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Résumé La CoccinelleSerangium parcesetosum Sicard originaire de l'Inde a été importée en France en 1985 de Géorgie soviétique où elle avait été introduite pour lutter contre l'Aleurode des CitrusDialeurodes citri Ashmead. Les premiers lachers ont été effectués sur la C?te d'Azur et en Corse où elle semble désormais bien acclimatée.   相似文献   
Influence of the food plants ofHeliothis armigera (Hb.) on the degree of parasitism by exotic parasiteCotesia kazak Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was studied in cages in the laboratory on 7 food plants such as cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench], Dolichos (dolichos lablab L.), pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], Cowpea (Vigna unquiculata (L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietium L.). To determine the preference of the parasite 2 test methods were employed. In single plant choice test cotton was most preferred. Next in order of preference were tomato and okra. Dolichos, pigeonpea, cowpea and chickpea were least preferred. In multiple choice test, however, cotton and okra were preferred followed by tomato. Parasites were seen visiting these plants very frequently and high parasitism was recorded on these plants. Chick pea, pigeon pea, cowpea and Dolichos were the least preferred food plants. There appears to be some difference in fecundity as affected by some food plants. Exposure on okra, cotton and tomato resulted in higher cocoon production as compared to pigeonpea, Dolichos, cowpea and chickpea. There was, however, no difference in sex-ratio and longevity of the progeny as affected by food plants. This exotic parasite should be released first in crops such as cotton, okra and tomato on whichH. armigera is a very serious pest in India and elsewhere. Contribution No. 140/86 of the Indian institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore-560 089  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a protein kinase C (PKC) activator on insulin receptors and insulin action in freshly isolated and primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. PMA (1 x 10–7 M) did not alter insulin receptor numbers or affinity either acutely or chronically but within 60 minute inactivated insulin stimulated tyrosine kinase of the insulin receptor. PKC activation inhibitied insulin (1 x 10–7M) stimulation of glycogen and lipid synthesis with a decrease or no change in basal glycogenesis and lipogenesis respectively. However, PKC activation did not alter insulin stimulated or basal amino acid transport even though PCK activation inhibited insulin stimulation of the insulin. receptor tyrosine kinase. Thus, within one tissue, PKC activation has differential effect on insulin action depending on which pathway is examined. Furthermore, insulin stimulation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase may not be a necessary step for all insulin signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Myocardial cell vulnerability to phospholipase C (PC-PLC) attack was investigated in three different preparations of rat myocardial cells: triacylglycerol (TG)-loaded, hypothermic/rewarmed and energy depleted myocytes. The attack by PC-PLC was evaluated as PC-PLC induced glycerol output due to the combined action of phospholipase C and intracellular lipases. PC-PLC induced glycerol output was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in all three myocyte preparations, compared to their respective controls. Cell morphology (% rod shaped myocytes) of TG-loaded or hypothermic/rewarmed myocytes was not different from their controls, whereas energy depleted myocytes almost exclusively were rounded up, due to hypercontraction of the myofilaments. Hypothermic/rewarmed and energy depleted myocytes showed a significantly higher release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), compared to their controls although the difference was much more pronounced in the latter. Finally, the cellular contents of ATP were maintained both in TG-loaded and hypothermic rewarmed myocytes, while energy depleted myocytes contained only about 25% of the normal ATP level. These results demonstrate that attack from exogenously added phospholipases can occur, not only in seriously damaged cardiac myocytes, but in myocytes with a more subtle damage as well. (Mol Cell Biochem 116: 47–52, 1992)  相似文献   
Crepis dinarica andC. froelichiana are two closely related species of theC. praemorsa complex. Even though they exhibit the same chromosome number (2n = 8) and similar idiogram shape, they differ widely in quantity and distribution of heterochromatin bands. The hybrids between these two species comprise three morphological types. Parental genomes were distinguished in hybrids by Giemsa differential staining (C-banding). Although meiosis presents only a few abnormalities (about 2.4%), the percentage of aborted pollen grains is very high (90%).  相似文献   
Prolyl 4-hydroxylase, a key enzyme in collagen biosynthesis, catalyzes the conversion of selected prolyl residues to trans-hydroxyproline in nascent or completed pro-alpha chains of procollagen. The enzyme is a tetramer composed of two nonidentical subunits, designated alpha and beta. To compare the enzyme and its subunits from different sources, the chick embryo and human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylases were purified to homogeneity and their physicochemical and immunological properties were determined. Both enzymes were glycoproteins with estimated apparent molecular weights ranging between 400 and 600 kDa. Amino acid and carbohydrate analyses showed slight differences between the two holomeric enzymes, consistent with their deduced amino acid sequences from their respective cDNAs. Human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylase contained more tightly bound iron than the chick embryo enzyme. Immunodiffusion of the human placental enzyme with antibodies raised against the purified chick embryo prolyl 4-hydroxylase demonstrated partial identity, indicating different antigenic determinants in their tertiary structures. The enzymes could be separated by high-resolution capillary electrophoresis, indicating differential charge densities for the native chick embryo and human placental proteins. Electrophoretic studies revealed that the human prolyl 4-hydroxylase is a tetrameric enzyme containing two nonidentical subunits of about 64 and 62 kDa, in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2, designated alpha and beta, respectively. In contrast, the chick embryo alpha and beta subunit ratio was 1 to 1. Notably, the human alpha subunit was partially degraded when subjected to electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Analogously, when the chick embryo enzyme was subjected to limited proteolysis, selective degradation of the alpha subunit was observed. Finally, only the alpha subunit was bound to Concanavalin A demonstrating that the alpha subunits of prolyl 4-hydroxylase in both species were glycosylated. Using biochemical techniques, these results demonstrated that the 4-trans-hydroxy-L-proline residues in human placental collagens are synthesized by an enzyme whose primary structure and immunological properties differ from those of the previously well-characterized chick embryo enzyme, consistent with their recently deduced primary structures from cDNA sequences.  相似文献   
The role of proctolin has been further investigated in the locust (Locusta migratoria) mandibular closer muscles. Radioactive calcium uptake measurements were made using protease-dissociated muscle cells. Both the phorbol ester, phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, and proctolin produce tonic contractions which are associated with the influx of extracellular calcium. The thresholds for proctolin and the phorbol ester to contract the muscle were 1-10 nM and 10-100nM, respectively, while their respective thresholds for evoking measurable calcium influx into the muscle cells were 0.1-1 nM for proctolin, and 0.1-1 pM for phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate. The effect of phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate is blocked by a number of protein kinase inhibitors (at a concentration of 0.1 mM), suggesting that an activation of a protein kinase can lead to calcium influx. These inhibitors, however, do not block the effect of proctolin, indicating that these two compounds work through different pathways, possibly converging on the same final target. In light of this finding, a number of other compounds have been tested to try to ascertain how proctolin mediates an increased calcium influx.  相似文献   
Racemic 4',6-dichloroflavan (BW683C), a highly effective inhibitor of rhinovirus serotype 1B in vitro, was resolved by high-performance liquid chromatography on a chiral stationary phase. The enantiomers were separately collected and circular dichroism curves were obtained, in order to determine the absolute configuration of the two enantiomers. The activity of the isomers was studied on human rhinovirus serotype 1B multiplication in HeLa cell cultures, by means of the plaque reduction assay. Both enantiomers were potent inhibitors of virus replication; by comparing the IC50 values, the S form was 3.5 times more effective than the R form.  相似文献   
Summary Natural carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured in different compartments (needles and twigs of different ages and crown positions, litter, understorey vegetation, roots and soils of different horizons) on 5 plots of a healthy and on 8 plots of a declining Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria, Germany), which has recently been described in detail (Oren et al. 1988a; Schulze et al. 1989). The 13C values of needles did not differ between sites or change consistently with needle age, but did decrease from the sun-to the shade-crown. This result confirms earlier conclusions from gas exchange measurements that gaseous air pollutants did no long-lasting damage in an area where such damage was expected. Twigs (13C between-25.3 and-27.8) were significantly less depleted in 13C than needles (13C between-27.3 and-29.1), and 13C in twigs increased consistently with age. The 15N values of needles ranged between-2.5 and-4.1 and varied according to stand and age. In young needles 15N decreased with needle age, but remained constant or increased in needles that were 2 or 3 years old. Needles from the healthy site were more depleted in 15N than those from the declining site. The difference between sites was greater in old needles than in young ones. This differentiation presumably reflects an earlier onset of nitrogen reallocation in needles of the declining stand. 15N values in twigs were more negative than in needles (-3.5 to-5.2) and showed age- and stand-dependent trends that were similar to the needles. 15N values of roots and soil samples increased at both stands with soil depth from-3.5 in the organic layer to +4 in the mineral soil. The 15N values of roots from the mineral soil were different from those of twigs and needles. Roots from the shallower organic layer had values similar to twigs and needles. Thus, the bulk of the assimilated nitrogen was presumably taken up by the roots from the organic layer. The problem of separation of ammonium or nitrate use by roots from different soil horizons is discussed.  相似文献   
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