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Annual growth rings of roots in perennial forbs have been used in studies of climate change and the ecology of grasslands. However, little has been done in this aspect of research in China. In this study, we report the characteristics of growth rings in the main roots of 13 herb species sampled in Duolun of the Inner Mongolia grassland in northern China. The results show that around two thirds of the species possess clearly demarcated annual rings in the root xylem. Some species of the same genera show different patterns in anatomical structure of the root xylem. Standardized annual ring widths of three species, Potentilla anserine L., Cymbaria dahurica L. and Lespedeza daurica (Laxm.) Schindh, show a common linear trend, indicating a continued favorable growth condition in the sampling sites. Our results provide evidence that growth rings in roots of some perennial forbs in the Inner Mongolia grassland can serve as a new and useful indicator of past changes in the grassland environment.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地31种1年生植物萌发特性比较研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
在实验室条件下观测了科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区 1年生植物当年新采种子的萌发特点。在 3 1种植物中 ,7种植物包括大籽蒿、虎尾草、冠芒草、刺沙蓬、曼陀罗、龙葵、地锦的发芽率超过 80 % ,9种植物包括苍耳、水稗草、狗尾草、虱子草、沙米、灰绿藜、野西瓜苗、太阳花、鹤虱的发芽率不足 10 %。 1~ 3 d开始发芽的 18种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、虎尾草、毛马唐、画眉草、冠芒草、野大豆、黄花草木樨、网果葫芦巴、沙米、雾冰藜、碱地肤、刺沙蓬、苘麻、野西瓜苗、马齿苋、苋菜、地锦。超过 10 d基本不发芽的 5种植物包括苍耳、狗尾草、虱子草、灰绿藜、太阳花。发芽持续期小于 10 d的 12种植物包括毛马唐、水稗草、画眉草、沙米、雾冰藜、苘麻、野西瓜苗、益母草、马齿苋、龙葵、地锦、鹤虱 ;发芽持续期超过 2 1d的 6种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、冠芒草、黄花草木樨、刺沙蓬、碱蓬。高发芽率植物的发芽进程线显示了 3种萌发格局 :速萌型 ,包括虎尾草、地锦、曼陀罗、龙葵 ;缓萌型 ,包括刺沙蓬 ;中间型 ,包括大籽蒿、冠芒草  相似文献   
Prairie restoration is not complete without the establishment of both grasses and forbs. However, if desirable forbs and grasses are seeded simultaneously, control of broadleaf weeds is problematic. If possible, a two‐step process of introducing forbs after establishing grasses would allow use of broadleaf‐specific herbicides at the critical early stages of grass growth. We conducted experiments to investigate methods for introducing forbs into previously restored native perennial grasslands on rural roadsides in the Sacramento Valley of California. In one experiment, we studied the effects of background vegetation (established perennial grasses or tilled ground) on seven native forb species planted from seed. In a second experiment, we evaluated the effects of background vegetation (existing perennial grasses or tilled ground) and container size (36 ml or 105 ml) with excavation technique (excavation by core removal [core] or by creating an impression [dibble]) on the growth of transplants of the native perennial forbs Asclepias fascicularis and Sisyrinchium bellum. The presence of established perennial grasses reduced the growth of seeded forbs, but did not affect transplants, indicating the vulnerability of seedling forbs to interference. When compared to control plots that had been tilled in the autumn, weed canopy cover was significantly lower in the presence of perennial grasses if seeded with forbs, but not in the presence of perennial grasses alone. Both transplanted species grew better in the large container/core treatment than the small container/dibble treatment; however, existing grasses eliminated these positive effects. Asclepias fascicularis performed better when grown in large containers than in small containers, but its growth was not affected by excavation method; S. bellum performed better when planted with the core method than the dibble method of excavation, but container size made no difference. We attribute differences in the responses of the species to interactions between phenological differences and expansive clay soils that naturally de‐compact upon drying.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Attempts to answer the old question of whether high diversity causes high invasion resistance have resulted in an invasion paradox: while large-scale studies often find a positive relationship between diversity and invasibility, small-scale experimental studies often find a negative relationship. Many of the small-scale studies are conducted in artificial communities of even-aged plants. Species in natural communities, however, do not represent one simultaneous cohort and occur at various levels of spatial aggregation at different scales. This study used natural patterns of diversity to assess the relationship between diversity and invasibility within a uniformly managed, semi-natural community.


In species-rich grassland, one seed of each of ten species was added to each of 50 contiguous 16 cm2 quadrats within seven plots (8 × 100 cm). The emergence of these species was recorded in seven control plots, and establishment success was measured in relation to the species diversity of the resident vegetation at two spatial scales, quadrat (64 cm2) within plots (800 cm2) and between plots within the site (approx. 400 m2) over 46 months.

Key Results

Invader success was positively related to resident species diversity and richness over a range of 28–37 species per plot. This relationship emerged 7 months after seed addition and remained over time despite continuous mortality of invaders.


Biotic resistance to plant invasion may play only a sub-ordinate role in species-rich, semi-natural grassland. As possible alternative explanations for the positive diversity–invasibility relationship are not clear, it is recommended that future studies elaborate fine-scale environmental heterogeneity in resource supplies or potential resource flows from resident species to seedlings by means of soil biological networks established by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
While it is widely accepted that disturbance often promotes the process of plant invasion, few data are available on specific relationships between different types of disturbance and success of plant invaders. Nor is much known about variation in invader behaviour in response to changing composition of the dominant native species in the recipient habitats. In the middle Main valley near Würzburg (Germany), two invasive Brassicaceae forbs, Bunias orientalis and Rorippa austriaca, are frequently associated with a small number of dominant native species in the herbaceous vegetation of productive, disturbed sites. Variation in the relative dominance of these species suggests high variability between sites in the factors influencing the local invasion process. In our study, we examined variation in regeneration mode, type and frequency of disturbance, and native species composition, and considered life history differences between the two invasive species as factors contributing to the distinct dominance patterns. These factors were tested in a controlled field experiment in which individuals of the two invasive species and four native species were grown in mixed stands for almost 3 years. The development of the plants was monitored by cover values and all plants were harvested at the end of the study. All factors investigated contributed considerably to the development of distinct dominance patterns in the species mixtures. Relative to the natives, both invasive species were promoted by regeneration from vegetative fragments as compared to development from sexual offspring. While both invasive species were generally promoted by disturbance relative to the natives, they differed in their response to distinct types of disturbance, and these differences were strongly affected by species composition. Our results indicate that invasion success of R. austriaca may depend more on soil disturbance, soil transport and deposition, while B. orientalis is expected to particularly expand at mown sites that do not have dense cover by meadow grasses. Whether the native resident vegetation is mainly composed of successional competitors that suffer from disturbance or of ruderal competitors that compete early and strongly with the invasive species may be of critical importance for invasion by the two species.  相似文献   
Abstract The decline and range reduction of sage grouse populations are primarily due to permanent loss and degradation of sagebrush–grassland habitat. Several studies have shown that sage grouse productivity may be limited by the availability of certain preferred highly nutritious forb species that have also declined within sagebrush ecosystems of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of three species of forbs for revegetation projects where improving sage grouse habitat is a goal. Species suitability was determined by evaluating the emergence, survival, and reproduction of Crepis modocensis, C. occidentalis, and Astragalus purshii in response to method of establishment (seeding or transplanting), site preparation treatment (burned or unburned), and microsite (mound or interspace) in an Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis vegetation association in south central Oregon. For seeded plants A. purshii had the lowest emergence (8%) of all three species. Both seeded Crepis species had similar overall emergence (38%). Significantly more Crepis seedlings emerged from shrub mounds in unburned areas (50%) than in any other fire‐by‐microsite treatment (33 to 36%). Approximately 10% more Crepis seedlings survived in mounds compared with interspaces. Nearly twice as many emerging Crepis seedlings survived in the burned areas as opposed to unburned areas (p < 0.01). This resulted in more plant establishment in burned mounds despite higher emergence in unburned mounds. Astragalus purshii seedlings also survived better in burned areas (p = 0.06) but had no differential response to microsite. Fire enhanced survival of both Crepis and A. purshii transplants (p = 0.08 and p = 0.001). We believe additional research is needed to improve A. purshii emergence before it will become an effective plant for restoring sage grouse habitat. Conversely, we conclude that these Crepis species provide a viable revegetation option for improving sage grouse habitat in south central Oregon.  相似文献   
Strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations were studied in different plant species grown in five soil treatments. For either shoots or roots, a positive linear relationship was found between Sr and Ca concentrations in different plant species grown in the same soil treatment. Strontium and calcium concentrations of different species were related to the soil selectivity coefficient for Sr and Ca, defined as the ratio of CH3COONH4-extractable Sr and Ca to the ratio of Sr and Ca in the soil solution. For the species used in all soils, transfer factors (TF) for Sr, defined as the ratios of the Sr amount per g of dry plant material and the Sr amount per g of dry soil, were negatively correlated with extractable Ca of the soil. Transfer factors for Sr varied greatly among species or between roots and shoots. This variation of transfer factor was reduced when transfer factor values were divided by the shoot or root Ca concentration of each species. The proposed index TF for Sr per Ca concentration could be used to compare various soils according to their ability to supply plants with Sr when different plant species are grown in these soils.  相似文献   
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