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For the 6 years for which detailed data are readily available, estimates of the survival of emergent fry of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to the first and second autumns at a site on the Shelligan Burn are consistent with the dome-shaped Ricker model with about 11 emergent fry m−2 maximizing recruitment. The data are not satisfactorily fitted by the asymptotic Beverton and Holt model. A possible mechanism, which results from the observed inversely density-dependent growth, is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
Seasonal population dynamics of Puraquzmperia tenerrima (Linstow) in the European eel Anguillu anguillu (Linnaeus) have been investigated in three localities in Devon, southwest England. The nematode is common and exhibits very similar seasonal patterns in changes of prevalence and abundance in the three localities. The population increases over winter through to late spring or early summer as the recruitment of the new generation occurs throughout this period. Reproduction of the nematode starts in spring. A sharp decrease of prevalence and abundance accompanies or follows reproduction, and infection levels are very low in autumn and early winter. The dispersion pattern of the nematode varies with the infection levels from over-dispersion in spring and early summer to almost random dispersion in autumn and winter. It is suggested that P. tenerrimu is a common specific parasite of eels, especially in small streams or rivers and that insect larvae or species of crustaceans might serve as intermediate hosts for the nematode.  相似文献   
The patchy local distribution of the common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, organizes populations of a beetle that feeds on it, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus, into numerous local demes. Genetic and ecological characteristics of demes of adult milkweed beetles occupying two naturally occurring size classes of patches, defined as large and small, were studied in order to describe the effect of patch size variation on local population structure. Allele frequency variance in two of three protein polymorphisms was significantly greater in collections of beetles from an array of 13 small patches when compared to collections from an array of 11 large populations. A multivariate measure of variance using information from all 3 genetic markers confirmed that the small patches displayed greater overall genetic differentiation. This was further quantified by computing an Fst value, combined across loci, of 0.018 for the small patches and 0.004 for the large patches. No significant difference between patch size classes in mean allele frequency was detected. Mark and recapture studies of the adults found in five small and four large patches showed the residence times of adults in small patches to be less than half of those found in large patches. This was interpreted as resulting from higher emigration rates from small patches. It is proposed that greater genetic differentiation is found among demes from smaller patches because smaller patches support smaller population sizes and further because smaller patches act as net exporters of migrants while larger patches act as net migrant importers.  相似文献   
The populations of tench from two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The population density of tench from St Peter's Lake, which has abundant aquatic vegetation was 176 individuals ha−1 (102.2 kg ha−1) compared to 0.3 individuals ha−1 (0.5 kg ha−1) in the Main Lake which has very little aquatic vegetation. The results of ageing tench by scales, opercular bones and otoliths were compared; all three structures gave similar results up to 9 years of age, but thereafter there were difficulties in ageing using scales and care was needed in counting annuli. The oldest tench caught was 15 years old. Growth of male and female tench was similar and fitted the von Bertalanffy model; for female tench L = 573 mm, K =0.122 and for male tench L = 586 mm, K =0.114. Recruitment was variable and strong year classes occurred in years with warm summers.  相似文献   
A population of Channa gachua in a small irrigation canal that supplies rice fields was studied by monthly sampling over 2 years. The population density was positively correlated with the rainfall and varied from 0.34 to 0.95 individuals m−2. The growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation determined on monthly size–frequency data were Lx = 179 mm total length and K =0.50. Overall male to female ratio was 0.82 and there were more females than males in the middle size classes. Spawning occurred throughout the year, but all evidence indicated enhanced breeding during major rainy periods of May to July and October to December. The length at first spawning was 102 mm, which is reached in about 20 months. Fecundity, which varied between 389 and 2130, was positively correlated with gonad weight, body weight and total length. Longevity and natural mortality were estimated as 6 years and l.27 yr−1, respectively. However, 99% of the population appeared to live for only 3 years. The mean biomass, average annual production and turnover ratio of the population were 7.35 g m−2, 12.06 g m−2 and 1.64, respectively.  相似文献   
The infection of R. Thames flounders, Platichthys flesus L., at Fulham by the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevix (Müller) is described in terms of parasite population structure, life-cycle organization, reproductive biology and host microhabitat utilization. The parasites demonstrated 100% prevalence in this tidal but essentially freshwater locality (intestinal intensity 34.47) and were overdispersed in the flounder population (variance/mean ratio = 10.39, k= 1.04). Overall about 11% of the worms occurred in peritoneal cavity sites, the remainder being firmly attached to the gut wall in the posterior region of the intestine and rectum. The P. laevis populations were reproductively active, demonstrating that the flounder acts as a significant final host in this locality. Viable larval stages were identified in Gammarus zaddachi Sexton, a predominantly estuarine amphipod, indicating that P. laevis is likely to be able to complete its life cycle at Fulham. Over half the female parasites examined were gravid and many of the non-gravid worms were inseminated but had not yet started egg production. The proportion of females gravid, the number of ovarian balls and the number of eggs in gravid females was seen to increase with worm size. Both the identity of the intermediate host and the reproductive status of P. laevis in the Thames flounders differ from the Pomphorhynchus/flounder system studied by Kennedy (1984) in the R. Avon, suggesting that the two P. laevis populations may belong at least to discrete subspecies or strains. Parasites in flounders maintained under laboratory conditions in fresh water, 50% sea water and 100% sea water showed similar population, microhabitat and reproductive characteristics to those observed in the field. This suggests that increased salinity has a negligible effect on established parasites in the short term, and therefore that salinity may not form a barrier to the survival and dispersal of the R. Thames parasite when the flounders return to sea.  相似文献   
One of the most famous examples of successful, classical biological control in Japan is the introduction of the parasitoids Coccobius fulvus and Aphytis yanonensis against the citrus pest arrowhead scale Unaspis yanonensis. Together, they comprise a host‐parasitoid system that has been demonstrated to be stable. To test the conventional theory that successful biological control of pests occurs through the establishment of a low stable equilibrium, brought about by the density‐dependent responses of natural enemies to the pest species, sampling was carried out at five sites in the field during 2000 and 2001 to examine the relationship between the rate of parasitism by C. fulvus and the density of its host. The data were analysed using three statistical techniques at nine spatial scales. Contrary to conventional theoretical predictions, each method of analysis detected very little density‐dependence at any spatial level in this study. Parasitoid aggregations independent of host density were not sufficient to stabilise host–parasitoid interactions. Our results suggest that neither spatial density‐dependent nor density‐independent parasitism is necessary for successful biological control, or for the stability of the host–parasitoid system. We propose an alternative mechanism: a spatial refuge induced by parasitoid introduction may stabilise a system.  相似文献   
We examined population substructure of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops sp). in Shark Bay, Western Australia, using 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). For microsatellite analysis, 302 different animals were sampled from seven localities throughout the bay. Analysis of genetic differentiation between sampling localities showed a significant correlation between the number of migrants ( Nm ) calculated from F ST, R ST and private alleles, and distance between localities–a pattern of isolation-by-distance. For mtDNA, 220 individuals from all seven localities were sequenced for a 351 base pair fragment of the control region, resulting in eight haplotypes, with two distinct clusters of haplotypes. Values of F ST and (φ)ST for mtDNA yielded statistically significant differences, mostly between localities that were not adjacent to each other, suggesting female gene flow over a scale larger than the sampled localities. We also observed a significant correlation between the number of female migrants calculated from F ST and φST and the distance of sampling localities. Our results indicate that dispersal in female dolphins in Shark Bay is more restricted than that of males.  相似文献   
Southern fur seals Arctocephalus australis in Peru have declined gradually over the past decade, and declined dramatically (72%) as a result of low food availability during the severe El Niño in 1997–98. In 1999, seals abandoned some historically important breeding sites. This is particularly alarming because new sites were not colonized. Our objective was to examine how habitat features and human disturbance influenced whether sites were currently used, abandoned or apparently not used in the past by fur seals for breeding. Data were collected on 14 variables at 70 potential breeding sites at three guano reserves in Peru. Discriminant analysis revealed significant multivariate differences among sites currently used for breeding, abandoned sites and unused sites ( F =5.97, P <0.00001), and the model classified 74% of sites correctly. Currently used sites were less likely to have human disturbance and more likely to have offshore islands, stacked rocks, tide pools and abundant shade. Separate discriminant analyses for each reserve produced similar results. Habitat associated with thermoregulation (e.g. shade or pools) may be more important to fur seals in Peru, which breed at lower latitudes and are at greater risk of overheating on land than other populations. Habitat with minimized human access may be especially important to seals in small populations in which individuals may perceive themselves as more vulnerable because of decreased vigilance and dilution effects. Seals in our study selected breeding habitat with stacked rocks, which create shade and tide pools for thermoregulation and make human access difficult; but pups might suffer higher mortality in this habitat. We hypothesize that fur seals in Peru may exhibit an Allee effect, whereby suitability of habitat varies with population abundance.  相似文献   
Tillers and seedlings ofHordeum jubatum L. from three sites with contrasting salinity regimes in central Saskatchewan, Canada were reciprocally transplanted in order to examine the tolerance of populations of this species to salinity and related habitat factors. Survival, growth and fecundity of the three populations were controlled more by transplant site characteristics than by genetic differences, i.e. differences among populations at a site tended to be smaller than differences among sites. Survival, growth and reproduction of all three populations were best at the non-saline site. The population originating at the non-saline site showed the poorest growth in the two saline habitats, but still had substantial salt tolerance. Fecundity was greatest when the populations were grow at their site of origin.  相似文献   
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