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Pandian  T. J.  Vivekanandan  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1976,49(1):33-39
Reared in (tubular) aquaria containing different depths of water, Ophiocephalus striatus (0.7 g, 4.5 cm body length), an obligatory air-breathing tropical fish, swam long or short distances to enable themselves to exchange atmospheric air. In each tested depth (2.5, 5.0, 15.5, 31.0 and 40.0 cm) series, one group was starved, while the other was fed ad libitum twice a day on fish muscle. In the shallowest water (2.5 cm depth), the feeding group surfaced 1,294 times, travelling 64.7 m at an energy cost of 20.4 mg dry fish substance/g live fish/day, against those exposed to the deepest water (40 cm depth), which expended 35.8 mg/g/day, swimming 1,503.4 m on 1,879 visits to the surface. The starving group surfaced only 482 times, travelling 24.1 m at an expense of 5.8 mg/g/day in the shallowest water, while those at 40 cm depth surfaced 504 times, swimming 403.2 m at an energy cost of 7.4 mg/g/day. Owing to the sustained swimming activity and the consequent fatigue, the test individuals belonging to both groups in all the tested series hang to the surface for a definite interval, repaying the O2 debt. Observations were also made to assess the duration of hanging to precisely estimate the distance travelled. Irrespective of changes in depths of water, the duration of hanging to surface was only 3.0 hr/day for the feeding groups, while it was as much as 15.5 hr/day for the starving groups. The maximum sustained metabolic level of O.striatus reared in 40 cm depth was equivalent to 1.23 ml O2/g/hr, which is about 2 times higher than the value reported for the active metabolism of swimming Oncorhynchus nerka at 15°C in Brett's (1964) respirometer. O.striatus reared in 2.5 cm depth fed 32.0 mg and converted 6.7 mg dry food/g live fish/day, while those exposed to the deepest water fed 49.1 mg, but converted only 5.5 mg/g/day. Culturing obligatory air-breathing fishes in shallow waters will be advantageous.  相似文献   
Side‐chain engineering is an important strategy for optimizing photovoltaic properties of organic photovoltaic materials. In this work, the effect of alkylsilyl side‐chain structure on the photovoltaic properties of medium bandgap conjugated polymer donors is studied by synthesizing four new polymers J70 , J72 , J73 , and J74 on the basis of highly efficient polymer donor J71 by changing alkyl substituents of the alkylsilyl side chains of the polymers. And the photovoltaic properties of the five polymers are studied by fabricating polymer solar cells (PSCs) with the polymers as donor and an n‐type organic semiconductor (n‐OS) m‐ITIC as acceptor. It is found that the shorter and linear alkylsilyl side chain could afford ordered molecular packing, stronger absorption coefficient, higher charge carrier mobility, thus results in higher Jsc and fill factor values in the corresponding PSCs. While the polymers with longer or branched alkyl substituents in the trialkylsilyl group show lower‐lying highest occupied molecular orbital energy levels which leads to higher Voc of the PSCs. The PSCs based on J70 :m‐ITIC and J71 :m‐ITIC achieve power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 11.62 and 12.05%, respectively, which are among the top values of the PSCs reported in the literatures so far.  相似文献   
For the commercial development of organic photovoltaics (OPVs), laboratory‐scale OPV technology must be translated to large area modules. In particular, it is important to develop high‐efficiency polymers that can form thick (>100 nm) bulk heterojunction (BHJ) films over large areas with optimal morphologies for charge generation and transport. Here, D1‐A‐D2‐A random terpolymers composed of 2,2′‐bithiophene with various proportions of 5,6‐difluoro‐4,7‐bis(thiophen‐2‐yl)‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole and 5,6‐difluoro‐2,1,3‐benzothiadiazole (FBT) are synthesized. It is found that incorporating small proportions of FBT into the polymer not only conserves the high crystallinity and favorable face‐on orientation of the D‐A copolymer FBT‐Th4 but also improves the nanoscale phase separation of the BHJ film. Consequently, the random terpolymer PDT2fBT‐BT10 exhibits a much improved solar cell efficiency of 10.31% when compared to that of the copolymer FBT‐Th4 (8.62%). Moreover, due to this polymer's excellent processability and suppressed overaggregation, OPVs with 1 cm2 active area based on 351 nm thick PDT2fBT‐BT10 BHJs exhibit high photovoltaic performance of 9.42%, whereas rapid efficiency decreases arise for FBT‐Th4‐based OPVs for film thicknesses above 300 nm. It is demonstrated that this random terpolymer can be used in large area and thick BHJ OPVs, and guidelines for developing polymers that are suitable for large‐scale printing technologies are presented.  相似文献   
Summary Microbial conversion of glycerol into dihydroxyacetone (DHA) byGluconobacter oxydans was subjected to inhibition by excess substrate. Comparison of cultures containing increasing initial DHA contents (0 to 100 g l–1) demonstrated that DHA also inhibited this fermentation process. The first effect was on bacterial growth (cellular development stopped when DHA concentration reached 67 gl–1), and then on oxidation of glycerol (DHA synthesis only occurred when the DHA concentration in the culture medium was lower than 85 g l–1). Productivity, specific rates and, to a lesser extent, conversion yields decreased as initial concentrations of DHA increased. The changes in the specific parameters according to increasing initial DHA contents were described by general equations. These formulae satisfactorily express the concave aspect of the curves and the reduction in biological activity when the cells were in contact with DHA concentrations of up to 96 g l–1.Abbreviations X, S, P biomass, substrate, product concentrations - r x,r s,r p rates of growth, consumption and production - ,q s,q p specific rates of growth, glycerol consumption and DHA production - Y x/s, Yp/s conversion yields of substrate into biomass and product - K s constant of affinity of cells to the substrate - K ip product inhibition constant - P m threshold concentration of DHA in substrate  相似文献   
Various additives to Ni–Fe systems are studied as cermet cathodes for CO2 electrolysis (973–1173 K) using a La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 (LSGM) electrolyte, which is one of the most promising oxide‐ion conductors for intermediate‐temperature solid‐oxide electrolysis cells in terms of ionic‐transport number and conductivity. It is found that Ni–Fe–La0.6Sr0.4Fe0.8Mn0.2O3 (Ni–Fe–LSFM) exhibits a remarkable performance with a current density of 2.32 A cm?2 at 1.6 V and 1073 K. The cathodic overpotential is significantly decreased by mixing the LSFM powder with Ni–Fe, which is related to the increase in the number of reaction sites for CO2 reduction. For Ni–Fe–LSFM, much smaller particles (<200 nm) are sustained under CO2 electrolysis conditions at high temperatures than for Ni–Fe. X‐ray diffraction analysis suggests that the main phases of Ni–Fe–LSFM are Ni and LaFeO3; thus, the oxide phase of LaFeO3 is also maintained during CO2 electrolysis. Analysis of the gaseous products indicates that only CO is formed, and the rate of CO formation agrees well with that of a four‐electron reduction process, suggesting that the reduction of CO2 to CO proceeds selectively. It is also confirmed that almost no coke is deposited on the Ni–Fe–LSFM cathode after CO2 electrolysis.  相似文献   
Summary Some cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) alleles are selectively lost during growth of the virus in mixedly infected turnip plants. Viral DNA from plants co-inoculated with DNA of the cabbage S isolate and infectious cabbage S DNA with an extra EcoRI restriciion site lacked the extra site. The EcoRI allele was also lost in most plants co-inoculated with a non-infectious mutant of cabbage S DNA while little selective allele loss was observed with two other non-infectious mutant DNAs. Plants co-inoculated with DNAs of closely-related isolates (CM4-184 and W) contained both parental viral DNAs and some DNAs with characteristics of both parents. Interference, scored as a reduced frequency of infection or a delay in symptom appearance relative to plants inoculated with wild-type DNA, occurred when plants were inoculated with wild-type and mutant DNAs covalently attached to one another in partial dimer plasmid DNAs. Similarities in the conditions leading to selective allele loss and those leading to interference suggest that both may have been due to active gene conversion between CaMV DNA molecules.  相似文献   
The consumption and utilization of various concentrations of the spiral blue-green algae, Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl., by the fourth-instar larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., was studied by incorporation into an artificial diet. The silkworms ingested more food on the low algal-powder diets, whereas they digested more efficiently on the high algal levels. The larvae fed on diets containing 30–40% algae had the shortest larval duration compared to those on low algal-powder diets. The freeze-dried powder of S. platensis is well utilized by B. mori larvae when added to artificial diets at levels between 15% and 30%, although the high algal content at 40% was slightly better for the efficiency of conversion of ingested diet into body substance (E.C.I.) and the cocoon production. However, analysis of the protein content in feces indicated an excess of the algal powder at 40%. Measurements of data on the food consumption and utilization in this study proposed that this spiral alga is dietetically utilizable as a protein source for rearing the silkworm in smaller quantities than on a soybean meal.
Resúmé La consommation et l'utilisation de différentes concentrations de Spirulina platensis par les chenilles de 4ème stade de Bombyx mori, ont été étudiées par incorporation dans un aliment artificiel. Les vers à soie ont ingéré plus d'aliment avec les régimes à faible concentration en algue, tandis qu'ils ont digéré plus efficacement les régimes à haute concentration d'algue. Les chenilles alimentées sur des régimes contenant 30 à 40% d'algue ont eu un développement larvaire plus bref que celles alimentées sur des régimes à faible concentration. La poudre congelée et séchée de S. platensis incorporée aux taux de 15 à 30% dans le régime artificiel est bien utilisée par les chenilles de B. mori, quoiqu'une teneur de 40% soit légèrement meilleure pour l'efficacité de conversion de l'aliment en matière vivante (E.C.I.) et la production de cocons. Cependant, l'analyse du contenu protéique dans les excréments révélait un excès de poudre d'algue à 40%. L'analyse des données au cours de cette étude, sur la consommation et l'utilisation des aliments, montre que S. platensis est utilisable diét étiquement en plus petite quantité que la farine de soja comme source de protéines pour l'élevage du ver à soie.
Livestock, particularly ruminants, can eat a wider range of biomass than humans. In the drive for greater efficiency, intensive systems of livestock production have evolved to compete with humans for high-energy crops such as cereals. Feeds consumed by livestock were analysed in terms of the quantities used and efficiency of conversion of grassland, human-edible ('edible') crops and crop by-products into milk, meat and eggs, using the United Kingdom as an example of a developed livestock industry. Some 42 million tonnes of forage dry matter were consumed from 2008 to 2009 by the UK ruminant livestock population of which 0.7 was grazed pasture and 0.3 million tonnes was conserved forage. In addition, almost 13 million tonnes of raw material concentrate feeds were used in the UK animal feed industry from 2008 to 2009 of which cereal grains comprised 5.3 and soyabean meal 1.9 million tonnes. The proportion of edible feed in typical UK concentrate formulations ranged from 0.36 for milk production to 0.75 for poultry meat production. Example systems of livestock production were used to calculate feed conversion ratios (FCR - feed input per unit of fresh product). FCR for concentrate feeds was lowest for milk at 0.27 and for the meat systems ranged from 2.3 for poultry meat to 8.8 for cereal beef. Differences in FCR between systems of meat production were smaller when efficiency was calculated on an edible input/output basis, where spring-calving/grass finishing upland suckler beef and lowland lamb production were more efficient than pig and poultry meat production. With the exception of milk and upland suckler beef, FCR for edible feed protein into edible animal protein were >1.0. Edible protein/animal protein FCR of 1.0 may be possible by replacing cereal grain and soyabean meal with cereal by-products in concentrate formulations. It is concluded that by accounting for the proportions of human-edible and inedible feeds used in typical livestock production systems, a more realistic estimate of efficiency can be made for comparisons between systems.  相似文献   
Developing new ABX3‐type perovskites is very important for expanding the family of perovskites and obtaining excellent light absorbing material. One strategy is replacing A site atoms with super‐alkali atoms for the perovskites, but super‐alkali perovskites with stable dynamics performance and high efficiency have not been found until now. Herein, massive super‐alkalis, such as Li3O, Li2F, H5O2, and so on, are introduced into the cubic CH3NH3PbI3 perovskites, and the perovskites with these super‐alkalis are systematically studied by using ab initio molecular dynamics simulation and density functional theory based first principles calculations. Calculated results indicate that the perovskites with the super‐alkalis including metal atoms show unstable dynamics performance under normal temperature and pressure. On the contrary, the first obtainable super‐alkali perovskites of cubic H5O2MBr3 (M = Ge, Sn, Pb) and H5O2PbI3 show stable dynamics performance. They also show suitable tolerance factors, negative formation energies, tunable direct band gaps, and small effective hole and electron masses. Moreover, the calculated power conversion efficiencies of 23.17% and 22.83% are obtained for the single‐junction solar cells based on the cubic H5O2SnBr3 and H5O2PbBr3 perovskites, respectively.  相似文献   
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