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试论“三北”生态经济型防护林体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了“三北”防护林体系工程的概要、建设指导思想和技术路线,从理论上较深入地探讨了林业观念更新的意义及其基础。从而,提出“生态经济型防护林体系”的学术概念,以及它同建立区域性人工生态系统的相互关系,并结合“三北”黄土高原昕水河流域生态经济型防护林体系示范区的特点进行分析,探讨丘陵山地条件下,生态经济型防护林体系的技术内涵、组成及其生态经济特点。最后,作者提出了由“三北”防护林工程的实践对我国如何建设好其它防护林工程的几点启示。  相似文献   
Given that they can burn for weeks or months, wildfires in temperate and boreal forests may become immense (eg., 100 – 104 km2). However, during the period within which a large fire is ‘active’, not all days experience weather that is conducive to fire spread; indeed most of the spread occurs on a small proportion (e.g., 1 – 15 days) of not necessarily consecutive days during the active period. This study examines and compares the Canada‐wide patterns in fire‐conducive weather (‘potential’ spread) and the spread that occurs on the ground (‘realized’ spread). Results show substantial variability in distributions of potential and realized spread days across Canada. Both potential and realized spread are higher in western than in eastern Canada; however, whereas potential spread generally decreases from south to north, there is no such pattern with realized spread. The realized‐to‐potential fire‐spread ratio is considerably higher in northern Canada than in the south, indicating that proportionally more fire‐conducive days translate into fire progression. An exploration of environmental correlates to spread show that there may be a few factors compensating for the lower potential spread in northern Canada: a greater proportion of coniferous (i.e., more flammable) vegetation, lesser human impacts (i.e., less fragmented landscapes), sufficient fire ignitions, and intense droughts. Because a linear relationship exists between the frequency distributions of potential spread days and realized spread days in a fire zone, it is possible to obtain one from the other using a simple conversion factor. Our methodology thus provides a means to estimate realized fire spread from weather‐based data in regions where fire databases are poor, which may improve our ability to predict future fire activity.  相似文献   
Microbial communities in intertidal coastal soils respond to a variety of environmental factors related to resources availability, habitat characteristics, and vegetation. These intertidal soils of India are dominated with Salicornia brachiata, Aeluropus lagopoides, and Suaeda maritima halophytes, which play a significant role in carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and improving microenvironment. However, the relative contribution of edaphic factors, halophytes, rhizosphere, and bulk sediments on microbial community composition is poorly understood in the intertidal sediments. Here, we sampled rhizosphere and bulk sediments of three dominant halophytes (Salicornia, Aeluropus, and Suaeda) from five geographical locations of intertidal region of Gujarat, India. Sediment microbial community structure was characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling. Microbial biomass was significantly influenced by the pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, nitrogen, and sodium and potassium concentrations. Multivariate analysis of PLFA profiles had significantly separated the sediment microbial community composition of regional sampling sites, halophytes, rhizosphere, and bulk sediments. Sediments from Suaeda plants were characterized by higher abundance of PLFA biomarkers of Gram-negative, total bacteria, and actinomycetes than other halophytes. Significantly highest abundance of Gram-positive and fungal PLFAs was observed in sediments of Aeluropus and Salicornia, respectively than in those of Suaeda. The rhizospheric sediment had significantly higher abundance of Gram-negative and fungal PLFAs biomarkers compared to bulk sediment. The results of the present study contribute to our understanding of the relative importance of different edaphic and spatial factors and halophyte vegetation on sediment microbial community of intertidal sediments of coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   
陈强  陈云浩  王萌杰  蒋卫国  侯鹏  李营 《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2811-2818
基于MODIS-NDVI遥感数据,利用CASA模型分析黄河流域2001—2010年植被净第一性生产力(NPP)的空间分布格局,并结合同期气温和降水量数据,分别从不同空间和时间尺度上分析了黄河流域6种生态系统类型区域植被NPP的变化趋势,并对其与气候因素的相关关系进行分析.结果表明: 植被NPP空间分布呈西北低、东南高的分布特征,平均NPP年总量为108.53 Tg C,植被NPP的分布与生态系统类型呈现较高的相关性;2001—2010年,植被NPP总体呈上升趋势但波动较大,55.4%的面积呈现增加趋势,不同生态系统类型区域呈现不同的变化趋势;在年际水平上,黄河流域植被NPP变化与气候因素没有显著相关性,但在月际水平上呈现了较高的相关性,降水量和气温对植被NPP变化的影响作用相当;不同生态系统类型对气候因素呈现不同的相关性质以及时滞效应,草地对降水量的响应存在一定程度的时滞效应,荒漠对气温存在时滞效应.  相似文献   
罗钦方  陈瑛 《生态科学》2019,38(2):191-198
以西安市为案例地, 借助包含生产力、生活势、生态势和生机度的城市生命力指数框架, 运用灰色关联分析模型, 从时间序列上进行城市生态系统生命力评价, 以期从生命力视角对西安市的生态文明建设和可持续发展提供参考。评价结果显示, 基于目标层, 2007—2016年西安城市生命力与参考序列的关联度排序为: R2007年相似文献   
This study describes the effect of soil fauna and vegetation on the development of landscapes and how these actually control soil formation, geomorphological development and hydrological response. The study area is located in a semi-natural deciduous forest on marl in Luxembourg, with a strong texture contrast in the soil at 15–25 cm depth (luvic planosols). The methodology applied is both based on hydrological and geomorphological field measurements on runoff, sediment yield, perched water table dynamics, geomorphological survey, pedological survey and measurements related to in situ ectorganic horizon dynamics and litter decay, soil animal activity, as well as measurements of dynamic soil properties such as soil moisture and swelling and shrinkage. The results show that there is a positive feedback between tree type, soil fauna activity and the development of pipes, partial areas, soils and geomorphology. The landscape can be divided into two main types: Areas where Stellario-Carpinetum vegetation and partial areas are common and areas with Milio-Fagetum vegetation on dry slopes, which are differentiating more and more over time as a result of ongoing geo-ecosystem processes, and which also reflected in their sediment yield. The hydrological response is highly different for both landscape compartments as they are dominated by matrix (Beech) and pipe flow (Hornbeam) respectively. Soil fauna and tree type drive both soil and geomorphological evolution and they both can be considered as important ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   
Diversifying agricultural landscapes may mitigate biodiversity declines and improve pest management. Yet landscapes are rarely managed to suppress pests, in part because researchers seldom measure key variables related to pest outbreaks and insecticides that drive management decisions. We used a 13‐year government database to analyse landscape effects on European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) outbreaks and insecticides across c. 400 Spanish vineyards. At harvest, we found pest outbreaks increased four‐fold in simplified, vineyard‐dominated landscapes compared to complex landscapes in which vineyards are surrounded by semi‐natural habitats. Similarly, insecticide applications doubled in vineyard‐dominated landscapes but declined in vineyards surrounded by shrubland. Importantly, pest population stochasticity would have masked these large effects if numbers of study sites and years were reduced to typical levels in landscape pest‐control studies. Our results suggest increasing landscape complexity may mitigate pest populations and insecticide applications. Habitat conservation represents an economically and environmentally sound approach for achieving sustainable grape production.  相似文献   
African perennial C4 grasses are highly successful invaders in Hawaiian ecosystems. We examined the effects of African molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora Beauv.) on Hawaiian shrubland nitrogen (N) dynamics without the influence of fire disturbance. Vegetation tissue carbon and nitrogen chemistry, soil inorganic N pools, net N mineralization rates, and total soil N were studied in three adjacent areas: a monospecificMelinis grassland, a mixed grass/shrubland mosaic, and an un-invaded shrubland.Melinis plots within the mosaic area exhibited the largest inorganic N pools and fastest net N mineralization rates, but were temporally variable with grass phenology. Un-invaded shrubland plots contained the smallest inorganic N pools and lowest net N mineralization rates. Grass foliar C:N and litter C:N were lower than those of common shrubland species, providing one possible link between species and ecosystem N dynamics at this site. The combined effects of N cycle modification, successful light competition, and fire-cycle enhancement make the invasion ofMelinis a significant perturbation to Hawaiian shrubland ecosystem function and successional dynamics. ei]Section editor H Lambers  相似文献   
全球变化已对陆地生态系统结构和功能产生深远影响,明确生态系统对全球变化的响应和适应机制是实现人类对生态系统服务可持续利用的前提.联网实验是理解区域乃至全球尺度生态系统结构功能对全球变化要素响应和适应的重要手段.科学的顶层设计有利于实现联网数据间融合、比对以及分析,进而支撑普适性生态学理论的发展.本文从全球变化联网控制实...  相似文献   
基于农业生态服务价值的农业绿色GDP核算——以安塞县为例   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
陈源泉  高旺盛 《生态学报》2007,27(1):250-259
将传统GDP绿色化,也就是“绿色GDP”是国民经济核算研究和探索的热点。从微观层面对农业生产进行绿色GDP核算,认为农业绿色GDP不仅包含传统的产品价值,还应包括农业对人类社会经济系统的生态服务价值,并以基于生态系统服务价值的“农业绿色GDP=农业常规GDP+农业生态GDP”的公式核算了安塞县的绿色GDP。结果表明:(1)安塞县2000年的农业生产总值为29187万元,减去中间消耗为18972万元;(2)若考虑农业生态环境代价,则农业生产产值仅为6272.30万元,是农业常规GDP的33.06%,农业常规GDP背后至少隐含着66.94%的农业生态环境代价;(3)应用市场价值法、机会成本法、替代工程法、影子价格法等核算农业生态系统服务价值结果为504218.37万元,把农业生态系统服务价值作为农业系统的间接产出,则该县2000年的农业绿色GDP为510490.67万元。安塞县农业经济的获得背后至少有66.94%生态环境代价是依靠其农业生态系统的服务来提供和补偿的。  相似文献   
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