which can be seen in the exterminationor the decrease in the numbers of certain plant andbird species.The problems preventing a better management of theNational Park and the perpetuation of its values areinappropriate legislation, the poor degree ofcoordination of the public services, the lack of botha specific National Park Service in Greece and amanagement authority for the Park and the hostileattitude of local people due to their limitedinformation and involvement. The scenic beauty, thewetlands and a number of rare habitats, the diversityof habitats, flora and fauna, the endemic life forms,the rare mammals and the colonial waterbirds, thelocal architecture and the cultural expressions suchas the Byzantine monuments, are the values of Prespathat must be preserved as a whole. The initialconservation efforts aimed at preserving biodiversitybut later it became apparent that not only are humansan inseparable part of the whole, but additionally,several of their extensive activities have contributedsubstantially to the rich biodiversity of the area.Through the prerequisites of keeping a balance betweenprimary and tertiary sector activities and ofrevitalizing the social fabric, the following are thekey management and conservation issues of today: anunequivocal agreement on the values to be preservedand their limits; the formation of a managementauthority; a new realistic protection and land usezoning; the diversification and extensification of allfarming activities; the restoration of the wet meadowhabitats; the ensuring of a high water level and agood water quality for both lakes through tri-lateralcooperation between Greece, Albania and FYROM; and theestablishment of a permanent environmental monitoringscheme.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology and phycobiliproteins of four different culture isolates of the freshwater algae Audouinella and‘Chantransia’were investigated.‘Chantransia’sp. (3585/UTEX 2623) and Audouinella macrospora (Wood) Sheath et Burkholder (3394,3395) from California and Minnesota reproduced only by monospores. However, A. macrospora (3603/Necchi 1) reproduced by monosporangia that formed successive generations of the Audouinella phase, and Batrachospermum shoots developed from the basal and erect systems. The major light-harvesting phycobiliprotein in all of these isolates was a phycocyanobilin-containing phycoerythrin not previously detected in red algae or cyanobacteria. As in the commonly found R- and B-phycoerythrins, Audouinella phycoerythrin had a native molecular mass of ~ 240,000 and was made up of α, β, and γ subunits. Audouinella phycoerythrin carried two phycoerythrobilins on the α subunit; one phycourobilin, one phycoerythrobilin, and one phycocyanobilin on the β subunit; and one phycourobilin and two phycoerythrobilins on the γ subunit. With excitation at 495, 563, or 603 nm, the fluorescence emission peak of Audouinella phycoerythrin was at 626 nm, showing that phycocyanobilin was the terminal energy acceptor.  相似文献   
W. Vader 《Hydrobiologia》1977,52(1):23-28
The amphibious land-molluse,Perforatella rubiginosa, is a common, wide-spread and characteristic inhabitant of the freshwater tidal region of the river Scheldt and its tributaries in NW Belgium. The species occupies a rather narrow zone in the uppermost intertidal area, which is characterized by large amounts of tidal drift covering the bottom, and usually by a luxuriant vegetation of tall, nitrophilous herbs, often withUrtica dioica dominant. Other characteristic molluscs of this zone areCarychium minimum, Oxyloma pfeifferi, O. sarsi, Deroceras laeve, Vitrea crystallina andZonitoides nitidus, locally alsoNesovitrea hammonis. Communication nr. 143 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Pentrich ciliates attached to small stones from the beds of two streams, one large with hard water, the other small with soft water, were enumerated throughout an annual cycle. Throughout the year, Platycola was the dominant peritrich in both streams, except for a brief period during the spring when Vorticella and Carchesium predominated. Vorticella reached peak levels of 89 ciliates cm2 of stone surface, and up to 102 Platycola per cm2 of stone surface were found. Mean volumes of samples of the main species were calculated, and used to estimate the standing stock biomasses. using a standard value of dry weight per unit volume. Published values of the growth rates of representatives of the main genera were used to estimate production values, which totalled about 6.5 g dry weight of peritrich cytoplasm/m2 of stream bed per annum in the large stream (mean annual density = 8.3 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface), and 33 g dry weight/m2 of stream bed per annum in the small stream (mean annual density = 47 peritrichs/cm2 of stone surface). Food supply, temperature and predation were the primary factors determining peritrich abundance  相似文献   
Sly  P. G. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):1-8
A 6-m-deep lake has been sampled to measure the temporal and depth-wise distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and biological activity in the water. Surface, mid-depth and bottom waters were analysed at monthly intervals for a period of one year. The coefficient of heterotrophic activity, alkaline phosphatase activity and biological oxygen demand are used as an index of biological activity. The bacterial community was at maximum during spring, coinciding with high values of biological activity. Highest biological activity was observed in the bottom waters. Dissolved organic carbon showed a significant positive correlation with most of the biological activity parameters. This suggests that biological activity, as measured by the coefficient of heterotrophic activity, was more closely related to the concentration of substrates than to population density of heterotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   
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