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Timothy G. Laman 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):347-355
Due to their copious seed production and numerous dispersers, rain forest fig trees have been assumed to produce extensive and dense seed shadows. To test this idea, patterns of seed dispersal of two species of large hemiepiphytic fig tree were measured in a Bornean rain forest. The sample included four Ficus stupenda and three F. subtecta trees with crop sizes ranging from 2,000 to 40,000 figs (400,000 to 13,000,000 seeds). Seed rain out to a distance of 60 m from each study tree was quantified using arrays of seed traps deployed in the understory. These trees showed a strongly leptokurtic pattern of dispersal, as expected, but all individuals had measurable seed rain at 60 m, ranging from 0.2 to 5.0 seeds/m2. A regression of In-transformed seed rain density against distance gave a significant fit to all seven trees' dispersal patterns, indicating that the data could be fitted to the negative exponential distribution most commonly fitted to seed shadows. However, for six of seven trees, an improved fit was obtained for regressions in which distance was also In-transformed. This transformation corresponds to an inverse power distribution, indicating that for vertebrate-dispersed Ficus seeds, the tail of the seed rain distribution does not drop off as rapidly as in the exponential distribution typically associated with wind dispersed seed shadows. Over 50% of the seed crop was estimated to fall below each fig tree's crown. Up to 22% of the seed crop was dispersed beyond the crown edge, but within 60 m of the tree. Estimates of the maximum numbers of seeds which could have been transported beyond 60 m were 45% for the two largest crops of figs, but were under 24% for the trees with smaller crops. Seed traps positioned where they had an upper canopy layer above them were associated with higher probabilities of being hit by seeds, suggesting that vertebrate dispersal agents are likely to perch or travel through forest layers at the same level as the fig crown and could concentrate seeds in such areas to some degree. The probability of a safe site at 60 m from the fig tree being hit by seeds is calculated to be on the order of 0.01 per fruiting episode. Fig trees do not appear to saturate safe sites with seeds despite their large seed crops. If we in addition consider the rarity of quality establishment sites and post-dispersal factors reducing successful seedling establishment, hemiepiphytic fig trees appear to face severe obstacles to seedling recruitment.  相似文献   
Human evolution began in East Africa four million years ago, with a transition from an arboreal state to a more terrestrial one. This evolution seems to be correlated with a large environmental change in East Africa around 2.5 m.y. due to a major climatic change leading to drier and cooler conditions. Cenogram analysis (a graphical representation of community structure) can be used to reconstruct the vegetation cover at a regional scale, and to infer the changing climatic conditions. Using cenogram sequences of different sites along the Rift Valley, we were able to determine the regional ecological context in which mammals and hominids have evolved in East Africa during the last 3 million years. Between 3.5 and 2 m.y., during a general climatic change, successive faunas of South Tanzania reflect the progressive opening of their environment. In contrast around Lake Turkana a mosaic of isolated dry and wet habitats were present throughout this period. At this time, the Rift seems to have been spatially structured in several basins isolated from one other, and isolated faunas experienced separate speciation events (particularly with the appearance ofHomo genus). After 2 m.y., the disappearance of the isolating barriers on one hand, and a regional increase in aridity, on the other hand, led to more homogenous faunas arising throughout the region. Replacements of mammal species occurred (especiallyHomo erectus replacingHomo habilis) and several others mammal species, including australopithecines, disappeared during this same period.  相似文献   
Sedimentation rates were estimated in a Central Amazonian Black-water inundation forest. Sediment deposition on the forest ground, remote from the river bed, during an annual flood period, is of the order of 1 to 10 tons per hectare, depending on water depth and duration of flooding. The sediments consisted of fine organic matter, kaolinite, quartz sands and biogenic particles of silica. Their genesis and deposition depend on the interplay between pedogenic, limnological and biological processes. Sediments derive primarily from the materials leached from the soils. Clay soils are the main source of dissolved silica, and the sandy soils are the main sources of organic coumpounds and mineral particles. The physical sedimentation of particles as quartz sand grains only occurs in the upper reaches of the studied river. In the flood plain, the sedimentation is due to the coagulation and deposition of combined mineral particles and humic substances, and to the biological precipitation of the silica leached from the soil by sponges.  相似文献   
The natural abundance of 15N was examined in soil profiles from forests and pastures of the Brazilian Amazon Basin to compare tropical forests on a variety of soil types and to investigate changes in the sources of nitrogen to soils following deforestation for cattle ranching. Six sites in the state of Rondônia, two sites in Pará and one in Amazonas were studied. All sites except one were chronosequences and contained native forest and one or more pastures ranging from 2 to 27 years old. Forest soil 15N values to a depth of 1 m ranged from 8 to 23 and were higher than values typically found in temperate forests. A general pattern of increasing 15N values with depth near the soil surface was broadly similar to patterns in other forests but a decrease in 15N values in many forest profiles between 20 and 40 cm suggests that illuviation of 15N-depleted nitrate may influence total soil 15N values in deeper soil where total N concentrations are low. In four chronosequences in Rondônia, the 15N values of surface soil from pastures were lower than in the original forest and 15N values were increasingly depleted in older pastures. Inputs of atmospheric N by dinitrogen fixation could be an important N source in these pastures. Other pastures in Amazonas and Pará and Rondônia showed no consistent change from forest values. The extent of fractionation that leads to 15N enrichment in soils was broadly similar over a wide range of soil textures and indicated that similar processes control N fractionation and loss under tropical forest over a broad geographic region. Forest 15N profiles were consistent with conceptual models that explain enrichment of soil 15N values by selective loss of 14N during nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   
ITE Merlewood Land Classification of Great Britain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) has classified the 1 km squares in Great Britain (GB) into thirty-two environmental strata, termed land classes, as a basis for ecological survey. The classes have been used in biogeographical studies of the distribution of individual species and species assemblages. The concept behind the technique is that there is an association between the environmental character of land and ecological parameters. The initial classification was based on a sample of squares drawn from a regular grid. The data for the 12121 km squares classified were drawn from published maps; the number of squares was limited by the available computing power. Subsequently the availability of more powerful computers and the need to improve geographical definition have led to the allocation of every 1 km square to its appropriate class. This paper has been written to summarise the principles involved in the development of the system and indicate the range of projects for which it has been used. The extension of the classification from a sample to the complete coverage of GB revealed the importance of the structure and style of data used to produce the classification. The significance of these conclusions for future work is discussed, with particular reference to automated methods of data capture.  相似文献   
Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of light, moisture, temperature, and litter on the regeneration of two early-, one mid-, and two late-successional tropical tree species. High light and litter seem to be universally good cues for regeneration, increasing seed/seedling survival for all species except for Cecropia (an early-successional species) whose small seeds may not be able to penetrate the litter layer. In addition, the high temperature environment in both artificially shaded and nonshaded areas of a natural gap exhibits less seed loss, an increase in the percent and rate of germination, and an increase in seedling survival for Dacryodes (a late-successional species), than the lower temperature environment under an intact canopy. Low soil water is also a good cue for Dacryodes germination as it is for Prestoea and Cecropia. Finally, the lower temperature environment found under the forest canopy (compared to the natural gap) leads to less seed loss and more germination for Guarea (a mid-successional species). Our results suggest that a good patch for regeneration of many species in this forest, early- as well as late-successional species, would have high light and a litter layer that moderates temperature and moisture extremes. The substantial variation in suitability among regeneration filters and species could: (1) contribute to low establishment success, i.e., most dispersed propagules do not become trees, (2) make it difficult to group species into germination strategies, and (3) make it hard to generalize about a net effect of any specific environmental variable on establishment. We suggest that tropical disturbances should be viewed in terms of their impact on a variety of environmental cues, which may signal germination and impact subsequent growth and survival.  相似文献   
The effects of dwarf bamboo,Sasa, cover on the initial morrality of hardwood seedlings were investigated by transplanting 1-year-old beech (Fagus crenata) and current-year oak (Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata) seedling to three different stands; old-growth beech and secondary oak forests withSasa undergrowth, and aSasa grassland in a grassland-forest series near the top of Mt Jippo, southwestern Japan. The most frequent cause of seedling morrality was gnawing of the stems by rodents. In the beech forest, the gnawing was more likely to occur underSasa cover, suggesting that it provides a good habitat for rodents on the beech forest floor. TheSasa under growth may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of beech forest. In the oak floor, mortality of both species was low and only a little gnawing occurred during a year. However, no natural oak seedling were found in the forest even after a mast year. This may be because most of the acorns disappeated before establishment. The early-stage demography of hardwood seedling as oak may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of oak forest. In theSasa grassland where the seed supply is small, almost all of the seedlings died fromo gnawing regardless of the presence ofSasa cover. These factors prevent the recruitment of a sizable seedling bank. Rodents may thus play an imporrant role in maintenance of theSasa grassland.  相似文献   
Abiotic and vegetation data were collected along two altitudinal transects through mature montane Quercus forests on the Pacific and Atlantic slopes of Costa Rica's Chirripó Massif. Between 2000 and 3200 m asl twenty-four 0.05 ha forest plots were selected at altitudinal intervals of 100 m, and eight soil profiles were described at intervals of 200 m. A TWINSPAN classification aided in the determination of eight zonal forest communities on the basis of their floristic composition. They are grouped in two sets of four: (i) the palm-rich lauraceous-fagaceous Lower Montane Mollinedia-Quercus Forests (2000–2600 m asl) and (ii) the bamboo-rich myrsinaceous-fagaceous Upper Montane Schefflera-Quercus Forests (2500–3200 m asl), respectively. Vegetation changes seem correlated with two major climatic gradients: (i) a temperature gradient (altitude), and (ii) a moisture gradient (wet Atlantic vs. moist Pacific slope). Most soils are Andepts, and residual, colluvial or derived from volcanic material. Humus layers are thicker on the wetter Atlantic slope. A total of 431 vascular plant species consisted of 86 pteridophytes, 1 gymnosperm, 296 dicots and 48 monocots. Species richness, canopy height and stem diameter decrease with increasing altitude, while the canopy surface becomes more flattend. A comparison with other studies shows that Chirripó's montane Quercus forests fit within the environmental ranges known from altitudinal zonations elsewhere in the Tropics.Abbreviations asl above sea level - dbh diameter at breast height - LM Lower Montane - Mt. Mountain - TWINSPAN two way indicator species analysis - UM Upper Montane - VU code referring to soil profiles as presented in Van Uffelen (1991) This paper is dedicated to the memory of Alwyn H. Gentry, an outstanding and inspiring tropical botanist who tragically died in a plane crash in the mountains of Ecuador on August 3 1993, when surveying possible boundaries for a new tropical cloud forest reserve.  相似文献   
Many of the natural forested ecosystems that still remain in mainland China are being cleared with potentially detrimental effects on woody plant species diversity on both local and regional scales. The most extensive stand of subtropical broad-leaved forest remaining in China is located in Yunnan Province. In an effort to document the influence of human-induced disturbance on Yunnan's woody flora, floristic inventories were conducted in a stand of primary forest and in regrowth stands located in its interior and along its outer margin in the Xujiaba Nature Sanctuary in the Ailao Mountain Range. Of particular interest was the location of the disturbance relative to the primary forest source area. A total of 134 woody plant species representing 74 genera and 43 families were recorded. The floristics of the two regrowth stands were significantly different from each other, with < 10% of their respective floras comprised of co-occurring species. The interior regrowth stand had a higher number of co-occurring species with the primary forest; however, > 40% were still non-co-occurring.The principal families represented in the primary forest and the interior regrowth stand were Aquifoliaceae, Berberidaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Rosaceae, Smilacaceae, Symplocaceae, Theaceae, and Vacciniaceae. The three dominant species with relative importance values ranging from > 5% to 18% in both the primary forest and the interior regrowth stand were Castanopsis wattii, Lithocarpus jingdongensis, and Symplocos sumuntia. The edge regrowth stands had the lowest species diversity and were dominated by the native pine Pinus yunnanensis, with a relative importance of 24%. The principal families represented in the edge regrowth stand were Betulaceae, Ericaceae, Fagaceae, Myricaceae, Pinaceae, and Theaceae. Only the Fagaceae and Theaceae were well-represented in all three stands. The results of the study document the low species diversity in post-cutting regrowth on the margins of the primary forest as compared with post-cutting regrowth in the forest interior.  相似文献   
沿海防护林防海煞危害初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过后牧村海岸防护林带附近空气中主要盐离子飘尘的观测分析表明,林带对大气盐尘的吸附和截留作用,无林带地区平均沉降量为4.3μg.m^-3.100m^-1,通过林带时为18.4μm^-3.100m^-1。林带的吸队量与树种、枝叶形状有关,侧柏对Cl^-和Na^+的吸附量分别为6330和3350mg.kg^-1,而黑松为1570和950mg.kg^-1,空气中盐尘受天气条件特别是风速的影响,阴天,风速  相似文献   
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