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The community of Gamboa is located on Itacuruçá Island, Sepetiba Bay (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and includes 26 families, mostly of artisanal fishermen who use paddled or motor canoes, and encircling nets for fishing. In this study, predictions from optimal foraging theory (patch model), in particular of patch residence time, are compared to the observed behavior of fishermen on fishing trips. Fishermen's strategies differ depending on their intended prey. They spend more time in patches and use fewer patches for shrimp than for fish. Gamboa's fishermen tend to leave a patch later than predicted by the model. The difficulty in evaluating stock availability, the comparatively few patches available for shrimp, and the competitive aspects of fishing contribute to the explanation of this behavior.  相似文献   
Foraging habitat selection of breeding great reed warblers was studied at a shore of Lake Biwa. The foraging grounds of parent warblers during the nesting period were not restricted to the breeding territory of the reed marsh, their nestling habitat. The paddy field outside the reed marsh was used communally by them throughout the breeding season. Females with early stage nestlings did not visit the paddy field whereas when nestlings were older than 3 days, more than half of their total food was collected there. Females with nests adjacent to the paddy field tended to exploit the paddy field more often than those with nests distant from it. Monogamously mated females tended to exploit the paddy field more often than polygynously mated females. Food collected in the paddy field was larger than that in the reed marsh and parent birds were prepared to travel longer distances to exploit the rich source of food in the paddy field. The importance of the communal foraging ground outside the reed marsh as a background of the polygynous mating system of this species is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Two laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the ovipositional preferences of the egg parasitoidOoencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for parasitized and unparasitizedMegacopta punctatissimum Montandon (Hemiptera: Plataspidae). Females that had never oviposited or that had not oviposite for 3 days preferred recently parasitized hosts more than unparasitized hosts. The preference for recently parasitized hosts appeared to be mediated by the punctures in already parasitized hosts made by the ovipositor of the first female. Survival of the parasitoid progeny was lower in recently parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, handling time of parasitized hosts was extremely short relative to that of unparasitized hosts, because the superparasitizing female could use the punctures made by the previous females. It is concluded that the females preferred the parasitized hosts over unparasitized hosts because the benefit of saving time and energy for drilling was more than the cost of progeny survival.  相似文献   
Synopsis Laboratory and field data suggest that several species of parasitic lampreys forage primarily at night, but data forPetromyzon marinus are equivocal. Nocturnal foraging may minimize predation risk. This may be particularly important to those species of lampreys that inhabit shallow streams. Nocturnal foraging also may enhance foraging efficiency if potential hosts at night are quiescent and more easily approached. Future experiments should be designed to avoid several potential sources of bias.  相似文献   
The effects of nonselective predation on the optimal age and size of maturity of their prey are investigated using mathematical models of a simple life history with juvenile and adult stages. Fitness is measured by the product of survival to the adult stage and expected adult reproduction, which is usually an increasing function of size at maturity. Size is determined by both age at maturity and the value of costly traits that increase mean growth rate (growth effort). The analysis includes cases with fixed size but flexible time to maturity, fixed time but flexible size, and adaptively flexible values of both variables. In these analyses, growth effort is flexible. For comparison with previous theory, models with a fixed growth effort are analyzed. In each case, there may be indirect effects of predation on the prey's food supply. The effect of increased predation depends on (1) which variables are flexible; (2) whether increased growth effort requires increased exposure to predators; and (3) how increased predator density affects the abundance of food for juvenile prey. If there is no indirect effect of predators on prey food supply, size at maturity will generally decrease in response to increased predation. However, the indirect effect from increased food has the opposite effect, and the net result of predation is often increased size. Age at maturity may either increase or decrease, depending on functional forms and parameter values; this is true regardless of the presence of indirect effects. The results are compared with those of previous theoretical analyses. Observed shifts in life history in response to predation are reviewed, and the role of size-selective predation is reassessed.  相似文献   
The evolution of phage lysis timing   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary The effect of host quantity and host quality on the evolution of phage lysis timing is analysed using marginal value theorem of optimal foraging theory. Both factors have been shown to strongly influence the latent period. A high host density selects for short latent period, which is the same result as previous investigators have found. A good host quality also promotes a short latent period. However, elasticity analysis shows that these two factors exert their influences under different sets of conditions. When host density is low, the host density is more important in determining the length of latent period, whereas when host density is high, the host quality is more important.  相似文献   
We analyzed the behavioral interactions between two species of honeydew-collecting ants (Lasius niger, Myrmica laevinodis) and foraging females of four species of aphid hyperparasitoids (Aphidencyrtus aphidivorus, Dendrocerus carpenteri, Pachyneuron aphidis, Asaphes vulgaris) usingAphis fabae ssp.cirsiiacanthoidis andLysiphlebus cardui on thistles as aphid and primary parasitoid, respectively. The observed interaction patterns and foraging parameters varied within hyperparasitoid species and revealed different strategies based upon behavioral and morphological constraints.D. carpenteri generally tried to avoid ant encounters. This avoidance strategy was successful in interactions withM. laevinodis but failed when encountering the more aggressiveL. niger, which caused about 26% adult mortality. In contrast,A. aphidivorus, P. aphidis, andA. vulgaris possess jumping ability and were hardly exposed to mortality risks. The escape reaction jump off was used as soon as ants made physical contact with foraging females. While the flight strategy ofP. aphidis is connected with cryptic movement patterns without avoidance behavior,A. aphidivorus first avoided ants and jumped off only as a last resort. Similar patterns, but less expressive, are displayed byA. vulgaris. We suggest that these different strategies are responsible for different foraging success in ant-attended resources in field.  相似文献   
A basic but rarely tested assumption in optimal foraging theoryis that positive relationships exist between the foraging patternof an animal, its short-term benefits in feeding, and its long-termfitness. We present evidence for these relationships for a centralplace foraging situation. We studied the foraging behavior ofadult water pipits (Anthus sp. spinoletta) feeding nestlingsin an Alpine habitat near Davos, Switzerland, with the followingresults: (1) searching effort decreases with increasing distancefrom the nest, (2) the amount of prey and the proportion oflarge items brought to the nest increases with increasing foragingdistance, (3) water pipits do not forage according to habitatavailability, but prefer vegetation types with the highest fooddensity (mainly grass and herbs) and avoid those with the lowest,and (4) this selectivity is only expressed when the birds foragemore than 50 m from the nest, i.e., usually outside the territory.Among the several potential interpretations of these results,the most parsimonious is that foraging decisions are based onprofitability, i.e., on the net energy gain per time unit. Additionally,we found that food conditions translate into fitness: the numberof fledglings per nest is related positively to the averageprey biomass at the foraging place and negatively to the averagedistance between the foraging place and the nest. Maximum economicdistances, which were predicted from this food-fitness relationship,agreed well with the actual foraging distances observed. Thissuggests a dose connection between foraging decisions and fitness.In addition to the theoretical issues, some conservation issuesare also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Energetic constraints and foraging efficiency   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous research considers foraging options that differ interms of their gross rate of gain b and rate of energy expenditurec. This research argues that maximizing efficiency b/c willmaximize net energetic gain when there is an upper limit onthe amount of energy that can be assimilated. This analysisdoes not include the expenditure during the time for which theanimal is unable to forage because of this constraint. Whenthis expenditure is included, maximizing efficiency is no longeroptimal. Instead the best feeding option is the one with thehighest value of b/(cc1), where c, is the metabolicrate when the animal is not foraging.  相似文献   
Summary A field study of the foraging strategy used by the ponerine ant,Hagensia havilandi is reported. They have permanent nests in the leaf litter of coastal forests.H. havilandi is a diurnal forager and collects a variety of live and dead arthropods. These predatory ants exhibit individual foraging with no cooperation in the search for or retrieval of food items. Three colonies were observed and showed similar temporal and spatial foraging patterns. The paths of individual ants were followed and the results showed that the foragers exhibit area fidelity, and return to the nest via a direct route on finding on prey item. Several foragers did not return to the nest at dusk but returned the following morning. Occasionally a limited amount of tandem recruitment was displayed.  相似文献   
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