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Seston in the impounded North Anna River (NAR) was analyzed and compared to that in the free-flowing South Anna River (SAR) in Virginia, U.S.A. A wet filtration technique was used to separate seston into five size classes. The overall quantity of organic seston was much lower in the NAR than in the SAR. The seston in the NAR was composed of more living organisms, in particular zooplankters in the medium large (234–864 µm) and small (105–234 µm) size classes and diatoms and other algae in the fine (43–105 µm) and very fine (25–43 µm) size classes. The percentage of zooplankton declined sharply before reaching the downstream study site (32 km). The seston in the NAR tended to consist of slightly larger particles, but 80–85% of the seston in both rivers was in the ultrafine (0.45–25 µm) size class, which was almost entirely composed of detritus. One indication of seston food quality, the organic/inorganic ratio, was considerably higher for the medium large and small size classes in the NAR immediately below the dam and for the fine and very fine size classes farther downstream. Another indication of food quality, the usable caloric content, showed that the seston in the NAR contained considerably less total assimilable energy as far as 32 km downstream from the dam, but that the medium large and small size classes were rich in assimilable energy immediately below the dam because of zooplankton released from the reservoir. Thus, the overall quantity and quality of seston was lower in the NAR, but the quality of the seston, for at least a short distance below the dam, was higher in a well-defined size range that can be effectively utilized by certain filter feeders.  相似文献   
Juvenile Corbicula fluminea Müller (1774) were cultured at 15.3 °C in the laboratory on eight combinations of suspended sediment and phytoplankton. Sediment concentrations were 2.6, 25, 50, and 150 mg l–1. Chlorophyll a levels were 15.6 and 62.5 µg l–1. Clam tissue growth was found to be independent of silt concentration but increased at the higher chlorophyll level (p < 0.05). The growth experiment was repeated at 24 °C with chlorophyll a concentrations of 18.9 and 112.6 µg l–1. Growth was again greater at the higher phytoplankton level (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that Asiatic clam populations are food-limited most of the growing season in the Northern and Western portions of California's eutrophic Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta where chlorophyll a levels average less than the lower of these values. Comparisons of clam growth in the laboratory and estuary support the food limitation hypothesis as at the higher food concentration laboratory tissue growth was 2.3 and 3.8 times greater during the high and low temperature evaluations than in the estuary.  相似文献   
The life history characteristics, population dynamics and production of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake George, New York, were studied from May 1981 through October 1982. P. hoyi, in terms of both density and standing crop, is the most prevalent member of the deep water macrobenthos of Lake George. It reproduces in the winter, with young being released in the late winter-early spring. At the southernmost study site, young released in the spring grew to 6–7 mm in length and bred during their first winter. At the remaining sites, P. hoyi required two years to complete its life cycle. This difference in life history characteristics can be related to food availability and temperature differences. The open waters of the south end of Lake George are not only more productive but are also more closely associated with the littoral zone, providing a wealth of bacteria-rich detritus for benthic deposit feeders. The greater food availability in the south basin of Lake George is reflected in significantly larger brood sizes and smaller size at maturity for P. hoyi populations from the south end of the lake.The southernmost study site has significantly greater P. hoyi density and standing crop than all other sites. The cohort of the year dominated density and standing crop at the southern site while the cohort of the previous year dominated standing crop at the other sites. Peak abundance ranged from 600 · m–2 at the north site to 2 900 · m–2 at the south site. Cohort production ranged from 2g · m–2 at the north site to 15g · m–2 at the south site.  相似文献   
Summary Cells ofRhodospirillum rubrum have been immobilized in various gels and tested for photobiological hydrogen production. Agar proved to be the best immobilizing agent with respect to production rates as well as stability. Agar immobilized cells were also superior compared to liquid suspension cultures. Growth conditions of the cells prior to immobilization, e.g. cell age, light intensity or nutrient composition, were of primary importance for the activity in the later immobilized state. A reactor with agar immobilized cells has been operated successfully over 3000 h with a loss of the activity of about 60%. Mean rates for hydrogen production for immobilized cells in this work during the first 60 to 70 hours after immobilization were in the range of 18 to 34 μl H2 mg−1 d.w. h−1 and thus by a factor of up to 2 higher than liquid cultures under the same conditions. Maximal rates of hydrogen production (57 μl H2 ml−1 immobilized cell suspension) were reached in agar gel beads with cells immobilized after 70 h growth in liquid culture in the light and a cell density of 1.0 mg ml−1, 70 h after immobilization.  相似文献   
Optimum growth conditions for the fermentation of non-concentrated whey permeate by Kluyveromyces fragilis NRRL 665 have been defined. Use of 3.75 g yeast extract l?1, a growth temperature of 38°C and a pH of 4.0 allowed a maximum productivity of 5.23 g ethanol l?1 h?1 in continuous culture with a yield 91% of theoretical. Complete batch fermentation of permeate with 100 g lactose l?1 was possible with a maximum specific growth rate of 0.276 h?1 without any change in ethanol yield. Fermentation of concentrated permeate resulted, however, in a general decrease of specific substrate consumption rate, demonstrated by the inability to completely convert an initial 90 or 150 g lactose l?1 in continuous culture, even at dilution rates as low as 0.05 and 0.08 h?1, respectively. The decrease could be related to substrate inhibition, to an increase in osmotic pressure caused by lactose and salts, and to ethanol inhibition of both alcohol and biomass yield. The decrease in specific productivity could be counterbalanced by use of high cell density cultures, obtained by cell recycle of K. fragilis. Fermentation of a non-concentrated permeáte at a dilution rate of 1 h?1 resulted in a productivity of 22 g l?1 h?1 at 22 g ethanol l?1. Cell recycle using flocculating Kluyveromyces lactis NCYC 571 was also tested. With this strain a productivity of 9.3 g l?1 h?1 at 45 g product l?1 was attained at a dilution rate of 0.2 h?1, with an initial lactose concentration of 95 g l?1.  相似文献   
(1) The coronary vasodilator adenosine can be formed in the heart by breakdown of AMP or S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAdoHcy). The purpose of this study was to get insight into the relative importance of these routes of adenosine formation in both the normoxic and the ischemic heart. (2) A novel HPLC method was used to determine myocardial adenosine and SAdoHcy. Accumulation of SAdoHcy was induced in isolated rat hearts by perfusion with L-homocysteine thiolactone or L-homocysteine. The release of adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid was determined. Additional in vitro experiments were performed to determine the kinteic parameters of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. (3) During normoxia the thiolactone caused a concentration-dependent increase in SAdoHcy. At 2000 μM of the thiolactone an SAdoHcy accumulation of 0.49 nmol/min per g wet weight was found during normoxia. L-Homocysteine (200 μM) caused an increased of 0.37 and 4.17 nmol SAdony/soc per g wet weight during normaxia and ischemia, respectively. (4) The adenosine concentration in ischemic hearts was significantly lower when homocysteine was infused (6.2 vs. 115 nmol/g; P < 0.05). Purine release was increased 4-fold during ischemia. (5) The Km for hydrolysis of SAdoHcy was about 12 μM. At in vitro conditions favoring near-maximal SAdoHcy synthesis (72 μM adenosine, 1.8 mM homocysteine), the synthesis rate in homogenates was 10 nmol/min per g wet weight. (6) From the combined in vitro and perfusion studies, we comclude that S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase can contribute significantly to adenosine production in normoxic rat heart, but not during ischemia.  相似文献   
Summary The artificial sweetener saccharin inhibits binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cultured rat pituitary tumor cells (GH4C1 cells). Saccharin also causes morphological alterations in these cells, resulting in pronounced elongation, stretching, and firmer attachment of cells to the culture dishes. These alterations in cell shape are similar to those observed after treatment of GH4C1 cells with EGF and with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), both of which enhance prolactin (PRL) production in these cells. After assaying for PRL in saccharin-treated cultures, it was observed that this sweetener is also capable of stimulating PRL production two-to sixfold in a dose-dependent manner. Enhancement of PRL production can be observed at 0.5 mM saccharin, yet this is 10 times less than the saccharin concentration required to alter cell shape. These effects of saccharin on cell morphology and on PRL production are reversible in GH4C1 cell cultures. When added to cultures along with maximal concentrations of EGF or TRH, the effects of saccharin on PRL production are additive, suggesting that the actions of saccharin are mediated by a somewhat different pathway from that of the peptide hormones. Pulse labeling studies indicate that the enhancement of PRL production is highly specific inasmuch as saccharin was found to decrease the overall rate of protein synthesis in these cells. Saccharin also causes a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis under these treatment conditions. Mitomycin C, which similarly inhibited DNA synthesis, had no effect on cell morphology or PRL production. This investigation was supported by a Faculty Research Grant from Wheaton College  相似文献   
A rich and varied meiofauna inhabits a Cornish mudflat near the mouth of the Tamar River in southwestern England. Population densities range from 117 to 943 individuals · g–1 (wet) sediment (1.4–11.4 × 106 individuals · m–2), with foraminifera, harpacticoid copepods and nematodes appearing in nearly equal numbers and comprising most of the meiofauna. Seasonally, meiofaunal numbers rise and fall with solar radiation and vary inversely with river discharge. Two species, the atestate allogromiid A and the calcareous Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg), far outnumber other foraminifera; their population densities and growth rates reach maxima in spring and summer.Monthly rates of sediment respiration are locally variable, but clearly increase from winter (4.13 ml O2 · m–2 · h–1 in December) to spring (38.87 ml O2 · m–2 · h–1 in April). Experiments and calculations ascribe approximately 30% of this total to the meiofauna (including microfauna and microflora), 50% to bacteria and less than 20% to chemical oxidation. A tentative energy budget for the mudflat suggests that secondary production by meiofauna is small as compared with coastal environments elsewhere, and that meiofaunal production (426 Kcal · m–2 · y–1) is nearly twice meiofaunal respiration (252 Kcal · m–2 · yr–1).  相似文献   
The biomass and the production of Argyrodiaptomus furcatus (Sars), the most abundant copepod in Broa Reservoir (São Carlos, São Paulo State), were estimated, determining in the laboratory the development time and the quantity of organic carbon and establishing the relationship between these two parameters. The daily production was calculated from P = B(1- egt) and the annual production was obtained by integrating daily production against time. The maximum production of Argyrodiaptomus furcatus in the reservoir depends on the region considered and on the period of the year. The maximum production was 45.15 mg C m–3d–1 in March, 1976 at station II, region of macrophytes and 6.74 mg C m–3d–1 at station IV, near the dam. The mean production for the year is 6.26 mg C m–3d–1 at station II and 1.43 mg C m–3d–1 at station IV.  相似文献   
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