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Creontiades dilutus (Stål), the green mirid, is a polyphagous herbivorous insect endemic to Australia. Although common in the arid interior of Australia and found on several native host plants that are spatially and temporally ephemeral, green mirids also reach pest levels on several crops in eastern Australia. These host‐associated dynamics, distributed across a large geographic area, raise questions as to whether (1) seasonal fluctuations in population size result in genetic bottlenecks and drift, (2) arid and agricultural populations are genetically isolated, and (3) the use of different host plants results in genetic differentiation. We sequenced a mitochondrial COI fragment from individuals collected over 24 years and screened microsatellite variation from 32 populations across two seasons. The predominance of a single COI haplotype and negative Tajima D in samples from 2006/2007 fit with a population expansion model. In the older collections (1983 and 1993), a different haplotype is most prevalent, consistent with successive population contractions and expansions. Microsatellite data indicates recent migration between inland sites and coastal crops and admixture in several populations. Altogether, the data suggest that long‐distance dispersal occurs between arid and agricultural regions, and this, together with fluctuations in population size, leads to temporally dynamic patterns of genetic differentiation. Host‐associated differentiation is evident between mirids sampled from plants in the genus Cullen (Fabaceae), the primary host, and alternative host plant species growing nearby in arid regions. Our results highlight the importance of jointly assessing natural and agricultural environments in understanding the ecology of pest insects.  相似文献   
1. We investigated the causes of natal dispersal in four Spanish areas where 35 breeding groups of the polygynous great bustard Otis tarda were monitored intensively. A total of 392 juveniles were radio-tracked between 1991 and 2006 by ground and via aeroplane to avoid potential biases derived from the non-detection of long-distance dispersers. 2. We explored 10 explanatory variables that were related to individual phenotypic features, habitat and conspecific traits in terms of group size and breeding performance, and spatial distribution of available breeding groups. Probability of group change and natal dispersal distances were investigated separately through multifactorial analyses. 3. Natal dispersal occurred in 47.8% of the birds and median natal dispersal distance of dispersers was 18.1 km (range 4.97-178.42 km). Sex largely determined the dispersal probability, with 75.6% of males being dispersers and 80.0% of females being philopatric, in contrast to the general pattern of female-biased dispersal found in most avian species. 4. Both the frequency of natal dispersal and dispersal distances were affected by the spatial distribution of breeding groups. More isolated groups showed a higher proportion of philopatric individuals, the effect being more evident in males than in females. This implies a reduction in gene flow in fragmented populations, as most genetic exchange is achieved through male dispersal. Additionally, dispersers hatched in more isolated groups tended to exhibit longer dispersal distances, which increases the associated energetic costs and mortality risks. 5. The dispersal decision was influenced by the number of conspecifics in the natal group. The individual probability of natal dispersal was related inversely to the size of the natal group, which supports the balanced dispersal model and the conspecific attraction hypothesis. 6. Overall, our results provide a good example of phenotypic plasticity and reinforce the current view that dispersal is an evolutionary complex trait conditioned by the interaction of individual, social and environmental causes that vary between individuals and populations.  相似文献   
Fragmented QRS (fQRS) is a convenient marker of myocardial scar evaluated by 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) recording. fQRS is defined as additional spikes within the QRS complex. In patients with CAD, fQRS was associated with myocardial scar detected by single photon emission tomography and was a predictor of cardiac events. fQRS was also a predictor of mortality and arrhythmic events in patients with reduced left ventricular function. The usefulness of fQRS for detecting myocardial scar and for identifying high-risk patients has been expanded to various cardiac diseases, such as cardiac sarcoidosis, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, acute coronary syndrome, Brugada syndrome, and acquired long QT syndrome. fQRS can be applied to patients with wide QRS complexes and is associated with myocardial scar and prognosis. Myocardial scar detected by fQRS is associated with subsequent ventricular dysfunction and heart failure and is a substrate for reentrant ventricular tachyarrhythmias.  相似文献   
As a result of human activities, natural Mediterranean landscapes (including agro-ecosystems) are characterised by a mosaic-like structure with habitat-patches at different successional stages. These systems have high biodiversity levels and are home to a large number of species protected by European laws whose habitats should be adequately managed. In the present work, we study habitat use from an applied point of view in the spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca, an endangered reptile present in semi-arid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Results show that, at a landscape scale, the species selects simplified vegetation structures and includes in its home range re-colonisation shrubland and small non-irrigated fields. Within the home range, habitat selection patterns vary and areas with higher vegetation cover and complexity are selected. Detected patterns are discussed in terms of the ecological requirements of the species and with a hierarchical view of resources and conditions. The implications of our findings for habitat management aimed at the conservation of the species are also discussed.  相似文献   
In order to improve our understanding of the physical bases of protein folding, there is a compelling need for better connections between experimental and computational approaches. This work addresses the role of unfolded state conformational heterogeneity and en-route intermediates, as an aid for planning and interpreting protein folding experiments. The expected kinetics were modeled for different types of energy landscapes, including multiple parallel folding routes, preferential paths dominated by one primary folding route, and distributed paths with a wide spectrum of microscopic folding rate constants. In the presence of one or more preferential routes, conformational exchange among unfolded state populations slows down the observed rates for native protein formation. We find this to be a general phenomenon, taking place even when unfolded conformations interconvert much faster than the "escape" rate constants to folding. Dramatic kinetic deceleration is expected in the presence of an increasing number of folding-incompetent unfolded conformations. This argues for the existence of parallel folding paths involving several folding-competent unfolded conformations, during the early stages of protein folding. Deviations from single-exponential behavior are observed for unfolded conformations exchanging at comparable rates or more slowly than folding events. Analysis of the effect of en-route (on-path) intermediate formation and landscape ruggedness on folding kinetics leads to the following unexpected conclusions: (1) intermediates, which often retard native state formation, may in some cases accelerate folding, and (2) rugged landscapes, usually associated with stretched exponentials, display single-exponential behavior in the presence of late high-friction paths.  相似文献   
The importance of the values underlying different concepts of biodiversity conservation and landscape planning is increasingly recognised, and yet these value judgements of the public and of experts are still poorly understood. Although landscape and conservation management are closely interrelated and measures in one field are likely to have effects on the other, the relationship between biodiversity and conservation values on the one hand, and landscape preferences on the other hand, has been hardly explored so far. This study represents a first attempt to empirically examine this relationship from an integrated perspective, considering philosophical, ecological and economic aspects and using items focused on biodiversity. We used a quantitative survey of the general Swiss population with visualisations of potential landscape developments in the Swiss Alps and items related to biodiversity- and conservation-values. Our research shows that respondents who prefer reforested landscapes tend to be more concerned about the conservation of species, landscapes, and natural processes than people preferring cultural landscapes. Respondents who prefer cultural landscapes are more oriented towards utilitarian values and are overrepresented in mountain areas as compared to the lowlands, thus in areas that are more likely to become the target of conservation measures. Our findings have practical implications for conservation in Switzerland and other mountainous areas, particularly in times of agricultural decline and land abandonment and their associated changes in landscape and biodiversity.  相似文献   
Aims: To fabricate a DNA chip containing random fragments of genomic DNA of Yersinia enterocolitica and to verify its diagnostic ability. Methods and Results: A DNA microarray chip was fabricated using randomly fragmented DNA of Y. enterocolitica. Chips were hybridized with genomic DNA extracted from other Y. enterocolitica strains, other Yersinia spp. and bacteria in different genera. Genomic DNA extracted from Y. enterocolitica showed a significantly higher hybridization rate compared with DNA of other Yersinia spp. or bacterial genera, thereby distinguishing it from other bacteria. Conclusions: A DNA chip containing randomly fragmented genomic DNA from Y. enterocolitica can detect Y. enterocolitica and clearly distinguish it from other Yersinia spp. and bacteria in different genera. Significance and Impact of the Study: A microarray chip containing randomly fragmented genomic DNA of Y. enterocolitica was fabricated without sequence information, and its diagnostic ability to identify Y. enterocolitica was verified.  相似文献   
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