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The idea that interspecific variation in trophic morphology among closely related species effectively permits resource partitioning has driven research on ecological radiation since Darwin first described variation in beak morphology among Geospiza. Marine turtles comprise an ecological radiation in which interspecific differences in trophic morphology have similarly been implicated as a pathway to ecopartition the marine realm, in both extant and extinct species. Because marine turtles are charismatic flagship species of conservation concern, their trophic ecology has been studied intensively using stable isotope analyses to gain insights into habitat use and diet, principally to inform conservation management. This legion of studies provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine ecological partitioning across numerous hierarchical levels that heretofore has not been applied to any other ecological radiation. Our contribution aims to provide a quantitative analysis of interspecific variation and a comprehensive review of intraspecific variation in trophic ecology across different hierarchical levels marshalling insights about realised trophic ecology derived from stable isotopes. We reviewed 113 stable isotope studies, mostly involving single species, and conducted a meta‐analysis of data from adults to elucidate differences in trophic ecology among species. Our study reveals a more intricate hierarchy of ecopartitioning by marine turtles than previously recognised based on trophic morphology and dietary analyses. We found strong statistical support for interspecific partitioning, as well as a continuum of intraspecific trophic sub‐specialisation in most species across several hierarchical levels. This ubiquity of trophic specialisation across many hierarchical levels exposes a far more complex view of trophic ecology and resource‐axis exploitation than suggested by species diversity alone. Not only do species segregate along many widely understood axes such as body size, macrohabitat, and trophic morphology but the general pattern revealed by isotopic studies is one of microhabitat segregation and variation in foraging behaviour within species, within populations, and among individuals. These findings are highly relevant to conservation management because they imply ecological non‐exchangeability, which introduces a new dimension beyond that of genetic stocks which drives current conservation planning. Perhaps the most remarkable finding from our data synthesis is that four of six marine turtle species forage across several trophic levels. This pattern is unlike that seen in other large marine predators, which forage at a single trophic level according to stable isotopes. This finding affirms suggestions that marine turtles are robust sentinels of ocean health and likely stabilise marine food webs. This insight has broader significance for studies of marine food webs and trophic ecology of large marine predators. Beyond insights concerning marine turtle ecology and conservation, our findings also have broader implications for the study of ecological radiations. Particularly, the unrecognised complexity of ecopartitioning beyond that predicted by trophic morphology suggests that this dominant approach in adaptive radiation research likely underestimates the degree of resource overlap and that interspecific disparities in trophic morphology may often over‐predict the degree of realised ecopartitioning. Hence, our findings suggest that stable isotopes can profitably be applied to study other ecological radiations and may reveal trophic variation beyond that reflected by trophic morphology.  相似文献   
土壤健康的生物学表征与调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何有效判定土壤健康状态是实现农业绿色发展的基本问题。在现有的土壤健康评价体系中,很少考虑土壤生物在维持土壤健康方面的作用。基于此,本文论述了土壤健康的内涵,从土壤生物健康的角度,总结了土壤健康的生物学表征指标,阐述了土壤微生物、土壤酶活性、土壤微食物网及蚯蚓对土壤健康的指示作用。基于上述生物指标,从作物和土壤管理等方面探讨了不同农田管理措施对土壤健康状况的调控途径,并对土壤生物健康的未来发展趋势进行了展望。本文旨在增强科学家和决策者对维护土壤生物健康的认识,充分发挥土壤生物在生态系统服务中的重要作用。  相似文献   
【目的】通过对极端环境耐受的耐辐射奇球菌Deinococcus radiodurans R1全基因组进行序列比对分析,获得具有铁储备蛋白Ferritin类似功能基序的未知功能蛋白DRA0258,采用分子生物学技术对该蛋白的功能和性质进行了验证和分析。【方法】首先对DRA0258进行克隆表达和纯化,并经络合物显色法测定蛋白上铁结合含量;通过三段连接敲除法构建dra0258突变株,检测突变株在双氧水协迫下的生存率、总抗氧化活性及过氧化氢酶活性;利用实时定量PCR检测突变株内抗氧化酶类及铁转运相关性调控蛋白的基因转录水平。【结果】经体内外蛋白铁含量检测证实DRA0258具有一定的铁结合能力;双氧水生存率实验表明dra0258的缺失导致细胞的抗氧化能力显著下降;过氧化氢酶活性、总抗氧化活性检测及抗氧化酶类的基因转录水平检测证实dra0258基因的缺失导致细胞内一些抗氧化基因转录水平下调,细胞的抗氧化应激系统受到损伤,并影响了一些铁调控网络蛋白的基因转录水平。【结论】本研究证实DRA0258是一种铁结合蛋白,该编码基因的缺失影响胞内铁转运系统并使细胞抗氧化能力下调。  相似文献   
神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系特征及食物资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年春季我国南方特大冰雪灾害,给受灾林区的森林生态系统及野生动物造成了巨大影响。神农架是川金丝猴分布的最东端,也是重灾区之一。该文基于灾前两年的实地调查资料,对神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系进行分析,以期为灾后生物多样性的检测评估及川金丝猴栖息地恢复建设提供依据。实地调查发现,川金丝猴栖息地内木本植物共有255种,隶属44科105属,其中乔木23科51属129种,灌木22科49属113种,木质藤本7科9属13种;据统计在栖息地内共有31科58属85种川金丝猴的食源植物。该区植物区系中温带分布性质的属占优势,有58个,占属数的56.30%;热带分布性质的属有22个,东亚和中国特有分布成分共有23个属,分别占属数的21.36%和22.33%;显示了该区地处亚热带与温带的过度性质。还统计了栖息地食源植物区系谱,分析了该区域食源植物特点。  相似文献   
Protein domains are conserved and functionally independent structures that play an important role in interactions among related proteins. Domain-domain inter- actions have been recently used to predict protein-protein interactions (PPI). In general, the interaction probability of a pair of domains is scored using a trained scoring function. Satisfying a threshold, the protein pairs carrying those domains are regarded as "interacting". In this study, the signature contents of proteins were utilized to predict PPI pairs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis ele- gans, and Homo sapiens. Similarity between protein signature patterns was scored and PPI predictions were drawn based on the binary similarity scoring function. Results show that the true positive rate of prediction by the proposed approach is approximately 32% higher than that using the maximum likelihood estimation method when compared with a test set, resulting in 22% increase in the area un- der the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. When proteins containing one or two signatures were removed, the sensitivity of the predicted PPI pairs in- creased significantly. The predicted PPI pairs are on average 11 times more likely to interact than the random selection at a confidence level of 0.95, and on aver- age 4 times better than those predicted by either phylogenetic profiling or gene expression profiling.  相似文献   
The effects of ambient flow velocity, colony size, and the presence of upstream colonies on the feeding success of the arborescent bryozoan, Bugula stolonifera (Ryland), were studied. Faster ambient flow velocities were found to reduce feeding of zooids of small colonies but not of large colonies. Zooids from different regions of colonies dominated in feeding at different ambient flow velocities: upstream zooids dominated in feeding from slow ambient flow: zooids from central regions dominated in feeding from fast ambient flow. These results are interpreted with respect to the branching morphology of colonies. Finally, evidence that upstream colonies interfere with the feeding success of zooids of colonies downstream was obtained.  相似文献   
Live fish capture by wild chacma baboons is described. Fish were captured from drying desert pools and then covered with sand to immobilize active fish or to facilitate handling. Possible reasons omnivorous primates elsewhere do not capture live fish are considered.  相似文献   
Pest management is expensive and there is often uncertainty about the benefits for the resources being protected. There can also be unintended consequences for other parts of the ecosystem, especially in complex food webs. In making decisions managers generally have to rely on qualitative information collected in a piecemeal fashion. A method to assist decision making is a qualitative modelling approach using fuzzy cognitive maps, a directed graphical model related to neural networks that can take account of interactions between pests and conservation assets in complex food webs. Using all available information on relationships between native and exotic resources and consumers, we generated hypotheses about potential consequences of single‐species and multi‐species pest control on the long‐term equilibrium abundances of other biotic components of an ecosystem. We applied the model to a dryland ecosystem in New Zealand because we had good information on its trophic structure, but the information on the strength of species interactions was imprecise. Our model suggested that pest control is unlikely to significantly boost native invertebrates and lizards in this ecosystem, suggesting that other forms of management may be required for these groups. Most of the pest control regimes tested resulted in greater abundances of at least one other pest species, which could potentially lead to other management problems. Some of the predictions were unexpected, such as more birds resulting from possum and mouse control. We also modelled the effects of an increase in invasive rabbits, which led to unexpected declines of stoats, weasels, mice and possums. These unexpected outcomes resulted from complex indirect pathways in the food web. Fuzzy cognitive maps allow rapid construction of prototype models of complex food webs using a wide range of data and expert opinion. Their utility lies in providing direction for future monitoring efforts and generating hypotheses that can be tested with field experiments.  相似文献   
The interaction of glycerol concentrations of 0-10% and cooling rates from 1 to 1,500 degrees C/min with boar spermatozoa motility and acrosomal integrity (proportion of spermatozoa with normal apical ridge) was studied after thawing 0.5 ml straws at a constant rate. While increasing the glycerol concentration from 0 to 4% progressively improved motility, the percentage of spermatozoa with a normal apical ridge gradually decreased. The magnitudes of the respective changes depended on cooling rate. A peak value of 48.1% and rating 3.8 were obtained in semen protected with 4% glycerol, frozen at 30 degrees C/min. Increasing the glycerol levels above 6% resulted in a gradual decrease in motility. The proportion of spermatozoa with normal apical ridge was highest in semen protected with 0-1% glycerol after cooling at 30 degrees C/min (64.4% and 66.1%, respectively), but at these glycerol concentrations the percentage of motile spermatozoa was low. At the 30 degrees C/min cooling rate, the decline in the proportion of cells with normal apical ridge due to increasing the glycerol levels to 3 and 4% was relatively slow (57.3% and 49.4%, respectively). Cooling at 1 degrees C/min was detrimental to acrosomal integrity, which decreased with increasing glycerol concentration, in contrast to increasing motility, which even at its maximum, remained low. The direct plunging of straws into liquid nitrogen (1,500 degrees C/min) resulted in damaged acrosomes in all spermatozoa with the total loss of motility. Balancing motility and acrosomal integrity, freezing boar semen protected with 3% glycerol by cooling at 30 degrees C/min resulted in optimal survival for boar semen frozen in 0.5 ml French straws.  相似文献   
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