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ABSTRACT. Gymnodinium sanguineum, Gyrodinium uncatenum , and Ceratium furca are large phototrophic dinoflagellates that commonly form red tides in the mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay during the summer. Examination of protargol-stained specimens revealed that these dinoflagellates also feed heterotrophically as indicated by the presence of food vacuoles containing partially digested prey. Ingested prey were generally identified as nanociliates (≥20 μm) belonging to the oligotrich genera Strobilidium and Strombidium ; occasionally other small ciliates (e.g. Balanion sp. and Mesodinium sp.), dinoflagellates, and diatoms were observed in early stages of digestion. the percentage of these mixotrophs that had ingested prey was usually less than 20%, but approached 30% in some samples. Occurrence of food vacuoles in Gymno. sanguineum was positively correlated with ≤20 μm oligotrichous ciliate density; limited data for Gyro. uncatenum suggests a similar relationship, but C. furca feeding was not related to nanociliate densities.  相似文献   
In the flowers ofApios americana the vexillum remains ± in its bud position. In this way, a dark cavity is formed displaying a bright window at its base. Insect visitors are attracted to the hidden inflorescences by scent. In their attempt to reach the window they trigger an explosive release of stigma and pollen. Stigmatic fluid glues pollen to the visitor. All characters of the flower fit well into the myiophilous syndrome and thus flies are expected to be the proper pollinators.Apios americana seems to be the only myiophilous exception within the predominantly melittophilousFabaceae.  相似文献   
Primary production is the basis for energy and biomolecule flow in food webs. Nutritional importance of terrestrial and plastic carbon via mixotrophic algae to upper trophic level is poorly studied. We explored this question by analysing the contribution of osmo- and phagomixotrophic species in boreal lakes and used 13C-labelled materials and compound-specific isotopes to determine biochemical fate of carbon backbone of leaves, lignin–hemicellulose and polystyrene at four-trophic level experiment. Microbes prepared similar amounts of amino acids from leaves and lignin, but four times more membrane lipids from lignin than leaves, and much less from polystyrene. Mixotrophic algae (Cryptomonas sp.) upgraded simple fatty acids to essential omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Labelled amino and fatty acids became integral parts of cell membranes of zooplankton (Daphnia magna) and fish (Danio rerio). These results show that terrestrial and plastic carbon can provide backbones for essential biomolecules of mixotrophic algae and consumers at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This work provides the first study of North Pacific planktonic ciliates by quantitative protargol staining. Triplicate water bottle samples were collected at a depth of 2 m (above the shallow pycnocline) at six stations in Indian Arm, British Columbia, on February 15, 1990, and February 26, 1991. Thirty-six ciliate species were observed. Six new species are described from protargolstained specimens: Strombidium lynni n. sp., Strombidium taylori n. sp., Strombidium basimorphum n. sp., Slrombidiurn ventropinnum n. sp., Strobilidium undinum n. sp., and Urotricha cyrtonucleata n. sp.
Ciliate abundance varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) between sampling sites, ranging from 550 to 6,800 cells/liter in 1990 and from 1,800 to 7,900 cells/liter in 1991. Biomass also varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) ranging from 3.7 × 105 to 3.3 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1990 and 3.04 × 106− 6.97 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1991. Putative prey were enumerated in three size fractions (1.5–5 μm, 5–10 μm and 10–25 μm). The source of variation in ciliate abundance and biomass was not identified. Parameters of salinity, temperature, putative prey, chlorophyll a and pycnocline depth did not significantly correlate with ciliate biomass or abundance (α= 0.05).  相似文献   
For more than 20 years scientists of the ‘Food-chain studies’ Group of the former Limnological Institute have been studying interactions within the pelagic food web. Purpose of research was to explain the structure and dynamics of the zooplankton and fish communities in lakes and reservoirs in relation to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. A so-called multi-species approach was used, in which all common and abundant species within a specific ecosystem were studied on the individual and population level with the same degree of detail. The recent results and the scientific approach used are evaluated and the main gaps in knowledge about food-web dynamics in shallow eutrophic lakes are identified and discussed. It is concluded that instead of the purely functional approach used so far, future studies should also include evolutionary aspects which determine the success of an organism in a given environment and that more attention should be paid to central questions in ‘community ecology’. This paper is based on a lecture given by the first author for the Netherlands Society of Aquatic Ecology on May 12th, 1992, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   
Field observations on the biology ofMetriona elatior (Col.: Chrysomelidae) onSolanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae) from Uruguay. Specimens ofMetriona elatior were found feeding on leaves of the silverleaf nightshade,Solanum elaeagnifolium, from the eastern of Uruguay since 1984. According to a field study the young leaves were skeletonized since spring to early autumn by larvae and adults. Oothecae and pupae were found mainly on old leaves. The egg mean volume was of 0.614 mm3. Young plants of the weed were always killed after massive natural infections ofM. elatior. Therefore, this tortoise leaf-beetle may be studied as a potential biocontrol agent on populations ofS. elaeagnifolium.
Five orphaned European brown bear cubs (Ursus arctos) from 3 litters were hand-reared from the ages of 1–4 months. Body mass initially ranged from 1.7 to 2.8 kg. Growth rates were monitored with reference to diet. Over a period of 3 years, 6 different feed formulas were used. The first 4 formulas were given with bottles until an average age of 133 days. Conversion to mass in the first 10 months ranged from 3.5 to 32.0 g of food per gram of body mass (or 38.1–192.6 kJ of gross energy/gram body mass), and was affected by type of diet. High fat content increased, whereas high carbohydrate content decreased the conversion rates. Formula 3, with 12.0% protein, 23.9% fat, and only 0.2% carbohydrates, simulated values found in bears' milk and produced the best growth rates. Formula 6 (bread, fruits, and meat) was used from ages 7 to 35 months, and over this period, the efficiency of gross energy conversion decreased gradually, by an eventual factor of 3.8. Hand-reared cubs ranged from 1.3 to 2.7 times heavier than 17 wild cubs measured at matching ages. Wild mass is probably limited by maternal hibernation, and by the largely herbivorous nature of the diet. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Anuran males emit advertisement calls for the purpose of attracting females and repelling conspecific males. Call transmission is influenced by the acoustics of the propagation environment, including vegetation. Thus, forestry monocultures of non-native trees represent artificial environments that could modify call transmission. These monocultures have substituted large areas of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil, representing a conservation challenge. Considering this context, we hypothesized that anurans have calls that are less attenuated in their native environment than in forest plantations. To test it, we performed sound transmission experiments using calls of three anuran species native to southern Brazil: Boana bischoffi, B. leptolineata, and Hylodes meridionalis. We compared sound attenuation between the native forest and forestry monocultures (Eucalyptus sp. and Pinus sp. forests), and included distance from the sound source, air temperature, humidity, and vegetation density as cofactors in linear mixed models. Our results show that the advertisement calls of the two tree frogs (Boana) attenuate less in tree plantations than in native forests, while the third species shows either no differences or less attenuation in native forests. Our results can be understood according to differences in natural history and microhabitat use among the studied species. The two tree frog species vocalize perched from vegetation so their calls become better transmitted in forestry monocultures, which have fewer trees than the native forest. On the other hand, H. meridionalis calls from rocks on streams and the propagation is finely tuned to this peculiar microhabitat. We discuss the conservation implications of our findings for anurans and for the Atlantic Forest. Abstract in Portuguese and Spanish are available with online material.  相似文献   
Knr4/Smi1 proteins are specific to the fungal kingdom and their deletion in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the human pathogen Candida albicans results in hypersensitivity to specific antifungal agents and a wide range of parietal stresses. In S. cerevisiae, Knr4 is located at the crossroads of several signalling pathways, including the conserved cell wall integrity and calcineurin pathways. Knr4 interacts genetically and physically with several protein members of those pathways. Its sequence suggests that it contains large intrinsically disordered regions. Here, a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and crystallographic analysis led to a comprehensive structural view of Knr4. This experimental work unambiguously showed that Knr4 comprises two large intrinsically disordered regions flanking a central globular domain whose structure has been established. The structured domain is itself interrupted by a disordered loop. Using the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technique, strains expressing KNR4 genes deleted from different domains were constructed. The N-terminal domain and the loop are essential for optimal resistance to cell wall-binding stressors. The C-terminal disordered domain, on the other hand, acts as a negative regulator of this function of Knr4. The identification of molecular recognition features, the possible presence of secondary structure in these disordered domains and the functional importance of the disordered domains revealed here designate these domains as putative interacting spots with partners in either pathway. Targeting these interacting regions is a promising route to the discovery of inhibitory molecules that could increase the susceptibility of pathogens to the antifungals currently in clinical use.  相似文献   
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