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Habitats vary in food resources with carnivores often being prey limited, but it is unclear whether habitats facilitate a nutritionally balanced diet. Two paradigms in nutritional ecology, ecological stoichiometry and nutritional geometry, predict that carnivores are limited mainly by protein or lipid, respectively. Using the carabid beetle Anchomenus dorsalis and 10 other predatory beetles from agricultural fields, we developed and tested two simple procedures for quantifying macronutrient‐specific habitat conditions without requiring information about the natural prey. Both procedures assume that predators forage for nutrients rather than specific prey. Our results show that 10 of 11 species were food limited. Five species were lipid limited and one species was protein limited in the field. Co‐existing predator species showed considerable segregation of fundamental macronutritional niches. A linear relationship between specific nutrient limitation and the target lipid:protein (L:P) intake ratio indicates that species with high L:P target are more protein limited while species with low L:P target are more lipid limited. The study illustrates how species within a natural assemblage vary in nutritional niche and in specific nutrient limitation.  相似文献   
Several factors may restrict the acquisition of food to below the levels predicted by the optimization theory. However, how the design of structures that animals build for foraging restricts the entry of food is less known. Using scaling relationships, we determined whether the design of the entrances of leaf‐cutting ant nests restricts resource input into the colony. We measured nests and foraging parameters in 25 nests of Atta cephalotes in a tropical rain forest. Ant flux was reduced to up to 60% at nest entrances. The width of all entrances per nest increased at similar rates as nest size, but the width of nest entrances increased with the width of its associated trail at rates below those expected by isometry. The fact that entrance widths grow slower than trail widths suggests that the enlargement of entrance holes does not reach the dimensions needed to avoid delays when foraging rates are high and loads are big. The enlargement of nest entrances appears to be restricted by the digging effort required to enlarge nest tunnels and by increments in the risk of inundation, predator/parasitoid attacks and microclimate imbalances inside the nest. The design of the extended phenotypes can also restrict the ingress of food into the organisms, offering additional evidence to better understand eventual controversies between empirical data and the foraging theory. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
It is known that many social insects and arthropod predators and parasitoids can learn the association between a resource and volatile cues. Although there are various studies on the effect of experience in immature arthropods on behavior later in adult life, not much is known about the effects of such experiences on immature behavior. This was investigated here in the lacewing Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Whereas adults of this lacewing feed on plant‐provided food and honeydew, larvae are voracious polyphagous predators of several insect pests, and therefore important for biological control. Hence, studying the foraging behavior and the effects of learning in immatures of this species is important. We exposed immatures to the volatile methyl salicylate (MeSA), which was either associated with food or with the absence of food. Subsequently, their response to this volatile was tested in an olfactometer. Immatures that had experienced the association of MeSA with food were attracted to it and immatures that were exposed to MeSA during food deprivation were repelled. Subsequently, predator immatures that had experienced the association between MeSA and food were released on a plant without food and were found to use this volatile in locating patches with food. In contrast, larvae without such experience were found equally on food patches with and without the volatile. We conclude that these immature predators are capable of learning the association between volatiles and food, or the absence of food, and use this during foraging.  相似文献   
To test life-history theory that body size and sex should influence how animals allocate time to foraging versus reproductive activities, we measured the effects of size and sex on courting success and foraging behaviour of black surfperch Embiotoca jacksoni off Santa Catalina Island, southern California. Observations of focal fish were made while snorkelling, during which the length of each fish (estimated to the nearest cm), total duration of courting encounters and foraging rates were recorded. We made observations during and outside the mating season. Courtship occurred only between pairs and its duration increased with the size of both the male and female. Although males would court females that were smaller or larger than themselves, pairs that were closely matched in size had long courting sessions, whereas those that differed considerably in size courted only briefly. Small fish foraged more than larger fish, both during and outside the mating season. Males and females foraged at similar rates outside of the mating season, but during the mating season males reduced their foraging rates to less than half that seen outside of the mating season, whereas females continued to forage at the same rate. This decrease in foraging rate of males during the mating season was seen in all sizes of males but was proportionally greatest in the largest males. These observations indicate that males trade off time spent on foraging for time spent courting during the mating season, whereas females do not.  相似文献   
Mated females of haplodiploid species can vary the sex ratio of their offspring, but virgin or sperm‐depleted females can produce only males. Depending on the costs and benefits, the theory of constrained sex allocation states that female haplodiploids may vary in their propensity to mate, with important implications for the populations’ sex ratio. Unmated female parasitoid wasps Alabagrus texanus (Braconidae) have been observed to reject matings with males, even under highly confined spatial conditions. We performed field trials to determine whether unmated female A. texanus would mate. We then compared the preferences of the resulting unmated (constrained) and mated (unconstrained) female wasps for shelters constructed and occupied by their hosts, fern moth caterpillars Herpetogramma theseusalis (Crambidae) on fern fronds. We presented the wasps with pairs of shelters collected from the field that differed in size, as well as freshness, fern species, and presence or absence of caterpillars. Unconstrained females searched small shelters more frequently than did constrained females and tended to favor senesced (old) shelters over fresher ones. They did not differ in choice between shelters on marsh and sensitive ferns or between shelters containing caterpillars and empty shelters. The preference for small shelters by the unconstrained wasps may enhance their rate of contacting favorable hosts, but the foraging regime of the constrained females should expose them to caterpillars at sites infrequently searched by the unconstrained females.  相似文献   
When the environment changes, sensory systems can adapt plastically or evolve genetically to the new surroundings, and traits and behaviours reliant on these sensory systems may also change, leading to altered evolutionary trajectories. We tested for differences in colour‐based foraging preferences of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that lived for 6–10 generations under each of three light environments (green, lilac or control) to determine whether evolution under different light environments alters visually based behaviour. When tested in a common light environment, we found differences in pecking behaviour between treatments that were likely due to changes in the visual system. Pecking behaviour towards green stimuli was consistent across light treatments, possibly reflecting the importance of detecting green algae in the wild. The blue stimulus was only pecked at by fish from the control environments. Behaviour towards long wavelength stimuli varied, possibly due to the polymorphic nature of the long wavelength opsins. These results are consistent with one component of sensory drive but do not allow us to conclude whether these differences are due to plastic or evolved responses.  相似文献   
Many cooperative breeders forage under predation risks, sentineling is a central activity, and groupmates have to balance between sentineling and foraging. The optimal balance between sentinel activity and foraging may differ among dominant and subordinate individuals, as dominants are more efficient foragers. Two theoretical models pertain to this balance and predict when individuals with different foraging abilities should switch between the two activities on the basis of their energetic state. In one of these models, individuals must attain a critical energetic level by dusk to pass the night, and in the second model fitness is monotonically increasing with the energetic state. We tested these models in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler, Turdoides squamiceps. We measured the length of sentinel bouts and the gaps between them both in natural conditions and following experimental feeding. Following feeding ad libitum, subordinates expanded their sentinel bouts significantly more than dominants in comparison with natural conditions. These findings are consistent with the first model, but not with the second. In the experiment, we measured the mass of mealworms consumed by each individual following a sentinel bout relative to its body mass. This ratio was larger for subordinates, indicating that they ended their sentinel bouts at a lower energetic state than dominants. This finding is consistent with the second model, but not with the first. Immediately after eating ad libitum, in 62% of the cases the first behavior performed by the babblers was a new sentinel bout, but in 17% it was a mutual interaction with a groupmate, indicating that social interactions also play a role in the trade‐off vis‐à‐vis sentinel activity.  相似文献   
Group travel is a familiar phenomenon among birds but the causes of this mode of movement are often unclear. For example, flocking flight may reduce flight costs, enhance predator avoidance or increase foraging efficiency. In addition, naive individuals may also follow older, more experienced conspecifics as a learning strategy. However, younger birds may be slower than adults so biomechanical and social effects on flock structure may be difficult to separate. Gannets are wide‐ranging (100s–1000s km) colonial seabirds that often travel in V or echelon‐shaped flocks. Tracking suggests that breeding gannets use memory to return repeatedly to prey patches 10s–100s km wide but it is unclear how these are initially discovered. Public information gained at the colony or by following conspecifics has been hypothesised to play a role, especially during early life. Here, we address two hypotheses: 1) flocking reduces flight costs and 2) young gannets follow older ones in order to locate prey. To do so, we recorded flocks of northern gannets commuting to and from a large colony and passing locations offshore and used a biomechanical model to test for age differences in flight speeds. Consistent with the aerodynamic hypothesis, returning flocks were significantly larger than departing flocks, while, consistent with the information gathering hypothesis, immatures travelled in flocks more frequently than adults and these flocks were more likely to be led by adults than expected by chance. Immatures did not systematically occupy the last position in flocks and had similar theoretical airspeeds to adults, making it unlikely that they follow, rather than lead, for biomechanical reasons. We therefore conclude that while gannets are likely to travel in flocks in part to reduce flight costs, the positions of immatures in those flocks may result in a flow of information from adults to immatures, potentially leading to social learning.  相似文献   
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