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Carbon sequestration in arid-land forest   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations may lead to increased water availability because the water use efficiency of photosynthesis (WUE) increases with CO2 in most plant species. This should allow the extension of afforestation activities into drier regions. Using eddy flux, physiological and inventory measurements we provide the first quantitative information on such potential from a 35‐year old afforestation system of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) at the edge of the Negev desert. This 2800 ha arid‐land forest contains 6.5 ± 1.2 kg C m?2, and continues to accumulate 0.13–0.24 kg C m?2 yr?1. The CO2 uptake is highest during the winter, out of phase with most northern hemispheric forest activity. This seasonal offset offers low latitude forests ~10 ppm higher CO2 concentrations than that available to higher latitude forests during the productive season, in addition to the 30% increase in mean atmospheric CO2 concentrations since the 1850s. Expanding afforestation efforts into drier regions may be significant for C sequestration and associated benefits (restoration of degraded land, reducing runoff, erosion and soil compaction, improving wildlife) because of the large spatial scale of the regions potentially involved (ca. 2 × 109 ha of global shrub‐land and C4 grassland). Quantitative information on forest activities under dry conditions may also become relevant to regions predicted to undergo increasing aridity.  相似文献   
生物土壤结皮的分布影响因子及其监测   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
生物土壤结皮在荒漠化地区广泛分布。本文详细论述了生物土壤结皮的分布规律及其影响因素,如海拔高度、土壤、维管植物群落水分条件和干扰,以及生物土壤结皮在生态系统和景观变化监测和评价中的作用等。同时对中国西北地区生物土壤结皮的生态学研究和开发应用提供了研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   
以中国北亚热带退化灌木林改造而来的木荷-青冈栎混交林和杜英纯林为对象,研究树种组成对常绿阔叶人工林生态系统碳储量的影响。结果表明:(1)退化灌木林改造成两种人工林生长11年后,生态系统植被、土壤碳储量均显著增加;植被碳储量的增加主要来自乔木层。(2)两种人工林碳积累能力有差异。杜英林植被碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高99.4%,其中杜英林的乔木层碳储量比木荷-青冈栎林高27.75t·hm-2,是后者的2倍;杜英林土壤有机碳储量(0~50cm)显著高于木荷-青冈栎林10.17t·hm-2,其中在0~10、20~30cm土层杜英林均显著高于木荷-青冈栎林。研究表明,退化灌木林人工改造成常绿阔叶林后生态系统碳储量显著增加,杜英纯林碳蓄积能力明显高于木荷-青冈栎混交林,说明在以增加碳储量为目的的退化生态系统改造过程中,树种选择非常重要。  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰山前平原河谷林植被类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 在新疆阿尔泰地区山前平原,沿河谷发育着带状的、以杨属树种为主的森林。本文将该河谷林划分为8个群系和16个群丛组,并作了较详细的描述。所记载的杨属种类有苦杨、银白杨、银灰杨、黑杨、额河杨、胡杨和灰胡杨等7种,此外还有疣枝桦、尖果沙枣以及柳属的几个树种(白柳、三蕊柳等)。河谷林出现在半荒漠、荒漠等地带性植被的包围中,无疑是河谷特殊生境的产物,它对河谷环境和农牧业发展有重要意义。  相似文献   
马勇  凌旋  童昀 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7542-7554
以典型旅游城市三亚市为案例地,利用2006-2018年4期Landsat遥感影像数据,借助ENVI、ArcGIS平台定量识别土地利用演变特征,在1km×1km格网尺度下估算旅游地生态系统服务价值,并结合空间探索性数据分析揭示生态系统服务价值时空分异特征及其与旅游地发展的时空耦合关系。结果表明:(1)2006-2018年间,三亚市生态系统服务价值总量呈逐年下降趋势,由6.73×109元降至5.76×109元,累计减少9.78×108元;(2)空间格局上,三亚市呈"南低北高"空间分异格局,2006-2018年增值区域连片分布于崖州区、天涯区、吉阳区南部区域,且呈逐年减少趋势,减值区域集聚于天涯区东北部、海棠区;(3)空间集聚上,生态系统服务价值截面各年份均呈显著空间正相关且相关性先降后增。高高集聚区位于天涯区北部区域,低低集聚区分布于沿海、海湾地区;(4)旅游发展与生态系统服务价值时空演化特征关联性较强。三亚市天涯区北部林地生态环境良好,生态系统服务价值略有下降但绝对数值稳定,是生态系统服务价值主要来源;旅游发展较为迅速的三亚湾、崖州湾以及海棠湾,相对增值区域较多,但绝对生态系统服务价值损失显著,严重滞后于其他区域。  相似文献   
The present work proposes new boundaries for the current submediterranean territories of the Iberian Peninsula, defining them at the smallest scale attempted to date. The boundaries proposed are not sharp divisions but somewhat ‘gradual’, reflecting the transitional nature of the territories they encompass. Climate change predictions were used to estimate how the distribution of these submediterranean regions might change in the near future. The maps constructed are based on the distribution of marcescent Quercus species—trees that characterise the submediterranean plant landscape where they form the main forest communities. To determine their climatic range, the distribution of different types of Iberian oak forest was represented in ‘climate diagrams’ (ordination diagrams derived from principal components analysis), both in terms of individual species and groups of species based on leaf ecophysiological type, i.e. marcescent (Submediterranean), sclerophyllous (Mediterranean), semideciduous (Mediterranean) and deciduous (Eurosiberian). The climate range of each type of forest was determined, and the means of representative climate variables are analysed by one way ANOVA. The variables differentiating the forest groups were also examined by discriminant analysis. The range of the climate variables found to be associated with the majority of marcescent forests was used to determine the distribution of territories throughout the Peninsula with the same conditions (i.e. whether marcescent forests were present or not), thus providing a map of the Iberian submediterranean territories. Predictions of climate change were used to investigate possible climate-induced modifications in the boundaries of these territories in the near future. The patterns obtained show dramatic reductions in the extension of the Iberian submediterranean environment. Submediterranean conditions will probably disappear from the areas where they currently reign, and it seems unlikely that any new, large submediterranean areas will form by displacement towards higher altitudes. The outlook for the unique submediterranean vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula is gloomy.
Helios Sainz-OlleroEmail:
舟山群岛生态系统健康与旅游经济协调发展评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周彬  赵宽  钟林生  陈田  虞虎 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3437-3446
在界定生态系统健康与旅游经济协调发展定义的基础上,构建了海岛目的地生态系统健康和旅游经济协调发展评价的指标体系,采用改进的TOPSIS法对2000—2012年舟山群岛生态系统健康和海岛旅游业的协调发展状况进行了定量评价,运用障碍度模型对其协调发展的障碍因素进行了分析,并使用Logistic模型对2013—2015年协调发展状态进行了预测。研究表明:(1)2000—2012年,舟山群岛海岛生态系统健康和旅游经济的静态协调度和动态协调度总体均呈持增加趋势,静态协调度由0.6453增加到0.7301,动态协调度由0.6453增加至0.6874;(2)2000—2012年,舟山群岛生态系统健康和旅游经济由初级协调发展型向中级协调发展型演化,其中2000—2007年为初级协调发展型,2008—2012年为中级协调发展型;(3)海洋经济占GDP比重、近海海域环境功能区达标率、环保投入占GDP比重、公路网密度、城镇化率是影响舟山群岛生态系统健康和旅游经济协调发展的主要障碍因子;(4)2013—2015年,舟山群岛生态系统健康和旅游经济的静态协调度预测值为0.8335、0.8442和0.8543,动态协调度的预测值为0.6885、0.6916和0.6947,说明两者的协调发展状态将持续改善。  相似文献   
韩瑞  陈求稳  王丽  汤新武  沈新强 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4907-4918
利用Ecopath with Ecosim在前期研究的基础上构建了3个时期(2000年秋、2006年秋、2012年秋)长江口水域生态系统的生态通道模型,分析对比了三峡工程蓄水前中后期,长江口水域生态系统结构与能量流动特征。模型将长江口水域生态系统划分为鱼类、虾类、蟹类、头足类、底栖动物、浮游动物、浮游植物、碎屑等17个功能组,基本覆盖了长江口生态系统能量流动的主要途径。模型结果分析表明:蓄水前中后期,长江口水域生态系统各功能组营养级组成和分布相近,但由于长江口渔业过度捕捞,蓄水中后期多数功能组的生态营养转换率被动提高。长江口渔获物的组成未发生明显变化,但渔获物的平均营养级降低,渔获量减少。蓄水中后期,生态系统中牧食食物链的重要性增加,碎屑食物链的重要性降低,这与蓄水之后长江入海径流改变、泥沙量减少、陆源污染增加关系密切。结果表明,蓄水前中后期,生态系统均处于不成熟阶段,蓄水后生态系统总生物量、初级生产量及流向碎屑的能量呈降低趋势,但系统的净效率和再循环率升高。  相似文献   
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