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Community-based assessment of protozoa is usually performed at a taxon-dependent resolution. As an inherent ‘taxon-free’ trait, however, body-size spectrum has proved to be a highly informative indicator to summarize the functional structure of a community in both community research and monitoring programs in aquatic ecosystems. To demonstrate the relationships between the taxon-free resolution of protozoan communities and water conditions, the body-size spectra of biofilm-dwelling protozoa and their seasonal shift and environmental drivers were explored based on an annual dataset collected monthly from coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. Body sizes were calculated in equivalent spherical diameter (ESD). Among a total of 8 body-size ranks, S2 (19–27 μm), S3 (28–36 μm), S4 (37–50 μm) and S5 (53–71 μm) were the top four levels in frequency of occurrence, while rank S1 (13–17 μm), S2 and S4 were the dominant levels in abundance. These dominants showed a clear seasonal succession: S2/S4 (spring)  S2/S4 (summer)  S4 (autumn)  S2 (winter) in frequency of occurrence; S1 (spring)  S4 (summer)  S2 (autumn)  S1 (winter) in abundance. Bootstrapped average analysis showed a clear seasonal shift in body-size spectra of the protozoa during a 1-year cycle, and the best-matching analysis demonstrated that the temporal variations in frequency of occurrence and abundance were significantly correlated with water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), alone or in combination with chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients. Thus, the body-size spectra of biofilm-dwelling protozoa were seasonally shaped and might be used as a time and cost efficient bioindicator of water quality in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
为了建立适用于嗜热链球菌菌株资源多样性调查的菌株分型方法,尝试将1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析用于嗜热链球菌的菌株分型,并与常用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱方法进行了比较。结果表明,1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析可以把30株从三个不同样品中分离的嗜热链球菌分成三种差异明显的类型:不同类型菌株之间没有相同的间区序列;而同一类型菌株之间,间区序列的组成和排列则基本一致,并且上述分型的结果与用ERIC-PCR指纹图谱技术获得的结果完全一致。因此,1型CRISPR位点间区序列分析是嗜热链球菌分型鉴定的可靠方法,并适用于大量菌株的分型鉴定和多样性调查。  相似文献   
基于串联质谱的蛋白质组研究会产生海量的质谱数据,这些数据通常使用数据库搜索引擎进行鉴定分析,并根据肽段谱图匹配(PSM)反推真实的样品蛋白质.对于高通量蛋白质组数据的处理,其鉴定结果的可信是后续分析应用的前提,因此对鉴定结果的质量控制尤为重要,而基于目标-诱饵库(target-decoy)搜索策略的质量控制是目前应用最为广泛的方法.本文首先介绍了基于目标-诱饵库搜索策略搜库和质量控制的实施流程,然后综述了基于目标-诱饵库搜索策略的质量控制工具,并提出了目标-诱饵库搜索策略的不足及改善方法,最后对目标-诱饵库搜索策略进行了总结与展望.  相似文献   
In this communication, light harvesting and photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen generation beyond the visible region are realized by an anisotropic plasmonic metal/semiconductor hybrid photocatalyst with precise control of their topology and heterointerface. Controlling the intended configuration of the photocatalytic semiconductor to anisotropic Au nanorods' plasmonic hot spots, through a water phase cation exchange strategy, the site‐selective overgrowth of a CdSe shell evolving from a core/shell to a nanodumbbell is realized successfully. Using this strategy, tip‐preferred efficient photoinduced electron/hole separation and plasmon enhancement can be realized. Thus, the PEC hydrogen generation activity of the Au/CdSe nanodumbbell is 45.29 µmol cm?2 h?1 (nearly 4 times than the core/shell structure) beyond vis (λ > 700 nm) illumination and exhibits a high faradic efficiency of 96% and excellent stability with a constant photocurrent for 5 days. Using surface photovoltage microscopy, it is further demonstrated that the efficient plasmonic hot charge spatial separation, which hot electrons can inject into CdSe semiconductors, leads to excellent performance in the Au/CdSe nanodumbbell.  相似文献   
The reduction of nuclear fast red (NFR) stain by sodium tetrahydroboron was catalyzed in the presence of silver ions (Ag+). The fluorescence properties of reduced NFR differed from that of NFR. The product showed fluorescence emission at 480 nm with excitation at 369 nm. Furthermore, the fluorescence intensity of the mixture increased strongly in the presence of Ag+ and Britton–Robinson buffer at pH 4.78. There was a good linear relationship between increased fluorescence intensity (ΔI) and Ag+ concentration in the range 5.0 × 10?9 to 5.0 × 10?8 M. The correlation coefficient was 0.998, and the detection limit (3σ/k) was 1.5 × 10?9 M. The colour of the reaction system changed with variation in Ag+ concentration over a wide range. Based on the colour change, a visual semiquantitative detection method for recognition and sensing of Ag+ was developed for the range 1.0 × 10?8 to 5.0 × 10?4 M, with an indicator that was visible to the naked eye. Therefore, a sensitive, simple method for determination of Ag+ was developed. Optimum conditions for Ag+ detection, the effect of other ions and the analytical application of Ag+ detection of synthesized sample were investigated.  相似文献   
Plant–insect interactions are ubiquitous, and have been studied intensely because of their relevance to damage and pollination in agricultural plants, and to the ecology and evolution of biodiversity. Variation within species can affect the outcome of these interactions. Specific genes and chemicals that mediate these interactions have been identified, but genome‐ or metabolome‐scale studies might be necessary to better understand the ecological and evolutionary consequences of intraspecific variation for plant–insect interactions. Here, we present such a study. Specifically, we assess the consequences of genome‐wide genetic variation in the model plant Medicago truncatula for Lycaeides melissa caterpillar growth and survival (larval performance). Using a rearing experiment and a whole‐genome SNP data set (>5 million SNPs), we found that polygenic variation in M. truncatula explains 9%–41% of the observed variation in caterpillar growth and survival. Genetic correlations among caterpillar performance and other plant traits, including structural defences and some anonymous chemical features, suggest that multiple M. truncatula alleles have pleiotropic effects on plant traits and caterpillar performance (or that substantial linkage disequilibrium exists among distinct loci affecting subsets of these traits). A moderate proportion of the genetic effect of M. truncatula alleles on L. melissa performance can be explained by the effect of these alleles on the plant traits we measured, especially leaf toughness. Taken together, our results show that intraspecific genetic variation in M. truncatula has a substantial effect on the successful development of L. melissa caterpillars (i.e., on a plant–insect interaction), and further point toward traits potentially mediating this genetic effect.  相似文献   
Fine root decomposition constitutes a critical yet poorly understood flux of carbon and nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we present the first large‐scale synthesis of species trait effects on the early stages of fine root decomposition at both global and local scales. Based on decomposition rates for 279 plant species across 105 studies and 176 sites, we found that mycorrhizal association and woodiness are the best categorical traits for predicting rates of fine root decomposition. Consistent positive effects of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and negative effects of lignin concentration emerged on decomposition rates within sites. Similar relationships were present across sites, along with positive effects of temperature and moisture. Calcium was not consistently related to decomposition rate at either scale. While the chemical drivers of fine root decomposition parallel those of leaf decomposition, our results indicate that the best plant functional groups for predicting fine root decomposition differ from those predicting leaf decomposition.  相似文献   
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non‐plant‐cell manipulation through a transfer of energy by means of light sources at the non‐ablative or thermal intensity. Authors showed that cytochrome‐c‐oxidase (complex IV) is the specific chromophore's target of PBM at the red (600‐700 nm) and NIR (760‐900 nm) wavelength regions. Recently, it was suggested that the infrared region of the spectrum could influence other chromospheres, despite the interaction by wavelengths higher than 900 nm with mitochondrial chromophores was not clearly demonstrated. We characterized the interaction between mitochondria respiratory chain, malate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme of Krebs cycle, and 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in the β‐oxidation (two mitochondrial matrix enzymes) with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG (100mps and 10 Hz frequency mode) irradiated at the average power density of 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 W/cm2 to generate the respective fluences of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 J/cm2. Our results show the effect of laser light on the transmembrane mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV and V (adenosine triphosphate synthase) (window effects), but not on the extrinsic mitochondrial membrane complex II and mitochondria matrix enzymes. The effect is not due to macroscopical thermal change. An interaction of this wavelength with the Fe‐S proteins and Cu‐centers of respiratory complexes and with the water molecules could be supposed.   相似文献   
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