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贺兰山主要森林水文作用的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贺兰山主要森林水文作用的初步研究徐万仁,张永庆(宁夏科委,银川750001)(宁夏农学院,永宁750105)杜和平,李丽英(宁夏贺兰山自然保护区管理局,银川750003)(宁夏惠农县林业局,753200)PreliminaryStudyonHydro...  相似文献   
Biomass and carbon storage of the North American deciduous forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field measures of tree and shrub dimensions were used with established biomass equations in a stratified, two-stage cluster sampling design to estimate above-ground ovendry woody biomass and carbon storage of the eastern deciduous forest of North America. Biomass averaged 8.1 ± 1.4 (95% C.I.) kg/m2 and totaled 18.1 ± 3.1 (95% C.I.) gigatons. Carbon storage averaged 3.6 ± 0.6 (95% C.I.) kg/m2 and totaled 8.1 ± 1.4 (95% C.I.) gigatons. These values are lower than previous estimates commonly used in the analysis of the global carbon budget which range from 17.1 to 23.1 kg/m2 for biomass and 7.7 to 10.4 kg/m2 for carbon storage. These new estimates for the deciduous forest, together with earlier work in the boreal forest begin to reveal a pattern of overestimation of global carbon storage by vegetation in analyses of the global carbon budget. We discuss reasons for the differences between the new and earlier estimates, as well as implications for our understanding of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
Stomatal control of crown transpiration was studied in Anacardium excelsum, a large-leaved, emergent canopy species common in the moist forests of Central and northern South America. A construction crane equipped with a gondola was used to gain access to the uppermost level in the crown of a 35-m-tall individual. Stomatal conductance at the single leaf scale, and transpiration and total vapour phase conductance (stomatal and boundary layer) at the branch scale were measured simultaneously using the independent techniques of porometry and stem heat balance, respectively. This permitted the sensitivity of transpiration to a marginal change in stomatal conductance to be evaluated using a dimensionless coupling coefficient (1-ω) ranging from zero to 1, with 1 representing maximal stomatal control of transpiration. Average stomatal conductance varied from 0.09 mol m?2 s?1 during the dry season to 0.3 mol m?2 s?1 during the wet season. Since boundary layer conductance was relatively low (0.4 mol m?2 s?1), 1-ω ranged from 0.46 during the dry season to only 0.25 during the wet season. A pronounced stomatal response to humidity was observed, which strongly limited transpiration as evaporative demand increased. The stomatal response to humidity was apparent only when the leaf surface was used as the reference point for measurement of external vapour pressure. Average transpiration was predicted to be nearly the same during the dry and wet seasons despite a 1 kPa difference in the prevailing leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference. The patterns of stomatal behaviour and transpiration observed were consistent with recent proposals that stomatal responses to humidity are based on sensing the transpiration rate itself.  相似文献   
Relationships between canopy cover and tree regeneration were determined for various species in cove forests of the Great Smoky Mountains. Old-growth stands were sampled with six plots covering a total area of 4.8 ha. Each plot was subdivided into contiguous 10×10 m quadrats. Canopy cover overlying each of the 480 quadrats was characterized with three different indices based on visual estimates of cover. Influences of: (1) overlying cover, (2) proximate openings, and (3) total area of proximate openings on quadrat regeneration densities were determined. Most species reproducing by seed and some species reproducing by vegetative means had higher densities in quadrats with openings, but only the intolerants were highly dependent on gaps. Tsuga canadensis, a very shade-tolerant species, was one of the few species with abundant regeneration beneath dense canopy cover. In general, understory areas near gaps had somewhat higher regeneration densities than other areas with overlying cover. Several shade-tolerant species showed a positive regeneration density response to canopy openings and an ability to regenerate in gaps 0.01–0.03 ha in area. These openings were too small for intolerant species. Many species exhibited a positive response to total size of the proximate opening(s). A sharp increase in regeneration density with area of the opening(s) was evident at approximately 0.04 ha for the shade-intolerant species.  相似文献   
Abstract Sucking insects constituted 79% of all phytophagous insects collected from woody sprouts in the ground layer of a tropical eucalypt forest. Mobile insect groups such as non-psyllid Hemiptera and Orthoptera were relatively frequent in this environment compared to temperate, Eucalyptus-dominated vegetation. The high fire frequency of the tropical eucalypt forest may favour mobile insect groups. The capture of sucking insects and caterpillars peaked in dry season samples. Other patterns of abundance of phytophagous insect groups showed little consistency in their seasonal trends between host species or between vegetation types within host species. Disparities between chewing insect abundance in daytime samples and the damage chewing insects cause, may result from disproportionate consumption by large, mainly nocturnal insects, such as members of the Orthoptera. In this study, 21% of insect species were specialists on single plant species. This study suggested that insect abundance reflected the growth patterns of woody sprouts after regular burning, rather than that plant growth and development were tuned to the pressures of insect herbivory.  相似文献   
大别山北坡落叶阔叶林种间相关的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用联结系数AC,点相关系数PCC,x~2检验和pearson相关系数r公式测定了大别山北坡落叶阔叶林的种间关系,依据种间联结程度将乔木层划分出3个生态种组,即栓皮栎──枫香种组,化香──短柄抱种组和锐齿栎──灯台树种组。  相似文献   
川西北甘南云冷杉林的数量分类   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
江洪 《植物生态学报》1994,18(4):297-305
 本文应用DCA二维散点非等级制分类和TWINSPAN等级制分类的方法进行了四川西北部和甘肃南部云冷杉林的数量分类,共划分出15个群丛,分属于云杉、冷杉、高山栎和桦木四个群系,并分别讨论了各群丛的特征。用DCA二维散点的非等级制分类与TWINSPAN的等级制分类的方法对于云冷杉植物群落都产生了较好且一致的分类效果。通过TWINSPAN分类的研究,发现了对生境有指示意义的特征种和指示种,主要的植物种类有:圆叶菝契、网状小壁等(冷湿,指示藓类冷杉林和杜鹃冷杉林);小花拂子茅、箭炉樱等(冷旱,指示草类云杉林和箭竹云冷杉林);槭树、铁杉、沛阳花等(暖湿,指示落阔冷杉林和灌木云杉林等);罗氏异燕麦、华西矮卫茅、糙野青茅和狭叶柳兰等(暖旱,指示灌木云杉林和云冷杉疏林)。  相似文献   
Gerhard Zotz  Klaus Winter 《Planta》1993,191(3):409-412
Diel (24 h) courses of net CO2 exchange of leaves were determined in eight species of tropical rainforest plants on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, during 1990 and 1991. The species included three canopy trees, one liana, two epiphytes and one hemiepiphyte. One of the species studied was growing in a rain-forest gap. Daily carbon gain varied considerably across species, leaf age, and season. The analysis of data for all plants from 64 complete day/night cycles revealed a linear relationship between the diurnal carbon gain and the maximum rate of net CO2 uptake, Amax. Nocturnal net carbon loss was about 10% of diurnal carbon gain and was positively related to Amax. We conclude that short-term measurements of light-saturated photosynthesis, performed at periodic intervals throughout the season, allow the annual leaf carbon balance in these rain-forest plants to be predicted.  相似文献   
In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees (LOTs), with potentially dire consequences for biodiversity and carbon storage. However, the influence of tree-level tradeoffs on forest structure at landscape scales will also depend on disturbances, which shape tree size and age distribution, and on whether LOTs can benefit from improved growing conditions due to climate warming. We analyzed temporal and spatial variation in radial growth patterns from ~5000 Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst) live and dead trees from the Western Carpathian primary spruce forest stands. We applied mixed-linear modeling to quantify the importance of LOT growth histories and stand dynamics (i.e., competition and disturbance factors) on lifespan. Finally, we assessed regional synchronization in radial growth variability over the 20th century, and modeled the effects of stand dynamics and climate on LOTs recent growth trends. Tree age varied considerably among forest stands, implying an important role of disturbance as an age constraint. Slow juvenile growth and longer period of suppressed growth prolonged tree lifespan, while increasing disturbance severity and shorter time since last disturbance decreased it. The highest age was not achieved only by trees with continuous slow growth, but those with slow juvenile growth followed by subsequent growth releases. Growth trend analysis demonstrated an increase in absolute growth rates in response to climate warming, with late summer temperatures driving the recent growth trend. Contrary to our expectation that LOTs would eventually exhibit declining growth rates, the oldest LOTs (>400 years) continuously increase growth throughout their lives, indicating a high phenotypic plasticity of LOTs for increasing biomass, and a strong carbon sink role of primary spruce forests under rising temperatures, intensifying droughts, and increasing bark beetle outbreaks.  相似文献   
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