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This study of leopard predation on livestock was carried out on the Lolldaiga Hills ranch (200 km2) in the Laikipia District in Kenya between September 1989 and August 1995. The aims of the study were to find out whether leopards depend on livestock as a food resource on the ranch, and to quantify the economic impact of leopards on the livestock production systems. The density of leopards was estimated in three ways, and the biomass density of potential prey for leopards, both wild and domestic. Diet analysis of leopards revealed that leopards are not relying on livestock as an important food resource. To quantify the effects of leopards, an approach used in the economic assessment of agricultural development schemes was adopted ( Gittinger, 1982 ) and models were derived by following those criteria. It was found that leopards, not being persecuted, live at a relatively high density on the ranch but have less of an adverse impact on livestock than might be expected. Wildlife as a food resource for leopards and a buffer against the killing of livestock could be of benefit on a working ranch to reduce the economic impact of predators on the production system.  相似文献   
We have examined the effects of herbivore diversity on parasitoid community persistence and stability, mediated by nonspecific information from herbivore‐infested plants. First, we investigated host location and patch time allocation in the parasitoid Cotesia glomerata in environments where host and/or nonhost herbivores were present on Brassica oleracea leaves. Parasitoids were attracted by infochemicals from leaves containing nonhost herbivores. They spent considerable amounts of time on such leaves. Thus, when information from the plant is indistinct, herbivore diversity is likely to weaken interaction strengths between parasitoids and hosts. In four B. oleracea fields, all plants contained herbivores, often two or more species. We modelled parasitoid–herbivore communities increasing in complexity, based on our experiments and field data. Increasing herbivore diversity promoted the persistence of parasitoid communities. However, at a higher threshold of herbivore diversity, parasitoids became extinct due to insufficient parasitism rates. Thus, diversity can potentially drive both persistence and extinctions.  相似文献   
Plasma glucose, lactate and acetoacetate, brain glycogen and acetoacetate, and liver acetoacetate, glycogen and lactate in fed rainbow trout exhibited daily changes. However, no daily changes were observed in the activities of the brain enzymes glycogen synthetase, 6-phosphofructo 1-kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Depending on the length of the previous fasting period most daily changes observed in the metabolic parameters of fed fish disappeared, except for liver acetoacetate levels, which displayed daily changes in both fed and fasted fish. These results suggest that feeding is an important factor regulating most daily changes in the brain and liver carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism of rainbow trout.  相似文献   
I examined the effects of two farm management variables, shade‐tree species and crop structure, on the winter (dry season) arthropod and bird communities in a Jamaican shade coffee plantation. Birds and canopy arthropods were more abundant in areas of the plantation shaded by the tree Inga vera than by Pseudalbizia berteroana. The abundance of arthropods (potential pests) on the coffee crop, however, was unaffected by shade‐tree species. Canopy arthropods, particularly psyllids (Homoptera), were especially abundant on Inga in late winter, when it was producing new leaves and nectar‐rich flowers. Insectivorous and nectarivorous birds showed the strongest response to Inga; thus the concentration of birds in Inga may be a response to abundant food. Coffee‐tree arthropod abundance was much lower than in the shade trees and was affected little by farm management variables, although arthropods tended to be more abundant in dense (unpruned) than open (recently pruned) areas of the plantation. Perhaps in response, leaf‐gleaning insectivorous birds were more abundant in dense areas. These results underscore that although some shade coffee plantations may provide habitat for arthropod and bird communities, differences in farm management practices can significantly affect their abundances. Furthermore, this study provides evidence suggesting that bird communities in coffee respond to spatial variation in arthropod availability. I conclude that /. vera is a better shade tree than P. berteroana, but a choice in crop structures is less clear due to changing effects of prune management over time.  相似文献   
1. We analysed changes in energy reserves (lipid and glycogen) and length–weight relationships of burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) in 1997–99 to compare an established population in Lake St Clair with a recovering population in western Lake Erie of the Laurentian Great Lakes. In addition, we measured changes in water temperature and potential food in both water columns and sediments. 2. Although overall mean values of lipid and glycogen levels of Hexagenia nymphs from Lake St Clair and western Lake Erie were not significantly different, there were differences in seasonal patterns between the two lakes. In Lake St Clair, levels were highest in early spring, declined throughout the year, and reached their lowest levels in fall during all 3 years of study. In contrast, levels in western Lake Erie were lower in spring, increased to a maximum in summer, then declined in fall. Seasonal patterns in length–weight relationships were similar to those for lipid and glycogen. 3. Total lipid as a percentage of dry weight did not increase with developmental stage of nymphs until just prior to metamorphosis and emergence from water. However, the major reserve lipid, triacylglycerols, increased systematically with development stage. In the final stage of development, triacylglycerols declined, probably as a result of energy consumption and its conversion to other biochemical components for metamorphosis and reproduction. 4. Indicators of potential food (algal fluorescence in the water column and chlorophyll a and chlorophyll a/phaeophytin ratio in sediments) suggest that Hexagenia in Lake St Clair have a food source that is benthic based, especially in early spring, whereas in western Lake Erie nymphs have a food source that is water column based and settles to the lake bottom during late spring and summer.  相似文献   
1. The use of morphological gill abnormalities of hydropsychid larvae was assessed in Hydropsyche siltalai larvae exposed to cadmium in the laboratory and Cheumatopsyche lepida and H. pellucidula larvae collected from a polluted river. Two biomarkers were evaluated: (1) Hydropsychid abnormality incidence (HAI), referring to the proportion of individuals with at least some abnormalities, and (2) Hydropsychid gill abnormality indice (HYI), referring to the average number of abnormal gill tufts for all individuals. 2. Abnormality–contaminant relations for both biomarkers were established by studying gill responses along gradients of increasing cadmium and organochlorine concentrations. A cadmium gradient was verified in laboratory exposures, whereas the concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxin (PCDD), dibenzofuran (PCDF) and diphenyl ether (PCDE) of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica were used as measures of an organochlorine gradient in the field. 3. Morphological abnormalities were easily distinguished as heavy darkening, malformation and/or reduction of single gill tufts. Darkening of the gills appeared to start either at the basal or distal ends. 4. A marked increase of HYI values with increasing Cd concentration reflected a clear abnormality‐contaminant relation, whereas the mere dicotomic classification of larvae as normal or abnormal (HAI) was less informative. High values of both HAI and HYI were associated with high contamination. A significant positive correlation was found between organochlorine concentration in mosses and biomarker values for H. pellucidula, but not for C. lepida. 5. We conclude that HAI indicates deleterious effects, but fails to quantify the severity of degradation. Use of individual gill tufts, as response units in deriving HYI, revealed a simple solution to the quantification problem. Further research into the ecological meaning, physiological background and patterns of gill abnormality is recommended for assessing the applicability and relevance of hydropsychid gill biomarkers.  相似文献   
Colocated industries exchange products and by-products in ways reminiscent of the exchange of resources in biological ecosystems. To better understand these "industrial ecosys-tems", we have applied food-web theory to a set of 19 actual and hypothetical eco-industrial parks and integrated biosys-tems. We find a linear relationship between number of industrial tenants and number of linkages among them and connectance values of 0.5 to 0.6 (typical of biological ecosystems). The results may provide initial perspective on designing eco-industrial parks to maximize the utilization of resources and minimize the generation of wastes. Increased connectance in industrial ecosystems, however, does not necessarily imply increased stability or improved environmental performance.  相似文献   
The component sterols, alcohols, hydrocarbons, monocarboxylic, α,ω-dicarboxylic and α- and ω-hydroxy acids from the leaves and roots of the tropical seagrass Thallassia hemprichii are reported. The leaves contained significant concentrations of cholest-5-en-3β-ol, a sterol not normally detected in either higher plants or seagrasses. The lower abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in both the leaves and roots compared to other seagrass species may be a result of the warmer waters from which this species was collected. Solvent-extractable, long-chain (> C22)α,ω-diacids, α- and ω-hydroxy and monocarboxylic acids were also isolated from the leaves. The distribution pattern of these lipids should enable these components along with other distinctive components to be used as chemical markers for this seagrass.  相似文献   
The distribution of energy during the last stadium of the house cricket at two temperatures was the main theme of this study. Food consumption, growth, and oxygen consumption were greater in the first half of the stadium at both 25 and 35°C. An RQ > 1 indicated the conversion of carbohydrates to lipids during the first half of the instar at both temperatures. The duration of the stadium increased from 6 days at 35°C to 14 days at 25°C. The same maximal weight, protein content and lipid content were attained at both 25 and 35°C. A weight loss (mostly in stored lipids) after the midstadium peak weight was greater at the lower temperature. The absorption efficiency and the production of metabolic wastes were not affected by temperature, but the metabolic efficiency was much higher at 35 than at 25°C during the first half as well as the latter half of the stadium. Although during the first half of the stadium more energy was ingested, absorbed, and made available for growth at 25 than at 35°C, only slightly more growth occurred at 25°C. During the last half of the stadium less energy was ingested at 25 than at 35°C, and much more growth occurred at 35°C because of the even greater heat loss at 25 than at 35°C. Therefore at a lower temperature cricket larvae eat slightly more and reach the same maximal weight as at a higher temperature, but they end up smaller because they waste more energy during the extended duration of the stadium at the lower temperature.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a three-level (food–prey–predator) trophic food chain which includes consumer mutual interference (MIF). In contrast with other analyses, we consider the effect of both prey and predator MIF on the dynamics of a three-level trophic system. MIF is generally considered to exert a stabilizing effect on population dynamics based on the predator–prey model. However, results from analytical and numerical simulations utilizing a simple three-species food chain model suggest that while the addition of prey MIF to the model provides a stabilizing influence, as the chaotic dynamics collapse to a stable steady state, adding only predator MIF to the model can only stabilize the system at intermediate MIF values. The three-species trophic food chain is also stabilized when combination of both prey and predator MIF is added to the model. Our work serves to provide insight into the effects of MIF in the real world.  相似文献   
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